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Sow Ste
regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
at the 5'eleetmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7-30
P. M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Gil
creast were present. The Supt. of Public Works and tk.e
Clerk were also present.
l.gures were presented by the Superintendent of Public
Works 'showing that it would cost $154.59 more to complete
the Bots Street widening., this would include the bill for
the work done by -James -Irwin on the Viano garage and also
the payment to Air: Frank.Viano of $320 agreed upon as
ze Board voted to request the Appropriation Committee
to transfer the sum of $154.69"ftom the Reserve Fund to
the Bow St. widening account.
At 7;45 P.Y.'Town Treasurer appeared and stated
that he did not receive any binds in response to btz
request for bads on the $10,,000 Sever construction Loan and
on the• 15 OOO Water Construction Loan,; but he did receive
4 proposition from Estabrook & Co. substantially as follows:
"ire will pay 100..100 and accrued interest for all,
but not for any part, of $25,000 Town. of Lexington Coupon '
Tax Exempt Motes to be dated December 1, 1531, to be issued
bearing interest at the rate of 44% per annum and maturing
as follows:
15,000, Water Construction.Loau payable $3,000.
each year December 1, 1932 to 1936.
10,OOO Sewer Constructi.on'Loan;`payable $2,000
each year,Decemher 1, 1932 to 1986."
TheBoard considered the- proposition and felt than it
would no-t-be_proper,to acce.;t this bld inasmuch as the -bids
were requesters on a4, basis; but instructed the Town
Treasurer to request _bids ~at the -rate -of -4-41%- on both of these
issues.,, the same .,to bre .before =-the °Board., on Tuesday evening`
The Board signed deed conveying to Miss Ellen A. Stone,
Trustee, -112 square' feet of eland in accordance with the
vote of the To*n a.t'a town meeting held November 23, 1933.
This is, the deed of a wall, stri-p, °of—land that- Miss Stone
desired to retain - so td the imd 'deed- for- school and
playground prupo"s rzsad not 'i ncIude land .'upon:. which
she frequeni5 w ].ked., The fee paid was
Notice of accident and perzonal injury to Miss
Henna- Edwards of 52 Burnham Stre-et;- BOlmont ,. Nov. 4, ,
Accident. 1931 when she -was- inj-ared by reason "of _a large stone
placed in the side of the street covered with leaves
causing her -to fall ,# was received frow James J.
Carroll, Town Treasurer, Complaint was received from
the Town Counsel -and also to request Mr. O'Connell for more
definite information relative to the accident. Mr. Scamman
stated that he viewed the location and could not find
any stone there.
Orders for the establishment of the exterior lines
of dean Road and :Morgan Street were signed by the Board.
Letter was received from Patrick J. Neary of 9
Bennett Avenue in which he called attention to the fact
that the brush should be removed on Oak Street, and also
that the high mound on the right hand side which cannot
be used as a sidewalk should be levelled off to make for
safety of the travelling public.
The Board requested the Chairman to reply end state
that the brush would be removed, and the Board would
then look the situation over to see if anything more could
be done to improve the siguation.
(:fitment of sidewalk betterment charges in the amount
of.$127.02 was signed by the Board.'
Commitment of highway betterment changes on Dexter
Road amounting to $8852.15 was signed by the Board.
' Old Age Assistance applications of John Devine of
283 Mass. Ave. and of Julia M. DrLeary of 70 Woburn St.
were referred to Mr. Gilcreast.
Notice of Old Assistance being granted to Frank
Majewski., 24 Fairmont Ave., Somerville was referred to
Mr. rilcreast.
Oak S t .
Old Age Assis
It was deci_ded-to request the Town Engineer to prepare
a plan and description of the right of way that the town
voted to sell to David Hennessy of Lincoln Street.
The Clerk was instructed to request bids; for the annual
Town report for the year 1931.
Mr. Custance stated that he.would see Mr. Peter Canessa
about building the fence he promised to build that w uld hide
the old automobiles on his premises from the view of the
The Clerk was instructed to request the Town Engineer to
ge-t..information ready on Downing Road and Outlook Drive
so hearings may be held on the acceptance of these streets.
The Chairman read the letter which was written to
Mr. Emil Fellman of Arlin ---ton relative to installing
' the 24" pipe in Highland Avenue-, informing Mr. Fellman
that if he decided to put in the pipe_ the Tann would reim-
burse him if, after investigation, they find it is their
Lincoln St
Right of
A,ve rlu e
.� drain.
The Clerk reported that Mr. Fellm repotted at the office
that he thought he would go ahead with the installffition
of the pipe as the property would not be of any use unless
this work was done.
Letter was received from the Superintendent of Public
Works in which he stated that he -investigated conditions
on Baker Aveniae,,between Oak Street and Taft Avenue
and finds that this section of the strut is only 18
Baker feet wide. He felt that it was not necessary to make
Avenue. any widening of the street until Spring. There is a
bank of earth that should be removed. The cost of the
work should be $600.00 and would come out of the
Highway Maintenance Account.
The Board requested the Chairman to reply to
Mr. C. E. MacPhee informing him of the cost of this
widening of Baker Avenue and stating that the Town would.
be unable to do the work this year, and that the
matter would be taken into consideration in the Spring,
Letter was received from ;tar. A. A. Ross, Supt.
of the Water and Sewer Dept., in which he called attehtion
to the fact that tt ere was a break ,in the sewer main on
Gas Co. Mass. Ave. between Cedar St. and Audubon Road. In two
re laying different locations app roximately 50 feet apart, the
mains, pipe has been cracked and crushed in, preventing the flow
of the sewer. He 'elieved tha the damage was caused by
the Gas Company when laying their main in this trench.
At this particular point, the excavat on was solid 'rock
and'In order that the gas company could lzy thein
main it was necessary for them to blast and this was the
probable cause of the damage. He called attention to
trouble of this kind in the past where the gas main
was laid in the same trench with the water and sewer
mains. He recommended that the Gas Co. be notified
not to lay gas mains in our water and sewer trenches
in the future.
The 3oard voted to adopt the recommendation of the
Supt. of Water and Sewer Dept.
Letter was received from Albert A. Ross recommending
the purchase cif a quantity of six and eight inch water
pipe inasmuch as it is reported that the price of the'
pipe will be advanced.
The Board recommended the adoption of this
recommendation and also instructed the Supt. of public
Works to look into funds of the department with a view
to phasing this pipe..
Attention was called to the fact that out-of-
town tvueks are still dumping refuse on the Town Dump
on Lincoln Street.
It was decided to appoint John J. Collins a
special Police .officer so that he may order persons fro m
out-of-town to stop dumping.
The Supt. of Public Works was also requested
to put up the signs prohibiting the dumping by out- of -
town persons.
The Chairman reported that he notified Mr. Lamont
verbally to discontinue pasturing the pigs in the rear
of 117 Waltham St. inasmuch as the period giv n by the
Board expired on November 15ph.
Mr. Lamont agreed to remove the p,�fga.
Supt. of Public Works was requested to view the Frost
propert;,* abutting on the Westview Cemetery property and Frost
report to the Board later how he found the condition of property.
the property.
The Chairman reported that he had not seen the Supt.
of Schools in regard to having the Asst Janitor handle the Traffic,
traffic to xrotect the school children, but he would do so
in the near future.
The Chairman reported that he received another letter Letter
from Mr. Stephen r. Hamblin, 45 Parker St., in regard to the re
traffic light:a. He inquired who placed the position of traffic
the crossing lines at the street intersections. lights.
The Chairman replied to him informing him that the
Selectmen placed these crossing lines. He also informed him
that he did not see any reason why his personal opinion
regarding traffic regulations should not be printed or expressed
orally, and he stated that presumably this correspondence
would be published in the loc,a paper.
The guaranty for irwtallation of water mains on Lowell
Street signed by Antonio Mercadante, had a surety thereon
owning only $1000. worth of property in Woburn. The Board
decided to request another surety signature on this bond. Lowell
Mr. Robert L. Ryder came before the Board and st+ted St, water
that he would obtain a satisfactory signature. As soon as
this signature is obtained the Board informed Mr. Ryder
that the work on the Lowell St. water zAln would proceed.
In regard to the water main installed in the house of
Linn B. Swain of Wood Stre6t, the Chairman reported that the
water had been shut off owing to the fact that Mr. Swain did
not sign the guaranty, and that Mr. Swain had moved.
It was decided to notify Mr. Earle that this guaranty
has not been paid, so that when persons inquire about the
purchase of this property t_Zey will be informed of the
Mr. Gilereast reported that he had visited A.A.Barker
at 13 Cabot St., Waltham, and found that Mr. Barker's son-
in-law was willing to care for him as soon as he gets straight- Barker,
ened financially. Mr. Gilereast therefor recommended that Old Age
Old A e Assistance be paid only for a temporary period Assist-+.
and tat the City of Walthan be so informed. an ce.
It was therefor voted to approve $6. a week cash, with
this proviso.
In regard to the application of Mrs. Lothrop who is
4ow'at the Old Peoples Homy Mr. Gilcreast reported that
Mrs. Lothrop's husband died four years and a half ago. Mrs.
Lothrop is 74 years.old. She has a house assessed for $6500
with a first mori;gage to the Lex. Savings Bank of $4000., and
' Austin Locke holds the second mortgage of $1500,, making us
total of $5500.
Mr. Blake reported that she also had an interest in Lothrop
the greenhouse operated by her son.
Owing to the fact that Mr. Blake was a Tumstee of the
Old People's Home, it was decided to refer this matter
260 to him to see if he vould. work out a solution of what would
be accepted as equity for entrance to the home.
Supt. of Public Works was requested to have more
definite sirens established at Watertown Street directing
to Belmont and at Pleasant St. directing to Wa ltha m.
Signs. Supt. was also instructed to place no parsing signs
on Muzzey Street where the sins that had been there have
been removed.
The meeting adjourned at ! 10 :45 P.M.
A true record, Attest: