HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-05-10SELECTMEN'S.>MEETING MAY 10, 1932. ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building , at 7:30 P.M. Messts, Trask, Custance, Gilcreast, O'Connell and Ferguson were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Bids were received on Payable December 30, 1932 as F. H. Moseley Co. Faxon G4de Co. Rutter ('o. State Street Trust Lexington Trust Co. It was voted to award Trust Co. provided the same temporary loan of $1501000. follows:t 3.25 Dis 3.43 3.45 2.93 2.99 the bid to the State Street is confirmed by letter. Bids on notes. The Board considered the matter of payment of rent of Barry Slater whode landlord had made .a request that the rent Slater be paid and decided to give Mr. Slater two days to work for rent,etc. his groceries and two days work to pay for his rent, the rent to be paid direct to his landlord. The Board took up the request of Mr. Frank Serrill&a of 59 Baker Avenue for an abatement of betterment tax on his Serrilla ' lots located at the corner of Baker and Tucker Avenues and abatement. decided that it would not be possible for them to abate the tax inasmuch as the property received benefit by the construction of the highway. Letter was received from Harry A. Williams in regard to material which he claimed was placed upon his property when Cedar Street sewer was constructed causing damage to his property. The Board requested the Supt. of Public Works to look over the conditions and to have the Town Engineer establish the line of the street to see whether or not the material was left on Mr. Williams property. Mr. Custance explained Williams that this is an old street where the lines have not been complaint. laid down. Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to Mr. Thomas Curley's employment on the Water Dept. as a regular employee. Thos. He stated that he worked in 1929 and was laid off when the Curley's regular work was finished and the surplus men releasdd. At employment. that time he was very indignant at being laid off. After he was let off, he circulated a petition to have Mr. Ross discharged on the grounds that he was not a fit person to operate the Department. He and Mr. Morretti went to the Dept. of Labor and Industry claiming that aliens were ' employed by the Department. Mr. Scamman reported that the man is not married and he is only an average worker and he did not see any reason why he.should be given any more consideration than others in the Department. Mr. O'Connell was still of the opinion that the man was a regular employee, and Mr. Scamman was therefor requested to get the definite information as to the length of time he worked for the Department and whether or not he obta.ned any vacation. It was voted to grant the following licenses; SUNDAY SALES Clarence E. MacPhee 16 Baker Avenue Anna A. Hannaford Marrett Rd. Licenses. Edward I. Berman 12 Mass. Avenue COMMON VICTUALLERS Ashley W. Partridge 1709 Mass. Ave. Jane,M. Lawrence Concord Ave. MINIATURE GOLF James Irwin, Jr. Marrett Gardens, Marrett Rd. THEATRE William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. PUBLIC CARRIAGE J. W. Leary 23 Waltham St. MANUFACTURING OF ICE CREAM W. W. Partridge Rear of 316 Marrett Road SLAUGHTER HOUSE LICENSE August Young Laconia St. OVERHANGING SIGN Melvin L. Downing 1786 Mass. Ave. In regard to the license to Miss Anna A. Hannaford, it was d6cided to grant the license free of charge inasmuch as it was believed that Miss Hannaford did not have any funds. In regard to the application of Miss Marguerite Zarilla, the Chief of Police reported that he felt that this was only a change in name in this application to have a Commom Victualler's License at 2 Bow Street,.and he felt that the permit should not be granted. Miss Marguerite Zariilaa is only 15 years of age and the Board did not believe it proper to grant the license to a m1nor. It was therefor decided to report to Mr. Lennon the reason why this license was not granted. Mr. Ashley W. and Eugene E. Partridge came before the Board at the Board's request to talk over the condition of the drainage in his ice cream plant which runs under Waltham Street into an open brook. The Chairman explained to Mr. Partridge that a few weeks ago residents of that vicinity came in and eompikined and felt that something should be done to remedy the conditions. They felt that ]hb was a health menace. Mr. Partridge stated that he did not know what he could do to remedy +.he conditions other than.connect with the sewer and there being no sewer in the territory, he 1 1 7 407 did not know what could be done. He consulted with the Nerrimac Chemical Co. and they did not have any suggestion to offer. Mr. Russell I. Prentiss, Health Inspector, also stated that he had been unable to find any real solution ' of the problem. The Town Engineer was before the Board and stated that a section of sewer could be built in that bection Partridge providing there was a pumping station connected with it. Ice Cream Thds would cost considerable money. Mr. Custance Plant, explained that if the Vine Brook Drainage project went through, it would have taken care of this entire territory. The Health Inspector stated that there are only two houses effected by the odors from this brook, and that he did not believe that the waste material in the brook would constitute a health menace. The Board, after considering the matter, voted to grant Mr. Partridge the license to manufacture ice cream, inasmuch as it was felt that the conditions did not warrant a health menace and Mr. Partridge had an investibent of about 251000 in this plant. He wouldd be perfectly willing to connect with the dewer if a sewer is put into the territory. Mr. Edward Abell, instructor at the playground, and Mr. John J. Garrity came before the Board, Mr. Garrity presented the schedule of persons recommended by him to be reappointed to positions on the playground. He stated that he recommended Miss Dorothy Davis in place of Miss Sylvia Swett. Mr. Abell was req -nested to tell why he did not recommend ' Miss Swett's reappointmdnt. Mr. Abell stated that she was not on the job. Her big job was her social activities and she talked about her nights out and he did not believe that was the proper thing for the children, to have someone who talked in this manner. In the mornings she was late for work and also at noon. Some of the mothers informed him that they did not like her influence on the children. He stated that he talked Playgrounc with her mother about her work last year and infcrmed her assistants. that he was not satisfied with her work. Mr. Garrity explained that last year they had to have two new employees and he recommended Miss Swett and Miss Dorothy Rudd. The first three weeks at the playground, the attendance was fair, but it began to drop off. Along about the middle of the season, he had a complaint about the story hour. He found that Miss Swett did not have time for the story hour, and at times she was away from the field from twenty to thirty minutes, at which time she met some fellow and talked with him. The story hour dropped in attdndance from 25 to 5 or 6. He stated that in February, Miss Swett came to his house and asked about the position, and he informed her that it looked favorable. Then later he wrote to her that she would not be appointed this year. Mr.'Abell stated that Mrs. Cummings, mother of Dorothy Cummings, Mrs. Edward W. Taylor, Mrs. Gilson and Robert Mara would be able to give information in regard to Miss Swett ' not being satisfactory. Mr. Abell stated that it was not a personal matter with him; that he gave Miss Swett a letter stating that she had worked at the playground for the period of time that she did during the summer, but he did not state whether or not her work was satisfactory in the letter, tie did this so she might obtain her credits for s 5o of and she - did obtain her credits. 408 ►� Mr. O'Connell stated that he wanted to reserve the right to recall Mr. Abell in regard'.to this matter at a later date. Mr. Bartelona came before the Board in regard to not being awarded the bid for the sidewalks inasmuch as he was 4 ' of a cent less than Armington Co. He stated that he thought the Board intended to save money for the Town, but in not awarding him the bid that showed evidence of not carrying out this intention. He called attention to the fact that a one year guarantee was called for on the specifications, and the City of Boston calls for a five year guarantee of the work. He also stated that he understood the Armington Co. had come to Lexington t6 repair work that they had done previously and he felt that if the five year guarantee had been given that would not be necessary. He stated that he had not been requested to make a bid even though he had come before the Board at a previous meeting and asked permission to bid on the street work in the Town. He was informed that the Board decided to give the work to Armington Co. inasmuch as they felt they did a very satisfactory job. Bids were received as follows on 8 ply tires; Cocl6nial Garage 30 x 5 - 8 ply - $16.31 J. A. Sellars 30 x 5 - 8 ply - 16.75 F. K. Johnson 30 x 5 - 8 ply - 16.83 Ross Stores 30 x 5 - 8 ply - 18.13 Calvin Childs 30 x 5 8 8 ply - 19.08 Master Service Station 30 x 5 - 8 ply - 17.19 , The Board felt that it would be econo# to use 8 ply tires on the rear wheels rather than the 6 ply tires for which bids were received last week, and voted to award the bid to the Colonial Garage at their bid of $16.31 for 8 ply tires. Mrs. Sexton, daughter of Mrs. Bridget Leary, came beftre the Bard in regard to the payment of rents of property owned by them and occupied by people aided by the Welfare Dept. She presented the bill showing $387, due for rents. The board considered the bill and inasmuch as Mr. Daniel MaaInnis and Mr. Warren $urgess were working, they felt there was no reason why the Town should take care of the back rent. In regard to Mr. Dalrymple, the Board felt that he might obtain work and pay for his own rent bill. In regard to Bernard O'Rourke, it was decided to give him four days a week work and to hold out two days pay for his rent. Letter was received from Mr. Delano of the Traffic Division of the State Advising that the State Dept. would install a pretimed traffic type signal at Marrett Rd. and Lincoln Street eosting approximately $1000 complete and ready to operate. They would bear one-half the cost of installation and all of the maintenance cost if the Twwn would agree to pay the other half of the cost of installation, the cost of the electric current used and replace globes whenever necessary. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that since the corners had been widened out there, there had not been a traffic signal at present. 