HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-09-27t E� SELECTMEN I S MEETING 27, 1932. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Offiee Building at 7.$O P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilereast, Ferguson and OrConnell were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The Board voted to instruct the Supt. of Public Works to write a lettbr to the State Departmenp of Public Works requesting permission to have cross walks and stop lines across Bedford Street at the Parker School and Simonds Road: Letter was received from the Town Accountant in which he stated that there is now on hand $115,000. with a revenue loan of $175,000, payable on October 14th, also interest, maturing debt and County Tax payable No. 1st amounting to $73,000* and a reveune loan of 150,000. payable Nov. 15th. He'advised a loan of $175,000. dated Oct. 5th, 1932 and payable April 14th, 1933. The Board voted to authorize the Treasurer to request bids on a loan of $175,000 dated Oct. 5th, 1932 and payable April 14, 1933, The Chairman reported that the Chairman of the Planning Board informed him that the Planning Board in considering the application of Mr. O'Connell for a change in the district at the corner'of Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue, felt that the Town should be sure that it did not want this property for a fire station before any change is contemplated. The Chairman felt therefore that the committee on the new fire sites should be called together. He consulted with the Town Counsel in reference to the interpretation of the vote of the town establishing the committee and was ififormed that there was not any way of interpreting the vote to know whether or not the members of the Board of Selectmen acting in 1929, when the town voted to establis$ this committee, and the then member of ,the Appropriation Committee should now act upon the matter!. It was therefore depided to write to Mr. Burnham, Mr. Blake and Mrr John Devine and invite them to meet with the_Selectmen on Tuesday evening next at 8:30 P. M. to discuss the; matter of fire sites.. The chief of the Fire Department was also to be invited. ivw1 Cross Walks, Temporary Loan. Fire Sites. The Board considered the matter of holding a town meeting, and it was felt that possibly October 24 might be the date. Town Mr. Custance felt that it should not be held too late owing Meeting to the work contemplated on Mood Street, Circular letter was received from the Boston Better Business Bureau requesting the advice of the Board of Health as to whether they believe the bill to legalize the practice 2 r� �c of chiropractic to appear on the ballot in November is in Bill on the interests of the public or contrary to the interests chiroprae- of the public. tic. The Board decided to notify the Boston Better Business Bureau that they were opposed to the principal of legalizing the practice of chiropractic without having a Medical Degree. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to a bill in equity brought by Eva D. G orberg against the Town in the Land Court to remove a cloud from the title. This consisted of a tax sale which was claimed invalid. Mr. Earle stat ed that the tax was invalid fLnd that he would Gorberg disclaim on payment of back taxes for the years 1928, case. 1929, 1930 and 1931. He had endeavored to get the taxes paid, but not having had any results he marked the case for hearing. However, Mr, Earle filed a disclaimer deed in the Registry -of Deeds and although the 1931 taxes were paid the 1928, 1929 and 1930 were not paid. Since the disclaimer deed was filed, the Town Couns&l could not see how anything could be done to get the back taxes from the plaintiff. The Board requested the Chairman to talk with Mr, Earle to find out why he filed the disclaimer deed. Another letter was received from Pierre A. Northrup in which he enclosed copy of the petition for a juror to assess damages caused by the taking of land by the Town from Louis Vander- and Hattie VanderWoude on Tucker Avenue. He stated that Woude he felt his clients were entitled to damages. claim. The Town Engineer presented the -pictures he had taken showing the conditions. The Board decided not to take any action until they viewed the conditions except to ask the Town Counsel whether he felt they were entitled to any damages. Letter was received from Margaret F. McDonough of 241 Marrett Road in which she protested about the building of bridges across the brook in the rear of her land. The Supt. of Public Works reported that the brook was on Bridge. private land and not connected with any street drainage and he did not know that anyone could be stopped from bridging it, The Supt, was requested to get more information relative to the owner of the property where the bridge is located. Mr. Logan of Quincy appeared before the Board and presented plan of proposed garage for the Watertown Co - Garage operative Bank to be located at 8 Spencer Street. The plan license. appeared to meet the requirements and the Board therefore voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Permit for Sunday golf for the month of October was signed for G. William Bean of Bedford Street, f 4 F 1 Mrs. Sexton appeared before the Board on behalf of Mrs. T. J. Leary of 23 Waltham Street and presented a statement of outstanding rents as follows: OtRourke, Bernard, 88 Woburn St. $20 per mo. Apr, bal due $13.00 May - Se.pt.30 100.00 Dalrymple, dim. Hayes Road $16 per mo.-Feb.15-Sept.15- 112.00 Walsh, Bernard 69 Woburn St. $32.50 per mo. Feb.- April 97.50 Burgess, W. 232 Waltham Street $25 per mo. Feb. -May ($10.pd) 67.00 Maginnis, Dan 69 Woburn St. $1: pd. 51.50 $441.00 The Board viewed -the cases and felt that inasmuch as all bur Mr. O'Rourke were employed elsewhere other than on the town, that Mrs. Leary should take steps to collect from them. In regard to Mr. O'Rourke's rent it was decided to hold $5, per week out of his allowance from the Welfare Department, this to be paid to Mrs. Leary for rent. Mr. Gilcreast reported in regard to the application of John Hanson of 16 Franklin Avenue that he visited Mr. Hanson and found the same conditions that he had found when he went there twice before. His son-in-law was still receiving $40, per week working full time, he was well clothed, had a fine room and from all appearances was well cared for and he did not recommend any Old Age Assistance. It was decided to notify Mr. Hanson that Old Age Assistance would not be granted to him. Rent, O'Rourke Hanson, Old Age Assistarre Report was received from the Town Engineer relative to the extension of water to the Moragh property on Allen Street. Hearing is to be held on the application of Mr.. Morash for approval of plans of streets in the development Morash, and the Chairman asked for this information in anticipation Water of the approval of the plans. The Engineer stated that Extension if the extension was wade from Stedman Road to the Morash property it would require 2060 feet of pipe. If the exten- sion was made from Blossom Street, the pipe laid within the limits of the existing street would also be within the limits of any alterations of straightening and widening to a width of 40 feet. If the extension were made from Stedman Road about 400 feet of pipe would not be within the limits of Allen Street as finally relocated. It was decided when the extension is made that it should come in from Blossom Street, The Town Engineer reported that an engineer from the Fletcher Boston and Maine R.R. Co. was to interview him this week Avenue in reference to the abolition of the grade crossing at Crossing Fletcher Avenue. 4 cz Mr. OtConnell reported having had an application for the extension of water to the house of Joseph Defelice on Mellex Road. The estimate of the cost of extending the ' present 1 inch main from its present terminus to the house owned and rented by Defelice - d distance of 1100 feet Water $1700, to his own house 2150 feet $5000. The Supt. of extension. Public Works stated that it would not be well to extend a one inch water main, that a six inch or eight inch main should be extended from Bedford Street in. It was decided to forward the information relative to the cost of the extension to fir. Defelice. An unsolicited letter was received from the Highland Sand & Sand and Gravel Co. Inc., quoting prices on sand and gravel. gravel. The Supt. of Public Works stated that the prices were higher than what he. was now purchasing for. The Chairman reported that Mr. Viano was to present Theatre a sketch eRowing a different type of sign to be placed Signs outside of the theatre. The Town Engineer had not been able to make a study of the entire section of Locust Avenue and Tower Street but did present a plan showing the location of two catch Drainage basins that he recommended be put in now to take care of survey, the emergency condition in that section. Locust Ave. The Board voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to put in two catch basins in accordance with the plan before the Board and to request the town engineer to make a further study of the Locust Avenue and Tower Street section. Statements of appointment of Matthew Stevenson was signed by the Board to be forwarded to the State Deptr of Public Health. Statement was received from that Dept. approving Mr. Stevenson's appointment to March, 1933, Arthur Earle,and Edward L. Genn came before the Board inrregard to the rates of the Lexington Gas Company, Mr. Earle explained that the rates were very high, and he explained that he decided to go into the matter to see how the rates in Lexington compared with surrounding towns, mind he found that the rate IS higher than any other town Gas rates. around. He then decided to go into the cost of producing gas, and found that the Gas Company was,making a large profit on the gas sold in the Town of Lexington. He presented the Board with schedules showing the rates and the average charges in Arlington, Concord, Beverly, Belmont, Saugus, Malden, Milford and Barnstable County. The schedules show the rate in Lexington to be higher, and he felt that in view of the circumstances that the Selectmen of Lexington should appeal to the Public Utilities Commission to reduce the robes, The Board decided to write to the Lexington Gas Co. and inquire why* the rates are higher than in other towns. The Board discussed the matter of whether or not they would hold a Board of Survey hearing on the establishment of lines for the relocation of Allen Street, Myr. Custance advised that a hearing be held to -give notice to the public that the lines are laid down and they could then build accordingly. Mr. Ferguson felt that the plan of the Town Engineer presented at this meeting and placed on file in this office was sufficient. After discussing the matter at considerable length, it was decided to let the Engineers' plan stand of record and not hold a hearing. Allen Street Letter was received from Mrs. Josephine M. Philbrook of Grassland Street in which she extended thanks for the Letter drainage work done on the ditch on the Grassland meadow* on drain- age. Letter was received from Margaret J. Preble of 243 Charles Street, Boston, in which she celled attention to the letter written to her under date of December 19, 1931 by the Selectmen relative to the assessments of betterments on Dexter Road. The Board felt that inasmuch as the bettermer4 had gone through the Board of Assessors, and that there was no error in the assessment that they could not help her, and that she should apply to the Board of Assessors for--an- abatement, Dexter Rdad better- ments. Sgrosso case. Brown 'case. Mr. Mitchell, and also Fred Sgrosso, came before the ' Board and stated that he had secured infcr mation in regard to Mr. Sgrosso who lives at fir. Deteliee's house, and that he owes six months rent. He also owes him for milk. He does not board at the house and the funds which he has been receiving he has paid out for food for himself. He had borrowed $75.00 from his cousin to pay hospital bills. He has been out of work now for one month and previous to that he worked for Mr. Custance making an average of $18.00 a week for five or six weeks., He stated that he did not pay any of that money to Mr. Defelice toward his board. Mr.