HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-04-26387 MCTMEN'S MEETING APRIL 26, 19320 ' A regular meeting of the selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilcreast, Ferguson and O'Connell were presant.. The erupt. & Olerk were also present. The Board of Assessors came before the Board toldislauss the matter of abatement on the nyder land. They stated that they had gone over the entire proposition and Mr. R der felt that he should be allowed an abatement for the land Hyder included in the roadway which he claimed the `town had taken abatement from Mass. Avenue to Vine Brook Road. He also felt that he should have an abatement for the land in which the sewer is located. The Board informed the Assessors that the roadway has.- not as.not been taken and that it is simply'a Board of Survey lay out and they did not feel that that could be considered any reason for abatement. In regard to the sewer easement, it was d -tided to look up the records. The Assessors stated that they went over some of the buildings and ound some of them to be over- assessed and made a reduction. After going over the entire property, they made a reduction in cash of $1000. They reduced ' the value of the house on Waltham Street from 20,000, to $159W-. They stated that Mr. Ryder felt that the assessment on the land on Waltham Street should be entirely abated owing to the fact that Vine Brook has not been lowered to drain this land. The Board of Selectmen felt that the rAduetion considered by the Board of Assessors was very fair and it should be agreed upon with Mr. Hyder that this reduction should only be made in vier of a compromise to avoid litigation and otherwise the figures should remain as they are. The Assessors also reported having made a negotiation Swenson with Mr. S*enson on the reassessment of his property property, which was agreeable to Mr. Swenson. The Chief of Police came before the Board in regard to the application of Rva Bornstein for a Common Victualler's License. He 'reported that he was not in favor of granting this license, that the place is a regular night club. Some time ago he asked the Selectmen to give orders that It be closed at 11 o'clock owing to the crowd that came around. He also stated that he has many times endeavored BornstAin to convict the Hornstein fa roily of keeping and exposing license. liquor for sale. He stated that it was very hard to find liquor but it is in the immediate vicinity, the Board voted foot to grant the license to Eva Bornstein. The Chairman reported that a man by the name of Mr. Anderson who was interested in some religious society came to his house in regard to the treatment given by the police officers to his representatives. Chief Sullivan stated that he expected Mr. Bidwell to be present to give his story about the representatives that called -at his houses but Mr. Bidwell had an ill attack Chief of and had to return h6me. The Chief explained, however, Police re that these parties went to Mr. BddwellIs house and talked solicitors. with the children and attempted to discourage then from any teachings of the churches. Two officers told them that they did not have any business going from house to house without a permit. They returned again to the Bidwell house, and the Chief went there himself, and warned them. Then two or three other men came to him from Arlington and informed him that these soll6ittbra were ill used. Teh man,however, did not.use proper language to the police officers and the Chief warned them not to solicit in this Town. The Board decided to back the Chief up in his actions. Informal hearing was held on the proposed relocation of Allen Street and Blossom Street, Several of the res*d#nts were present. Mr. James Carroll expressed the opinion that he felt that the old road, now Allen Street p should have some of the curves taken out and fixed up and that it should remain. He Informal did not want to see this street abandoned; hearing, Mr. Slocum felt that the street should not be used as hllen and a through thoroughfare, , Blossom Mr. Costello was Apposed to the new road. Streets. Mr. Moras h, who proposed to develope a part of that section, was present at the hearing and he stated that he approved the layout made Uy the 'down Engineer. He stated that probably later on he would do more developing in that section than what he has now proposed,. Re alto suggested that it might be proper to move Mr. Carroll's barn, which is the old Roberts barn, back a short distance and also suggested "straightening the street opposite Mr. Calderwood's house, and he felt that if this were done it would help the situation on Allen Street and would serve the purpose for some time to come, The Town Egineeer explained that the propose of gettingg the proper lay out of the street was for having . water iristallation and any other 'public utilities for this new development in the proper place. MarW of t1 -:e residents of Waltham Street appsared before the Board in regard to the drainage conditions on Waltham Street, -Mr. Lima stated that he owned 20 acres of land there which was pretty low and he understood that the Town :wanted to drain Allen Street onto his land, andhe had tbo much water there now and did not want any more drained ih on him. Mr. Savage on Valleyfield Street complained that the ditches had been stopped up and the water came in on their place like a reservoir, the water that somes down to the brook that crosses Waltham Street. He felt that the drain should be lowered. This property was just beyond Mr, Bailey's. Mr. Hopkins complained that they had the same condition as Mr. Savage had. Mr. Fred Bailey also felt that the land in that vicinity assessed for $100. an acre, if it were properly drained, would probably bring much more Income to the Town. Mr. McCullough of Concord Avenue also oppke in favor of having some work done. he stated that the main ditch is higbwr than the side ditches and that the wall has knocked the culvert in, causing a bed of rocks in the ditch. The Chairman informed the meeting that he had been in this territory two weeks ago and viewed the situation and felt that there could be some work.done by the unemployed taking the rocks out of the brooks, and felt that it certainly ;would hbilb-the situation. Mr. Thompson stated that his Land is assessed for $200 an.acre and about five or six years ago the Town promised to open the ditches if they would pay one- half the cost to the Tovn. He had five acres of land that could be used if properly drained. He felt that some of the unemployed could be used in doing this work. The Chairman explained that -at the present time the men are being used to plant trees, but when this is done it was the Board's intention to have the men clean out some bf the brooks, Mr. Emery of Bridge Street complained about the drainage from the 2artridge lee Cream Plant which enters the brook that crosses under Waltham Street and is filled with this material. He stated that the ditch was dry the first summer he came there andnwas dry the following summer, but the following year there began to be water in it and now it is filled with this sewagge that has a very bad odor, so much so that they are unable to sleep. Mrs. Emery also complained that her dog drank the water fr an this brook and she called a doetcr and he stated that if there were salt in the ice cream th.dtttthe dog would have 'become ill from drinking this water, and the dog died as a result of drIbIlAgg the water. She complained to.this office and also the County Commissioner's Office. Mr. Arnold also wanted to verify the statement of Mr. and Mrs. Emery, Mr. DeVincent of Concord Avenue had eight acres of land near Mr,`Moran's. He stated that he had lost his crops. he felt something should be dm a about this ditch, Mr. Swenson stated that he owned fifty acres or'lajid for farming and sometimes they do not get any efops owing to the ditches being blocked up and therefor they cannot get any good from the land for which the pay taxes, he was assessed $200, an acre. It used to 50. an acre. #hree trears ago. Mr. Morey together with his Attorney, Mr. Piehl, came before the Beard in regard to the agreement which 'Mr. Custance presented to him.relative to the taking of land 390 on his propprtyyfor the proposed relocation of Burlington Street, Mr. Mordy said that hh could,not be agreeable to any proposition that would move the corner 100 feet closer to his house inasmuch as he boi4ht the place with the idea of ,being away from the traffic and he found eince hbahad par- used the place that a taking had been made of some of his land. He stated that if he wanted to sell the property, he would want to sell it for house lots, but while he purchased it for a'home he did not desire to have any chgnges made. He did not see how any changes that the Board offered to do for him would be of any benefit to him. He also did not feel that the corner needed to be widened out any further Inasmuch as now anyone could go around there fifty miles an hour with perfect safety. In regard to putting in trees, he stated that he did not desire to have any.trees placed nearer the.house than he had at the present time, The Board asked how much dcmage he *Would feeli ke suffered from losing 6500 feet.ef land and three trees and he stated that he did not have the slightest idea in dollars and cents, Mr. Custance informed him that he felt if he owned this property he would crosider this an Improvedend and there would not be any damages. The Chairman stated that there would be a wresting on Monday evening of the Board to go over the Health R�gul ations. Mr, Wrightington came before the Board to discuss the matter of the Zoning Law under section six where 75 feet front- age and 7500 feet area was Pequired for a lot. Mr, Custance stated that on Simonds r1oad there was a rediviBion of lots being made, one party having three lots sold a half of a lot to another plrty owning t * lots so that each party would then have 75 -foot frontage in their lots. The Building Inspector conferred with the Town ,Counsel in regard to the matter of granting a permit for a building and the sown Counsel felt that he was within his rights to grant a permit for the buildings. In regard to the one half lot that was divided, Mr. Wrightington did not want to rule that a building could be placed on the divided lot. Mr. Robert R. Bradley of Outlook Drive came before the. Board in regard to a piece of land owned by Neil McIntosh. MP.Mclntosh Ifiravued Mr. Trask prior to the meeting that he would deed this land to the Town. This land is located at t}ae corner of Marrett Road and Downing Road befteak the Payson property and Downing Road running from Marrett Road approximately 340 feet. Mr, Ralph Pomposo came before the Board and stated that he had been working for the Cemetery Department and was discharged by them. He complained that there was ' a non-citlizen'working for this Department., and that he was let -go. 391 The Board informed him that they had nothing to do with the Cemetery Department but -:they would look into the matter of having this department employ a non -citizen. Mr. Patrick Crosby and Mr. John Donovan of Cliffe Ave. and Theresa Avenue respectively, came before the Board and stated that they petitioned for a sewer some time acro to take care of Cliffs Avenue and'Theresa Avenue and as yet the sewer has not.been put.in. The Board explained to them that this particular section cannot be entered into the ROW Street sewer, and that it Cliffe runs in the other direction and can only be taken care of Ave. by a trunk line sewer coming down from Mill Brook. This Sewer. would be an expense of approximately $134,000. which the Board did not feel at the present time could be spent. Mr. John Corcoran of 18 Woburn Street came before the Board and presented phamplet of the Holland Vacuum Cleaner system of cleaning chimneys and heating plants. He thought Cleaning; that it might be used on the Town buildings. system. The Board informed him that they would look into the matter and advise him whether or not they would take advattage of it. Mr. Arthur C. Yolger of 36 Tucker Avenue came before the Board and presented pictures that he had taken of the condition in front of his house. He stated that when he came before the,Board he was informed that they would go down !there and look the conditions over and instead of reseiving any reply,they sent down men to remove,the natatial which had been dumped in there. 'his leaves a very deep hollow and when there is a little°rain, the wat-r accumulates there. He stated that he did not know whether he was misunderstood the last timewhenhe came before the Board. The fact was that he only wanted a little gravel filling pit in.his driveway so that he could get into the driveway. He stated that there were threei-men down there for -six days.and a truck and the probable cost of removing this material was $325. He presented the.record of April 13, of four men and a truck; April 14,.three men ander foreman; April 15; three men and a foreman; April 16, three men and a foreman; April 18, three men and a foreman; April 20, three men and a foreman and truck, all of this cost for removing the gravel for about thirty-five feet. 3 He asked also why that particular part.of.the street Folger was not put.in last spring when the other part of the property. street was done. . The Board informed him'that-at the first hearing., they understood himtoobject to the.acce'ptance of the street and when he came to see Mr. Custance it war then too lat- for the street to be accepted at that particular Town Meeting. "she Board now requested him to obtain a petition and have the petition signed either for his own roperty or for all the additional property on'the street. e stated that he would