4117 The Chairman was requested to so advise Mr. Delano. Sketch was presented showing the location that Mr. Richard B. Parker, corner of Eaton and Bebtwell Roads, now desired to have connecting with his house. Parker The Board decided that there should be another house. hdaring on the application providing it was required by the regulations of the State Dept. of Public Safety. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that the Zoning Law should be amended to allow the Board of Appeals to grant a permit for a roadside stand for more than yearly Zoning terms. He felt that it was a hardship on the owner of the Law. property to have to pay $10. for the renewal of this permit each ears. he matter was referred to Mr. O'Connell with the request that he advise what change might be made in the Zoning Law to cover this condition. Petition was received signed by residents of the vicinity of the land of Mr. Fred B. Bartlett on Bedford where he now has a miniature golf course. The Chairman reported that he requested him to get signatures of the persons who were three houses away. The Board felt that if he could obtain within a reasonable distance they might consider the gratting of the permit. Street the Bartlett Golf course. Letter was received from the Town Counsel requesting that the Police Dept. be asked to keep a watch on whether or not Mr. J.V. Boinay is operating the business of a roadside stand on the premises owned by his brother, Harry F. at Pleasant St. Mr. Custance reported that the Board of Appeals refused to grant a license to Mr. Boinay and therefor it was decided to request the Police Dept. to report to the Board if the premises were used for a roadside fitend. In regard to the application of Mr. Edward Farnan who lives on Marrett Road, Mr. Gilcreast reported that he had visited Mr. Farran and he found that he had lived in Lexington for the past 35 or 40 years; that he has worked a little during the summer time; and he has no insurance and no money in the bank. He stated that he could get along if he had $6. a week, and Mr. Gilcreast recommended that $6. a week Old Age Assistance be paid to him, and it was so.voted. Boinay stand. Farran, Old Age Assistance. Proof of the age of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams of Marrett Ad ams, Road, that she was over 70 years of age having been Old Age received, Mr. Gilcreast recommended that she be granted Assistance. 5. a week Old Age Assistance, and it was so voted. In regard to Belfry Terr4ce,.Mr. Custance reported that at a Town Meeting held June 18, 1929, the Town voted to construct approximately 280 feet of sewer in Belfry Terrace. The sewer was extehd.ed to the house of Dr. Stankard, but it was not continued the full length that the Town voted to install, It is very necessary that the installation be made in that street as soon as possible inasmuch as there is a new house and there is great need for the sewer in the other houses, Belfry Terrace Sewer. 41( The Board felt that inasmuch as the Town had already cool voted to install the sewer, if the property owners would agree to pay the betterments set against their resgpetive names, they would proceed to construct the sewer fora distance of approximately 200 feet. The Chairman reported havinE attended the conference on Concord Avenue. The Chairman of the Selectmen of Belmont, Lincoln and Arlington were present. General Hale of the Public Works Dept. appeared to be more reasonable. Concord Senator Cotton informed the meeting that we would Ave. agree to pay approximatel 20% of the total cost, which would make approximately il. on the tax rate in this Town. Belmont still opposes and do not want it to go through and are very determined in their decision. The Board haviLig met at 7 P.M. and viewed the conditions at Follen (toad, considered the matter again. Follen Mr. Custance recommended a 60 foot roadway. Road. After considering the matter, it was voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to proceed to install a retaining will on Follen Road abutting the Murphy property where now excavated and on the present layout, the cost nod to exceed 1500. Mr. ttCe advised that we petition the Metropolitan Sewer District for entrance and the Board decided to request Sewer* information from the Metropolitan District Commission relating to another entrance to the North Metropolitan Sewer. Mr. Trask reported that a member of the Board of Health ' of Arlington confronted him aLain in regard to the Town Arlington paying the expense of opening up one of the ditches. He req uest.tated that they would have to blast within the limits of the ;own of Lexington to open up one of the trenches and the Town authorities did not want to allow them to do that. This is in connection with mosquito control. The Chairman reported that Miss Mary Mulvey called him in regard to the orders given to the tenants to move Mulvey out and stated that she was going to do some work on the property. property to clean it up. She had already purchased paint and paper and was having a plumber look at the house to give some figures on plumbing work. Application was received from C. Wesley Johnson Johnson asking for a second class dealers license so that he may application.sell cars on the lot at the corner of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue. The Board voted not to grant the permit. Mr. Custance made a report in regard to Oak Street and presented three propositions. Plan one was to widen the corners at Nichols driveway only and not make any change in Oak St. the roadway or provide any sidewalk, the cost of,which was estimated at $350. Plan two provided for the use of the present layout, taking down trees, putting in a five foot granolithic sidewalk, and regrading the street near the j east side of the layout, estimating the cost of 3637. Plan . three provided for a laying out of a forty foott street, regvading the roadway, taking down trees, installing sewer,` water and drainage, building a five foot sidewalk, estimating the cost, exclusi'v'e of land damages, $31,927. , C' H- 411 Mr. Custance recommended plan #3 as the only proper way to deal with the proposition.. which contains the installation of sewer, water and complete drainage. The Board did not feel that it was the proper time to do the work but agreed.that there should be no parking allowed on either side of Oak Street. After considering the matter, the Board voted to amend the Parking Regulations adopted July 7, 1931 as follows; Oak Street. No parking on, e-ither side of Oak Street from Mass. Avenue to Carville Avenge. The Board voted to accept the report of Mr. Custance and to send a copy of the report to all of the petitioners and residents of Oak Street who petitioned for something to be done on that street. Mr. Custance presented an estimate of a drain at Allen Allen Street estimating the cost as $3450.21. The cost of the Street part that belongs to Allen Street is $825. drainage, The Board discussed the matter, and decided to lay the matter on the table. Supt. of Public Works was requested to have the Guard guard rails on the streets painted by some.of the rails. unemployed. Special mention was mdde of North Street and Woburn Street guard rails. Supt, was requested to have the telephone at the Town Farm removed if it has not already been done. Mr.,Custance called attention tbr:the fact that Order for water stands in the driveway at Depot Square and felt that Supt. of this should be corrected.by the Highway Dept, Public Wksy, Supt. was also requested to clean up Berwick Road in front of the Seaver property, Supt, was requested to see that Mr. Connors provides a cover for hikagarbage truck. Supt. was authorized to sell everything in the shape of vehicles at the Town Farm. Mr. Custance called attention to the poor condition Magazine of the dynamite ma-azine at the Town Farm and raised a at Town. question as to whether it would be proper to place one Farm. at the Public Works Dept, Building. The Supt, was requested to bring in information in regard to the proper location of a new magazine. Mr. Custance brought up the question of payment to Gabriel Bimoehi who handles the dynamite fir the Town, He has his own truck that is labelled and this truck has passed the inspection of the Insurance 80. He uses his own truck to transport the dynamite and he felt that his pay should be raised from 55 to 65 cents an hour. He felt that this would be the most satisfactory way to pay him inasmuch as it would be hard to tell how many miles he erated the car. oma- The Board felt that this was a f r proposition and voted to increase the ,pay of Gabriel Brucchi from 55 to 65 412 cents an hour beginning May 9th, Attention of the Supt. of Public Works was called to the ..�, fact that he had not cleaned up the trees at the Public Works Dept, Mr. Custance presented a drawing shoving an open shed to be located upon the Public Works Dept. property. This , shed he felt could be partly built out of the material from the Town Farm barn when it is torn down, He felt that the yard of the Public Works Dept. Building should all be cleaned up by men on the unemployed and that the material that is left outside the building should be put away inside the building. He felt that for about a sum of $100. or maybe $50. an entire plan could be drawn of the development of the Public Public Works Dept. property which dould be followed in Works Bldg. the future. The matter was left Lith the Chairman to consult with Edward Ballard relative to having the drawings made. Suptl of Public' Works attention was called to the condition of that part of Winter Street which has been considered winter accepted and on which the Town has done work in the past Street. and it was requested to have some work done to improve the conditions as soon as possible. Special George ML Ross of 45 Hancock Street was appointed Police. a Special Police officer of the Town. Dealer's It was voted to transfer license for a second class license. dealer from Wm. G. Murphy to Thos. Wollen for the business located on 109 Mass. Ave. The Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to the drainage in Curve Street that the work was done in a Curve St, satisfactory manner to thke care of the water up above. Drainage. He stated that some of the old pipes in the former drainage were existing there. The references of Timothy Kinneen, who is an applicant for the position of Plumbing Inspector, were received by the Board. The Board voted to send notices of their intention to lay out Downing Road from Marrett Road to Outlook Drive, a distance of approximately 1050 feet, and Outlook Drive from INachusett Drive southwesterly to its present terminus approximately 1110 feet, The meeting adjourned at 11:57 P,M, A true record, Attest: P