HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-06-14446 SELECTMER T 3 MEETING JUNE14, 1932. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 730 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Cust.a.nce, O'Connell and Ferguson Fere present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Letter was receive, from Diss Edith W. Willard of Nbtth_. ;;its:'; asking that the installation of the water main on North Street be hurried along. Owing to the dry weather she needed adequate water for use on her premises. The''Board felt that the job was going along as fast with the hand labor as it should go along and -the work would be done in the v-ry near future and requested the Chairman to reply to Miss Willard informing her of this fact. Letter was received from the American Legion., Post #38 requesting permission for the use of the Lexington Centre Playground on July 4th for their annual Field Day. The Board voted to grant the request, there having been no request made prior to this time.from any other source. �/',7 Bill sof $30. for services rendered by Mr. Herbert Kellaway' Landscape Architect, for advis--ng.the Board relative to Hastings Park was received. He also wrote a letter in which he stated that he would be glad to give the Board advice inregard to projects for Unemployment Relief. 1h* Biirreast explained that in Winchester, Mr. Kellaway laid out many of the projects for the unemployment Relief. • The Board felt that`the charge of $30. was rather exorbitant for the short period of time that he spent in Lexington and Mr. Gilereast aggeed'; to take up'the matter with Mr. tellaway. Letter was received from the.Town Treasurer attaching the notice to the Town of Lexington of.a claim of $500. of Margaret Gaffney of Lexington. The Clerk was requeestedd to check up whether or not the Employers' Liability assumed responsibility fortthis case. •The Board voted to grant a license to board two infants to Edyth W. Sullivan providing the -premises were approved by the Clerk of the Board. Common Victuallers License was granted to Pauline Bertalami to do business at 313 Marrett Road. Application was received from the Lovell Bus Line, Inc, to opeaate two -public carriages within the Town of Lexington. The Board felt that it may be possible that 1 I I i� the operation of two public carriages by this 'company would 447 interfere with' the local taxi men, and therefor dec%ded to lay the matter over until further information was received. Innholders License was granted to the Lexington Inn License. ' at 283 Mass. Ave. In regard to the application for a Common Victual'ers License of James 01Grady, letters of redommendhtion were received from Mr. OtGrady and Mr. 015on, who lives in Everett, came before the Boar to represent Mr. O'Grady. He stated that they intend to have a lunch cart located between the O'Grady garage and the house that.stands in back. The car, which aRplication was made in Worcester, is sent he e on wheels and then it Common is made a permanent structure by have the base of it fixed. Victuallers Mr. O'Grady has four places located in Melrose, Winchester, License, Stoeham and Wakefield. He does not intend to keep open only until twelve o1clock at night. The Board voted not to grant this permit. Cdr. John L. Murray of Fletcher Avenue came before the Board -in regard to employment. He^had been employed by Dr. -Vnentine,for twenty years and now is laid off and desires to secure some employment, Unemploy- He was informed that his financial condition was not merit, as bad as a great many people so that the Board could not take action just at present, but would consider his application later on if he did not secure any other employnea, Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that in all probability the Butterfield Pond will not be used for cutting ice in the future owing to the fact that the ice house was burned down and to the popularity of artificial ice,He He wondered whether or not it would be better to field drain the pond. Pozrd, The Clerk reported that when the pond was drained, there were considerable complaints about the 'odor from the pond and request was made that the hater be filled in again. It was felt that tho bottom probably should be cleaned out, taut this would be juice an,expensive piece of work. No action was taken on,the matter. s The Town. Engineer came before the Board and showed his plan of the cross sections of the Curve Street drainage and stated that he did not find that the statements of Mr. Baker were true in regard to the conditions relative to the drainage. inasmuch as he did not figure from the proper basis. Mr. Baker figures his elevation on the bottom of the manhole instead of on the bottom of the flow line. Mr. Zosgrove explained that he showed the plan to Mr. Baker and he stated he would be satisfied if they were to put in a pipe to take care of the storm drainage, The Curve St. estimated cost of 345 feet of pipe to take care of the drainage. storm drainage would be $200. The Supt. of Public Works, however, was requested to ' bring in a definite estimate of the cost of constructing this drainage next week, and the Board felt that the expendiutre was sufficient to ask for a special appropriation. 