HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-01-12SELECTMEN'S MEETING JANUARY 120 1932. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in 'the Town Office Building, "Selectmen$s Room, at 7 o1cloek P.1.2. Messrs. Trask, Cust&nce, Blake, Gilcreast and Shannon were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. - The Board viewed the following reports and approved the same to be sent to the printer: Town Counsel, Plumbing Inspector, Sealer of Weights and. Measures, Wire Inspector and health Officer. 11 'The Board also viewed the Selectmenrs Report aftd made various changes. The report was to be rewritten. Mr. Arthur J. Rburke was appointed.as.Special,Police Officer of the Town so that he could do duty at the crossi rig at Woburn Street. 297 Reports The Chairman stated that he had made arrangements Traffic with the School Dept. to give them cne of the Welfare men conditions five days each week so that the School Dept. could arrange at Woburn to have Mr. Rourke do the policing. 9 Street. ,;,Ajletter was received from Mrs. Hugh D. McLellan of the, Parent -Teachers Association expressing the npplibeiatinn of the ,Association for the arrangment mace' to take cart of the children at this location. Letter was received from the State Fire Warden in whichh,,he suggested that work. of cutting out, brush be done Cutting by the unemployed and' that the br;41sh be burned thus help- brush. ing:.the forest fire situation in the Spring. Letter was received from Hazen W. Hamlin in which he stated that he was now living in Lekington and that he would like to have' a share. of the Town 's. insurance business. Tjae insurance has been distributed and will not be Riven ,out again until somb new buildings are ;wilt and P�r.,am]in's letter was to be placed on file until that time. Insurance The approval of Edward W. Taylor as Foreet Warden was Forest received. Warden. Notification was received from the Middlesex County County in w}iiRh ,they stated that 1.38,350.06 would be the town_ is Sanatorium. share to be 'paid to the Middlesex County Sanatorium. Letter was received from M. E, Clemons in regard t.o. th eA claim of Sanjuel Lippa for reimbursement for the ws,te,r p,ve in Fottler Avenue. Clemons believes that Mr. Kip-oa is entitled to Fottler the reidbursement. A copy of this letter was sent -to the Ave.water *Towfn Counsel together with the report that Mr. Lipoa intends pipe. torequest that an article be inserted in the Town Worrant dgiing'the Town to vote the purchase of this water pipe. Letter was received from the Girl ,Scout Council, Urs., Betty F. Davis, Second Deputy, asking for the µse of Cary Hall, Cary Memorial Building for the Scout SAop next year Girl Scouts. 298 inasmuch as they have outgrown the Buckman Tavern:- They would like to use it from 10 A. M. to 5 P.M. for the week beginning Monday, Dec. 5th through to December 10th. The Board dldt n6t•believe that they should grant the Girl Scouts the'use'of the hall for any period as long as that inasmuch.as they felt it would be necessary to make a charge for the lights an heat and did not.feel 125. day and that they should csh@ne,10e1 per the Scouts would probably-be unable to pay this amount, It-was, therefor, left with the Chairman to urge these to obtain some other place if they cannot use the Buckman Tavern. Letter was received from D. W. Corcoran from the office of Walsh and Walsh in which he set forth the-provisions Tayl6r of the Will of E. Taylor granting a gift to the Town gift. in the amount of 4500. He quoted the extracts from the Will donating $2000, to be known as the George W Taylor Flgg Fund., $2,000. to be known as the George W. Taylor Tree Fund, and $500. for the perpetual care of the George 11. Taylor lot in Munroe Cemetery. The Board voted to insert an article in the warrant for the An»37 Toom Meeting asking for the acceptance of this gifts . At 8 P. M, hearing was declared open on the application of Mr. Theodore A. Custance for permission to maintaina Garage two car garage at lot 4A Tower Street. hearing. No persons appeared to'object, and it was voted to grant the permit, Report was received from the Supt. of Public works in which he gave a price of $2500. for the cost of constructing 110D feet of 12 inch drain and sevo rat catch. basins to carry off the water which runs into the cellar Drain. of the house owned by lir. Edward A. Meant' of Shade Street. Request has been made several times by Mr. Meant' that something Ise done in regard to this ditch and Mr. Custance stated that if nothing is done, Mr. Meany will probably give up the house and the bank will have to take it over. Mr. Custance suggested that the work of digging the trench might be done by the unemployed and Considerable money would be saved, No acting was taken on the matter. The Board voted to grant the follwing licenses for Transportation of Garbage providing they are approved by Garbage' the Health Inspectors Manuel Silva, State Rca d, Lincoln; licenses. A. W. Hanlon, Bedford Rd., Lincoln, and V. J. Kelley, Hartwell Road, Bedford. The Board voted to grant a Common Victualler's License to Arthur Mulvey, Cary Avenue, who operates the rest %rant License, of the Mohawk Club, the Board of Appeals having granted permission to John Lamont to serve meals. at the Mohawk Club, Application was received from Clifford wilder to have a sales room at 807 to 809 Mass,. Avenue near the corner Sales of dirve Street. Room Mr, Custance called attention to the fact that the applica- Zoning Law Called for permission to be granted by the Board tion. of Appeals tv.,have a sales room. it was decided, therefor, 0 9 i t ucaYx with Mr. Milder and tel l hiss this would done* av o e 7 r 1 E 299 Attention was also called.to the fact that other n: licenses have been granted for renewal of permits in different'locations. It appears, huwever, that all these locations were granted prior to the 1929 Zoning Law which ' did not require a permit frqm the Bca rd of Appeals for, sales rooms: Figures were received from the Town Engineer giving an estimate of the construction of a sewer along Mill Mill Brook Brook from the Arlington Line to Bow Street. The total was $13,932.00. The figures were turned over to Mr. Custance for his s tudg„ Letter was received From #rank H. Tobin requesting 'the assistance of the Board in obtaining his license to drive. r ,s-raatter was referred to the Chairman. Letter was•reaeived from the Americas. Legion, James H. Russell, Adjutant, in which the Legion requested that the Board take early action in placing the German Field German Field Piece. fnd that the Loglon be consulted before the-. IAld Puce. Piece was }placed, The matter was-left with the_Chairman°to reply tar,- Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in whiff he gave the figures on the proper charges to make on the water gear on Lowell Street., after completing the work. Thy are as followas -Water charges, Ryder 5q % 191.85 Leff ell St Stevens 31 153.4; 0- roadanto 20 99.E Witch 7t bso-57 Eaton 2 12.38 $495.10 . it was stated, ,however:, that the agreement-made bAfteen the various owners of property has not been received... Xw. Custaim.agreed to settle this matter up and see that the+,* agreement was signed and filed at the Town Office Building., The' &hard adjourned at 8:46 P,U,. to. attend; a weeting. at Arlington with the Arlington Selectmen on the proposed standptib on :Turkey Hill, Prlington. A true record, Attest: Clerk. E n: