HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-06-07SELECTMEN+S 14EETING JUNE 7P 1932. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilereast, O'Connell, and Ferguson were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. in Mr. Fred Longbottom, Building Inspector came before thB Board and rer�orted that Tar. Bougie on School Street sent his little girl down to him for a permit for a build --7 ng. When he went up to the 7roperty, he found that the building was not as stated And he therefor gave them back their $2. and tore up the permit. They also were pu';ting in plumbing in the building without a permit from the Plumbing Inspector. Mr. Edward McNamara was the plumber. He desired to know what the Board wanted done about it. He felt that he should be given orders to tear the building down. He also reported a condition of a shack being built on Mass. Avenue opposite Sullivans house. He did not know the owner of the property, but he went up there and put up a notice and the next time he want up there the notice was torn down. He put a second notice up, and the next Building time he went up the notice was torn down and the building Lawoviola- was completed, and padlocked, and apparently someone had tions, been living in there. He had located the former owner of the property and stated that he would get the address of the new owner frnm1_him. It was his opinion that the building should be ordered torn down and the property put in condition it was in before the buildigg was built. He also reported another violation on Winter Street on the property of Victor Erickson who lives alone. He was rather doubtful about the status of this particular property inasmuch as three permits were taken out for that particular job. Mr. Custance went up there and viewed the property with Mr. Longbottom and he felt that Mr. Erickson could be ordered to demolsih the front of the building inasmuch as it was not done in accordance with the Building Laws owing to the fact that the work was done very poorly. The Bldg. Inspector wondered if the front of the building were taken down, it would be left looking in a worse condition. Mr. Custance felt that it would not be as bad as it is at the present time. After considering the matters, the Board voted to Instruct the Building Inspector to take immediate action for violation of the Building Law against Mr. Bougie and the owner of the property opposite Sullivants place. It was suggested that both of these cases might be taken up in Court on -the same day to save timc.: It was also voted that 'the Bldg. Inspector be instructed to notify Lir. Victor Erickson, advising him to tear down that part of the building which does not 'comply with the Building Law within thirty days. Mr. O'Connell called attention to a building back of Semonianis store which should be looked into by the Bldg. Inspector. He felt that it was in poor condition. 0 Attention was also called to the use of the property at the corner of Lowell and Woburn Streets by the Countryside Filling Station for amusements and parking. The business section does not extend up into the`territory which is being. used for this entertainment where swings are located, and it has been annoying to the neighbors. Roadside The Building Inspector was requested to go around and stands. check the roadside stands that were operating without a permit. He stated that he did not know whether or. not these stands were operating before the Zoning Laws. Curve St. Mr. Elvin E. Baker came before the Board with a delegation of other residents of the vicinity of.' Curve Street in regard to the drain pipe that was recently installed in Curve Street. He had a plan before him and explained that from his figures tre drain pipe was not low enough to carry off the flow of water. He st•5ted that in the property in that vicinity there were springs in the cellars snd therefor it is hard to carry away all the water that accumulates in that section. He felt that the brook should be established to the grade that it was in 1919 and 1920, He felt that the dra,.n pipe should take care of a flood and not just ordinary sufface drainage. He felt that when the pipe was put in through the McNamara property that it was not installed to the level it bhould'.be. Beyond that property there 's plenty of drop and for this reason he felt that the pipe should be taken up and lowered. The Town Engineer was present and stated the grade of this street was established a long while ago and the figures do not agree with Mr. Baker's figures, However he would check them and give the matter further .study. He stated that the pipe was ample in gize for the drainage of tbAL4 territory. Mention was made of the drain coming down across Independence Avenue underneath the stores bfeP.1bhette & Ahern The Town Engineer stated that it might be possible that this drain might be cut off and taken in to Mass. Ave. instead of across into Curve Street. The Town Engineer was requested to bring in cross sections showing the land in the vicinity of Curve Street where the brook is located. Mr. Baker also called attention to .the road oil that was put in on Curve Street without any sand covering it. IV_ir. Seamman informed him that this particular kind of 45 per cent oil does not require sanding. however, they objected to the puddles of oil being left and Mr. Scamman stated that he would check up with the Oil Company to find out why they left any puddles of oil in the.street. Mt°,. Baker also stated that some time a�.o there was some talk of putting in a catch basin to take care of Curve Street and he thought that the catch basin, if put in, should be in front of the Kew property inasmuch as it would take care of the water better at that point than it would if it were in front of the Wellington property. Mr. Edward Rogers came before the Board and stated that Employ- he desired to get some work. He is a plumber by trade and has ment. not been able to -get any work since he was laid off the Town. 11 1 He stated that he lives alone on Grapevine Avenue in a 4 seven room house, but he could not rent it unless about $100, was spent on the house to fix it up. He kept his payments up on the house, and this is the first year that he slipped up�.;,on the payments in twelve years. He had a notice that the place would be put up for sale for taxes, but the bank was not pushing the matter. He had three lots of land Lith the house, One lot'of land he has free and clear is back of the Fenney Oil Station on Marrett Road, He felt that this lot wad worth about $1500, but he could not rare any money on it* The.-Ooard advised him to andeavor'to secure money to fix up his hou§e to rent and also stated that thdy would give him two days a geek work. 'Public Carriage License was granted to James F.' Cavanaugh. The Board signed an order for the layout of Outlook Drive from Wachusett Drive wouthwesterly to its present,,_* terminus approxin)ately 1110 feet,. ' The Board signed an order for fhe 'layout of Downing , Road from B4rrett Road to Outlook Drive, 1050 feet.. The Hoard voted to #6s6 the f dllowing orders for eidexalk *construction works Lexington Savings Bank, Edwin Be Worthen, Trews.,, 1772-1`776 Mass* Ave. Anstiss S, Hunt et a.l, '1-S Walth&A St. Anstiss S: Hunt at a1, 1752»1766 Mass. Ave. Olive C. Myers, U-13 Muzzey Street. Jamsea 4 & Florence C. Carroll, 17 Muzzey St. Email. Fellma4, 10 H hland Ave, ladel,ine W%lker, 104 Beadford .St. Vinnie E.,Smith, 96 -Bedford Street Annie F. Shepard, 1386 mass, Ave. George J. Bailey, et al, 19 Muzzey St. William E. Denham, 9 Muzzey St. Daniel A. Gorman, Jr.,, 1.00 Bedford Ste $55. 45. 105. 50. 45. 50, 40. 38, 35. 45, 50.n 400 Sidewalks) State Aid payroll in the amount of $229 was signed by State Aid. the Board, In regard to the release and ayment to Mr. 'Edward Gavin for the land on Dass, Aveanue, the lerpk was requested to Gavin complete the negotiations with Mrs Gavin provided the Hobs property, property was taken care of: Lettsr was received from P. N Near' in he stated. that he did not­6 the ii title on Oak 5fs*eet_ denixag Oak St. Inserted $n `ize Wa `rant far` the Town Meati'ng inasmuch as he wouid not be in Town to take up the axtiele it the Town Meeting. _._ _ _, ..._ _ .. Notice was received from the Attorney General that he disapproved of the Bylaw on water mains which was ae aepted by the Town at the Town -Meeting. Letter was re ,.Ugam the Town Counsel in which he enclosed a new artie e for an amendment to the By-law which he thought$ would overecane the objection of the Attorpey General. 4 9 It was voted to insert this article in the Warrant. Notice was received from the Dept. of Public Works, State House, in regard to advertising signs in the Town and asking whether or not the Board approved the locations* In regard to permit #831'sign 8 x S, Lexington Lumber Company, located on the south side of Ma.rrett Road,3f4 of a mile west of Lincoln Street on land of Wm. P. Martin, the Board voted to approve; in regard to permit #9769.sIgA 50 z 12 of John Donelly & Sons, located at 11 to 19 Mass, Ave*,,, the Board voted to d ve; in regard to permit #11064 sign. 4 x 6 of Anselm C, Mullen and located on the south elde of Rodtb 2, Marrett Road 250 fbet west of Wm. Daileg's house, the Board voted to approve; in regard to permit ,11352 sign 25 x 12 filed by John Donnelly and'Sons on the south of Mass. Avenue, neo# route two, opposite and across new gutoff, the Boa Pd voted to.disaporove. The matter of the salary of Joseph Ross was considered. Mr. Trask reported that when the salaries were out in the Water Dept., lir. Jose Ross was receiving $,78 an hour and was given a cut of .08. This was in the winter time when there was less work done by the Department, Mr, Ross felt that now'that more work was being done in the Department j he should b9, given the $008 again. Mr. OtConnell wondered what the duties of Mr, Ross ware and felt that he was receiving enough pay for the work tha he did. Suptj'of Public Works was requdsted to get a list of the duties e# Mr, Ross for Ire, O'Connell. The Board •d#aid6d not to grant the increase: di o Wdrks presented to-the'Board figures In regard to t114 e*ps'ndiutrss of the Water Dept, fog" the ga�st the years. This information was not sufficient for ,the Board and he was requested to bring in more information . at tete next meeting as to why the Water .rates have 'to be an ' high as they are. ° Mr. Gilereast reported that three taxpayers 'within three minutes walk from the 'fire station asked him *chat was going on in front of the fire station. It appears t1}at some of the firemen are'out and playing some sort of a game in bathing suits and the hose is being used in this game, Supt, of Public Works was requested to find out from the mire Dept. w tt is going on, Mr. Custance brought in bifi on tractors as followst Dyar Sales & Eastern Tract• Fiske-Alden Co. - Mach, Co.. or Co.- Fordson. Tractor, ReCormickew Allis-Chalmers Wheel type. Deering T*ac- tractor pneumatic tar -wheel` wheel type 1 1 t e pneumatic. Ratumatie , Dual Wheels _. actt 1701#00 1750900 1800.00 e 1 ton M eheat & /�y� N.ler 000 $00000 652000 ree3e � 400.00 376000 445.00 1 1 F Dyar Sales 8c i.'Nastern Tract- Fiske-Alden 443 Maerh. Co.- or Co.- Co. - McCormick Allis-Chalmers Fordson Tra. .Deering Trac tractor ctor. Wheel for -wheel . wheel type type pneum- type pneumat- pneumatic ktic is 48" Sidewalk Plow Power take off rear side Total 250.00 60.00 R ^' 40.00 S 3146.00 P. I. Per- kins Co. - Caterpillar Tractor, . ,Model 10, i?ujai Misk Tractor .0rane j 1 toxo White. he sA t JAItiZ Street Sweep - U - Detroit 48" Sidewalk Plow Power.bake off rear side 275.00 300.00 35.00 R Equipped 32.00 S side & rear 3268.00 3197:.00 H. F. Davis Tra- H. F. Davis etor,Co..cletrac Tractor Co. "15" crawler type cletrac "25" crawler type 1020.00 1730.00 ` 935.00 1875.00 (6 ft.) MOO 42500 «00 290.00 250.00 2265;00 v 1975,00 (aft, ) 500.00 250.00 . 2723.00 4400.00 4990.00 -The Suptip *f Public Works was requested to maks a study of tractors to see what kind he would r ecorrmnd for the Town. -In regard to obtaining money for the p ohaae ,of the tractor, it was felt that it might �be possible ttbie Tractor, charge might be divided between the Yater, Sewer, Park, Highway, Moth and Snow Departments. I Air. Custanee suggested that trees might be planted along the outhAde borders in front of the Buckman Tavern property. The Chairman felt that inasm eh as we were advocating trees to be placed inside the sidewalk, it would be touch better to place them there rather than between the curbing Trees and the sidewalk. 444 *Fkh The Board discussed the matter -of having the water main trench on North -Street dug by hand inasmuch as the digging is so easily done at that particular location. Estimate was received from A. A. Rosa -that the excavating and bacafilling from Near the Anderson property to Adams Street,,_,a distance of 900 feet would be. $550. over and,.above Water the cost of doing it "by machine. Mr. Ferguson felt that mains* it would not cost this much to do the work. It was felt that if the work was done by hand, It would help the regular employees of the Water•Dept, and the majority of,the_Board­ voted in favor of doing the work by hand labor. Mr. Custance wanted to be recorded against doing it in this mariner inasmuch as he felt that the Board would abta,i'n more benefit, by •doing more work by„ and the ,machiniry meen still would�'be getting more work and the Town would be getting the benefit by -having the mains extknded. He felt that the actual cost of doing the work by hand labor would be $1500. Mr. Custance recommended that water mains be installed In Grant Street from the end of the present main to East Street, and -that water 'mains should be installed in East Street to the Crowley property. He felt that this was -something that should be done to tie up the dead ends and increasa the flow of,the water in this section. The Board after discussing the matter, decided to insert. an artiele iii. the. j$arrant calling_ fQx. thy_ pQtructicsa of the water mains in both of these streets. • . Mr. Gilcreast' Balled attention to the_ bre. so.m.Sher mm Street, and Mr. Scamn stated thatthisbridge had been Shermn reparied a great many tures and would cost $700, to rebuild, , St. and if the work was done on Vine •Bx►pok all the OXpendj,tjiM bridge* of the $600, or $700, would be lost. Mr. Gilcreast questioned whether or not soiieth;j�g rQ ld be done about the left hand turn into Waitham Street fry ass. Avenue. He wondered whether or not the Chief of Police Traffic could instruct his officers to let the traffic turn in there lights. 'before the other traffic goes ahead" inasmuch as whtv__tbpy, wait for the other traffic to come down by the light, it changes and they cannot make the turn. Mr.>Custance stated that Mr. Taylor of the Dept. of Public Safety was making a study of. the cone} ons. thierp end he felt that if Mr. Gileriast went in to see him and talk the matter over. -something might -be done. Supt. of Public Works was requested to have the weeds Weeds, mowed at the corner of Waltham Street near the• Park Road. Mr, Custance called attention to dumping along the highways and %Vndered if the Town By-law should not provide a fine Dumping for dumping., The -General By-law calla for a fine of 20, for any viola tion. It was deejtded to discuss the matter of dumping next week. Supt, was asked Why he did not put a curbing in front ' Curbing* of the Shepard place on.Massachusetts Avenue. He stated that it was his intention to do this at a later date. 445 Attention of Mr. O'Connell was called to the fact that the buildings at the Town Foam should not be removed by Mr. Cerra until the Town has made provision for the storage of their property at the Public Works Dept. He stated that Town Farm Mr. Curra was willing to have the buildings remain there buildings, until the Town ceases to have any use for them.. The Clerk was requested to check up the Common Countryside Victualler's Entertainment License in ehnnection with license. the Countryside Filling station. Mr. Custance reported that Mr. Ryan, who was employed in the Water Dept., came to work drunk to day,and he was called to go to the Dept# and interview Ryan. After seeing him Mr. Custance suspended him for one day without pay. Mr. Trask also reported a case of intoxication of John Wood on the Highway Dept. Supt. of Public Works made a report in regard to Wood. He stated that Wood went to work Friday morning after suffering a.1l night'1:wit h a toothache. At 11 otelock the men went to East Lexington Highway to vttan up Mass. Avenue and other streets in%he vicinity employees, of Bow Street and Sylvia Street. Just before he had his dinner, he was given a bottle of home-made beer, After dinner, he suffered from the toothache and about three o'clock the same friend gave him a drink of wine that he claims made him sick and weak. He did not want to name the person who Eave him the beer and wine because it might cause trouble for the friend, who is also an employee of the Highway Dept. He denies that he bought .the liquor at any store and on a checkup, he also had the tooth removed that night by Dr.Cosgrove. The Board felt that the Supt. should r eprimond Wood and give him one more chance. Mr. Custance reported that the Public Works Dept,, mechanic does not have any materials to work With. He therefor made up a. schedule of bolts, washers, rivets, chain 10and;serew heads and submitted the list to various companies for bids* He received bitds on the total quantity from the following companies in the following amounts: Butts and Ordway Co,, 44 ,Stanhope St., Boston $69.04 Herbert M. Lawrence, Lexington 113.34 Chase, Parker & Company, Inc., Boston 84.93 Waverley Hardware Company, Inc., Lexington 82.67 The Board decided it would be very good economy to purchase this material inasmuch as there is considerable cost to,a man going to the store every time he needs a bolt, It was therefor decided to award the bid to Butts and Ordway 061#.44 Stanhope. St,, Boston at their bid of t.69004. and to divide the charge up amont the different departments. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was received. The meeting adjourned at 12j55. A true record, Attest: Clerk.