HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-04-05SELECTMETd' S 1EE1'ING 365
APRIL 5, 1932.
A regular me -tint; of tiie S -:I ect ne . was t.el 1 in the
Se:Lect?den's Room, Torun Office •wilding, at 7:30 P.M.
Messr Trask, Custance, Cilcrc:a.5t, Ferguson, and
OyConneLl were .resent.
Bids <ei°e received on water loan of *.20,000. dated
ANril 1, 1932 and ayab:Le $4,000 yearly beginning 1933
as follows:
P'. 6. Aosley 100.513
Brown Bros.Harriman Co. 100.4825 Bids,.
Estabrook & Co. 100.44 Water loan..
Chase, Harris & Forbes Corp. 100:167
Goad, Judge & Co. 100.179
Lex. Trust Co. 100.129
The bid +:vas a-�iard^ to F. 0. Mosley ::object to
their confirmation by letter.
Bids were received on the painting of the Public 1horks
Building, as follows:,
Frank H. 'Tobin $484.00 Bids,
Andresen Bros. 52.3.20 Painting
Edward H. Mara 595.00 Public Works
�,il-iam Jones 490.00 Bldg.
The Board voted ;to award the bid to Frank B.
It was also voted to request dr. �-%ustance to
oversee ah'e wotk to_ be done:
Mr. Finnigan, 1r. Ross, Mr. Fayet, and Ir. O'Brien
from the Torun of Be'_aont ct.ne`before the Board and explained
that they had a group of boys -.Tho have been trained under
the leadership of major bullivan who would like -to play
and march in the 19th of April parade here in Lexington. The
boys were from 12 to 17 years of age and have been drilling
considerably this year, and they now have new uniforms of April
red, white and blue, and being from a neighboring town they 19th.
felt that they should have an opportunity to march.
Mr. Trask info-med them that this was a matter that was
entirely in the hands (6f the April 19th Committee, Mr. Ezra
F. Breed, being Chairman, and they would have to consult with,
him. They also reminded him that there was very little money
available to hire outside talent. However, Mr. Breed would
give the matter his attention.
Permit was grtn ted to Ryders.Stock Farm Inc. to Garbage
transport garbage in the Town of Lexington. License.
Auctibrieer's license was granted to Frederic B. Auctioneer's
Hubley, 16 Barnes Plume. license.
Appfieation te,bblard: tafaw&& wdstire ceivedvtiom
Marion Hankard, 8 Garfield St.
Same was referred to the Clerk for attention.
3 �j
`�� First r109 agents license was granted to the Master
Service Station Inc. Rear 1709 Mass. Avenue.
Mr. Arthur Folger of 26 Tucker Avenue came before the
Board together with Mr. P. J. Neary. Mr. Folger stated
that he owns property on Tucker Avenue, lots 417 and 418,
and that the Highway 'dept. had filled gravel in in front
of his premises 26 inches from the top of the ground to his
land. This is beyond the point where the street was accepted.
He stated that he had ordered coal delivered to him
and the Coal Co. would not deliver it inasnrach as they
could not get into his driveway. It did not happen that -
he was so much in need of coal but that he could get along
without -it. He stated that .this gravel that was put in
caused a pool of water which has flooded his cellar.
Mr. Scamman informed h.m that when they finished the
job it will be in good condition.
Mr. Folger stated that instead of keeping the water
out of his premises, the gravel has caused a pond and !`;e
wanted something done about his driveway. He felt that if
the Board went down there end took the gravel away that
would not tare away the damage that it has already caused.
He stfited that the filling was done for about 35 feet,
w:,rich was more t' an one half of his lot and that you
could not drive an automobile down there. He stated
that while the street was being .fixed-, all the trucks
carrying material came up Aarville Avenue and nut the
street in very bad condition. He also called attention
to a drain in Tucker Avenue that had.fallen in. He
felt that the easiest way to repair the condition was
to fill in his driveway and fill in the rest of the way
which would be about 25 feet more.
The Board agreed to Cro down and look at,the situation
before the next meeting.
