HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-06-0265 SBZCTMENIS MEETING JUNE 20 1931, A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was .held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building. at-7::30 P.M, Messrs. Trask, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Gilereast were present. The Supt, of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The following licenses were granted; Hairdressing. Florence B. Westover 1711 Mass. Avenue Hazel C. Brown 1711 Mass. Avenue Undertaker James F. McCarthy 80 Bedford Street Golf George W, Bean Bedford St. John Lamont Carp Avenue ' Sunday Golf George W, Bean 243-245 Bedford Street Letter was received from Dr. Norman Ellard in which he requested that a shield be placed on the Shade for light in front of his house at 1355 Mass, Ave., so electric that the light would not disturb them at night, light. The Board voted to instruct thee, Supt, of. Public Works to have this done. Letter was received from Mr. Frank Fs. Viano in which he called attention to the fact that Mr. Custance in his letter misunderstood-the situation in respect to the work to be done on the shed on Bow Pe E.'Viano Street, He stated that the work to be done on the property, Inside of the small shed on Bow Street should be done Bow Street* by the Town. The inside walls and the ceiling were to be finished to match the old work, especially where the old partitions were torn away, but that he would have the plastered partition,walls torn down. Mr., Custance stated that he would get the figures on this e3&ra work and find out what it cost, Letter was received from Mr, J, L, Miles-"in L, Miles which he acknowledged the receipt of the letter fay re glags. the Board in reference to the flags displayed on M Commitments* municipal grounds* He stated that -it may be neo- essary later to call on the Chairman for a police escort. Commitment of sewer rental charges for the first section of the Town in the amount of $388.08 was signed by the Board. Commitment of water rates for the first section In the amount of $5455.06 was also signed by the Board. British Naval Letter was received from the British Naval and & Military Military Veterans Association in which they expressed Veterans their appreciation of the friendly greeting extended Assoc. to them by the Chairm.sn of the Board on May 24, 1831, the date of their annual pilgrimage. Letter was received from the Be Be I. Co. thank- ing the Board for calling their attention to the fact E.E.I.Co. that their employees were parking automobiles on re parking. Mass. Ave. for considerable periods during the day and stated that they have issued instructions not to allow the cars to be parked for an unnecessary lwgbh of time. Letter was received from Neil McIntosh in which Water Main, he requested the extension -Of a water main in Calvin Calvin St. Street aba# 150 feet from Ivan Street, and stated that he would sign the guaranty. The Board voted to extend this main as long as Mr. McIntosh would guarantee it. 1 1 1 Letter was received from the State Dept:l of ffiass. Ave. Public Works in which they stated that they had made Construction arrangements to allow the Town of Lexington forced by Town forces* to construct Mass. Avenue under Chapter 90. This construction is to be from Lake Street. to Lincoln Street. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in 'which he stated that Miss Gertrude Miss McCarron Westlake has declined to take up the playground for playground work this summer and stated that Mr. Garrity re- %vork. commended Miss Helen E. McCarron, 840 Mass. Avenue. The Board approved of the appointment inasmuch as it *et with the approval of the Supto of the Park Department. Board of Health Board of Health Regulations presented by Mr. Regulations. Prentiss were to be viewed by the Cha firman and then passed along to the other members of the Board for observation. Letter was received fro Mr. Harold Be Lamont Tercentenary, in which he enclosed a book of records of the variovx.� 19300 events of Massachusetts in connection with the Tercentenary of 1930, 1 1 1 -Letter was received from the Town Counsel in regard to the writ served on Mr• A. H. Burnham and other members of the Board of Selectmen in the year 1926, the same being an attachment by Minnie E. Garvin. He stated that he would file appear- ances and answers as requested. He believed that the Selectmen had no right to charge tb the town the expense of defanding actions against individulas who were formerly selectmen, but as the town was also a party, he felt that the .town meeting would ratify any action the seleftmen took regarding the -matter. He stated that he thought this.was similar to the McCaffrey case at which time the Town voted to reimburse the Selectmen for the expenses they were put to in this case, although some of the individual Selectmen were then not members of the Board. The Board considered the matter.and.on motion of Mr. John E. Gilereast,it was voted: ''khat the Town Counsel be authorized to ;proceed to _defend the action of the individual Selectmen and the Board would request an appropriation to cover this expense at the Town Meeting following the settlement of this ease." Letter was received from Kr. Francis Chamberlain in which be called attention to the bulletin by Babson on Higher Taxes. The Board instructed the Chairman to reply to Mr. Chamberlain's letter. Letterwasreceived from W. C. Hill of Elmer A. Lord & Co, in which he stated that the W rate on the Municipal building requires 90% insurance. The present blanket rates require the 80% clause except on Nos. 11 and 24, the latter being the new town hall and the Cary Memorial Building. He stated that Mr. Gustance figured the Public works Building and fixed improvementsas$52;000, and if the building is worth $520000 the insurance should be $46,800. He asked whether or not this additional amount of $6800 should be added to the present insurance or when the valuations are submitted and new -forms printed, if the Board would then place it on, He recommended that the insurance be bound at this time on the basis of Mr. Custancts estimate. He also suggested that we again review the 'values of the contents of buildings, in view of the changes made since the last inventory. This letter was referred -to Mr. Custanee for his attention.' ' Circular letter was receivdd from the Davey Tree Expert Co. giving information in regard to trees. Letter was received from P. Joseph Neary of 9 Bennett Ave., in regard to gypsy and brown tail 67 M.E.Garvin attachment. Letter re higher taxes E.A. Lord re insur- ance. Ddvey Tree Expert Co. T160 Complaint re moths J.N. Connors fiolationso moths which come from land near his premises. Tho WmI ratan was directed to reply to Mr. Neary{s.letter. The Tree Warden inspected the property and stated that the insects referred to were tent cater- pillars and not brown tail moths and that .they would disappear within a short time. The Town does not spray private property, and therefore could not spray the property from which the tent caterpillars were coming. Mr. Custance reported that he, Dr. Shannon, Mr. Cosgrave, Town Engineer and F. J. Spencer, Assistant Assessor, today went to the propterryy of John N. Connors who awns a piggery located both in i+exin#ton and Lincoln and found three buildings that were decidedly located in Lexington and there were a large number of pigs located in Lexington. The. Board discussed the verbal report made to the Clerk by Dr. McKenzie of the Lincoln Board of Health. The Board also discussed what steps they might want to take and whether or not , they would consider granting a permit to Mr. Connors or whether or not they would Want him to discontinue his piggery in Lexington. . The Board felt that inasmuch at he apparsntl*, was aware of the fact that he was building buildings in Lexington without any permit and that he was also keeping pigs in Lexington without a permit;, inasmuch" as the Tcwn. of Lincoln had refused him a permit to build any buildings in Lincoln, that he should have this called to his attention. It was finally decided that the Chairman should take the matter up with the Town Counsel and inform him of. the violations by said Connors and to ask the Town Counsel to write a letterordirect what he desires to have said to Mr. Connors. After this Information is received, the Board then would notify the Town of Lincoln as -to what has been done. Circular letter was received from Governor Safety Joseph B. Ely calling attention to another Highway Conference Safety Conference to be held at the Hotel Bancroft, Worcester. State Aid State Aid payroll in the amount of $12.00 payroll for the month of May was signed by the Board. Ald Age The ftairman reconnended the following as the '11aestance Old Age AssistanceBoard: Robert' P. Trask, John E. Board.' Gilereast and Hallie C. Blake. The Clerk reported notice of a suit, Town of �iit, .. Arl. Arlington against the Town of Lexington which against Lex. the Town Counsel stated was for highway betterment assessment on Pottler Ave. 1 L Letter wss received from T. G. Sughrue, Division Ehgine e r of the B.&.M. R, R. Co, , in which he stated that he would appreciate the Town levelling arf the rubbish at the Woburn Street crossing, Lexington and filling it in in the proper manner so that it would not be unsightly, Mr, Scarman reported information in regard to through ways on Mass. Ave. that there were 68 enter- ing streets and to have the Avenue a through way, it would have to be approved by the State Dept, of Public Works.. The signs would cost about $1000, outside of the cost of posts and digging of the holes for the posts. The Board voted not to do anything about establishing a through way this year, inasmuch as there orw not sufficient funds. It was decided, however, to have this in mind and to call for an appropriation at a future Torn Meeting, Woburn St, R.R. duatp, Masao Ave. a through way dis- cussed. Mre Daniel J. O'Connell fame before the Board and explained that he would like to have his application for a granolithic sidewalk in front of his house at the corner of Mass. Ave. and Winthrop Road taken up as soon as possible, inasmuch as he was going away this summer and would like to have the work done before he goes. The Supt, of Public Works was directed to get all his applications together and get bids on the sidewalk work. Mr. O Connell agreed to put in an application for a sidewalk along the property which has been a dump and which is now filled in to grade, at the corner of Fletcher Ave. and Woburn Street. - The Board inquired whether or not he would be willing to have the sign of the Donnelly Advertising Co. taken down, and he stated that he would be glad to have the sign taken down inasmuch as the lease ran out in May, He stated that he would write the Company and the Clerk of the Selectmen could also write the Company adtising them that the sign whould be taken down, as requested by Mr, O'Connell, He atw.ted that he intended to petition the Planning Board to have th2s property put into the business district, If the Toxin, however, desired to -purchase it for a fire station, he would be willing to