HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-09-08SEL�C`i'MENI S MEETING SEPTEMBER 81 1331. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the SelectmenTs Room, Tow4 Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs, Trask, Custance, Blake.,_ Shannon and G ilcreast were present. The,Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The Board signed the license of Robert L. Innis to Golf operate a golf driving range at the Marrett Gardens seven License. more Sundays. Byron A. Russell, blacksmith, living at 927 Mass, Ave. Juror. was drawn as a juror. The Town Engineer came before the Board and presented figures of the cost of constructing Smith Avenue and Crescent Hill Avenue. The matter of drainage on Smith A'veizue Construc was also discussed. tion The figures given by the Town Engineer are as follows: figures. Crescent Hill Ave. 3453. Smith Avenue 45700 The Town Engineer agreed to get the figures in shape for the abuttors to sign. ' The Town Engineer discussed with the Board the question of maintaining his department for the balance of the year. He stated that he would have to let two of his men go in Town about two weeks time; also that it would cost about $625. Engineer to carry on his department with these two men for the rze appro- balance of the year. priation. The Board discussed whether or not they would ask for an additional appropriation at the Town Meeting to carry this department on, but decided hot -to do so. HeAring was declared open on the application of Sidney A. Morash of Robbins Road for permission to maintain a one car wooden garage on the premises at lot #12 Robbing Rd*, Lexington. The architect for Mr. Morash appeared at the hearing. No persons appeared against the application and it was voted to grant the permit. Mr. Custanee reported having attended the meeting at Somerville City Hall on insurance rates. He stated that several of the Mayors of the cities and towns around were present at this meeti::g and the final opinion was that the insurance rates are not running along in the proper manner and that there could be some improvement made, They therefor passed the following resolution: ' At a meeting held at the Aldermanic Chamber of the City of Somerville., the Federation of Municipalities, with Mayor John .1Murphy presiding, registered itself as being opposed to the _present Compulsory Insurance Law in the present form and that definite ways and means be taken to Morash hearing. Insurance rate meeting. 1.66 to either amend or repeal the same. Notice of a meeting to be held at Room 49, City Hall, Insurance Boston, on Wednesday,. Sept. 9th at 11:30 A.M. on insurance rates. rates was received from Samuel Silverman Corp Councel, City of Boston. The Chairman reported that some time ago when the subject of vaccine treatment Cor the dog bite of dog owned by Russell I. Prentiss was brought up by Mr. Prentiss, it Vaccine was found that vaccine could be purchased through the Treatments. Board of Health, at a much more reasonable rate than the doctors could obtain it for. The Clerk secured information from Cambridge that they purchase the vaccine from Parke -Davis at the rate of 012.50 for a 14 dose treatment. The vaccine is ordered by the Board of Health and delivered directly to the patient to be administered by their own physician if they see fit. If the person can pay for the vaccine it is billed to they. If they cannot pay, the Town pays the bill and notifies the place of settlement similar to the manner in which other contagious cases are handled.; The matter is handled in a.similar Ymapner in the Town of Arlington, except that they purchase it for $17.50. The I3oard decided to notify the physicians in Town that they w ere ready to purchase the vaccine for them under the same circumstances as other towns handle it. State The State Aid returns for the months of July and August by the Board. ' Aid. were signed The Clerk reported that the Town Counsel advised holding up abatement of sewer assessment against the Town Abatement, of Arlington until it is decided whether or not the Town Town of of Arlington is suing for damages. It might be possible Arlington. that the suit for damages might be -waived if this abatement . is given and they understood that it is to be given under the circumstances. Notice was received from the Commissioner of Public Safety giving dotes of various fairs at which police tele - Invitation. typewriters and rad$o broadcasting systems Will be demon- strated by actual operation, and police news transmitted, and inviting the Board to visit the exhibits. The Board felt that there might be some other place where they might see a teletypewriter demonstrated. Parking The following Parking Regulations were adopted by the Regulations. Board amending the retulations adopted under date of July 7, 1931: Acting under the provisions of Chapter 40, section 22 of the General Laws, the Traffic Regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen under date of July 7, 1931 be and 1 hereby are amended as follows: HANCOCK STREET No narking on the west side from Bedford Street to the Boston &'-Maine Railroad Crossing and between Hancock Avenue u 1 167. and a point 200 feet south of Hayes Avenue. ELM AVENUE No parking on either side between Bedford Street and Hancock Street. MERIAM STREET No parking on either side between the Boston and Maine Railroad crossing and Massachusetts Avenue. Robert P. Trask Theodore A. Custance Board Hallie C. Blake of Clarence Shannon Selectmen. John E. Gilcreast Letter was receivedfrom the Town Counsel in which he stated that he had received word that Edward Shea of Cedar Street was sane. Mr. Russell I. Prentiss came before the Board and Edward Shea, state-' that the Town Counsel had informed him that there were two Edward Sheas at the hospital at Westboro and the one placed there by the Town of Lexington is insane. Mr. Prentiss discussed with the Board the fact that the American Legion should have one large room to store American things in. It was understood that .some of the members of the Legion. Legion do not feel that it is the proper time to ask for an appropriation for the Legion and for the quarters owned by George E. Smith. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in regard to the Frost property on Bedford Street. He stated that he had received someinformation from the Board of Assessors Frost that would enable him to compute the tax and interest from property. the date of the tax sale in 1917. He submitted these figures.to Frost's attorney. He had also written to Mr. Edward Wood, Chairman of the Cemetery Commissioners, asking if any compromise with Frost could be made Wherbby the Town would keep part of the land and let him have part of the land. He stated that the Land Court would. probably let Frost redeem on the payment of back taxes and the expenses of foreclosure. He recommended that unless some changed condition comes up that the article be,not inserted in the Warrant. Mr. Custance attended the hearing at the County Commissioners Office on Sept. 4th, and made a written report which was acceptedby the Board. Mr. Custance offered the following report on Wood Street. WOOD STREET Mr. Custance presented the plan of the town on which was designated Wood Street and the proposed route of the layout of a street around the Cambridge Water Basin. He _. r! urged that the County contribute. toward the construction of Wood Street and showed this route of connecting Waltham and Weston by the Cambridge Water Basin, showing that the traffic could be diverted'off Bedford Street in this manner. He stated that on Bedford Street there are between twelve and fourteen hundred cars passing in an hour and he believed in the future that a route would have to be made to carry this traffic away from Bedford Street and that the route of Wood Street around the Cambridge Water Basin would be one way of carrying the traffic off. He also called attention to the fact that the Planning Board and the State are now studying the layout of the street which will go across lands to the right of Bedford Street and come out on Bedford Street near Westview Street, starting somewhere in the vicinity of Summer Street Extension, and felt that the town should be looking ahead and laying out these highways. At first it was thought that the damages would cost 60,000., now a new layout is being considered, and the damages will be about $40,000. less. Hhecalled attention to the fact that Mr. Kendall was interested in having a layout of Concord Avenue made, and he felt that this was very good judgment inasmuch as at the present time on this street, there is being built a $40,000. house, and he felt that this showed,the trend of development of Lexington. Mr. Custanee_also called attention to the study of the street crossing territory in Belmont coming out somewhere in the vicinity of Bowman Street, which would be a layout to divert traffic. He called attention to the fact that when the decree is issued on Lincoln Street the Board will probably ask for the relocation of Lincoln Street from that point to the Lincoln line. He stated that the State had signified a willingness on the project of building Wood Street, and he felt that the County should cooperate. He felt that all of the layouts he mentioned should be studied with a view to making layouts in the future. * HEARING - BOW STREET RELOCATION Hearing Before the County Commissioners on Bow Street Relocation. Mr. Custan ce presented the plan showing the location of Bow Street and stated that this street has been a thirty (30) foot roadway and it was proposed to 'make it a forty (40) foot roadway. The Board has adjusted the matter of damages with Mr. Viano the owner of property who is affected by this relocation, and Mr. Viano has agreed to the adjustment. 1 1 169 The question of signals at Bow Street has been considered with the Boston and Maine Railroad Company as far back as 1925. Several conferences were held with that company and they were ready to install the signals in 1928. The Board did nbt have the appropiration to do the construction work at that time. It was estimated at the time that it would cost about $800.00 to change over the crossing at the railroad track. The Selectmen agreed to pay one-half the dost. Mr. John B. Sawyer, attorney for the Boston and Maine Railroad Company stated that the estimate of $800.00 has been refigured and it will now cost around $340.00 for signals and track work. The matter of discussion of the signals the County Commissioners stated that they would leave to Mr. Custance and Mr. Sawyer. There was no objection to the layout. After the hearing Mr. Custance had a conference with Mr. Sawyer of the Boston and Maine Railroad Company and Mr. Shepherd, Consulting Engineer, in regard to the work and they agredd that the town should do the macadam on the crossing which would amount to about one-half the cost of the estimate of $340.00 made by the Boston and Maine Railroad. Company. In changing over the crossing they stated that Mr. Custance requested that one track be left. They stated that for several reasons they did not desire to remove the track at this time. They felt, however, that the macadam could be put right up to the tracks'so that it would not be an objectionable crossing. In regard to the signals Mr. Sawyer stated that since the depression the company have not desired to spend an money where they could possibly get along without doing it. Ke stated that they would at this crossing either move the bell signal that they have at present or put in a flsahing signal. He felt, however, that the signal was a separate proposition. Mr. Custance presented to Mr. Sawyer correspondence which he had with Mr. Keay of the Boston and Maine Railroad showing wherein they agreed to put in signals, and also where the Town had given permission to put in signals at Woburn St., Meriam St., Hancock St., and Fletcher Ave. Mr. Shepherd agreed to make -a report to Mr. Sawyer giving his recommendations as to whether they will approve the present signal or put in a flashing signal at the present tine:.. Any cost in connection with the signals will be at their expense. The town will take care of the paving under the direction of Mr. Shugrue, Traffic Engineer, Mr. Sawyer agreed to send a letter to Mr. Custance at an ' early date. Mr. Custance stated that he desired -to start the work on Bow Street next week if possible. LINCOLN STREET Mr. Kendall stated that he expected Mr. Edgar F. 1?Q Scheibe to come in to talk about damages on Lincoln Street. He stated -that approximately 55,000 feet of land was to be, taken from Mr. Scheibe. 'Thp.question as to what was to be done with the ' Blot of land betden the new road and the old road was to be considered. r. Custancd felt that the Town could work this out satisfactorily. Mr. Custance informed Mr. Kendall that the Board decided on an award of $200.00 damages to Mr. Scheibe. In regard to Lincoln Street, Mr. Custance explained that Mr. Kendall expected Mr. Scheibe to come in to talk Lincoln about damages. Mr. Scheibe will lose approximately . St, 55,OOQ feet of land. Question arose as to what was to become of the plot of land between the new and the old road. Mr. Custance informed Mr. Kendall that the Board voted to award Mr. Scheibe $200. damages and if there were any questions about the damages, he felt this could be settled. Mr. Custance further reported that since the hearing he has been advised by Mr. Kendall that Mr. Scheibe requested that the matter be referred to the Planning Board. The.Board is anxious to get a definite status for Lincoln Street and the. Chairman agreed to write to the County Commissioners asking for the issuance of a decree at an early date so that they may know what to do at the Town Meeting in regard to this street. , In connection with Bow Street, Mr. Custance stated. that Mrs,. James 1twin.was ready to do the additional work desired by Mr. Viano for $20. more, the total cost to be $145. The Board decided to request the Town Engineer to get a description of the land taken from Mr. Viano so that Bow Street. the deed may be dram up.Mr. Viano has agreed to allow the Town to go ahead and do the construction•work, but it was thought best to obtain the deed first before starting the work. The Board, therefore, voted to start the 'cons- truction work on the building when the deed is received, and also to remove the two trees which will be within the property taken. The Board voted to install a twelve inch water pipe from Mass. Avenue across the railroad tracks a distance of about 300 feet in Bow Street. ` mation of the agreement made at the County Commissioners office with John. B. Sawyer, Attorney for the Boston and Maine Railroad vasireceived by the Board. Application was received from Mrs. Margaret M. McKenzie of Hayes Lane for Soldiers Relief while her son ' James is in the Chelsea Naval Hospital. He has been in the hospital. since March 14th and during that time she has not received any assistance. 1r�99 Il Mrs. McKenzie's brother-in-law is not supposed to remain at her home very much longer, and she is now receiving $15. a week from her son when he works full time on the Water Department. If he does not work dull time Soldiers she does not receive that much money. Relief. The Board vtsted to grant Mrs. McKenzie $5. a week Soldier's Relief. ' Mr. Custance reported that he went over the proposed widening of Lowell and North Streets with Mr.-JWder, and Mr. Ryder desired to have the work done further up North Lowell & Street than was planned to go. However, he was agreeable North Sts. th what the'Board stated they would do, and the Supt. of Public Works was requested to have the work done in the near future. Mr, Custance stated.that there has been considerable traffic on the street. Mr. Custance reported that the plan of°relotting of Colonial Heights was now ready and that the owners all Colonial seemed to be agreeable to the changes made except Mrs. Heights, J. W. Denney and the Town Engineer was to communicate with her. It was planned to hold an informal meeting in two weeks giving the owners of the property an•'opportunity to view the plans. Mr. Custance presented a form of agreement for the owners of land on Colonial Heights to sign in connection with the exchange of land. This form of agreement is to ' be presented to the owners at the informal meeting to be held: The Board decided that if the County Commissioners would not contribute to the rebuilding of Wood Street that they would insert an article in the Warrant requesting that the vote, be relieved df the condition that the money be spent in conjunction with the State and County. . Attention was called to the fact that the telephone company had cut un the new section of Mass. Avenue near Independence Avenud, Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that before this highway was built, all the public Opening of utilities were notified that they would not be given a per- streets. mit to open the street. The Board voted that whenever applications were received for street openings of streets of new construction that the Supt. of Public Works bring the matter before the Board before granting permission.. The Board decided that they would not spend any Trade Show, money at this time to have a booth at the Trade Show. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works ' in which he stated that he communicated witht.the various parties who owed highway betterments but that all he had heard from was Pichette & Ahern who agreed to take care of the bill. Mr. Scamman brought in bills for claims for broken springs caused by depressions in the highway from the 172 Mr. Custance called attention to a man by the nam& of Frank E. Greeni Shade Street, who had been superintendent Following: of a mill .for a housing company. The mill has closed down F. -D. Mead `. $4.60 Superintend-- R. C. Savoye 7.25 ent. afraid of losing if he does not get something1to do. He John Hendricks 8.00 is the type of.man that could be put over a gang of men He also brought in bills caused by persons having to be the Water Dept. trench Wood Street. ' pulled out of on ' The Board felt that the bills were justified, and voted to the Jenney filling st-tion at the corner of Waltham to approve these bills. They were as follows: Street and Barrett Road and discussed whether or`not ` Daniel G. Lacey $5.00 Bills for Frank Pfeffer 5.00 damages. Marie M4guire 5.00 The Supt, of Public Works attention was called George Q. WrIght 3.00 List of suggested appropriations for 1932 was viewed by the Board and after some corrections were made', it was 1932 decided to hand the appropriations over to the A ppropriatiQn:= Appropri Committee so that they may have something to study for ations, the 1932 budget, these appropriations to be subject to changes.by the Board. Mr. Custance called attention to a man by the nam& of Frank E. Greeni Shade Street, who had been superintendent of a mill .for a housing company. The mill has closed down and it has been impossible for the man to locate anywhere. -68 Superintend-- Tie is years old -and has purchased a house which he is ent. afraid of losing if he does not get something1to do. He is the type of.man that could be put over a gang of men if we have considerable welfare work to be done this winter. The Board considered'the matter of having "a ' :aidewe.lk' frt Robert Fawcett's house on Marrett Road to the Jenney filling st-tion at the corner of Waltham Work for Street and Barrett Road and discussed whether or`not ` Welfare the men working on the Welfare Dept. could do mon, this work. The Supt, of Public Works attention was called to the fact that he promisedito put in two steps at Converse Hill's house at 2101 Mass. Ave. The Chairman reported that -he intended tohave all of the men who were employed in the Water,_Sewer, and Highway Departments during the year register on a new Employment. "employment blank. This blank included the information as to whether or not they owned an automobile and the status of their property. He desired to get all the information necessary before the Town Meeting so that when the appropriation for the Welfare Dept. is requested'he will have the information on hand. It was stated that'there was considerable work to Brush. be done in the way of cutting brush along the highways. It was voted to request the Town Engineer to Deeds, prepare deeds for the widening of the corner at Marrett ' Road and Lincoln Street on the property owned by Mr. 1 F 0 0 173 Sarano and also to prepare the deed For land along the Miller property.;opposite, and 94 the corner; also the deed of the land of Mr. Hallie C. Blake.;. and of a dried giving to Enos Harrington land at the corner of Winthrop Road and Vine Brook Road. Attention of the Supt. of Public Works was called to t e fact that there were two white birches on,the Park Trees. Road`near 'the third base on the ball field that thould be taken. down. Letter was'pecoived from Mrs. Willard B. Brown in which she expressed her appreciation of the attention to the street in front of her house at 29 Meriam Street. Letter of ghe congratulated the Board for their interest in im- appr-tc:kation. proving the beauty of the Town. The 'weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was received. The meeting adjourned at 12 otclock. A true r000rd, Attest: Clerk. 0 0