endeavor to get all of the property offers on the street sued up 392 Mr. George Wood came before the Board and applied for .position of Slaughter Inspector. he stated that he understood :r -1 - there was a vacancy and he would like to be appointed to the Applications position. He had had experience slaughtering at'Bunzel's for for the past five years. He had lived in Lexington for Slaughter seven ,years and has worked here for fourteen pears. , Inspector. Mr. Frank.Rycroft came before the Board and applied for the position of Slaughter Inspector. He stated that he had experience at Bunzel's place and that he had worked at Somerville and has bean in this business for some tire. He was twenty-five vears old and has lived in Lexington all his life. Mr. eatrick.McDonnell came before the Board in regard to the stl-tement which he stated he had heard that he was asleep on the Park Dept. job. The Board informed him that there must have been some misunderstanding about any statement that had been made - to that effect. Mr. James McKinney came before the Board again and stated that he had used up all his money and he could not Unemploy- find any work and he would be pleased to get four days ment. work if possible. The Board informed him that they would do what they could to give him some work. he also asked whether or not there were any pieces ct broken pipe that could be dumped in for about a distaAce of 35 feet on Moreland Avenue, The residents of the vicinity_ ' Moreland would do the work of endeavoring to fix the street if some Ave. of the broken ends could be put in there. Mr. Castance agreed to see what could be done about getting some pieces of broken pipe. Mr. Alexander Petit came before the Board to see if`any kind of work could be obtained for him. He stated that he had no family, but he desired to get a blacksmith's job Unemploy- in town if possible, or some other kind of work. went. After considering hie marital conditions, the Board decided to inform him that they did not believe he should get any further assistance. Mr. S. R. Wrightington presented a decree drawn up for the Sperandeo case that was satisfactory to the Board. he also presented his bill amounting to $55.30 for services in Sperandeo this case. He called attention to the fact that the Board case• formerly felt that Mr. Sperandeo should pav the bill for his services and the Board therefor instructed the Town Counsel to collect the fee from Mr. Sperandeo. Letter was received from Dr. William L. Barnes, school Physician, in which he asked whether or not he was to carr,r out the duties of giving the Schick test in the schools as has been done in the past, and if the Board would authorise 393 the needles and services necessary to make the Schick test. It was voted to authorize this work. Letter was received from the Town of Arlington.in which they stated that they were interested in the mosquito ' eradication and were considering ways and means of draining the swampy area that lies northeast of the Summer Street poulevard in Arlington, bordering on the line of Lexington. There are already several open trenches in this area rumAlgg to a main outlet trench just beyond Reed Street. This main outlet extends in an irregular course through private lands in Lexington and eventually reaches the I,�rlington Reservoir. Mosquito According to their Engineer, satisfactory results cannot be eradication obtained by lowering the bed for the several trenches in Arlington unless the bed of the main outlet trench in Lexington is lowered. They asked the cooperation of ' Lexington in this work of lowering the bed of the main outlet The Board decided to inform them that they did not have any funds with which to do this work, but they were perfectlywillingto give them permission to.enter and do the work in the To•fln of Lexington. Mr. Frank Serrilla made verbal request through the office that an abatement be made against his three lots on Baker Avenue at the comer of Tucker Avenue of the hi diway assessment of $300. be stated that he had been paying taxes Abatement. on this land for the past twnety-one years, but this year finding it hard to obtain work, he could not keep up the payments, The Board decided to look at the plan to see whether or not they would be justified -in doing anything about this assessment. .Abatements amounting to $638.58 for the Water Abatements. Dept. and $25.83 for the Sewer Dept, were signed by the Board. Counit l.t-bf^dAsebllineous water charges in the amount of $528.75 was also signed by the Board$ Committemnt Committ- of'Sewer charges in the amount of $23. was signed by the ments. B4wrd The Board voted to grant the following list of licenses: HairdressingMary M, Heath 8 Waltham St. Kline M. Thivierge 4 Waltham Ste. Anita G. Thivierge 4 Waltham St. Innholder's License Marren W. Russell 1505 Mass. Ave. George"S, MacAlpine 50 Percy Rd. Common Victualler's ' Will•34km A. Granfield k. Coo. `'or. Marrett Rd . & spring St,. Les. Louis Liggett 1721 oe, Annie Cohen 1556 Mass. Ave. Alcohol Anselm C. Mullin 283 Mass. Ave. 394U� ndertakerts James F. Mcoarth-g 60 Bedford Street Sunday Entertainment Fred B. Bartlett 72 Bedford St. Licenses. George W. Bean 243-245 Bedford Wt. Slaughter House Gustave Bunzol East St. 'limos Holman' Hill Ave. Slaughtering Gustave Bunzel East St. Amos Holman Hill Ave. Pig Permit lty$erls Stock Farm Rear of 40 Maple St. Bill of the Town Counsel, S. R. WrIghtington, 3n the amount of $10 1 for serVioes in the Caroline A. Harrington Town Counsel case was approved. Also bill of $20. for services in the bills. Swenson Tax Appeal case. Letter was received from the Supt, of the 'Nater Vd�t. stating that peti„tIbn was received from Kennoth R. Clark of Berwick Road'ior the extension of 200 feet of six inch Water pipe in Simonds Road. The estimated cost would be $600. It was voted to authorize this extension to be made Extension* providing the guarantee is properly signed. Letter was f"eceived from the State Dept. of Public Health stating that they examined the water on the premises of M. E. Button, Greenwood Street, Lexington, at Mr. Button's request and a statement that he intended to sell Water on the rater from the well. The report stated that the Button well is not safe from which to take water for drlaptgg premises* and other domestic purposes and should not be sold, Notice was received from the Asante Committee on Ways and Means relative to a hearing ion Wednesday April 270 Poom 435, State House, at 10:30 A.M. on Sendate Bill #362 -being in regard to rhe construction of a state highway from Hearing. Alewife Brook'Parkway through Lexington to Condbfd. The ChAirman stated that all the members of the Board were requested to attend this hearing including representatives and senators, and arrangements had been made for a room at the State House at.10 o'clock in the morning. He stated that Bir. Tarbell was in favor of the proposition but that he was anxious that the ten percent charge to Lincoln and the twenty percan.t charge to the Town of Lead ngton be taken over by the State, and for this reason desired to get together and discuss the matter at kO o'clock. The Chairman reported that he and the Health Inspector had visited the -Partridge Ice Cream Plant and there sAbmed Partridge g to be no advice that could be obtained to remedv the Ice Cream conditions. There was a small area of kind to work in. plant. The only suggestion that was made was a'series of cesspools; let one run into another and to put in some chemical that :nigh take rare of the sewage. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that some work should be done on Follen Road widenfing it out to a reasonable width along the Murphy wall. . The Supt. was requested to get estimates on the cost of the construction of a wall along the Murphy property and bring them into the Board's�[t?mae#sr,^ Ise regard to Mr. Collentroppo's request that the Board again consider placing a light at the end of Cottage Street, the toard decided not to grant his request. Letter was received from Mr. W. Benjamin C. Meady in which he stated that he considered the loss and damge to his property as a result of the drainage situation to bo $5821. The Board decided to place this letter on file. ' Mr. Gilcreast reported that he visited Mrs. Elizabeth Adams of 433 Marrett Road in regard to her application for Old Age Assistance. Mrs. Adams presented a statement t6 him in regard to having lived in Beverly sufficient tiTe to prove her twenty year settlement. there has been, however, no proof of her birth presented as yet. Therefor no action was taken on the application. Follen Rd. St. light. Meady drainage matter. Old Age Assistance, Letter was received from Mr. Neil -McIntosh stating that he would be hatisfied with the abatement of $56,80 on interest onwater guarantee on Lincoln Street. McIntosh The Board therefor voted to make this abatement. mbatement. Letter was received from the Chief of Police in *hich he stated that he was opposed to granting a license to Tony Zarella, 2 Bow Street having a C&moron Victualler's Zarella L e. He stated that Mr. Zarella was convicted at license. Concord, March, 1930 for keeping and exposing and the manufacture