HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-06-28461 SELECTMEN'S MEETING JUNE 28, 19320 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilereast, Ferguson and O'Connell were present. The Supt. of Public Works m d the Clerk were also present. Mr. Snow, representing Mr. Goodnough who had been connected with the State for quite some time, came before the Board and stated that Mr. Goodnough was for a great many years, the Chief Engineer for the State and one year ago last Ncm..he gent into private practise. They had heard that theTown of Lexington was interested in the sewerage question of entering the Metropolitan Sewer and came before the Board for the purpose of offering their Sewer. services if the Board deemed it necessary. Tie Board informed him that Metcalf and Eddy haves already laid out the sewer in Lexington and bhe re therefor would be nothing for them to do. Walter Holman and William Carpenter, employees of the Water Dept, came before the Board as a result of the fact that Mr. O'Connell did not believe that a report that Mr. Ross gave to the Board at the last meeting that there was no one ' other than.Town employees driving the Water Dept. truck on, June 13th, Mr. O'Connell inquired whether or not it took two men Employ - to put in -a meter and they stated that it did in twenty out ees. of one hundred cases. They stated that on that day they gave Ralph Ferri a ride down when he was going to look for a job and that Ferri rode in the back part of the truck. They stated that at times they have three men riding. on the front seat of the trucks but that they were nen that worked for the department and were being taken to s-0me particular place. The Board voted to establish a jury list with the following persons: Jury list. Name Occupation' Address Ahern,James M. Sexton 69 Wobur n St. Allen, M.Lawrence Autombbile Bus. 24 Outlook Drive Ames, Tracy W. Insurance- 18 Winthrop Rd, Bailey. -George J, Farmer East St, Barrington, James L. Dye Bus. 24 Bloomfield St, Bartlett, Fred B,- Golf Course 72 Bedford St, Bean, George W. Gold' Course Oper. 241 Bedford St. ' Bevington, Alfred J. Farmer 58 Marrett Rd, Brent6n, Charles H. Chauffeur, 13 Fletcher Ave. Brig s, Clarence E. Organ Dealer Outlook Drive Buck dy, Joaeph Plumber 364 Marrett Rd. Buttrick, Edward F. Clerk 996 Mass. Avenue 'Callahan, Bartholomew D. Foreman 8 Fletcher Ave. 462 Name Chamberlain,Wllliam E. Childs; Calvin W. Cronin, Cornelius P. Crosby, Patrick J. Custance, Howard E. Cutter, Frank P. Eastman Harry W. Emery, Leland H. Engstrom, Richard Fitzgerald, Thomas W. Fletcher, Frederick Be Frost, Harry G. Graham, John G. Greeley, William R. Hall, Irving G.,Jr. Harrington, Bartlett Hathaway, Alton H. Hauck, Carl Hopkins, Morton G. Horton, Lawrence M. Jackson, C. Henry Jaynes, George A. Kelley, Turner 0, Kettell, Russell H. Lamont, Harold Be Lawrence, Herbert M. Longbottom,Walter Lowe, George H. Maddison, Arthur N. MMrshall, William J. Marsolais, Charles H. Martin,Ernest C. McCormack, John J. McDonnell, Michael E. McDonnell, Paul F.- McKearney, John F.Jr. Merriam, Robert �. Milen, William D. Morse, Clayton M. Morse, George V. Mulli]cen, William E. Murphy, H. Dudley Murray, John A. Muzzey, Clifford L. Nichols, Howard S.O. Noonan, Louis E. Norris, Dana T. OfConnell, Charles J. O'Connor, John E. O'Donnell, Bernard - Olson, Albert E. Parks, Joseph A. Partridge, Ashley We Potter„ William G. Pratt, James A. Preston, Elwyn G. Rhones, Edward F. Richards, Gordon D. Ross, George M. J. Occupation Manufacturer Automobile Dealer Salesman - Salesman Contractor Engineer Jeweler Salesman Chemist Mason Contractor Salesman Farmer. Architect Agent Contractor Bakery Bus. Wood carver Insurance Salesman Florist Contractor Broker Teacher Banker Hardware Conductor Retired Real Estate Shipper Contractor Druggist Chauffeur Clerk Type Setter Salesman Manufacturer Engineer Clerk Lumber Foal Business Artist Salesman Salesman Retired Teamster Office Assft. Town Bus Operator Machinist Salesman Salesman Bakery Bus. Farmer Tree Surgebw, Treasurer Laundry Contractor Banking 19 Sherman St. 1 Vine Brook Rd. 67 Waltham St. Summit Rd. 19 Theresa Ave. 14 Glen Rd. 19 Hayes Ave. 2 Vine St. 7 Winthrop Rd. 74 Webb St. 20 Waltham St. 4 Sbftley St. Woburn St. 4 Hillside Terrace ' 274 Marrett Rd. Walnut St. Webb St, 4 Bennington Rd, Winter St. 31 Hancock St. 45 Hancock St. Address wC 14 Eliot Rd. 6 Chandler St. 14 Utica St. 14 Cliffe Ave. 2 Tewksbury St. 83 No. Hancock St. Winter St. 85 Meriam St. 6 Eliot Rd. 7 Fletcher Ave. 18 Independence Ave. T' Lincoln St. Burlington St. 1948 Mass. Avenue 73 Meriam St. 11 Curve St. 25 Oakland St. Harbell St. 9 Audubon Rd. 6 Lincoln St. 40 Clarke St. Hayes Lane 2151 Mass. Ave. 10 Eliot Rd. 20 Winthrop Rd. 28 Muzzey.St. 16 Independence Ave. 421 Marrett Rd, '. 15.Winthrop Rd. 9 Independence Avie, 198 Mass. Avenue 4 Rowland Ave. 39 Grant St. 7 Curve St. 28 Vine St. 155 Grant St. 24 Oakmount Cireel 6 Glen Rd. 19 Sherman St. 1 Vine Brook Rd. 67 Waltham St. Summit Rd. 19 Theresa Ave. 14 Glen Rd. 19 Hayes Ave. 2 Vine St. 7 Winthrop Rd. 74 Webb St. 20 Waltham St. 4 Sbftley St. Woburn St. 4 Hillside Terrace ' 274 Marrett Rd. Walnut St. Webb St, 4 Bennington Rd, Winter St. 31 Hancock St. 45 Hancock St. Name Occupation Address Rowse, Richard E. Salesman 14 Adams St. Ryan, Christopher S. Manager 10 Bedford St. Ryeboft, Peter Laborer 12 Utica St. Sandison, William A. Clerk 54 Reed St. Sargent, Edward H. Secretary 27 Oakland St. Shepard, Frank R. Retired 1386 Mass. Ave. W'herburne, Warren Auditor 34 Hancock St. Simonds, George A. Mechanic 8 Adams St. Slocum, Curlys L. Instructor Blossom St. Smith, Allen C. Dry Goods 5 FBrest St. Smith, George E. Merchant 14 Grant St. Smith, Lester E. Grocer 34 Clarke St.. gorensen, Harry Mechanic 92 Woburn St. Steeves, Clyde H. Steamfitter 50 Hilltop Ave. Stevens, Rupert H. Contractor 86 Meriam St. Swan, Joseph Real Estate 23 Bedford St. Teague, George S. Candy Maker Valley Rd. Valentine, John S. Insurance 1698 Mass, Avenue Walker, Clifton E. Chiropodist 102 Bedford St. Washburn, George E. Teacher 21 Parker St. Wellington, Herbert A. Salesman 2139 Mass, Avenue Whalen, John P. kurniture Bus. 21 Eliot Rd. Wheeler, Harry A. Treasurer 31 Somerset Rd, Whipple, Bertram F. Bank Business 13 Chase Ave. Whippl:g, Paul Shoe Business 15 Belfry Terrace Whittemore, Richard Insurance 2209 Massa Avenue Wilson, Donald Contractor 33 Bloomfield St. Wilson, Walter H. Farmer 33 Fern St. Wood, George H. Painter 1798 Mass. Avenue Worthen, Edwin B. Banker 5 Winthrop Rd, Zubowitch, Matthew M. Garage Keeper 136 Oak St. Adopted June 28, 1932. Joint hearing of the Board of Appeals and the Board of Selectmen was held on the application of the Standard Oil Co. of New York for permission to increase the storage capacity of the gasoline tanks at 789 Mass. Avenue and to install one additional pump. Mr. Maddison, Mr. Glynn and Mr. Baldrey were present. Mr. Daniels explained that they did not intend to make any change except to establish the additional pump in the island on the inside of the'property. The pump tl�at is out near the street is to remain in igs present location, and in the island -instead of having one pump in the center they would have two pumps, on at each end. No objection was received to the application The hearing was declared closed. It was voted to grant the permit for the additional pump and the storage of 1000 gallons of gasoline. Town Counsel, S. R. Wrightington came before the Board in regard to the Board's question as to why he took the Frank Bougie case to the Superior Court rather than the Concord Court. He stated that the reason he did this was that at the Concord Court there would be probably a small fine, but 463 Standard Oil Co. Hearing. 