HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-11-10234 SELECTMEN'S MEETING NOV!,?dBER 10, 19 i A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Mess -s. Trask, Gilcreast, Custance, Blake and Shannon were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Hearing waN declared open on the application of Neil H. Borden for permission to maintain a three car garage on the premises at Watertown Street. Mr. Custance reported that the garage was to be built in conformity with the Building Laws. It was therefor voted to grant the permit.' The Board approved the bill of $72115 for a trans- cript of the case of Minn! E. Garvin versus Neil McIntosh. This was authorized by the Board so that Mr. Wrightington could obtain the information submitted in this case, for the case of Mrs. Garvin against the Town. Notice was receivers. from the Town Counsel of the auction sale on November 21 at 10 o'clock A.M. at the Shea property #28 Cedar Ssreet . At 8:15 P.M. the Chief of Police came before the Board to discuss the appropriation for his department before going before the Appropriation Committee. The Board approved $34,675* for the Police Department for 1932% Letter was received from Street in which she complained in the vicinity of Wood Street. make any specific complaint of and the Board therefor decided complaint had been referred to but owing to the fact that she complaint, the Board could not any pigger=y owner. Julia A. Syer of Wood of the odors from piggeries Miss Syer did not any partciular piggery, to notify her that her the Health Inspector, did not make any specific take any action against Letter was received from Mr. Robert H. Holt in regard to the interference of the dates fixed by th8 Committee on Lectures with the Selectmen's meeting dates. The Board signed. the following order for the layout of Tucker Avenue from Baker Avenue a distance of approximately 315 feet: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington,Mass.,November 10, 1931. Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given clue written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law,to lay out as a 7 235 town way the way known as Tucker Avenue from Baker avenue northwesterly a distance of a;)nroximately 315 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no objections ha�jing been made; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDS -??E'): that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require t:4iat said Tucker Avenue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and establis}).ed as a public town way respectively, as follows: The northerly line of Tucker Avenue begins at its junction with the westerly 1'ne of Barer Avenue, saV junction being southerly and dist<rt 110.00 feet from gyre soutcierly line of Oak Street, thence nortYi 44 301 west distant 300.00 feet to a point. The southerly line of Tucker Avenue begins at its junction with the westerly line of Baker Avenue, thence north 440 30+ west distant 330.00 feet to a point. The above described lines are .parallel with and distant 40.00 feet from each other. Said Tucker Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Tucker Avenue, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Oct. 7, 1931, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer.." which plan is In file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of wUch will be recorded. with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the quastion of dam ages sustained by the owners of lands across and throug-h which si.id ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and. no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizinr the assessment of betterments. Robert P. Trask John E. Gilereast Board Theodore A. Custance of Clarnnce Shannon Selectmen. Iiallie C. Blake Request was received from Mr. Neil McIntosh for the installation of a street liCht on Calvin Street and one on Ivan Street. It was voted to insert anf'article in the Warrant rgquesting these lights. It appears that the te-lephones paid for by the To°:'n in ' private homes are as follows: R. H. White, Supt. of Streets - 82.10 A.A. Ross, Supt. Water & Sewer - 81.40 J.J. Sullivan, Chief of Police - 33.66 Y.J. Maguire, Deputy Chief - 36.15 J.J. Garrity, Park Supt. - 49.72 Total - $283.03 236 Mr. Gilcreast filed a very co:iprehensive written report on his investigation of the telephone service in private homes and ,have his recommendations that the telephone at t�)e Highway Dept. barn on Cedar Street be discontinued. He recommender' also that Mr. White should. pay for his own telephone and that the telephone in the Deputy Chief of Police hoiise should be discontinued. lie also recommended that the contracts entered into by the Town for the Police, School, and Town Office Blilding be looked into to see that we are working under the best contract available. He also recommended that all out -of --town calls by the employees of the Town be reduced to the lowest possible number. The Board voted to have the telephone at the Highway barn removed at once and so instructed the Supt. of Public Works. In regard to Mr. Robert White's telephone, the Board felt thtt on account of Mr. White's age and his years of service to the Town, they should continue to pay for his telephone for the present. It was voted to discontinue the payment fdr the telephone in the Deputy Chief of Police house. Mr. Gilcreast was also requested to look into the contracts of the Town for the Police, School, and Town Office Building and to make recommendations to the Board at a later date. Letter was received from Frank E. Wind, Director, Boston Dispensary, 25 Bennett Street, in which he asked whether or not the Town would pay for patients with Gonorrhea and. Syphillis who have a legal sbttlement in Lexington and are unable to pay for clinic fees. The Board replied that they would be willing to -pay for the persons who have a legal settlement here but are unable to pay. Letter was received from Clarence S. Walker, Treasurer of the Lexington Trust