HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-01-26306 SELECTMENIS MEETING JANUARY 26, 1932. ' A rear meeting of the Selectmen was held lit the Selectmen s Room, Town Off -ice Building,'at 7630 P.M. Messrs.. Trask, etaasce; $lake, 6hdz9ft,,-^az4"Gil areas t were present. - The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Letter was received from Mayor James M. Curley House in which he -called attention to a meeting in the Cite Bill Council Chamber, Boston City. Hall on Thursday, Janu.axly #1094, 28, at 2 P.M. to disuess House Bill #1094, same being consideration of the advisability of coordination, in governmental activities in Metropolitan Boston, This matter wao,referred to the Chairman, Letter wEs rec%ived from Massachusetts,Assooiatiqu of Boards of Health in regard to House Bill 084 rdquiring HousBills Smallpox vaccination before admisaloul ,tb private .schools. Bill' It was decide to inform the Sen.atcw that the Board was.ln, favor df this bill requiring the vaccination, Letter was received from the Supt, of Water and Bower Dept. in which he gave information in regarc$ Water to water guaranties on Bridge St. This information waebto �a Wter give 13agito the Town Counsel in connection with his wait .4LInst Bridge Sty a tlar ':sftd' xes ;lbr not pa is their wr4ter guaranties 8 on this street. . Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he enclosed a check for $279.60 to cover the settlement of suit brought against the Executor, John J. Burns, of Town the Estate of Susan E. Smith late of Waltham for the -Oounsel,. perpetual care of her burial lot in Munroe Cemetery* D Letter was received from Pillsbury, Dana, Young Shell and Moulton representing the Shell Eastern Petroleum Eastern; Products Co, in which they stated in regard to the Petrole a pet-ition of Roland W. Baldrey and others to revoke that Products license of the Shell Eastern Petroleum Products Co. at the Co. corner of Maple St. and Mass. Ave., that as a result of the hearing they have ishown a spirit of friandly cooperation, a,nd have abandoned the all dight service and also have remaved signs which were objectionable, and they have also reserved the right to raise again the question as to the propriety of furnieging twenty-four hour service, The Board voted in view of the position of the company to dismiss the petition and so informed Mr. Baldrey and the Shell Eastern Petroleum Products Co, Request wis received from the Sacred Heart Church Use of asking for the reduced rate for the use of the Cary Memorial Cary Mem. Hall on April 18.' The Board voted to grant permission Hall. for,the rate Of $25. At 7;45 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of the E.E.I. Co. to set and remove one pole E.E.I,Co. at the corner of Lowell and North Sts. No persons appasared to object, and it was voted to grant the permit, Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he enclosed a check for $279.60 to cover the settlement of suit brought against the Executor, John J. Burns, of Town the Estate of Susan E. Smith late of Waltham for the -Oounsel,. perpetual care of her burial lot in Munroe Cemetery* D He 44closed bill of $129.50 payable to him:for his 307 service in this case. Bussell I. Prentiss came before the Board to explain his investigation of the complaint of Vincent D'Angelo of the house in which he lives on Ward Street owned by D'Angelo Joseph DeFelice. Mr. Prentiss was requested to bring in complain. a report in writing in this case'. It was also decided to request the Building Inspector to report whether or not the owner of the ouse was violatin the Zoning Law' by allowing two'families to live in this house in a one family district. Mr. Prentiss also stated that he had made an Inspection of the Beauty Parlors in the Town and the Beauty Barber Shops.i He stated that they do not propertyParlors & sterilize the combs. He stated that the proper. Barber Shops manner to 'sterilize them is to wash them with: soap and water and then put them in formaldehyde. Mr. Prentiss was authorized to wri$e to the Barber Shops and. Beauty Parlors asking them to comply with the regulations of the Board of Health by sterilizing their Instruments* Bir. Prentiss was requested to make a detailed report to the Board of the conditions he found in each Barber Shop Pasteurization of Milk License of P4trick Shanahan was approved by the Board. The Board viewed the reports of the Supt, of`'Streets, Ch1ef of the Fire Dept., and Forest Ward4n and voted Report. ' to approve these reports. The matter was'-16ft with the fthirman to view the Supt. of.Publie Works report. The matter of the hearing on Dowing Rd. and -Outlook Hearing,.. Drive was referred to Mr. Custance. The applications for Old Age Assistance of Jennie Old Age Hoyt and John Hanson were referred to Mr. John E. Assistance. Gilcreast to investigate again. Letter was received from the County Commissioners in regard to the bill which was before the Legislature to enable the County to finance the cost of the Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital beyond April lat. 1932 so Legislative that the Towns and Cities that are not able'to reimburse Bill. the CouAty will be financed during that time, . Mr, Custance reported in.regard to the Lowell Street Lowell St, agreement that Bir. Ryder had agreed to present this agreement agraA- at an early date. ment. Notioe was reoeived of a hearing to beheld on Jan• 27 at the State House at which time discussion was to be 46d on Blouse Bill #43, Mr. John E. Gilereast was requested to attend this hearing and inform them that the Board was in favor of the project of the construction of Concord Avenue as a State project,, and that the State should pair all the.land damages'as the town was not in favor of paying any land damages," House Bill #43. 308 Mr. Alexander Quinn, -Mr. Eugene T. Ruckiey, and Mr. CA Frank P. Cutter came before the Board in regard to the approval of the lotting plan showing the lotting of the r`= Quinn Quinn land adjacent to the street recently approved property. across his property. _ The Board acting as a Board of Survey approved the lotting plan. Mr. Trask presented a letter which he had sent ito, the various departments of the Town requesting them `td' reduce their budget as low as possible, and in some, instances setting forth the amount the Selectmen aid the Appropriation Committee felt might be extablihhed for each department and requesting that the statements be filed with the Selectmen on or before Friday, Jan. `nth. Budget. The Roard deiseussed the advisability -of puit�ng a notice in the paper relative to what -the Bbard intends to do in regard to budgets for 1932, sn d Mr. Trask agreed to write an article to be inserted in the local paper explaining 'the situation of the Board. At 8 P. M. joint hearing of the Board of Appeals" and Selectmen was declared open on the application of -the Lexington'Coal Co. for permission to install underground tanks with a capacity of 50,000 gallons for storage of oil acid gasoline at trieir:,property on Bedford Street, North Lexington. Coal The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen being absent, Company Mr. Maddison, Chairman of the Board of Appedls was deer ing* requested to conduct the hearing. Mr. Wm..E Multiken was present representing bh6 Lexington Coal Coal Comps y, end explained that the time hay , come for fuel oil, and in mm y instances they must provide fuel oil as a means of fuel and they felt that they should be allowed to install underground storage tanks for the handling of the fi.el oil. He stated that they did not intend to use the full capacity of the 50,000 gallons at the present time. They did not intend to do any con struction.work except to put up a small;r.. building. The only other •ch an.1ges on 'the property would be tAe underground tanks. He explained. that the grade was such that they could fill the tanks with oil by gravity, an d the only structure above ground would be the pumps.- In -regard to the gasoline, he dexired to store that so that they may buy it at wholesale prive for their own cars or for the renting of storage space for a tank car lot. Mr. Mulliken explained that he did not intend to have a retail gasoline business. About a half a dozen persons were present at the hearing; but no one objected: The Board, after t aking the matter under consideratiof; voted to grant the application of the Lexington Coal Co. for permission to install underground tanks of 50,000 gallons capacity for fuel oil and gasoline. In regard to the Oakland Street foot bridge_ about which letter was received from the Town Counsel under date of Jan. 21, 1932, giving legal opinion of the .status of this bridge, Mr. Custance reported having had a traffic count taken on the number of persons who walked over this bridge, pp..,a pleasant day, and there were about sixty persons who Ord'ated the bridge between the hours of seven A. M. and Six -thirty P.M. The Board therefor decided to notify Mr. Edward H. Sargent, Trustee of a Bridge, Trust, giving him this information and advising him that it was doubtful if the Town or any body of citizens would be justified in ' mai ntain ing the bridge for t his ' smal 1 amount of traffic, Mr. Sc amman reported that he talked with Mr. Louis W., Bills in regard to connecting up the theater building with'a lighting; scheme to light the center of the street where the traffic officer stands in front of the Lexington Theater, and Mr. Bills reported to him that this could not be done and that it would cost practically as much as a spot light. jar. Scamman stated that he would see Mr. Hill of the M. & B. St. Rwy. Co. to see what price he could get on an iron pole aid he would also make further inquiries as to whether or not he co old make any arrangements other than a_spot light ,as _suggested by Mr. Bills at a cost of.