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OCTOBER 132 1931.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:.30 P.M.
Messrs. Trask, Custance, Blake, Shannon and rilereast were
present. The Supt. of Public "forks and the Clerk were
also present.
Mr. William G. Potter came before the Board in reference
to the use of the ball field for the Minute -Boys for football.
Ike stated that the boys had arrant, -ed the schedule for the
games for the season not knowing that any other team intended
to request the use of the field. He stated that when'they
have to a�.>ply each week for the use of the field, it does
not give them very much time, if they have to wait until
Thursday or Friday to know if they can have the field, to
make arrangements with another team.
He stated that the Minute -Boys did not desire to
monopolize the use of the playground, but they did feel
that the preference should be given to them because of the
actions of the other team. He found that the team coached
by Mr. Gibbons was a private enterprize and they were borrowing
suits from the High School boys and they did not have
equipment of their own to curry on football games. He
consulted with Mr. Grindle and ound there was a rule in
the High School that they should not loan their equipment
and they would be barred from tha team if they did so.
Mr. Grindle stated, however, that it was possible for the
boys to .loan their suits inasmuch as they mi: -ht take them
home on Friday night, if they w ere wet to dry them out and
they would have no way of tracing whether or not they were
used by someone else, on Sunday.
The Board discussed with Ivl-. Potter whether or not
it would be possible to use the lower field and have
two games �go'ing on at once. He stated that the lower field
needs goal posts, but that he did not believe it advisable
to have two r-ames at once inasmuch as it necessitated more
police protection.
The Chairman felt the Minute -Boys were sponsored
by the Community Recreation Association and that they
have their equipment and should be given the preference
of the use of the playground, inasmuch as the sportsmanship
showed by th.e team that Mr. Gibbons promotes in borrowing
suits was not felt proper.
The Board therefor voted to adopt a rule that they
would only allow the use of the playground to teams who
are -'ully equipped to carry on the games such as football
and baseball_ without borrowing equipment from other sourees.
Mr. Edward Wood, Chairman of the Cemetery Commissioners,
came before the Board to discuss matters in relation to his
He asked whether or
Department would have to
Works informed him there
use of the steam roller,
of the Hi rrhway Dept. men
not in makinc, driveways, the Cemetery
pay for them. The Supt. of Public
had been no chargee made for the
but a charge was made for the time
The Board felt that this was
a just charge and should be paid by the Cemetery Deparftent.
Mr..Scamman explained that they had only used the roller a
total of four days this year.
In regard to the snow removal in the cemetery, the
Board advised the Commissioner that the work would be done
out of the snow removal appropriation.
In regard to the request relative to the care of the Cemetery
trees, the Board informed him that they felt that the Department.
care of the trees in the cemetery should be charged to
the Cemetery Commissioners. The spraying of the trees, however,
would be done by the Moth Department. Mr. iVood
'felt that the trees in the cemetery should also be cared
for by the tree department inasmuch as this requires
considerable cost to the Cemetery Department.
The Engineering service rendered to the Cemetery
Dept. has hot been charged to that Dept., and the Board
felt that the Engineering Dept. should stand this expense.
The Board requested that the blacksmith at the Public
Works Building be used by them as much as possible for the
repairing of tools and whatever work of that nature they
had and the charge would only be -made to them for the labor.
.Mr. Wood called attention to the fact that they would
like to fill the lower part of the Catholic side of the
Cemetery inasmuch as the wf-iter stands in there in the winter
time. It would require filling of at least another foot.
He felt that fhim should be done this year inasmuch as
they would have calls in the very near future for the use of
this section.
' He stated that they have two permanent men during the
entire year employed and that in the summer they have as
many as five, making; three extra. He dall.ed attention to
the cost of labor in mowing the Colonial Cemetery and the
Robbins Cemetery inasmuch as_these'places are hard to mow.
He also called attent_on to the care of the trees in
Elie Robbins Cemetery, and he stated that they had asked Miss
Ellen Stone to contribute to the care of the cemetery, but
she refused to do so. The Commissioners agreed to care for
this cemetery for the sum of $12. a year, but it cF�st
considerable more to do the work.
He also stated that they desired to provide a fence
.around the Colonial Cemetery and they felt that should be
done. Mr. Custance informed him that the Commissioners
should get a sketch of the proposed fence and an estimate
of the cost and then he felt that if it were presented to
the Town in an intelligent manner they could obtain the
aouropriat i on .
Mr. Fred,Joyce, Engineer for Smith and. RobN_ns, came
before the Board in reference to the Board of Survey lay
out of Tower Street recently approved by the Selectmen.
The Chaifhnan explained that Nlr. Millican was very much
disturbed because the lay out of the street would bring his
house so close to the street and the line of the street
' would f;o across where hi.s porch is now. The house is
located at the end of Plainfield Street, facing on the Board
of Survey lay out of Tower Street.
Mr. Joyce explained how the lay out was figured and
did not see how, throur.7h proper engineering, figuring the
lay out could be made any differently.
Plans showing the lay out of this property by Frank
P. Cutter were presented and after studying the matter,
the Board felt that fir. Millican was a victim of circumstances
owing to the fact that he bought a house that was built
Tower in this location. The Board felt the house might have
Street. been built in violation of the Zoning Laws inasmuch as
it was not set back twenty feet. Supt. of Public Works
agreed to find out when the permit was issued. The
Chairman agreed to advise Mr. Millican of the conditions.
Letter was received from Patrick J. Neary of
9 Bennett Avenue in wi-,Ach he called attetnion to the condition
at the corner of Bennett and Baker Avenues where he claimed
theme was a bad place in the road, and vehicles turning
in at this corner were making the place larger. He felt
that it might cause ,someone to fall at night. He also
called attehtion to the fact that in front of 75
Baker Avenue where water pipes were lately installed, a
mol.md was left instead of putting the road in proper &hape
Delegation from Winter St^eet headed by Mr. Wentzel
came before the.Board together with Mr. Warren S.
Griswold,_ 68 Lawrence St., Malden, the man who developed
the property in this section.
The Town Engineer was also present and explained `
that wheat Mr. Griswold had his plans before the Planning
Board previously for approval, that there was a question
of the grade on Winter Street. It w,xs possible, however,
that the grade on this street could be taken care of by
a cut and fill and put in condition for approval by the
Board of Survey. The Engineer's office has the topo-
graphical study of the section and from that can give the
grades to Mr. Griswold.
Mr. Wentzel explained that they desired to have
water _*xi,the streets and that is their purpose in coming
before the Board to have things straightened out so that
the water mains can be laid.
The Board eXp1jiOdto them that they would have bb
pay the guaranty on the water extension. They stated that
they desired to have the water extended in the following
streets: Winter St-eet, Hillcrest Street, Wright Street,
James Street, and Morris Street.
Mr. Benson stated that he would like to have the
water extended to his place, 300 feet in from Winter
Street on Marvin Street.
Mr. Griswold signed the application for the Board of
Survey approval of these streets and stated that he would
� .
communicate with his engineer and have the necessary
lana drawn u
p p for the approval of th% streets.. The Berard
requested him to inform them how soon they would be ready,
Application was received from Daniel J. O'Connell
for permission to move the building known as the Liscomb
property at 1542 Mass. Avenue to the trian;zular lot at.the
to move
,junction of Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue.
The Board decided to look at the house to see
whether or not in moving the same it would endanger any
of the trees and voted to lay the matter on the thble
for one week.
Letter was received from Patrick J. Neary of
9 Bennett Avenue in wi-,Ach he called attetnion to the condition
at the corner of Bennett and Baker Avenues where he claimed
theme was a bad place in the road, and vehicles turning
in at this corner were making the place larger. He felt
that it might cause ,someone to fall at night. He also
called attehtion to the fact that in front of 75
Baker Avenue where water pipes were lately installed, a
mol.md was left instead of putting the road in proper &hape
and the same condition occurs in front of another house
between Oak Street and Tucker Avenue.
He also called attention to the fact that the -e is
need for a street light at Ames Avenue on 13a.ker Avenue.
The Supt. of Public Works reported that the condition At
the corner of Bennett Ave. and Baker Avenue is not
serious on either side of the turn. The street has been
roughened by traffic but is not dangerous. There are
two places on the street which have been dug_ up by the
Water Dept. All of these, places have been repaired with
bituminous patch.material and are now in proper condition.
