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SEPT. 29, 1931.
A regular meeting of the Board. of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Biilding, at 8:30
P.M. Messrs. Trask, Blake, Custance, Shannon and rrilcreast
were present.
Mr. Eugene T. Buckley came before the Board to request
the use of the play round for the Minute Boys for football
on Sundays. He stated that he was sneaking for Mr. William G.
Potter as Mr. Potter co,.ild not be present.
He, also called attention to the fact that the Pclice
Department did not provide Police protection for the Fame
on last aunday because they were not paid $5. for the day.
He did not think this was proper, and felt that the Town
shozld provide Police protection for this short period of
The matter was left in the hands of the Chairman.
Mr. Fred Longbottom, Building Inspector, came before
the Board relative to the roadside stand of J.V. Boinay
of Pleasant Street.
The Town Counsel, S. R. Wrightinr^ton, was also present.
Mr. Longbottom explained that he had. been to see
Mr. Boinay and he refused to make an application for a
roadside stand. he did state that he would make a set-
back provided the Town would give him a permit to build a
building. he pointed out the _oermit given to Mr. Naooli
for a roadsi.d.e stand. as an example.
A copy of the permit gr�inted to J.Y.Boinay, who
leases' ,.he )remises from his brother Harry I'. Boinay of
South NAt:i_ck, was haAddd''to`:the Town Counsel.
Counsel was informed that Mr. Boinay did .not anply
to the Board of Appeals for a permit in 1931.
The Board referred the matter to the Town Counsel with
instructions to proceed. against said Boinay for violation
of the Zoning; Laws.
Hea.r.n was declared open on the approval of plans
of Alden Road.
Mr. M. Bowman Judkins presented the plan showing the
lay out of Alden Road but he did not have the lotting plan
of the street.
hearing, Mr. Custance caller attention to the fact that the lot -
Alden Rd. ti.ng block plan which was presented by Mr. Judkins had the
name of Priscilla Stree=t on the plan and asked the Town
Counsel's opinion whether or not if the plan were approved
it would indicate that that section of Priscilla Road was
also approved.
The Town Counsel advised leavinf. the name of this
section of the street out on the original plan to be
approved by the Board and that Mr. Judkins could describe
the lots as abutting on a private way.
The Board decided not to approve the plan of the
treet but to .iait until the lotting plan was presented.
he hearing wRs therefor adjourned for one week until
Oct. 6th, at 7:-50 P.M.
A delegation from Winter Street, headed ry Mr. Wentzell,
appeared before the Board requesting; that water be installed
in Winter Street. They presented a petition to the Board
some time ago for the installation of water from Bedford Street
through Hillcrest, Wright, James and Rangeway Streets, a dis-
tance of cline mile.
The Board, under date of August 26, 1931, informed them
that they could not install water in this strQet inasmuch
as it had not been approved by the Board of Survey.
They stated that they had talked with Mr. Griswold about
the matter and asked him if he would.do something about lay-
ing out the street inasmuch as the wells in that section are
pretty nearly exhuasted.
The lette-- sent to Mr. Ernst under date of August 26th
was referred to in which the petitioners were ir_formed'of
the position in which the Board finds itself inasmuch as the
law requires the annroval of the Board. of Survey before public
utilities can be installed.
The gentlemen stated that the situation was very
serious with'them and felt that something should be done.
The Board advised them that they should communicate
with Mr. nriswold to see if he would do szomet)ing about
bringing the street to the proper grade.
They stated that Mr. Griswold had now sold most of his
lots although he still goes there for collections almost once
every week.
The Town Counsel drew up
sign in connection with the
at Hayes Avenue and Berwick
$455.81 will be abated until
used for buildings.
an acrreement for Mr. Blake to
seifer assessment on his property Blake
Road so that the assessment of property
such time 'as this property is
The Lovell Pus Lines Inc. requested permisson to
operate over 'Woburn. Street from the Woburn and Lexington
line to Mass. Avenue, thence through Le;cington Center via
Mass. Avenue to Marrett Road and. return.
The Clerk, explained that Mr. Lovell stated that he
desired to operate in Woburn and Reading and that he already
has one license and he expected the other on Fridav of this
week. He is taking over the route operated. by the Eastern
Railway' Company.
The Board voted to grant the Lovell Bias Lines, Inc.
this permit.
Letter was received from the Dept. of Public Safety
requesting the Chief of the Fire Department and the Supt.
of Public Schools to make special mention of Fire Prevention
Week which is the week of Oct. 4th to 1Cth and enclosing
proclamation of the Governor.
The Chairman was to present the Proclamation to
the "Lexington Townsman" if they desired to print the same,
and alsohl.nd it to the "Lexin�ton Times' -Minute -..an."
Bus, Lines,
Letter was sent to the Star -ley Hill Post granting them
the use of a room in Cary Memorial Hall as an office.
Special consideration was .requestbd of them to use the
building in a proper manner. The room was only to be used
as an office and for the meetings and not as a club room.
Hearing was declared open on the application of
Burke and Chambers for permission to erect a two car wooden
Burke garage at lot #43 Smith Avenue.
garage Mr. Burke.was present at the hearing and explained
hearing. the lotting plan presented by him.
The Building Inspector was also present and stated that
it was agreeable to him to grant a permit in this case, and
the Board so voted.
Hearing was declared'` open on the application of H.C.
Watkins and G. A. Wat'fins, 292 Marrett Road, for permission to erect
garage a one car wooden gara;-e on tYp_° premises.
hearing. Mr. George A..Watkins was present.
The Building Inspector stated that Mr. Watkins could
set his building in another location that would not require
a hearing. Mr.. Watkins, felt, however, thathe should nave
his garage placed nearer the street. Other than that,
the Building Inspector could see no objection and. the Board
voted to grant Mr. Watkins a permit: ,
Hearing was declared open on the application of Eino
H. Kauppinen for permission to erect a one car wooden
garage at 13 Arcola Street.
Kauppinen Mr. Kauppinen appeared at the hearing and explained
garage the location of the proposed garage.
hearing.The Building Inspector did not offer any objections
to the permit, and it was voted to grant the permit'.
Hearing was declared open at 8:15 P.M. on the
application of the E.E.I. Co. and the N.E: Tel. & Tel.
Co. for a joint location at Fottler Avenue westerly from
Cliffe Avenue of four poles.
The aoard voted to grant the locution.
The Clerk reported that Mrs Sisk of the Telephone
Company desired to have the Board of Selectmen have the
Chief of Police go to Arlin,rton for a demonstration of
the teletypewrite-,
The Chairman stated that he had s;,en a teletypewriter
in operation. He also felt that inasmuch as we would not.
.be interested in putting in %a teletypewriter in the Police
Department, that the Board should not bother to investigate
it inasmuch as we know nose the maintenance charge is $52.
each month. He did not believe that the Town had arrived
at the time to install a teletypewriter.
Bill of Frank H. Tobin for painting the outside of
the Town Office Bldg. in accordance with his bid of $160.
plus extras making the total of the bill $247.81 was approved
b-_; the Board.
Mr. Custance stated he had checked up the work
and found it to be sCtisfactory.
Letter wad received from the' Boston Dispensary
asking whether or not the Board of Health would contribute
to treatment for Gonorrhea and Syphillis cases treated Letter re
from Lexington. Venereal
The Board voted not to assume any responsibility for Diseases.
the care of these patients but stated that they would
assist in every way possible in bringing pressure to bear
on the persons so treated if they would report the cases
to the Board of Health.
Letter was received from Edward II. Fenton, acting
Scamman reported that he
had not yet received
Board of Selectmen did not have authority to vote the
the cost
of furnishing canvas signs
for the sbhool warning
in front
of the schools. However,
he has placed some of
the signs
in front of the a-ehools
already and he expects.
' additional sins to be received soon.
tie felt that it was
too late
to paint the street.
The Town Counsel reported that herhad viewed the
various papers in regard to Grant Street and he found the
Letter wad received from the' Boston Dispensary
asking whether or not the Board of Health would contribute
to treatment for Gonorrhea and Syphillis cases treated Letter re
from Lexington. Venereal
The Board voted not to assume any responsibility for Diseases.
the care of these patients but stated that they would
assist in every way possible in bringing pressure to bear
on the persons so treated if they would report the cases
to the Board of Health.
Letter was received from Edward II. Fenton, acting
Director of Accounts of the State. He stated that the
Letter re
Board of Selectmen did not have authority to vote the
transfer of
transfer of funds from the Sewer Assessment Fund to the
Sewer Construction Account, without vote of the Town,
Commitment of water charges in the second section
of. the Town in the amount of $7635.79 was approved by the
The Town Counsel reported that herhad viewed the
various papers in regard to Grant Street and he found the
report from the Superior Court. lie found in the elimination
of the grade crossing; the Commi-ssioners appointed,by the
Superior Court were authorized to change the location of
highways and make takings of land for that purpose. They
had the power to discontinue parts of existing ways without
further action by the Town.
Mr. Wrightington had a plan sent to him by the County
Commissioners which was made at that ti;:ie. Graft Street..
at that tiir.e, came across about the middle of where the
E.E. I. Co. land is now. In the decree they formerly
discontinued Grant Street. He advised that the Board have
an article in the Warrant to discontinue the use of this
street if they so desire and. that the Town Engineer draw
up a description; also that the persons who might have
rights in there, should indemnify the Town against damages.
This is provided that a proper lay out was made of Gfant
The 7oard voted to take the necessary steps to secure
the discontinuance of that part of .Grant Street north of
the Railroad track.
Mr. Wrightington explained that in the - case of
Annie Harrington at the corner of Winthrop Road, that she
should agree to indemnify the Town ar-�ai.nst damages before
the Board voteO:;to convey the land. he also explained that
in deeds of this kind, lay outs should be made when the
deeds are accepted, and. a check-up "of all the deeds granted
to the Town should be made. lie also ca7.1e d attenti-on to
the fact that a 'book should be "kept by the Town Clerk in
which should be recorded 10 days after the adoption of the
188 -
description of the lay out of the street in accordance
Recording with General Laws, Chapter 82 Section 32.
descriptions.. He requested that the Clerk check up with the Clenks
in other Towns to see what they did abo?it recording des-
criptions of this kind.
