HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-02-02311. SELECTMEN'S MEETING �'EBRUARE 23, 1932. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Gilereast were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. A delegation headed by the Rev:. R. M..ftsht(In came before the Board to protest against the moving picture being held on February 7th at the Lexington 'Pheater for the benefit of the unemployed. Mr. Rushton stated that they were entirely in sympathy with the movement to aid the unemployed, but they felt that having an opening wedge for Sunday movies with the excuse that the funds were being raised for the unemployed would give Mr. Viano •an opportunity to request permiersion to have Sunday movies at a later date. Mr. William I. Brown, Miss Alice Newell, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Margaret Jackson also expressed their opinion as being opposed to the Sunday movies. • Mr. Rushton suggested that a show be held in the Benefit Ca' Memorial Building during the week two or three Sunday Movie. nights and that the'show be advertised through the churches. Mr. Rushton►s attention was called to the fact that the Layments League had a.show for the benefit of the -Public Health Association and that this show failed inasmuch as theL'people in the Town refused to attend. Their attention was also called to the fact that the Town did not' have any arrangement for talkies and that people would'rather go to a theater where all the facilities are prove. ded. Mr. -Trask, being Chairman of the Unemployment Committee informed the delegation that they had in the past granted the use of the theater for a Sunday show to the Sons of Italy, but this in na,.�.way would. infILAerms the present Board of Selectmen to gran t Sunday movie's for commercial use, and that some time ago Mr. Viano made this offer to use his theater and the offer was accepted by the Selectmen. Now the opportunity has arrived and they were going to take advantage of Mr.•Viano►s offer. The BOAbd d1saussed the matter after the delegation retired, and voted to approve the license for the Sunday show to be held on February 7th, same to _ be sent to the State House for approval. It was felt that advertisement . had been given for this Sunday show, End that the objectors could have objected at an earlier date, but at the rresent time the tickets were printed for the show. Mr. M. E. S. Clemons, Attorney for Sam Lippa, came before the Board together with Town Counsel Wrightington in regard to the matter of water pipe in Fottler Avenue. Mr. Clemons informed the Board that he was'of the op3# ALO r tha t Mr. Lappa now owns the wager pipe inasmuch as h�, had ebtained releases from the abutting owners Water pipe, .tpxcept in one case. He felt, therefor, that Mr. L10pa Fottler Ave. hail title to the property the Town_wea.s now using and it was up to the Town to reimburse him. gg The Board considered the figure presented by the Toown counsel to getafurttherrinformation.ronutheematter. 312 Jurors. Bridge 9t. Guarantees. The Board discussed various other water mains which were purchased under the same circumstances. William W. Reed, 57 Meriam Street, was drawn as a juror for the criminal session. .William J. Marshall, 9 Independence Avenue,was drawn as a juror for civil session, Town Counsel reported that he had started suit on the collection of the Bridge Street guarantees of Jones and Gartland. Town Counsel also reparted that the Building Inspector informed him that the original structure of Sperandeo the Sperandso house was not built under a permit and house. asked whether or not the Board desired to have the original building removed. The.Bo and referred this matter to the TaN n Counsel. Mr. Albert H. Burnham came before the Board to inform them that he , consulted with the Highway Commissioners In regard to the State paying land damages on Concord Ave. He also inquired as to how they arrived at the amount ct Concord Ave. -$2000000. for damages, and was informed by Mr. Dean that Mr. Pillsbury just made a guess at the amount. Mr. Burnham suggested that $50,000 would be a sufficient sum. He also stated that Belmont stotes they will refuse to pay the land damages . Concord was opposed to having the highway come into Concord. Mr. Custance suggested that the Town Engineer who was present make a computation of the awards on Concord Avenue and he felt that then this was done, the Board would have something more definite to work on. Mr. Burnham was informed that the Board were in favor of House Bill #11300 the same being a bill to allow the County Commissioners to arrange fox* the House Bill financing of the taost to the 'Towns for the Middlesex #1130. County Tuberculosis Hospital although they did not intend to take advantage of the Act. It was proposed to make an appropriation of $12 350.06 and a Bond issue of $26,000, for Lexingtonts whale. 1 Commitment of water rates for the third section Commitmenta, in the amount of $2911.48 was signed by the Board. Sewer rental charges for the third section in the .amount of $204.29 was signed by the Board. Letter was received from the Bureau of Old Age Assistance in which they stated that they would not Old Age allow old age assistance in the case of Agnes J. Assistance, Lothrop of B16ftfield st:re6t inasmuch as she was not Lothrop case. living in her own home. It happens that this property was sold this last week for the sum of $5800. Mr. Gilcreast agreed to communicate with the Attorney, Mr. Walcott to gat a statement of the sale of the property and'if Mrs. Lothrop got any money out of the property for herself. e In regard to the application of Mrs. Jennig)Grant 1 1 1 n Hoyt, Mr. Gilereast reported that he investigated the matter 313 again and believed that Mrs. Hoyt was entitled to $5. Hoyt, A Old a week so that she could pay her doctor's bills. Assistance.,, It was therefor voted to grant $5. per week to Mrs. Jennie Grant Hoyt, Mr. Gilereast repotted that he hadmade an investigation of the application of Mr. John Hanson, 16 Franklin Avenue, and found that all indications of Mr. Hanson's daughters Hanson, home did not show any need for assistance. Old AgeAssistance. The Board therefor decided to lay this application on the table until further notice. In regard to the application of Charles S. Cutter, it was voted not to extend Old Aoe Assistance longer than a period of tart weeks. It was voted to reduce the pay of the election officers as follows: Wardens reduced from 12. to $10; other officers from $8.00 to $6.00. The Clerk was requested to secure a bid -on the printing of the Sewer Survey report both as a part of the Town report and as a separate report. Cutter, Old Age Assistance. Sewer Report Letter was received from Elvin E. Baker, 10 Curve St. in which he complained of the condition of 'the drhin in Curve Street.neur his property. He felt that this project was an important one and should receive attention and although it had been broaht.to attention for over three years, nothing had been done. He felt that the arch of the culvert under the north end of Curve Street needed to be rebuilt and the foundation lowered to take care of even ordinary surface water, Drain, Curve let alone flood water. St. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that drainage water has been dumped into this brook from the new development near Independence Avenue, and that the drat n runs under the buildings_ of Pichette and Ahern down into Curve Street and that ,_something _should be done to remddy the conditions. The Board voted to instruct the Supt. of Public Works to have this Work cion. They also informed him that he could use the unemployed for labor to do this work. Letter was received from the Mass. State Grange Executive Committee in which they asked the position of the Board in regard to the Old Age Assistance law in its Old Age present form of operation. They asked that the matter Assi.9tance be submitted to the voters of the Town. tv- give their Lai. opinion. The Board felt that same-aaggestions might be received from thb Grange as to how_ they felt. abo It the _law and requested therm to submit.ang suggestions that they might have. Letter was received from the Chief of the Fire Dept. in which he stated that he regretted that the.Board of Fire Engineerscould not ccmply with the request of the Budgets Board of .Selectmen to reduce the approp'?iati on of the Fine Department to $37,000. The Chairman reported that s: 314 the Fire Dept* and the Tax Collector were the only two that did not endeavor to comply with the request of the Board to reduce their budget. Report was received from Mr. A.A. Ross of the accident on Mass. Avenue on Jarrat -y 20th to J. A.. Muehling. He stated that the accident happened shortly after -the SBwer Dept. employee; has flushed the'sewers on Masa. Ave. The cover on this' particular manhole had become sealed Accident during the summer months with asphalt or tar,n and 'of course it was necessary, to'b reak the seal when fluffing the sewers. Upon investigation, he round that the cover.had a slight crack through the middle which perhaps had some thing to do with the eowerIs flying off and causing, the , accident. This cover, together with all others found to be cracked, has been replaced with a new cover. *Mr. Ross also recommended that a special type of cover such as are used, on.the thunk line sewers designed by McClintock & Woodfall be used in the future on roads that were heavily travelled and this might avoid any future accidents of this type. Mr. Scamman reported that he had not been able to, gi;t the details as to the damage caused to the car. The Chairman called attention to the fact that he felt that many chArges were made to the Highway Maintenance Account that did not belong there,, for instance paint, labor, signs and posts used for traffic regulation, and Accounts. felt that a new account should be started called Traffic Reaul.ati on m d Control to take in the accounts now called Automatic 751gnald,and Traffic Beacons and mal y of the items that had been charged to Highwgy Maintenance, and it was therefor voted to start this account. The Chairman felt that the estimate for this account should be $1400. Report. The annual report of the' Milk Inspector. and Hed.lth Inspector leas approved by the Board. The Health Inspector also reported on' his inspection of Beauty Parlors and Barber Shops* He statedthat he found that proper sterilization of the instruments was not being carried on and that he communicated with the pro - Health prietors and requested that they cooperate with the $pard matters. of Health in this matter and provide proper sterilization. In response to the complaint of Vencenzio D'Angelo he stated that--he:iinspected the property and found no facilities for using water in the bathroom, and fhalVthe toilet was being flushed by -using a pail of water, and an outhouse in a shed next to the kitchen was being used. He communicate with the owner, Joseph DeFelicei and requested him to correct these conditions at once. He also reported an inspection of stores, and that he found the First National Store and Leaf►s Spa in North Lexington were unsanitary. At the Firtit National Store the toilet and washing; facilities were out of order, dirty water in milk__rb_estj:_gnd garbage and waste ..matter: at the rear of the store. At Leafts Spa he found dirty ice cream ladles, dirty ice cream cabinet, no provisions for hot water for washinglasses, etc., and cellar sn Ma of store dirty. He sated that he Witted with trfie L J Tranpportation of Garbage license was granted to Garbage License William G. Potter. Walnut Street. . The paragraphs of the Hoard of Selectmen's report relative to Board of Health and Old Age Assistance were approved by the Board. Reports. ' It was voted to allow Mr. Albert Ross to obtain 25 copies of the W4ter Dept* report to be printed separately. The meeting adjourned at 11;15 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 315 proprietors and requested that the conditions be remedied at once. He further stated that he approved the applicatidn of Wm. G. Potter to transport garbage, and the license of Patrick Shanahan -to pasteurize milk. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he stated that Mr. Howard of the E.E.I.Co. called to see if the Town.would continue the one hour service from five to six in the morning. He reported that Bedford desires this service until the first of March. Street The service would cost the Town approximately $3.31 a day Lights. for the month of February, a total of $82.75 £or the month. In regard to the application of Joseph R. Lees for Military Aid and Soldier's .Relief, the Board decided to Lees,re give Mr. Lees two days a week work instead of granting Soldiers Sol Relief, dier s Relief. Request was received from the American Legion Auxiliary that they be allowed to have smoking at the bridrTe to he held February 4th at the Cary Memorial Hall, The matter was left with the Chairman to decide. Tranpportation of Garbage license was granted to Garbage License William G. Potter. Walnut Street. . The paragraphs of the Hoard of Selectmen's report relative to Board of Health and Old Age Assistance were approved by the Board. Reports. ' It was voted to allow Mr. Albert Ross to obtain 25 copies of the W4ter Dept* report to be printed separately. The meeting adjourned at 11;15 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1