HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-12-08SEL ECT MFK 13 MEETING
DECEMBER 89 1931.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in
the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M.
Messrs. Cu=,,tance, Blake, Shannon and Gila -east were present.
The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present.
Mr. T. A. Custance acted as Chairman during the absence of
Mr. Trask, Chairman of the Selectmen.
Mr. Michele Stacchi of 5 Prentiss Road, Arlington, came
before the Board relative to notice received from the
Building Inspector to demolish the house that he has located
in back of Webb Stre:t. y
The Building Inspector stated that Mr. Stacchi moved
this building over the road from Breez-y,-Hill in Burlington
without a permit. He dug a kind of a cellar for the building
which he believed showed his intention.to use the building
for a house. Mr. Longbottom received a compla rit from Mr.
Lealie Wood inasmuch as this building showed up when the
leaves were off the trees. After receiving the complaint
from Mr. Wood, he turned the matter over.to the Town Counsel
for his opinion and these people took the matter up with
the Town Counsel and were advised by him to communicate with
the Selectmen, and this is why they came before the Board.
Mr. Stacchi stated that the building has been there
for over a brear. He moved the building there without a
permit. He used the building, however, to bring his three
children up t}iere early Sunday morning aid went home to
his Arlington address on Sunday night. The property consists
of one and one-third acres of land. He was not aware that
there were Town Building Laws which he would have to live
up to at the time he moved the building.
A friend was with Mr. and Mrs. Stacchi who stated
that they lived in her brother's house at 5 Prentiss Rd.,
Arlington, and that she has been to the place in Lexington
and knows that they did not stay tiere over night or attempt
JSo live in the place inasmuch as there was nothing .there to
keep house with.It was simply a place for the children.
Mr. Stacchi also kept three or four pigs there. He
is keeping the pigs without a permit. He was advised that
he could not keep the pigs there without a permit.
Mr. Stacchi, was willing to fix up the building and
the Building Inspector stated that he saw no objection to
the building remaining if he applied for a permit and fixed
the building in accordance with the Building Laws, and also
that he pay all the expenses incurred by referring the matter
to the Town Counsel. The Building was not to be used for
a dwelling.
The Town Counsel, S. R. Wrightington, came before. the
Board prior to the time that Mr. and Mrs.-Stacchi left.and
stated that this arrangement will bd agreeable to him.
re Stacchi
The Town Counsel advised the Board.in_.regard to the
Sperandeo building which the Building Inspector took up with
him and stated that he found from Mr. Sperandeo's Attorney that
he was a bachelor and came to this house, only qn week-
endd. Mr. Wrightington stated that he apparently has
Spe randeo
some money, he having worked for Chamberlain Hat Store
for several years and lives in Boston in the .winter time.
He stated that there was a hen house and another small
house which had been there before 1916.
Mr. Longbottom stated that M. Sverandeo told
him til,at he had stayed there all summer, coming out
there each night.
Mr. Wrightington stated that he urged the attorney
to have this man tear the olace down and the man
apparently wanted to do something to make his peace
with the Selectmen.'
The Town Counsel stated that he w4s making some
progress on the Brogna case with Mr. McIntosh.
Mr. Custance stated that he felt that Mr.
Brogna was trying to make a case oat of this matter
Brogna and asked permission to talk with Mr. Holton, an d
case* he felt that as Mr. Holton was entirely agreeable
to putting the water in Wood Street and the relocation
of the street, he would not request damages.
Town Counsel stated that Mr. Brogna was a part
owner of -the rproperty and for this reason h_td a right
to his say. However, he would talk to Mr. Brogna and
ask whether or not permission would be given to Mr.
Custance to talk to Mr. Holton.
In regard to the case of Caroline Harrington,
Town Counsel reported. that Mr. Stearns, Attorney for
Mrs. Harrington, talked with Mr. F. L. Emery in regard
to the building line, and they informally talked. the
Harrington figure of $3500. for the p-anchase of the land between
case. the street line and the building line, as a tentative
figure, and Mr. Emery called Town Counsel and in-"ormed
him of his conversation with him and stated that he
thought it mizht be advisable to get title to this
The matter was not definitely settled until the
return of the Chairman, as to the figure to be'ancepted.
The Town Treasurer came before the Board and
presented the following':birds in response to his request
for bids on the $15,000. Water Construction loan and
on the $10,000. Sewer Construction loan;-
Fstabrook & Co. 100,ID3
Stone Webster Blodgett Co. 100.14
R. L. Day Co. 100.09
Loan Brown Bros. Harriman 100.09
F. S. Moseley Co. 100.043
Letter was received from the Town Accountant in
which he requested that a Revenue Loan of $125,000.,
dated Dec. 17, 1931 and payable June 5, 1932 be request-
ed at this time.
Revenue The Hoard agreed to request bids on this Revenue
Loan Loan.
Town Treasurer presented a letter received from
the Travel Clnb,.p Oakdale, Rhode Island in which they
requested an opportunity to go through the historical
places in the Town.
The Board informed Mr. G�rroll to refer the matter to
Mr. Edwin B. Worthen who would guide them about the points
of interest.
Mr. Maynard E. S. Clemons representing Mr. Samuel
Lippa came before the Board in reg<ird to the purchase of the
water pipe in Fottler Avenue.
He stated that Mr. Lippa owns 190 feet on one side of
Fottler Avenue. The water pipe, however, does not go the
entire length of the land. The entire length of the pipe
when laid was 400 feet. Now that this street is accepted
Mr. Lippa felt that he was entitled to reimbursement for
the pipe. The pipe was purchased by the Suburban Lead Co.
The trenches were dug by the residents and the water was
turned on by the Town.
Mr. Clemons felt that the Town is running the water
through a pipe not owned by them.
Mr. Lippa stated that the ye-zr.before last he received
inform4t ion from Mr. Custan ce and Mr. Scamman that he would
be reimbursed for the labor and for that reason he got the
idea that he would be reimburaed.
It was explained that there was a controversy at the
time about the approval of the Board of Survey Plans and
that is why the water was not put into this territory by
the Town. This street has been accepted add Mr. Clemons
feels that the Town is using someone elses property and
should pay for it.
Mr. Wrightington called attention to the fact
that Mr. Brand of the Suburban Land Co. laid these streets
out contrary to the Board of Survey restrictions and these
ptpole built homes there and could not get water until the
Town agreed to-h'tlp them out by turning the water into the
pipes when the pipes were purchased and laid by the
There seemed to be a difference of opinion between
the Town Counsel and Mr. Clemons as to whether or not the
turning on of the water and the Town Engineer giving the
grades for the laying of the pipe constituted putting in
any public utilities under the Board of Survey Act.
Mr. Clemons called attention to the fact that the Town
accepted the street with the same grades that were originally
laid down.
The Board decided to refer the matter to the 7(own
Counsel to advise Mr. Clemons that they will not pay for
the pipe and labor of installing sane.
Notice of suit brought by Donald Shea against the Town
was read by the Board.
Mr. Wrightington stated that he had not had an Shea
opportunity to go into this matter, but as near as he could find suit.
out from the attorney, this was a case of where they claim
the Town turned wate=r onto their land. However, Mr. Wright-
3n#4bnn would have additional inform-�tion._for the Board at a
later date as the'1-Taatter had already been referred to him.
Notice was received from the Supt. of Water Dept.
that he received an application from Mr. E. B. Hamilton
for the extension of approximately- 110 feet of six; inch
Wher pipe in Liberty Avenue. Ile estimated the cost of tie
Extension, extension at $275.
Avenue. It was voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works
to install 110 feet of six inch pipe in Liberty Avenue.
There would.only be one house for which this
water would be taken, and the Board decided the guaranty
.should be signed.
Bill for sek-vices of Metcalf and Eddy for report on
the Sewerage system in the Town in the amount of $2737.61
.was received by the Board. They have already received
Sewer a payment of $262.39, making a total of $3000. for the
report. survey. It was decided to request Metcalf and Eddy to
furnish ten additional copie- of this report without
It was also decided to request bids for the
printing of this report, having in mind having separate
copies printed or printing the'report as a part of the
Town Report.
Tht+- folJoWi were drawn as jurors
Benjamin. Stoney, Clerk, 3 Fern Street
George W. Bean, Laborer, 241 Bedford St..
Jurors. Roy A. Ferguson, Bank, 19 Bertwell Road.
Commitment of water rates for the first section in '
the amount of $6,642.38 was signed by the Board.
Commitments. Commitment of sewer rentals for the first section
in the amount of $442.21 was signed by the Board.
Commitment of sewer assessment charges in the amoknt
of $6,208.30 was signed by the Board.
Garbage The application of John Chaves, Lincoln, for permission
license. to transport garbage was laid on the table.
Letter was received from H. W. Swenson of Swenson
Brothers in which he called attention to the fact that
the Town has appropriated $29,000. for the unemployed
and suggeste(? the consideration of the work on Clematis
Brook, which runs through 60 acres of land. They called
attention to the tax, valuation which is more than doubled.
Clematis on their property and the Town has not done anything in
Brook. in regard to deepening and widening this brook.
They also called attention to the fact that some of
their land was taken to widen Allen Street and requested
that they be not taxed for this land. They also called
attention to the fact that a stone wall was built on the
Ferry side of the street, but none on their side. '
This matter was laid on the tablte.
Letter was received from Clarence H. Taylor., Traffic
Engineer of the State Dept. of Public Works, in which hbe
gave several recommendations of what should be done in
Lexington in re gar. d to t f fi c cendt9ifts4
Supt. of PubllAdolrks reported that he had painted
lines on Hill Street and Revere Street at their intersection
with Bedford Street in accordance with the suggestion con-
tained in the letter.
The Board requested Mr. Scamman to give them an
estimate of the cost of carrying out all the recommendations
contained in this letter.
fdr. Gilcreast reported that a delegation consisting
of Mr. Jones, Mr. Emery and Mr. Arnold visited him in regard
to the water main guaranty account on Bridge Street, they
having received notice from the Supt. of Public Works that
their water would be shut off on December 21st if the
guaranty was not paid. They informed Mr-Gilcreast that
they understood they were to pay $6.20 per year for ten years
on the guaranty. The first year the bill was $6.05;
the next $6.05; the next $19. Their understanding with Mr.
McIntosh was that the guaranty would only be $6.05 each year4
They had been to the State House and were informed in
there that if they lost any tnenats by the shutting off
of the water, that the Town would be responsible for the
rent until such time as the water was turned on again.
Mr. Custance suggested that a form be worked out
whereby Mr. Earle will be notified on all guarantys.on
property so that when property is sold, he will have
that information on hand. In this manner, it will help
to 'get the guarantys pA.id.
The Supt. of Public Works was requested to report
back to -the Board next week and present the bonds signed
in connection with the water main on Bridge Streets In
/;the meantime, Mr. Gilcreast stated that he would notify
Mr. Jones that the matter was b�n� looked into so that
they would not take any further steps until they received
word from the Board.
gua ra nt y
Bridge St.
Mr. Gilcreast reported on the application of, Frank
Majewsi,i, 24 Fairmont Ave., Somerville, that he visited the
house and found no one him but Mr. Majewski. It was a two Old Age
apartment house, in good repair and the furniture and fur- Assist Ecce,
nishings of the apartment were very ;rood. Mr. Majewski Majewski.
was unable to speak English very welt and he had a very
unsatisfactory visit.
The Clerk was to get a cor)y of the application of
Mr. Majewski, and Mr. Gilcreast is then to look into
the matter further.
In regard to the application of John Devine, Mr.
Gilcreast stated trat he visited Mr. Devine at the Rest Old Age
Inn and Mr. Devine informed him that he did not believe Assistan ce
they cared whether or att he remained at the Rest Inn, and Devine. ,
he would probably have to look for a more reasonable place
to board up on Woburn Street.