Abatement of $177.51 for the Sewer Assessment
Sewer on Fottler Avenue against the Boston & Lowell Railroad
abatement. Corp. which was committed Nov. 10,'1931, was signed.
by the Board.
The Chairman called Mr. Custm eel's attention to the
Ryder fact that already about $500. has been spent on the corner
property. of Lowell m d North Streets at the Ryder property where
the Board authorized $350J00
In regard to the sewer in Summit Road, it was voted
Summit �?d.. to install the sewer only as far as Mr. William Cann's house
sewe even though the vote of the Tann read 450 feet. 450 feet
Mr. Wrightington reported that the Cemetery c -
Commissioners now talk of securing the Frost property
Prost Property.
for building a Superintendent's house, The Board urged
the Counsel to force the matter in the land court.
The !'Counsel reported that 3:n °the MAry, Garvin
ca -e, �,T)ieb is a suit to recover damages from the Town
for revolkIng an Innho.lder's License, that the evidence
in the McIntosh case would cost $80. and he desired to secure
the same. This evidence tended to prove that tags. Garvin
was an unreliable person.
The Board authorized the evidence to be secured for
this case.
The Counsel reported that Mr. spencer of the Board
of Assessors was requesting the enforcement of the oase
against the Telephone Company in which an endeavor is to be
made to tax additional property. He stated that he had
already has a conference with Mr. F. L. Fischer of
Lexington, who is Attorney for the N.E. Tel. & Tel. Co.
There are various matters that are allowed by law to be
taxes^nd others which are not, that will make the case
The Board discussed the Caroline A. Harrington case
in which Mrs. Harrin7ton is suint; for damages for the
establishment of the Building Line over her property,
and decided that there is no particular reason why this
case should be hushed along for trial.
The Chairman called attention to the fact that
Mr. John A. Sellars felt that warning signs should be
placed on both sides of Waltham StrQet and Concord Ave.
at this junction to stop, owing to the speedy traffic
on Waltham Street.
The matter was left with Mr. Custance to report
on at the next meeting.
Two references having been received for Miss Mary A.
Quirk end Miss Hazel V. Thompson, the Board voted to grant
permission for them to do business at 1841 Mass. Ave.
The Chairman called Mr. Custm eel's attention to the
Ryder fact that already about $500. has been spent on the corner
property. of Lowell m d North Streets at the Ryder property where
the Board authorized $350J00
In regard to the sewer in Summit Road, it was voted
Summit �?d.. to install the sewer only as far as Mr. William Cann's house
sewe even though the vote of the Tann read 450 feet. 450 feet
Would carry it to the property of Mr. Murphy aid by doing so
it would not benefit him and there is no need of installing
the sewer that distance at present.
Mr. Custance reported that there was a public bulletin
Board at the Stone Building at East Lexington and this would Public
satisfy Mr. Burke, who wrote requesting a second bulletin Bulletin
board be established. in'the Town. Board.
Mr. Custance reported a very satisfactory meeting
held on the matter of relotting of Colonial Heights on
Sept. 24th. He stated that Mr. Albert R. MacKusick, an
Attorney, of 6 Beacon Street, Boston, was willing to serve
as Chairman of the Committee to bring the matter to a head. Colonial
The other members of the Committee are as follows: Heights.
Mr. Gerald W. Garten, c/o J. W. Denney, Fairview Ave.,Lex.
Mr. Hallie C. Blake, 50 Meriam St., Lexington
Mr. Charles H. Sefton, Fairview Ave., Lexington
Mr. James A. Kiley, 7 Linwood Street, Somerville.
Mr.'-Custance felt that this Committee would be_
able to get the matter info shape at an early date.
Mr. Gilereast reported that he had seen Mrs. Sarah Old A ge
Dow of 71 Ash Street, Waltham, and that he was willing to Assistance,
approve Old Age Assistance for her. Sarah Dow,
The Weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was
Application for Old Age Assistance of Jennie Grant Old Age
Hoyt, 35 Vaille Avenue was referred to Mr. Gilcreast for Assistance,
his attention. Jennie Hoyt.
Mr. Custance suggested that before the budget is
made for 1932, a meeting be held at which time all the heads
of the departments be called in to discuss the matter of
appropriations and expenditures for next year. He called
attention to the fact that the School Dent. appropriation
is forty per -cent Of the entire appropriations made by the
Town. He did not know whether or not it would be possible
that the teachers' salaries might be reduced inasmuch as
he stated that in Fitchburg a 10 per -cent reduction was made
in salaries in the various departments. He felt that all
kinds'of business are reducing salaries and that it might
be well to look into the matter in Lexington.
The Chairman called attention to the fact that the
Appropriation Committeestated that they intend to go over
the appropriation5this year very thoroughly add that he
felt the suggestion of calling a meeting of this kind would
meet with their approval.
The meeting adjourned at 11x52 P.M.
A true record,_ Attest-
tions for