448 _ _ ►�. Supt. of Public Works wa : requested_. to get -inform- ation in regard to the sewer assessment charges that would be made to the Torn. of Lexington by the Metropolitan District Commission. The Town Engineer was instructed to 'get information in regard to the installation. of a sewer in Shirley Street. The Board discussed the matter of the Allen Street Drainage with the flown Engineer and Mr. Ferguson felt that there was no drainage necesssary in Allen St. Inow named Stedmm Road),. . The Town Engineer stated that he cid not believe it was absolutely necessary to put drainage in Alleu,Street but ,it would be a much better job if it was put in there in case of a severe storm. Mr. Custance explained that complaints had been made of the water coming down Allen Street and going across Waltham Street into the Silva driveway and washing the drjaway out. this has happened several times. This is the reason V111 eelsthere should be some drain pipe J)ut in Allen Street to take this water into Waltham Street. He stated that under the present conditions, the street.is a gravel road and the water will sink in but when the road has a hard surface itwill not sink in and will wash across the road. Mr. Custance felt that Mr. Robert White's opinion also should be stained on this drainage matter. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in regard to the use of the Centre Playground by the. Community Rec- reation Association and the High School Athletic ' Association. It is.eontemplated that these organizations will. construe t.-Anh• i-Anhuieactiuer layground that is to be constructed in another section of the playground Ut$tr7.than .--fib is now used for the ball games and that-they will -enclose this section sift the arsons will have to pay to see the games and the funds will be used to futher athletics. The Town Counsel sit'd vari-us quotations in other Towns and stated that he believed that the Selectmen did have''the right to grant the use of this: land in this manner, but he felt that they should not do it without a vote of the Town and that,it should read in the vote ffthat the portion to be used is temporarily not needed for Town purposes, and .the use of the playground by the public will not be materially interfered with by the permission so granted." He also advised that the Town should consider acether it is desirable to require the licensees to protect the Town by insurance since the Town would not have the control of the construction or maintenance of the structure. Town Counsel came before the Board and statedthat in going over the records of the Water Department in regard to the Bridge -Street guarantees he found-that when this started, the reads of the Dept. were not kept clearly. He stated that the figures of the cost of-two ether streets were Sigured in with Bridge Street. , Mr. Ross stated that he thought he could separate the figures so that it would show the cost of the Bridge Street guarantee, 1 C 1 Town Counsel waa_h", h1i6uAf i&'1tdke the matter into Court owing to the fact that the Selectmen determine the cost of the work to bb"IdoAtp _:.only determination that he can find is the eommittment to the Collector and that for the amount of the guarantee which is made each year] When the Bridge Street guarantee were first made, it was not this custom to oowmit to the Collector and therefor he has notrecord of the determination of the amount. The Clerk reported that Mr. Jones stated he was not pleased.with the way the Board handldd the case and that he felt they should have notified him by writing that they intended to take the matter to Court without taking it to Court without giving him any notification. He also stated that he was willingto pay what was due from him, but he was not willing to pay what was due from the other persons on the street. It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Tom Counsel and the selectmen to see what would be the best action to take. Mr. Wrig'htington stated that he would endeavor to talk with Mr. Jones or his Attorney. Bridge Street The Town Counsel was requested to secure information from the Metropolitim District Commission as to whether or not the Town should enter the whole Town in the Sewer District Sewer or only a part of the Town if it not necessary to enter the whole Town at the present time, and what the cost would be and how soon we would have to pay it, this information to be obtained before the Town Meeting on Monday* twaanfrdg�n�Pairaig�lviMh.the p pins the property of John N Connors was considered and the rd. -decided to have the 6hairman write a letter to Mr. Connors asking what he intended to do about doing away with his pigs inasmuch as the ftsw& extended the time from last winter to this Connor summer, Mr. O'Connell atated that he would sl4e see pigs. Mro Gesswo in tbocmeautim and talk with him in regard to tics matter. The Chairman reported that Mr. Bain found Edward McNamara committing another.violation of the Plumbing Lags by doing another job without a license. It appears also that lir. McNamara is a journeyman and not a master plumber and could not take out a license for any work in the Town. Plumbing It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the violation; Plumbing Inspector. The Chairman reported that he requested the Supt, of Public Works to give some figures on the cost of putting on crushed gravel with an oil top or finishing of a permanent top on Wood Street. The Supt, cdpbed as followsc The construction of 1500 square yards with chad gravel oil tope $1000- with broken stone penetrated, 140011 It was decided to lay the matter on the table for the present time. Lr. Jase J. W%Ish requested that the Board take setion to abate the water rates of Mrs. Ernest Jones' 21 Pleasant Street, Lexington, Mrs. Jones is being assistsd considerable Wood St, 450 by the American Legion and he felt that the Town should permanently abate the water bill.- Mrs. -Jones hashad in her house a man by the name- of -Frantz Parker who was assisted' -by the Public Welfare Dept. and he did not pay any rent. It was therefor decided to charge the bill of 18.75'to his account. It was decided, however, not to permanently abate the water -rates i -as,-Urs. . Jones may receive more income from her house now that Mr. Parker has vacated. The Chairman reported that Mr. Thos. Russo was desirous of having water pipe extended to his premises j.t;*13yd the property of Edward Bunzel, The Board felt that they could sell the water to him and felt that they also could extend the water pipe to the end of the Lexington -Woburn line and let Mr. Russo day the balance of -the pipe to his own property. The Board voted to authorize the construction of this main to the end of the Lexington -Woburn .lin; in East Street and tosellthe water to Mr. Russo.. , Report was received from the Supt. of Public Works in regard to the various types of tractors. The Board felt that the tractor.problem developed into a: necessity of,twb tractors. They should have a tractor with a;oXane and also one with a snow plow,,and that could be used for sweeping the streets. It was reported that, Mr. Anthony Ross, Contractor, had pgrchased a second. -hand tractor and had a crane built. Supt. of Public Works was requested to get information from Mr. .Ross in regard to -having :a crane built. The attention of the Supt, of Public Works :was called to the boulders that stick up in thedriveway. to the Lexington Reservoir and requested that he give his attention to the matter. ,. r, Supt. was informed that Mr. Alfred E.'Haynes wanted two more loads of loam dumped 4n on his . -premises* Mr. Ferguson stated that he thought the condition of the standpipe warranted a study by the,Board aboiAt building a new standpipe. Stpp, of Public Works reported that we are now losing about three thousand gallons of' water: a�day, which Is -at a cost of about $9. a month. The ,Chairman reported that a new standpipe would cost approximately $18,0, Mr. OtConnell called attention to the fact that there have been three men riding bn the front seat of the Nater Dept. tAuck..at a time and felt that this was not necessary. He ;also had seen two men riding on. a truck delivering. a meter to a location.' He felt that the persona who ,installs the meter should be able.to operate a car and this would be a saving to the Town. The Supt, of Public Works was requested to look into the matter and report to the Board.. 01 D f : _ _ 451 Mr. Custance called attention to the fact-that-Mr. - Domonick Modoona was taking charge of the men at the Public Vvrks Dept. and he felt that he should.receive more pay than Employment the other men for his supervision. ' The Chairman stated that there werea'great ;;many skilled. laborers that are only reefbivigg.2!$3.' per day and if we increase one man, there would be other demands.. He also felt that Mr. Moddona who-was getting,five days:. was getting a better break than theother men who were only getting three days. The Board discussed the matter relative to bids on water excavation. Mr. Ferguson.felt that the bids should have been sent out for water excavation the same as they were sent out,for Water sewer excavation. It was found that the Supt. of Public Excavation Works did not send out any.written request for the bids on on the sewer excavation. It was .the.r8 *1_d*d# d for tke to meal .th& 5it . of ;Pub3 e. Works ""'sand.,aut a sa*.i#ten - _ for: b _da•.for.VaterF exaW.va"on. Ub':Jt�I?�l of4ho Board considered +doing the work on bu& the base for gravel sidewalks. •Tt was considered the"t the gravel in the back of the Public Burks Dept. Building could be used and that this would be a good thing for the unemployed ttwas rrk at. Mr. Trask: felt that a sidewalk could be built on Barrett Sidewalk R& as*4ol where a request had been. made FO WIN N The Board discumod the atbtieloa in the Warrant for the Town Nesting to be ho ,14 me 20th. The Clerk: reported in regard to the inaom of Mr.' Fero tha6 bis wifa earned one day's pay vind his stns e 1, -aw faturdal nights and any other time he can be employed as s drummer. That is all the income coming into tbeft house. The step-son has not had an ,automobile since June .om year ago. The Board decided not to do anything In regard to this case until after the 'Fawn Meeting to sae how many funds would be appropriated, Letter was received from Edwin B. Vebthen in which he j gave the following fleet rates on Automobile6 owned by the Passenger cars .. Firgf *07s Theft, $mss per UnSdred. C ial cars 4P Firers •Wda Thefts $*10 per hundred* Insur- The rate presented by Mr. Nhittemore was .52 per ante. b0hdred averalge. , The Supt, of Public Soyke stated that he bad the valuation of the cars in his office aasd he xae requested to figure out the cost of insuring all the%tAwa cars. ' The weekly report of the Supt, of Public Works was received. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 P#M4 A true record., Attests Clerk.