In regard to the property owned by Mr. Devine had his
sister on Utica Street, Mr. Gilcreast reported that the
porperty was in rather a dilapitated condition and it
would cost considerable for repairs and he found from the
neighbors that they considered it a fire hazard. In regard
to his equity in the property, it was decided to question
Mr. Worthen inasmuch as it was found that Mr. Worthen
holder a will for Mr. Devine. It was also decided to find
out about some mon ey that was reported to have been left
to him by his brother when he died a few years ago.
Willard re
North St.
In regard to lme.,.-Gvacet;T;otbe ,}- r7.".-Bl&ke'_Vep0rted.'
that she owns the house at 80 Bloomfield Stre-t which is
mortgaged for $4,000. in the Lexington Savings Bank and
Mr. A. W. Locke has a $1000. mortgage. on the -property
which -is assessed for $6500.00 She also has a mortgage
on the greenhouse which she is part owner of, her son
owittng the other half.
Mr. Blake reported that he talked with Mrs. Bowles,
Matron of the Old_Peoplels Home, and asked her whether or
not she felt that if the Old Age Assistance was paid to
Mrs. Lothrop, that that would be satisfactory to the
Executive Committee. She stated that they like Mrs.
Lothrop at the Home and desired to have her stay there.
but there was no way in vb ich she could get funds.
It was decided to write the Executive Committee
of the Home so that the letter would be before them on
Monday, and stat®what the Board ,would be willing to do
and it would be placed before them for their action.
Mr. Custance reported that Miss Edith Willard of
North Strdet spble to hi -m again about obtaining water
and he requested her to hold off until the Spring
inasmuch as she would not need water this winter.
Mr. Scammants attention was cAlled to the blind
corner on Burlington Street near North Street where a
sign "Blind Cornier" or "Go Slowly" should be placed.
Supt. of Public Works reported verbally about signs
directing to other towns. He was directed to have a
sign placed at the Five Forks directing to Concord; on
Wood Street directing to Bedford; on Spring Street
directing to Waltham; on Middle Street directing to
Lincoln; at Adams Street directing to Burlington.
Supt. of Public Works reported that he has visited
Frost the Frost property on Bedford Street near Westview
property. Cemetery and found the property had all been cleaned up.
Supt. of Public Works reported an accident to the
car of Harry L. Coolidge on Pleasant Street where a
Accident. water connection had been made in the street near the
Moran house.
The mill for fixing the car was $3.97 and Mr. Scamman
believed it should be paid out of the Water Maintenance
Ac count .
Petition was received from the residents of Vine Brook
Road calling attention to the condition existing in Vine
Vine Brook and requested that action be taken immediately to
Brook. correct the situation.
The Chairman replied to this communication stating thb.t
only $500. is appropriated for cleaning aW lowering brooks
and that the entire appropriation has now been expended.
However, he was instr.zctin, the Supt. of Public Works to
obtain men that were receiving aid .from the recent
appropriation for Unemployment Relief to clean the btook
from the fork to Mass. Avenue so that the difficulty will
be taken care of.
Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord Fc Co. in
which they called attention to various objects that were
not covered by the Town Boiler Policy and requested that
' the Board give consideration to extending the contract to
cover the items contained in the letter.
The Board viewed the various items and felt that
it was not necessary to place additional insurance to
cover these items.
Another letter was received from Mr. Stephen Hmmblin
in which lie enclosed a copy of a letter from Miller
McClintock who does ^esearch work for the Albert R. Erskine
Bureau for Street Traffic and in which Mr. Hamblin suggested
that a further study of the foot crossing lines be made.
It was decided to leave this matter for the Chairman
to take care of*
Petition was received from the residents of the
vicinity of the Shell Eastern Petroleum Products gas
station at the junction of Maple Street and Mass. Ave.
in which they request that the Selectmen revoke the
license to sell gas and petroleum products at that location.
It was decided to .refer the matter to the Town Counsel
for his opinion.
re gas
station. I
Letter was received from Margaret J. Preble and letter
was also received from James and Susan Gaffney in regard Dexter
to Dexter Road assessments. Road
' Mr. Custance agreed to reply to the letter. Assessments.
Supt. of Public Workts report was received.
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
C1 erk .