464 at the Superior Court he could ge$t an injunction and there would be a record there of the case. The difference in the Bougie:: cost of entering the case in the Superior Court was $3. to case* the charge of $1,. at the Civil Court at Concordy The time consumed in the case would be the same except there would be that difference of $2, in the charge. ' Mr. O'Connell'called attention to the fact that Mr. Bougie stated that he would be willing to do anytbApg the Board wanted and therefor he felt that if Mr. Bougie pays.the costs already incurred, the case should be dropped. Mr. Wrightington requested that Mr. Longbottom let him know imhat has been done. Mr. Warren Timmons came before the Board and stated that he had a writ of ejectment from his house inasmuch as the second mortgagee was foreclosing. He has not made any payments on the house since he purchased it. he has three Timmons. children and he is working at the,present'time,• The Board informed him that he would have to find some place to live inasmuch as the mortgagee had a right to put tihw furniture out onto the street. Letter was.received from the Civil Service Commission stating that the Civil Service examination had been held for a Plumbing Inspector in Lexington but that there would be Plumbing no.oertification inasmuch as they find that the Plumbing Inspeabor. Inspector of Lexington is under a tenure of office and is classified under Civil Service and can only be discharged in accordance with Chapter 31, section 43 of the General Laws. It appears therefor that Mr. Bain must still continue on the job as Plumbing Inspector. Committment of water rates for the second section in Committ- the amount of $6721.75 was signed by the Board. Sewer ments. rental charges for the second section in the amount of $1481.75 was also signed by the Board.. Special Special Police Commission for Edson Pero was signed Police. by the Board, Pole Petition was received from the N.E.Tel.& Tel.Co. and location. the E.E,L Co. for permission to relocate one pole on Hancock Street opposite Revere Street. It was voted to grant the petitinn, Abatement. Abatement in the amount of $223.65 for bh4rges in the Public Welfare Dept. was signed by the Board. Booker St. The Board signed the sewer order for the installation sewer, of sewer in Bowker Street from its present end a distance of approximately 220 feet. Sunday Entertainment License was signed for Janes Irwin Sunda td have Sunday Golf at Marrett Gardens; also for George W. Golf. ' Bean to have Sunday Golf at his premises on Bedford Street, both for the Sundays during the month of July. Town Engineer came before the Board and present a plan of drainage in Stedman Road and he stated that he vgerit over there during the excessive rain storm a few days ago and he found there was considerable drainage coming off the Swenson land onto Stedidek Road, but that the greater part of the water came down to a point near the junction of Waltham Street and Stedman Road. Mr. Custance explained that Mr. White went over the ' drainage situation and he felt that there should be two catch basins up on the brow of the hill on Stedman Road, one on each side of the road. He stated that he talked with Mr. Dalton, Chief Engineer of the State, and Mr. Dalton felt a catch basin should be put up there. He felt that Mr. White's long experience and judgment on drainage matters was such that it should be followed. Considerable discussion was had as to whether the drainage should extend 80 feet up onto Stedman Road. Mr. Ferguson offered the motion that the work be done in accordance with the plans of the Engineer as presented. Thes motion was not passed. The Town Engineer stated that as -a matter of necessity, it was not necessary to put in the catch basins but he would say one catch basin could be put in on the brow of the hill instead of two. As a matter of taking care of a storm such as we had recently, he stated it would help considerably to have a catch basin on the brow of the hill. Mr. Ferguson stated that he would not object to the drainage being carried up 80 feet ff the' Town Engineer felt that this was the proper thing to do. Mr. Custance made a motion that the drainage -on Waltham Street and Stedman Road be put in under the direction of the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer at an expense not over $2000. This motion was not voted upon. Mr. Gilereast made a motion that the drainage be installed on Stedman Road and Waltham Street as proposed by the Town Engineer as it stands at the present time without any additions, alterations or amendments. This motion was not passed. On motion of Mr. Ferguson, it was finally voted that 'the Board have a drain installed as proposed by the''Town Engineer and if he thinks it is a better job to go up .80 feet, that the Board would be agreeable to that. The Town Engineer presented the estimated cost of $2347.50 for installing 850feet of drainage. The Town Engineer estimated the additional cost to be about $75. for one catbth basin. Mr. Ferguson suggested that -the Board use cement brick rather than eWy pipe, Mr. Seamman stated that the State uses cemetti brick on manholes and catch basins. In regard to the work done on Follen Road,, Mr. Trask stated that he looked up the records ,and found that the records -stated that the stone wall be built -back to the 60 Coot line of the street. He stated that Mr, Murphy did not want the wall back that far and he felt that it would be quite a boulevard if the wall was laid back to the 60 foot width;a. Mr, Custance inquired about the liability of.the Town for any accidents on the ten foot strip of.land between the wall and the established line of the street. Mr, OlConnell stated that there would be the same liability that anyone might have against the Town. The Board therefor voted to rescind the action taken 465 Stedman Road drainage Follen Road. . e at a previous meeting and voted to build the wall on the fifty foot, layout and that the southerly line of Pollen Road from the Church.property westerly to Summit Toad be re-established approximately ten feet northerly from the present southerly iin+e,odnd that the fifty foot layout be worked out by the -Town Engineer. It was also voted that the Board insert an article in the Warrant for the next Town Meeting to take steps to abandon the ten foot strip. Supt, of Public Works attention was called to the fact that he should use the material taken off one side of Pollen Road on the other side to fill in and not to give it away. Shpt. of Public Works furnished some' additional information in regard to the McCormack -Deering Tractor that he and Mr. White viewed it at Watertown where it was. being used with a hoist. The Board decided to request the MCC$rmbk-Deering Tractor concern to give a demonstration of the tractor with the use that they desired for the Town of Lexington. Mr. O'Connell called attention to the condition of the manhole in front of the house of Johnson Armstrong on Woburn Street. On recommendation of the Town Physician, it was voted to purchase one-half dozen of tetanus vials for use for accidents from fireworks on the 4rh of July. Bid was received on the Temporary Loan of $175,000, from the Lexington Trust Go.- 4.50. It was voted to reject the bid and make a new request for bids payable about the middle of October rather thant payable in April. Letterwas received from the Town Counsel enclosing a new amendment to the By-laws providing for Betterment Assessment for water mains. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.. A true record, Attest: Clerk . The Chairman signed ' r �gul_..t ons for the asp of the Public parks of the town4. 1 1