He recommended that a street light be placed at the dorner
of Ames and Baker Avenues.
Defect in
road, and
need of
street light.
The Board signed certificate of recommendation of the
character of Charles H. Rice who is a director of the Incorporations
New Entland Carnation Growers Association to be incorporated
in this State with a place of business at Boston.
The Chairman called attention to the fact there
is need for an, electric light at the corner of Bertwell
Road and North Hancock Street, He stated _t}iat two of the
fire engineers drive out of their drires onto North
Hancock Street at this point and it is very dark and
dangerous. The light now is back on two poles on
Bertwell Road that then e shoild be one placed at this
The Board therefore voted to instruct the Supt. Street
of Public Works to place a street light at the corner of Lights
Bertwell Road and North Hancock Street. I
The Chairman reported that the Area Manager, F. W.
Thatcher, of the Shell Eastern Petroleum Prod ot:z Inc.
called upon him today in reference to a letter he wrote.
some tine as::*,o to the company relative to the glosi.ng
hours of the station at the corner of Maple Street. Shell Gas.
The Chairman stated that. Mr. Roland`Baldrey station
complained when the station was kept open all nirrht acid closing
for this reason he wrote a letter to the company asking hours.
that they close earlier. They then'closed at twelve o►clock,
and Mr. Baldrey again complained that they should. go back
to eleven o'clock which was the original closing hour.
Mr. Thatcher requested that he be'allowed to keep
open again in tie spring until 12 o'clock althou,Th they
now close at eleven and are wi Lling to do so. Mr. Trask
suggested that he come before the Board just prior to ,the
time when he desired to keep open until twelve., and a meeting
might be held at which time the residents of the vicinity
would be given an opportunity to express their views.
Mr. Thatcher stated he would be vary ?lad to come
before the Board at that time.
Letter was received from Edward P. Merriam in which
he requested_ tlat Mr. George E. Pekins be apocinted. as
a Special Police Officer i_nszsmuch as there have been Spetial
considerable pranks on his property and on the Oakland Police.
Street foot bridge which make him feel that it is necessary
to have this done. Mr. Peki.ns is in Mr. Merriam's employ.
The Board voted to appoint Mr. Pekins as a Special
Police offieer.
Alcohol License was granted to the Shell Eastern
Petroleum Products Inc. to do business at 1095 Mass.
Avenue being the corner of Maple St»eet and Mass.
Permit for an ovemhanging sign was granted to D. F.
Ross provided he provides the necessary insurance called
ing sign.
for.under the regulations.
Auctioneer's License was granted to Arthur F. McLearn
1387 Mass. Ave.
Regulations regarding oil burners were received from
the Fire Prevention Commissioners office.
These regulations require that a hearing be held
before the Selectmen for a license to be granted by them
for the keeping and storage of oil in connection with
burners in any building or -structure, and a permit must
also be obtained from the head of the Fire Department.
Oil Burner
The Clerk obtained information from the Selectmen's
Office of the Town of Arlington that the Fire Chief's
Association went before the Fire Prevention Commissioner
and protested these regulations as far as placing the
matter before the Selectmen was concerned. They claimed
that it not only inconvenienced the party asking for
the burner to wait for -a hearing, but it caused them
additional ,expense and also placedtheburden on the
Selectmen. They advised him that they saw n6 reason why
the Chiefs of Fire Departments should not issue the permits
for fuel oil burners as they have in the past without a
hearing, and that they _intended.to_do so. The Selectmen
act only upon installations in public buildings. This was
to be done in other towns and itwas felt in Arlington that
the regulations of the Fire Preventi n Commission.would
probably be changed in this respect.
The Board decided not to take any action under the
Letter was received from J. J. Mulhern of 18 Tremont
Street, Boston in which he enclosed a coby of a letter
which he directed to Governor Ely relative to the excessive'
electric, gas and telephone gates and asked that these
subjects be given consideratibon,by the special session of
the Legislature now being held to consider the problem
of automobile insurance.
Mr. Burnham informed the Clerk that he had talked
with several representatives and they felt that this was
a matter that should be held off until the regular session
of the Legislature. The Chairman stated that he a190
felt the matter should be held off, and no action was taken.
Mass. Ave.
Notice was received from the State Dept. of Public
Construction.Works in which they stated they approved of the construction -
work done_on Mass. Avenue from Lake Street to Lincoln St..
The Clerk presented information obtained from the
Division of Standards,1AV the`"State_'House in regard to
licenses for hawkers and peddlers.
They stated that the State handles the licenses but
they daly have the authority -to grant the licenses except
when the local by-laws call for a license to be'granted
for the sale of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and cheese,
' They stated that the plates are provided by them for the
trucks and $1. is kept for the license fee and the Town
gets its share of•the fee granted for Lexington residents.
County licenses for Middlesex County cost $11. and is only
granted where the party manufactures what he sells. AAlocal
license cost $17, two dollars being retained by the Hawkers
State and $15. sent to the Town. They felt that the and
matter being handled by them was of less bother to the Peddlers.
Selectmen and recommended that the Board allow it to
continue in the way it is now being handled:, inasmuch
as they provide dill the clerical work and turn the money
over to the Town.
The object of the Board was to reduce the number of
persons peddling various kinds of things in the Town. It
appears, however, that as far as granting a State License,
the Town has no authority in the matter..
Letter was received from the S:.ipt. of Public Works
in which_he--enclosed-a.letter from the Lexington ftas Co.
in which they asked for permission to excavate _in prospect
Hill Road for the purpose of constructing a gas main.
Supt. recommended that they be allowed to install Permit for
the gas main inasmuch as it would not disturb the bituminous gas main.
surface. The Board voted to instruct the _Supt. to issue
' the permit.
h �-
Mr. Blake reported that he talked with Mr. F. L. Emery
in reference to his objection to the Town Seal being
changed, and. Mr. Emery informed him that the thought _
the seal was taken from the John Hancock Statue which is Town Seal.
now in.the Cary Memorial Building. He also informed him A
that he would try to present to him some of the earlier
cuts of the seal that he considered better than what is
now being used.
Mr. Custance reported having attended the meeting
at the County Commissioners office on October 8th and Meeting
requested funds for the construction of Wood Street and,
Lincoln Street.
He also informed the Board that Mr. Charles W. Ryder
and Robert L. Ryder were before the County Commissioners
in reference to a street to be laid out from Lexington,
cutti.ng across their land into Belmont. They were urging
that there was need for this short out for persons travelling
to Boston.
Letter was reeaived from F. L. Emery in which he
enclosed two photographs taken of Hastin7s Nark, one
' showing the park as it is and anbther showing sketched in
some low shrubs. He felt that if some shrubs were placed Hastings
on Hastings Park, they would greatly improve the looks ark.
of the Park.
The Board discussed the matter, and felt that some
1 nddsca ar hite t should give the matter some
study. r. dwarc B. Mallard of Raymond Street was
suggested. Mr. Custance suggested Mr. Kellaway. The
photographs were given to Mr. Gilcreast to take up with
Mr. Kellaway and get his opinion on the suggestion made.
The matter of old age assistance application of Jennie
Grant Hoyt which was laid on -the table last week was again
taken up.
The Clerk reported having inquired what Mrs. Hoyt's
Hoyt, Old
son -in -lava cid for a living, and. found that he was a
beef salesman,for Wilson Brothers. Mr. Gilcreast stated
that he had found that Mr. Freeman was obtaining $75.
'per week 'salary.
It was decided to day this application on the table
for the present. 1
Application for Strite Aid of Mrs. Martha C. Kimball,
State Aid. 21 Forest Street was signed by the Board. It was decided
to recommend $25. per month State Aid.
O'Connell, The application of John g. O'Connell, 5 Hibbert
Old Age Street, for Old Age Assistance was referred to Mr.
Assistance. Gilcreast for his .attention.
Mr. Gilcreast stated that he had been unable to
get the appointment of an administrator for the estate
Fogg of the wife of Frank A. Fogg, Grant Street. However,
estate. the Court would convene again tomorrow and. he would see
what could be done about it.
Mr. Custance reported in regard to traffic signs at
the corner of Concord Ave. and Waltham Street, the corner
of Pleasant St., and. Mass. Ave., edd the corner of Revere
Traffic St., Hill St. and Bedford Street.
signs. Mr. Scamman stated that an engineer, represeftt'ing
the State Dept., stated that he doubted if the Dept. would
permit a stop sign to be placed at Pleasant Street and
Mass. Ave. owing to the clear vision. In regard to the
corner of Waltham St. and Concord Ave., he admitted that
it is a serious situati.on and that something should be
done and if we will have reports of the accidents at this
location and ask them to make a time test and count they
will do so for one hour some .time between four and six
o'clock. _
In regard to the junction of Hill and Revere Streets
coming out onto Bedford Stredt, he thought that it wouIii
be yell to put a stop sign there. To have this done, we
have to get a sketch of the accidents there.
Three separate applications have to be made if the
Board desires to have signs put up on Bedford, Hill, and
Revere Sts„ Pleasant Street, and Concord Avenue.
Mr. Custance reported having seen accidents at Pleasant
Street and at Hill and Revere Street recently.
After considering_ the matter, the Board voted to
proceed to obtain the necessary information to have traffic
signs at the corner of Concord _Avenue and Waltham Streete,
The Supt. of Public Works was requested to look after
the matter.
Mr. Custance presented the appraisal of the Town
property revised by the Industrial Appraisal Company
together with their bill of $65.50. Mr. Custance was
authorized to expend.$100# for this appraisal, but
' having furnished considerable of the information to the
company, that much as not expended.
Mr.. Custance presented the figures of new valuations
prepared by the appraisal company to be used on the
schedule for insurance of the Town. Mr. Custance
explained that it was interesting to nmte the #remeridous
cost that the High School has been owing to the fact
that the sprinkler system was not installed in the school
when the addition was put on. Almost one-half the total
premium of insurance .paid by the Town is paid for.
protection of this building. The attention of the
Committee was called to this at the time, but no effort
was made to remedy the -condition.
Mr. Custance stated...that he made some changes in the
appraisal such as he reduced the Old Adams School from
13,000"to $11,000; the Village Hall from $14,000. to
12,000, Alms house stable and shed iffardm $4400 to $3500;
the small stable at the Alms house from $400 to $300;
brick locker building on the playground from.$3000 to $2000.
The difference on the schedule already carried which
is $1,624,925 and what is to be added to the schedule,
$235,675. is left to be placed among various agents.. Mr.
Custance presented the schedule dividing the insurance
among the various agents. This schedule was revised and
is as follows:
Neil McIntosh
Robert S. Sturtevant
Joseph Swan
George W. Taylor & Son
Robert Whitney
John S. Valentine
Charles A. Peavy
W.V.T. Hinckley
W. Benjamin C. Meady
Leslie A. Bull
Harry E. Sbone
Pili ci es to 'Expire in 1933.
Falmer A. Lord & Co.
A.A. Marshall & Son
Charles H. Schofield & Co.
Richard Whittemore
Edwin B. Worthen
Total $235,675.00
December, 1931.
Policies to Expire in 1936.
Fardy, Jr. 43,925. to go
to W.H.Ballard in
Neil McIntosh
Robert S. Sturtevant
Joseph Swan
George W. Taylor & Son
Robert Whitney
John S. Valentine
Charles A. Peavy
W.V.T. Hinckley
W. Benjamin C. Meady
Leslie A. Bull
Harry E. Sbone
Pili ci es to 'Expire in 1933.
Falmer A. Lord & Co.
A.A. Marshall & Son
Charles H. Schofield & Co.
Richard Whittemore
Edwin B. Worthen
Total $235,675.00
December, 1931.
Mr. Custance agredd to present the schedule divided
into the years so that the additions would not all come
in one year.
The Chairman signed the petition for the N.E. Insur-
ance Exchange for establishing of a rate of the.buildingg.
Mr. Scamman stated that Mr. George Nary was leaving
Town and would therefor have to be replaced by another
person on the Appropriation Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
A true record, attest:
The Board signed notice of in _'ntion to layout of Tucker
Ave. from CArvi%le Ave.
The Board signed notice of intention to l.zy ut Independ-
ence Ave. Locust Ave. to bmith Ave.
The meting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.