Company, in which he stated in regard to the note for $10,000. for Water Dept. purposes, that the Lexington Trust Col would consider a note for four months at 4,50 per cent. per annum discount. The Board informed the Lexington Trust Co. that they have decided not to borrow 10,000. at the present time inasmuch as other funds are aiaailable that can be used for that purpose. Request was received for electric lights on Lockwood Road aid Byron Avenue. The Board, in looking over the vaiistanding water guarantees, found that the guaranty on this development has not been paid, and therefor decided to write to the residents in this vicinity that the obligations of the gater guarantees should be paid before reruests for other utilities are made. In regard to the estimate of the Plumbing Inspector, Andrew T. Bain, for 19320 he requested for si�mry and travel expenses., $1200, and 50. for incidentalsmaking a total of $1250. The Board deblded to recommend $1100 for salary an a penses, and $50. for inc1denta1s,mik1?vtng a total Of 1150. 1 1 L 237 In regard to the request of the Building Inspector, Fred Longbottom, for salary and expenses he requested Bldg. $1100, for use of automobile, $250., and $50. for Inspector incidentals, making a total of $1400. The Board Appropriation. approved $150. for use of automobile instead of $250., making a total of $1300. Letter was received from Willard C. Hill of 91mer A. Lord & Co., i-;. which he gave information about tl e -reduction in rate establisheu by Ithe N.E. Insura>ce Exchange on the schedu _e insurance of the Toni, Tr>e Insurance. rew rate will be $,.32. He also stated that he secuz-ed the ap roval to allow the coal clause, so that claims for damage to coal in all buildings will be covered. The Clerk r+as iistructed to complete the arrangements of sending out the data and letters giving the various agents, the aulount of insurance allotted to tthem by the Board at a recent meeting and to have the entire schedule completed. Letter was received from Town Counsel in which he enclosed check of $280.60 for the Tax Title case of J. Newton Frost and explained that the Tax Collector and %he Assessors should be informed that the money has been paid and that the land hereafter should be assessed to J. Newton Frost as Trustee under the Vvill of Mrs. Lenk. ' Information was received from the Supt. of the Mater and Sewer Dept. relative to the installation of the water main in Summit Road. He stated that in 1916, 6 inch water main 455 feet in length was . instal; -ed; in 1922, 128 feet, and 1926., 408.feet, making a total extension of 991 feet. The payments were made as follows: in 1916, $553.98; in 1922, $258.38; in 1926,.$401.84, making a total of $1214.20. „ Frost case. Sum:iiit Road Water maim. The State Holding Company now are the owners of the property and they desire to have the Town purchase the water mains and they are willing to take an a-.lowance for depreciation bringing the total ,down to $1218.35. The Board decided to insert an article in the Viarrant, requesting the purchase cif this water main. The Board signed the Warrant for a Town Meeting to be held on November 23rd at 8 P.M. Discussion was had of the bonds to be filed in connection with instaii.ation of water mains. the Board felt that a surety bond furnished by a Surety Company was the only sure way that we m`..ght collect on the. guarantees. ' The Board discussed whether or not they would keep the horses at the Town Farm any longer and decided that they would keep them Virough the winter inasmuch as Town Meeting. Surety Bonds. Town horses 238 if they sold them at the present time they probably would not get very much for them and they might use them on the 1 snow plows during the winter. It was voted, however, to dispose of the in.the Springy; and the Supt. of Public Works was so instructed. Mr. Trask reported a•meeting of the Chairman and the Clerk with the Teachers Club at the High School to discuss the expenditure of $1000. which they intended to give for the unemployment situation. They agreed, he reported, that their money would be expended mostly for clothing, as they are interested in the children. They agredd that all information should come into the Selectmen's Office to be checked up to see whether or not the cases erere wobthy. Mr. Trask also reported that he talked with the Town Office employees on the same date about the funds that they agreed to raise, and that they agreed to use their fund for fuel bills. Themmoney was to be turned over to Miss Eleanor Lowe and the bills were to be paid by her. Mr. Trask invited the members of the Board to attend the banouet of the N.E. Farm Bureau on November 18th at 7 P.M. at the Cary Memorial Hall. He stated that Gasper Bacon was to be the speaker. Mr. Gilcreast reported having talked with Mr. & Mrs. James J. Waldron in regard to the application of Mrs. Bernardina Canisius for Old Age Assistance. He found after talking with them, that Mrs. Caniskus' , two daughters, Mrs. Waldron and Mrs. Leary, had built this house on a lot which they owned and upon which there was a restriction that a house could not be built of value less thah $0000. The -s- -have not finished the house that they built for the mother inside, and the expenditure did not come up to the $4000. After going into the matter with Mrs. Waldron, he recommended that Mrs. Bernardina Canisius of 183 Heed St., be paid $8. per week for Old Age Assistance. Mr. Linn B. Swain of Wood Street came before the Board at the Board's request to discuss the reason why he did not sign the gueevantee for water on Wood Street. He stated that there were various things that had come up that make it impossible for him to pay for the guarantee and he did not want to sign the guarantee if he could not pay it. He stated that when he purchased the place an Wood Street consisting of about 29 acres he did not intend to be able to swing it on his salary as a postal clerk, and that since the water extension was put. up there he has lost some of his income that he originally had and he also was ill the first of this year for some time. He also had relatives who needed assistance from him and he therefor felt that he could not afford to sign the guarantee. , The Board decided that inasmuch as the water was connected to Mr. Swain's house, that he be given to December,lst to sign the guavanbee or the water would be shut off.. Xr. raes&gegoiteLthat tiim�ee fommittsee�ononaa�laws was comingefre a ec en at the r mea 1 Tuesday evening next; also the Chief of the Fire Department 239 was coming in to discuss the appropriation for the Fire Department for next year. In regard to the Committee on By-laws, Mr. Trask suggested that the Committee be advised that the Board desired to have them include in the By-laws that surety bonds must be provided with the water guarahtess, then there would be no question of liability on the part of the Town in accepting the signatures on guarantee bonds. Appoint- ments for next meet- ing. Letter was received from the Old Age Assisten ce Bureau in regard to the grant df the Board of 012. per week for Charles Faugno. They stated that they desired to hAve reasons for paying so much to Mr. Faugno inasmuch as he Faugno, is alone and. apparently able bodied. Old Age The Clerk reported that owing to the fact that this Assistance letter was received, Mr. Faugno+s name was placed on the Pay roll for $8.00 per week rather than $12. this past week. Mr. Custance reported that Mr. Hennessey desires Right of to have him take up the matter of pnvchasing the right waygLincoln of way on Ljncoln Street with Mr. Francis Burkeifor him. St. Mr. Robert H. Holt came before the Board and presented the deed signed by Ellen A. Stone of the property in East Lexington. He stated that Miss Stone desires to have a section of the property including approximately 112 square feet redeeded to her for the minimum sum of $5.00, and requested that the article be inserted in the Warrant for Town Meeting. Stone property. He presented deed conveying to the Town, 18,404'square feet of land signed by E.A. Stone, the same to be recorded. Mr. Custance presented petition for water on Lowell Street signed by some of the residents on that street. Water, It was decided to inser+tan article in the Warrant Lowell St. requesting the installation of a water main on Lowell. Street. It was decided to insert an article in the Warrant regtLesting the transfer of $1090. from the Purchase of Cemetery Land Account which has been on the books for about ten years to the Sewer Construction Account. Transfer The Chairman was to see Mr. Wood in regard to this transfer to explain why this article was inserted. In regard to water guarantees on Bridge Street, it was decided to have Mr. Ross write letters to the Water, residents on Bridge Street relative to the payment of Bridge St. the guarantee, otherwise the water would be shut off. Mr. Trask called attention to the fact that Mr. Anthony Ross was given permission to excavate in back of Pollen Road near the Murphy property and he had been notified not to go as far as the Murphy property , but he went in up to that property and made a rather unsightly condition on Pollen Road for a distance of about 300 feet. Pollen It was stated that fir. Ross► machine encountered Rd. a large boulder in the banking that was the cause of his going in so far. 24• The Chairman stated that it was entirely up to Mr. Hoss to endeavor to straighten the matter out so that it will look decent. p.0 The Chairman "porlied having had a consultation with Consultation Mr. Francis Burke in regard to his suggestion of sending re appropri- in the itemized accounts of the various departments to the ations. Town Meeting Memebers, and Mr. Burke decided to abandon that idea. Water & The Board voted to insert an article in the Warrant Sewer. for the installation of a sewer and water main in Plymouth Hoad. Mr. Custm ce reported in regard to the road conne ting Winchester and Lexington, that WinchestF-r is anxious tol have something moving on this street. In 1932 they desire to come as far as Ridge Road. The plans 7ae'semade Road, and have been submitted to the Planning Board. He stated Winbhester that the type of development in that section was something to Lex. that should be invited into the Town. of Lexington, It was voted that the Board of Selectmen of Lexington advise the Board of Selectmen of Winchester that they are willing to agree on the lay out of this street as suggested and that they will refer the matter to the Planning Bcard of Lexington at an early date, and advise that we have a joint meeting of the Lexington Boalyd of Selectmen €n d the Winchester Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board of both towns. Mr. Custance reported having had a conference with ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Gavin and their Attorney. Mr. Moope, Gavin Attorney for them, requested $750. for a. settlement. After property, considering the proposal, it was decided to decline to aaftaj-der the proposal for any further amount thant the $50ns" originally offered. Mr. James R. Smith came before the Board in reference to the acceptance of Smith Avenue. He stated that there were two signatures that he had not obtained for the Smith Ave. acceptance of Smith Avenue bat that it might be possible he could get these signatures, but he did not feel that the entire acceptance should be held up for these two signatures. The Board requested him, however, to make an endeavor to get at least one more signature.owing to the rule that they have before them of accepting streets on signature of 75 percent of the abutting owners. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was received. Relative to guarantees for water which have not been paid, the Board voted to instruct the S -apt. of the Water and Sse'r Dept* that he may send notice to all of these ' persons that the water will be shut off if the water guarantee is not paid. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.II. A true record, Attest: Clerk.