-Custanee called attention to the fact that he drove a car to work each day when he worked for him, but he stated that this car belonged to Mrs. Defelice. She has no license to drive. No action was taken relative to giving Mr. Sgrosso any work at the present time. In regard to William Brown who applied for employment, Yr. Mitchell stated that he found that he lived with his hunt, 'Mrs. Katherine Donovan at the corner of Hayes Avenue and Soiherset Road. Mr, -Brown stated that he lived in Lexington 23 years out of 25 years. The other two gears he lived in Arlington. His father is J. V. Brown -of Reed Street, Arlington Heights. The Board decided to give him one day a week employment. In regard to Thomas Robinson, Mr. Mitchell stated that he had secured about two days work. In regard to the Dexter Rdad better- ments. Sgrosso case. Brown 'case. 6 Mr. Thomas Tyan applied for one extra day, but the Ryan Board declined, In regard to the application of Arthur Silva who lives Silva in the Central Bloc]; it was decided not to give him any extra days. In regard to Arthur Silva, the blind boy, who lives on Waltham Street, Mr. Mitchell talked with his father, and �c he will keep the boy at home. , mortgage on his house he found that the bank had readjusted He also talked with the Commissioner of the Blind, and Robinson the mortgage and he now has 17 shares in the Co-operative case. Bank. The Bank are agreeable to his making the interest Commission might also contribute $3.00 a week. payments. The Board decided to give Mr. Robinson three reported that they were ordered out of the house owned by days a week work. Mr. Collentropo on Cottage Streets and he felt, therefor, Allis, In regard to the application of Carmello Allis of case. 22 Revere Street, it was decided not to give him any work. hospital, and he had to have his finger removed.. In regard to the application of Carl nelson, Mr. In regard to the Alphonse Monroe famil, he stated Mitchell stated that Mr. Nelson was now living with one that they had found a place to live in for 125* a month case, of the Ferry boys on Columbia Street, and his wife and Nelson children are living with her brother on Bedford Street* He In regard to Morris Sears, Mr. Mitchell reported case& sold his Chevrolet truck, but he has a $5000, insurance casee home a few days to take care of her, and he has not taken policy which he has held for one year. his truck and secured a position with the state. The Board decided to give him two days a week work to Brush called to the fact that he should clean out the brush on contribute to the support of his family. the Park grounds near the entrance on Waltham Street. Mr. Thomas Tyan applied for one extra day, but the Ryan Board declined, In regard to the application of Arthur Silva who lives Silva in the Central Bloc]; it was decided not to give him any extra days. In regard to Arthur Silva, the blind boy, who lives on Waltham Street, Mr. Mitchell talked with his father, and he will keep the boy at home. , Silva He also talked with the Commissioner of the Blind, and case he felt that they would help if the Town would help. It was felt that if the Town gave him .$3.00 a week, the Commission might also contribute $3.00 a week. In regard to the rent of George Wilson, Mr. Mitchell reported that they were ordered out of the house owned by Wilson Mr. Collentropo on Cottage Streets and he felt, therefor, rent, that we should pay the bill of $20. for the rent. Mr. Wilson had an infected finger, and he had to go to the hospital, and he had to have his finger removed.. It was decided to pay the $20.00. In regard to the Alphonse Monroe famil, he stated Monroe that they had found a place to live in for 125* a month case, rent, and he was endeavoring to find some furniture for them.to move into the house. In regard to Morris Sears, Mr. Mitchell reported Sears that Dr. Walsh attended his wife, and that he had stayed casee home a few days to take care of her, and he has not taken his truck and secured a position with the state. The attention of the Supt. of Public Works was again Brush called to the fact that he should clean out the brush on the Park grounds near the entrance on Waltham Street. The meeting adjourned at 11 P.M. A true record, Attest: n.4 1 Clerk. ` Mr. Dailey, Warden of Precinct One, called attention to the fact that the Election Officers were made up of five Republicans and three Democrats, and he felt that complaint ' would be made if this continued to exist. Of the Tellers tz�e a were Republicans and one not registered.' Mr, Joseph J. Pritchard, a Teller, was enrolled as ✓ a Democrat on the Voting List of Feb., 1932, but has Election changed his s gnation to a Republican. Officer, The Board felt that under the circumstances tbe7 would have to remove him, and they decided to appoint Donald Cameron in his place. In regard to the other Election Officers, it was decided to take up the other Election Officers at the next meeting. It was decided to discuss the 1933 budget at the next Budget meeting, The weekly rdport of the Supt. of Public Works was received. The meeting adjourned at 11 P.M. A true record, Attest: n.4 1 Clerk.