of intoxicating liquor and was find $50, on each complaint. It was therefor voted iiot to grant this perml6#ion. The Supt. presented bids on the follewing cars: ' J. L. Douglas - 395 The Board voted to confirm their tentative appointment C. Wilder -of Reuben W. Meade of Robinson Road as Slaughter Inspector Slaughter to take the place of George A. Warner, deceased. Inspector. Request was received for shade trees from Elizabebh. Ford ' M. Maynard in front of 35 Dexter Road; also from Harold G. 8 Bowen asking for two trees in front of lots 17 to 20 Dexter Road. The applications were referred to the Chairman for his attention. The Chairman reported that he and Mr. Scamman went " over the matter of trees on Sunday. Shade Trees. Mr. O'Connell requested that some trees be put in on Woburn Stre-t. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that some work should be done on Follen Road widenfing it out to a reasonable width along the Murphy wall. . The Supt. was requested to get estimates on the cost of the construction of a wall along the Murphy property and bring them into the Board's�[t?mae#sr,^ Ise regard to Mr. Collentroppo's request that the Board again consider placing a light at the end of Cottage Street, the toard decided not to grant his request. Letter was received from Mr. W. Benjamin C. Meady in which he stated that he considered the loss and damge to his property as a result of the drainage situation to bo $5821. The Board decided to place this letter on file. ' Mr. Gilcreast reported that he visited Mrs. Elizabeth Adams of 433 Marrett Road in regard to her application for Old Age Assistance. Mrs. Adams presented a statement t6 him in regard to having lived in Beverly sufficient tiTe to prove her twenty year settlement. there has been, however, no proof of her birth presented as yet. Therefor no action was taken on the application. Follen Rd. St. light. Meady drainage matter. Old Age Assistance, Letter was received from Mr. Neil -McIntosh stating that he would be hatisfied with the abatement of $56,80 on interest onwater guarantee on Lincoln Street. McIntosh The Board therefor voted to make this abatement. mbatement. Letter was received from the Chief of Police in *hich he stated that he was opposed to granting a license to Tony Zarella, 2 Bow Street having a C&moron Victualler's Zarella L e. He stated that Mr. Zarella was convicted at license. Concord, March, 1930 for keeping and exposing and the manufacture of intoxicating liquor and was find $50, on each complaint. It was therefor voted iiot to grant this perml6#ion. The Supt. presented bids on the follewing cars: ' J. L. Douglas - Plymouth - $426.50 C. Wilder Essex - 810100 .F.K.Johnson - Chevrolet - 289,00 Calvin W. Childs- Ford 275.00 8 cirlinder - 325.00 - Allowance $305:. Bids on cars. 256. 396 It was voted to purchase the car of F. N. 4hnson at a net price of $289. tiC The Supt, of Public Works recommended that the looAtion of a manhole on Oakland Street be moved to the Manhole. line between the Lewis and -Hathaway property. This ' recommendation was approved by the Board. Supt. of Public Works reported that a town man building a sewer manhole built the one that Was done Manhole. as a try -out for $32.88. They have not as yet compared the one that Mr. Dacey was to build for comparison. Supt. of Public Workslattention was called to a dump on Waltham Street near Allen St. and Kendall Rd. Dump. He was requested to .abk the Chief of Police to do something about prohibiting dumping. Supt, of Public Works was also requested to bring Sewer, in figures on the cost of a sewer so the the residents of Theresa and Cliffe Avenues could connect. In regard to Nr,,Pol#er's regnest,.the Board decided not to do anything ftLrther except to send him the applics.tions for acceptance of the balance of the street. Mr: Custance stated the he would like to hard the members of the Board view the samples that were put on the ?u1plic Works Building for painting. He also Galled Ct Public V1trks attention to the fact that he thought the building should Buildings have a second coat of paint and that Mr. Tobin gave a ' bid of.$220 for the second„ The Board felt that a furthAr bid should be secured on the econd coat inasmuch as the original bid was $484. t was decided to leave it to the Chairman to order a�.second coat done if he felt it was necessary. Old Age Mr. 611creast reported that Anna E. Bedell and Assistance. Ella Bedell Hollins of 1 Blossom Street decided that they did not want to apply for Old. Age Assistance. The meeting adjourned at 12:55 A.M, A true record, Attest: Clerk.