make negotiations. D.J90►Connel: re sidewalk. O'Connell property Fletcher Ave & Woburn St. Mr. O'Connell called attention to the fact that the triangle located on Mass. Ave* opposite Fletcher Ave. and Winthrop Rd., while it was very* pretty, he felt that it was a hinderance to safety. He recommended that it be removed and traffic lights installed., The trees on the triangle at the present time hide the view and there have been a number of accidents at this location. Triangles Mass, Ave, near Woburn Street/ 70 Mr. J.Stuart The Clerk reported that Mr. James Stuart Smith :Smith re action stated that .he was awaiting action-033L� the Stone on Stone property so that the school work aacdd be started*' property. Mr. Custance stated that he would endeavor to communicate with lir. Robert Holt so that action would be taken. Traffio diverted* Mr. Custance diverted off Mass* at the J=btton of traffic should be than through -Cedar work is being done stated that the traffic should be Ave. from the bluff , so-called Marrett Road, also that the diverted down Hill Street rather. r Street while the construction on Mass. Ave. I,] Mr. O'Connell called attention to the fact Drainage, that water finds its way in through the middle Otconnell of the land which he filled in at the corner of property. Fletcher Ave, and Woburn Street, inasmuch as the drainage situation there has not been fixed. The Supt. of Public Works reported to him that it -would cost $5000 tohave this work done, and until the Town appropriates the money , they.ennnot do a good job on this work. Hr..Custance reported that he has been in to see Mr. Sughrue of the B. & M. R.R. Cos and he Railroad agreed to repair the railroad traraks at Woburn braeks. Street tomorrow. He explained to them. that the work of fixing the crossings was not satisfactory' last year; that only one of the crossings was fixed correctly, and requested that they give morn* Attention to this matter this, year. Fertilizer The Chairman was requested to order 500 lbs. Pox lawns of fertilizer for the Cary Memorial Library Lawn, Mr. Custanee reported that he had a request Request for for street lights on School Street, an4 #asmueh lights as this was a public highway, it was a reasonable School Ste request at the lights should be installed at least in September. The Supt, of Public Works was requested to find out how many lights were necessary. Mr. Cu.atanee reported that Miss Marian Kirkland, Cary Memorial Libiirian, requested the bus stop be Objection moved back to the Library again. She stated that to bus many of the ladies waiting for the bus object to stop. witing at Smith's Paper Store, inasmuch as there are men' standing around most of the time. The Board decided not to take any action on . this request inasmuch as two bus stops had been consolidated to make this one, andalso the Smith's Paper Store will be moved down a short distance and it was felt that this would do away with the men hanging. around that particular bus stop. Mr. J.Stuart The Clerk reported that Mr. James Stuart Smith :Smith re action stated that .he was awaiting action-033L� the Stone on Stone property so that the school work aacdd be started*' property. Mr. Custance stated that he would endeavor to communicate with lir. Robert Holt so that action would be taken. Traffio diverted* Mr. Custance diverted off Mass* at the J=btton of traffic should be than through -Cedar work is being done stated that the traffic should be Ave. from the bluff , so-called Marrett Road, also that the diverted down Hill Street rather. r Street while the construction on Mass. Ave. I,] 71 The Supt, of Public Works reported that he was havirg Hastings Road and Audubon, Rd. repaired tomorrow so that these two streets will be in good condition for the extra traffic carried over them. $e also stated that he would take care of the diversion of traffic. Mr. Custance reported that he had received a figure of $360 from Kra. Anthony Ross for building a stone wall in mortar along Allen Street where he A.Ross to had dug away tb6 lawn on the side of Allen Street 'building owned by Swenson Brothers, wall on It was voted that Mr. Ross be employed to Allen Street, construct the wall on Allen Street at a cost of •$4.00 per yard for 90 cubic: yards. This matter was to be in the hands of Mr. Custance „ who was to also see that the center of Allen Street is cleaned up with as little expense as possible* Mrt& Custance stated that he felt that next year plans should be made to construct a granolithic sidewalk on this street from Waltham Street to the school. He also stated that the State is now look- Sidewalk in Ing with favor upon constructing a sidewalk on one front of side of State hig1waysa He Pelt too that a sidewalk school* should be built on Marrett Road to Allen_ Street, The Board believed from experience that gravel sidewalks are not fea a ible' inasmuch so the children will not walk upon them. Kra Custance reported that he had figured that in the month of June, the highway Dept, will Highway have spent abou# $6000. He felt that during expenditures. July, August and September they should not spend more than $1500 each month. The Supt. of Public Works attention was called Debris swept to the fact that the street sweeper should sweep off streets on the streets very early Sunday mornings Sunday mornings* inasmuch as there is more debris aroud the streets Sunday mo mi.ngs than any other morning, owing to the trade ad Saturday night. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was reoeived. The meeting. adjourned at 9:55 P.M.., A true record, Attest; Clerk.