$200. 1 1 The Chairman brought up the mattes of having an AssIt Supt. of Streets and stated th at..he.ha d dnund that William Paxton in the Rngineering Dfftce would be glad to accept the posit i.*� Mr. Paxton Paas an engineering knowledge and would be of •value to the Town. He also has a very good disposition and is, one whom the Board feels will demand the respect of the met in his employ. The Board felt that he should start in digging in the trenches and continue on up the line making a study under Mr. White's instruction. The Board felt that itwas necessary to do this inasmuch as Mr. White is now quite an old man and the benefit of his experience can be, given to a younger person, and that Mr. Paxton could assist Mr. White insamme of the duties that are now done by Mr. Stevens. The Board deferred makkp}g any ap pointment. until after the Annual Town Meeting. 309 Foot Bridge. Spot light. Ass It Supt. of S*reet a. Mr. Custance reported that he went over the various projects of water guarantees on the property of Mr. Neil McIntosh End he found the_only place he felt that McIntosh Mr. McIntosh was entitled .to a rebate on was Wachusett rebates. Drive. He felt that he should have a rebate at the rate of $33.12 per year on the guarantees on this street. . In regard to the readjustment of the Water Dept. to meet a cut ift the appropriation, Mr. Trask reported that Mr. Ross informed him that. the men in tbo —Water Dept. voted to work one week and lay Off the second instead of working part time each week. . Mr. Ross proposed that he discharge men _from, the regular .pay roll 11kie John McKenzie, Thomas Rudd and four other men that went on the list last Water Spring and have been kept.. on since. There was also a Dept. sentiment that Joseph Ross should, be. laid off. The Chainn.a reported having taken the matter up with Mr. Albert Ross and was informed by him that his. brother was the only person he dould depend upon to go out and take charge of the men if there was a break in the water asi taa at nt&t. It happens also_ that Mr... Lembo has-been alck for some ,time and owing to this ftet,it was decided to reduce 310 Mr. Ross to Mr. Lembo+s job and reduce his pay from $.70 to $.60 per hour. Also that Mr. Callahan be reduced from $.70 to $.60 per hour and that he be a working foreman instead of bossing the men as he does at present, and that he be informed that he must work intead of being a boss foreman as at present. They will reduce the men at the Public Works Dept., and there will be nobody there but George Harrington during the day. Also they will reduce Mr. Campbell the night watchman to half. -time ec.d that Mr. Barry, the mechanic, be reduced to a four day week. Mr. Lembo, after he returns to work will take Mr. Joseph Cassellats place and Mr. Cassella will take the place of an ordinary laborer. In this manner the Water Dept. approp- riation will be reduced. The 9oard voted to approve the schedule presented by the Chairman, Mr. Gilcreast reported having investigated the Old Age application of Charles S. Cutter for Old Age Assistance, Assistance. and stated that he finds Mr. Cutter has made application ' to the Old People's Home only he desired to'get old age assistance until.he is accepted atcthe h6me. The Board voted to grant $$# per week in this case. The Board voted to have the electric lights turned Lights. off at one otclock'beginn.ng Feb. lst and the Supt. of Public Works was instructed to take care of the matter. Tel. Mr. Gastance reported that Mr. Wallter Beattgay, Tel. ees Lockwood Stt+eet, E., Lexington, reported that the Employees employees of the Telephone Co. desired to give their money* money to Lexington instead of having their money turned in to Boston for Unemployment Relief. Mr. Scemman was requested to make a detailed report Accidento oflthe accident caused by -the manhole of the Water Dept, in front of the Library, which accident was reported by the Town Treasurer. E'ngineer's The Town Engineer presented the budget for his budget. department for 1932. This was approved by the.Board in the amount of $10,975. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: C le rk. 1 1