Mr. Barcelona of the Modern Construction Co, came
before the Board end requested that he be given an
opportunity to do some of the Town's construction work
this year. He had with him Mr. Palladina, and he stated
that he had done construction work for a great many years
and had built roads in Shrewsbury and Gardner.
The Chairman informed him that the Town has done
all its own construction work .for several years and that
no contract had been let out for outside work.
Mr. Gilcreast called the Supt. of Public Work's
attention to the fact that Mr. Haynes of Hill Street
desired to have some fill put in on his premises; that
he would be willing to spread it himself to keep the drainage
off his land.
The Supt. was requested to dump in two loads of
gravel to remedy the condition.
The Chairman cAlled attention to the fact that
Mr. McCormack employed on the Water Dept., requested
that he be paid at the rate that he received last year
for his vacation taken for the year 1931.
V The Board did. not. b(Ueve- that this was -a-fair- . -
request to ma' -.e, an,-.-. did not- believe- that -Mr...licCormack
was entitled -to --that consideration anCi the efor voted
topay him at the sWil = rate that he was now receiving
for his vacation.
The Chairman reported that some tilme ago when
the Water main was laid in l000d Street, a connection
was rade by the eater Dept. to tho property of Linn
B. Swain. He had not at that time signed the guarantee
and after the water.was connected, he refused to sign
the guarantee stating that conditions had changed and
he was not able to sign it. Last fall the Boa -rd
notified h m that if he did not sign the guarantee bond
that they would shut 'tile 'nater off. At that time, Ar.
Swain m,-ved. Recently, however, he sold the property
and re nested that the water be tur_i^d (.n.
The Boars! aft=r considering the matter did not see
any way, as long as the water is in the strut, that it
cold be withheld from th,-, purch.,,ser cf the pro,�erty
and decided to have the water turner', on.
Mr. O'Connell be'iev-I,d thct there could be a guarantee
bond drawn up that could be filed in East Cambridge as
a lien against the )roperty. He was therefor requested
to draw up - such a form of bond.
It was decided to reluest the Town Counse' to
communicate with ,Ir. Collins, Attorney for Mr. S,erandeo,
and have an a-reement drawn up for 'lir. Spera ideo to
sign agreeing not to use the bui-ding owned by him as
a dwelling.
The Boars again ciscussed the matter of office
of 'lambing Insfectcr an:: decided to request the Chairman
to advise Jr. Bain that his office wil holt over Antil
such time as an ap,ointcnent was made to that position.
Application was received from Mr. Patrick 1cDonnell
of 120 Woburn Street for the position of Plumbing Inspector.
It was voted th 3,t the Chairman request the Civil
Service Co_imission to hold the necessary examination so that
the Town may put a properly qualified man in the position
of Plumbing Inspector and that Mr. Patrick'McDonnell'S
application be given consideration.
Mr. O'Connell stated that within a week he expected
to have permission to tear dolrvn the Old Paint Shop
Building at Mass. Ave.
Mr. Prentiss, Health Inspector, came before the
Board and retorted on the complaint received that
garbage was being dum>ed in the back yard at 25 Parker
Street at the home of Stephen Hamblen. He requested that the
contractor be asked to call at these premises.
The Health Inspector a11a_rePorte, complaint
receiv d relative to the family occupying the house at
516 Mass. Avenue keeping rabbits in the back room. He
inspected the premises and fount! the report true and
notified them to dispose of +h -.n within a week.
He reported complaintthathens we-e being kept in
the cellar of the house on 6hade Street occupied. by—
Edward A. Meaney and he ins;ected the premises and found
this to be true and notified the f'ami_y to remove the
He called attention to the fact that since thee.
brush and trees have been cleaned up on Lowell StrOet
a lot of rubbish has been exposed. It is very unhealthy,
and unsightly. He suggested that some of the unemployed
be used for day or two to clean u_� Lowell Street.`
He also called attention to the condition of
Bow Street in back of Cataldo's house where several
old. automobil-s have been dumpnt ani suggested that the
;remises be cleaned up.
He enclosed copies of letter on the complaints`
In regai-J to -he ho.)se of Edward A. Maaney, Mr.
Prentiss st,,-ted that there was one foot of writer in
the cellar and he was informed that during the winter
the water was so high it ,ut the heater out. grater,
has been pumy7ed out but still it runs in. He recommended
that the Town install some drainage.
Lettr was received from the Lexington Cm-operative
Bank in which they called atten!'ion to the drainage
condition at the house occuy'i-sd by Mrs. Virginia Meany,
Shade Street, :'They stated that they had received a
Tetter from her Atto- ney threatenin. suit against the
bank on account f the rater in her cellar. After
investigating, they found that the flooding was caused
entirely by the grading of 4h street and insufficient
street drainage. They wished to give notice in case
of` litigation 'hey fe-el justified in bringing suit against
the Town for any damages tht may accrue against the
The Board decided to view the conditions and
consider th matter at the next meeting.
Mr. Prentiss discussed with the Board the advisability
of having ;arbage collections more often. H= felt that
'he contractor's attention should be called to this fact
and that the Board should order more frequent collections
inasmuch as many complaints are being received that the
garbage is not collected ev--,n once a week.
The Chairman was requested to co,amunicate with
dr. Connors and request th_tt he maize more frequent
collections of tarbage and to tali his attention to the
fact that complaints have, been received about collections
and also call' his attention to the fact that if ne does not
comply with the request c the Board they will, have -to
communicate with the bonding comNany in - ega-c� '.o- rile mann- r in
which he is carrying out his contract*
Mr. Prentiss requested that he be°allowed five
gallons of gasoline a week toward his transportation.
on health cases.
He was requested a keep track of the time that he
put in and the cost for one month and report to-the
Board, also to keep track of his mileage.
Mr. Prentiss reported having received a complaint
about the Ryde3Ypiggery and that he would investigate-the piggery.
matter again.
Letter was received from Mr. Prentiss in which he
enclosed a copy of order sent to Mr. Justin Shea,
Oxford Cout, Cambridge, red.-tine to the ces:sppol at
517^Mass. Avenue.
The Board signed a permit to peddle bakery products Pdddler's
in the Town for Akexius Smith., 36 Rindge Avenue, East
Mr. Gilcreast reported in regard to the application
of Frank Canisius that he recommended $7. per week and
Canistus &
that together with the $8. that Yrs. Canisius is now
Kendall, Old
receiving should be enough to carry them along very
Age Assistance
In regard to the application of William A. Kendall
it was decided to lay this application oh the taiole.
It was voted to grant a transportation of garbage
license to Ryders Stock Farm,Tnc. at 24 Maple Street.
Mr. Custance felt that oftde trees should bq
pU4rchased under specifications providing the type Of
tree needed for the Town. He felt that the Board
should put in at least 150 trees, and the Chairman mfs
therefor requested to have specifications drawn up
Shade trees.
calling for shade trees necessary for various parts of
the Town, to the extent of $300.
Mr. O'Connell reported that: after conferring with
the Attorney General's office, they advised him that
Sale of
a by-law would be of no great value relative to the
sale of personal property of the Town, However, he
would get this in writing.
The Board reported having viewed the Meady
Mead Y proper.
property and find that Mr. Meady has put in a drain
now in the cellar of house and the conditions are
now all corrected.
It was voted to grant a Liquor License to Ernest
Liquor licensE
C. Martin to do business at 1793 Mass. Avenue.
It was voted to grant a license for a Miniature
-Golf Course
Golf Course to Fred Bartlett to operate his course on
Bedford Street, Lexingtolfto
370 W;;;b
Last year the fee for this golf course was $25.
The Board felt that in view of present conditions that
it might be well to reduce the charge to $10. for this
license and therefor voted to do so.
Application was received from Miss Madeline C. NewellCary '
fob the use of Cary Memorial Hall on May 7th for the
Kemorial theatrical "Little Women" for the benefit of the
rental. ;.Frdnces Willard Settlement. They requested the reduced
rates. .
The Board voted to grant the use of the hall for
the afternoon and evening for $25.
Mr. Walter Temple of York Street was drawn as a
Juror, juror for the criminal session.
Dental It was voted to appoint Mrs. Florence E. Gilcreast
Clinic as a memberoSf the Dental Clinic Oommittee to take the
Committee. place of Mrs. Robert H. Holt, resigned.
Constable's The bond of Patrick J. Maguire as Constable was
bond. approved by the Board.
Circular letter was received from Melrose in regard
Bill to the filing of the bill relative to County expenditures.
proposed As yet, however, the copies of the proposed bill have
by not been received by this Board.
The Board discussed the figures on the cost of
condtruction of Allen Street and requested the Supt.
Allen of Public Works to bring in a plan showing the work that
Street, was proposed to be done on this street.
Mr. Custance reported that he was not ready as yet
to report any definite plans on the relocation of Oak
of Oak St.
It was voted to appoint the following members of the
old Age
Board of Selectmen as the Board of Old Age Assistance.
Mr. John E. Gilcreast, Mr. Chas. E. Ferguson and Mr.
Daniel J. O'Connell.
Supt. of Public Works attention was called to the fact
that he has not as yet placed the bus stop sign on Waltham
The Board discussed the matter of Unemployment Relief.
Mr. Trask reported that about forty -yen were now working
from two to five days each week and that the funds of the
Unemployment Relief were getting low and he felt that
something must be done to save what little money is left
for emergency cases in the fall.
After considering the matter, the Board voted that
notice should be sent to -the unemployed that next week
they will be allowed two day's work and after that they will
not be allowed any further work.
The plan of Burlington Street was before the Board
and Mr. Custance reported having talked the matter over
of the taking with Mr. Morey to find out what his position
would be in regard to the taking of his property.
Mr. Custance presented an agreement which he felt might
be agreed upon between the Board and Mr. Morey when they decided
to lay out the street.
The Board felt that the last far agraph of the agreement
' in regard to damages ,wherein the $oard would agree to recommend
to the Town the payment of a sum not in excess of $300. should
be left off the agreement. They requested Mr. Custance to talk
with Mr. Morey to see whether or not he would be agreeable to
the other items in the proposal and report to the Board at the next
Mr. Custance also reported that he would like to see shade
trees planted around the end of the street if the cut-off is
The Chairman reported that the Chief of Police talked with
him in regard to placing some kind of sign to slow down the
traffic in Bast Lexington between Pleasant Street and Curve Traffic
Street. The Board felt that the school signs should be erected signs.
and also illuminated "Slow Signs", and requested the Supt; of
Public Works to erect these signs.
Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that Mr. Napoli
has to apply for a permit for a roadside stand befcr e the Board
of Appeals each year and a charge of $10.00 is made for the advertising.
Mr. Napoli fellt that this is a hardship and Mr. Custance felt that
the Board should be able to make some recommendations to the Napoli
Board of Appeals relative to the charge to be made after the stand.
first payment is made of $10.
In regard to the drain near the Gorman property at the corner
' of Reed Street and. Bedford Street, Supt. of Public Works reported
that he fould the culvert across Bedford Street was blocked and
that 17e is putting in a 30 inch pipe that would carry to the end Gorman
of the Old culvert and across the street. property
Mr. Custance suggested instead of Akron pipe that they use
a reinforced concrete pipe under Bedford Street.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Warks
recommending the purchase of a tractor. He feltrthat the
tractor he recommended to the Board last week could be Tractor.
used for many purposes.
'-�he Board felt that Mr. Scamman should look into the
purchase of the Fordson Tractor and also to find out .
what the allowance would be for turning in the present
tractor. It was felt also that it was not certain that
the attachments could be obtained for the tractor recommended
by Mr. Scamman.
If Mr. Scamman desired to rent the tractor on hand at
the present time, he was instructed to secure a written
agreement from the Company that this in no way will bind him
to make a purchase.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
A true record, Attest: