HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-05-12Peter Canessa before the Board. SELECTMENIS MEETING MAY 12, 1931. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Gilereast were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the clerk were also present. At 7:45 P.M. Peter Canessa came before the Board in response to the Board's request. The Board explained to him that they have had complaints about the condition of his premises, owing to the fact "that he has so many old cars l,,,,jy�ing arouAd the property. Mr. Canessa stated that at one time Mr. Robbins asked him to clean up the place and he did at that time ardmoved the cars onto the side of his property next to Mr. Marshall's house. Mr. William J. Marshall was present with Mr. Canessa. Mr. Canessa stated thathe had been in business at that location since 1913 and 1914. He sold barrels boxes as speculated in various things all of his life. He ,stated that ho 'hays a great number of automobiles there at the present time and the iron is worth little or nothing and he does not want to sell them inasmuch as he could not get much for them; he would be willing to erect a fence around the ea -s to that they would n6t be so unsightly. He stated that he applied for a Motor Vehicle license five years ago, and he was refused a permit. He was however granted a permit for two years on the Shea property. He could not afford to pay the rent there and he vaanted to have the business on his own premises. The Board requested the Gentlemen to retire so that they might consider the proposition. Mr. Scamman stated that he was informed by Mr. C- H. .H. Mugridge that he had purchased parts for automobiles from Mr. Canessa at this location in 1913-1914 while he was working as a Chauffeur for Mr. Prescott* Mr. Canessa seemed willing to cooperate and the Board after considering the matter, voted to grant him a second class Dealers License provided he erected a fence as agreed upon and Mr. Custance was requested to see- that this was done. Mr. Custance reported that he visited Miss Ellen E.A.Stone A. Stone today and found that she had just returned property. from her trip to California. He made an appointment to talk with her on Thursday, and desired to have the Engineers place the stakes on the property on Wednesday. He stated that she seemed to be a little disappointed in regard t„ the money appropriated for the land and also regretted that the land would be fenced in so that she could not go upon it inasmuch as it was owned by hlsr family for a number of years. D 1 Town Counsel, S. R. 111rightington, was present at the meeting,and the proposal to be signed by the Misses McCaffrey was presented to him for his opinion. He stated that in addition to establishing the Board of Survey layout over this property that the exterior lines should be established. He believed that by this proposal the Board was making a step of progress. Mr. Fred Longbott om, Building Inspector, came before the Board in reference to a lot of land on Locust Avenue upon which is to be built a large house and the property has not a 75 ft. frontage on Locust Ave. He felt that possibly this was a matter that shozld come before the Board of Appeals. Itwas found, however, that the lots in this section were laid out prior to the adoption of the amendment to the Zoning Law which required 75 ft. front age, and therefore Mr. Longbottom was advised that he could issue the permit. 41 McCaffrey property. BuildintT Ensc, re Lots, Locust Ave. Letter was received from the April 19th Committee April 19th thanking the. Board for their kind cooperation in con celebration. nection with the April 19th celebration. Letter was received from the Town Counsel, in which he enclosed a form to be signed by the Town Treasurer in connection with his endeavor to establish the ownership of a piece of property formerly owned by Frost and later taken by tax title by Hallie C. Blake and then returned to the Town. Notice was received of a hearing before the Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday, May 13, at Room 245, State House at 10.30 A.M. on House Bill #1552, the same being a special resoles ablishing a special commission to study the revision of the law relative to Zoning, Town Planning and regulation of billboards and other advertising dawiess. Notice was sent to Messrs. F. L. Emery, A. H. Burnham, ':'Representative, Joseph R. Cotton and S. R. Wright ington, Town Counsel of this meeting. Notice was received of the meeting of the Annual Prison Industries to be held at the Reformatory for Women at Framingham on Friday, May 15, kt 11 A.M. The Board signed the Supplementary report on the character of Harry B. Osgood for Incorporation of the Northeastern Dental Society, Inc. The Board voted to grant the following licenses: James T. McGann Public Carriage License Harry A. Allen Innholders License The application of George William Bean for a Common Victuallers license was held up until such time when Mr. Bean builds his building. Frost property. Meeting, State House, Ways & Means Committee. Meeting Women Is Reformatory. Incorporation Lieenses. 42 Witness ,fees Letter was received from.Mr. S. R. Wrightington in Hyder case. which he enclosed a list of witnesses who testified at the Ryder case, and asked that a bill be made up for them at the rate of $1.50 a day and .05¢ a mile for travelling. Services, Bill for services of the Town Counsel in the O'Connell O'Connell building line case was approved in the amount case. of $1053. Application was received from Leslie A. Bull, Application 83 Hancock Street for insurance. His applicati®nrrwas for Ins. placed on file until such time as the insurance schedule is revised. Letter was received from the Town Couns(pl in which he called attention to the fact that the Town Treasurer sent a check to Mr. OtConnell for the settlement of O'Connell his case, previous to the expiration of five days after check. the dissolution of the meting, and as a result, Mr. OfConnell received the benefit of four days interest. He called the matter to the attenion of the Town Treasurer and he assured Mn Wrightington that this would not occur in the future. Letter was received from the Town Accountant in which he called attention to the fact that a Revenue Revenue Loan was necessary. He suggested that a loan of $175,000 Loan. be made, dated May 21, 1931 .and payable December 2L, 19310 She Board voted to authorize the Treasurer to request bids for the R venue Loan in the amount of $175,,000. dated May 21sCand payable Dec.21st. Letter was received from Mr. J. E. Gilcreast in which he gave the status of the bond situation at Water Bond. the present time. He recommended that the Board issue $50,000 3-21% Water bolds payable in one to 10 yeas, and the Board so voted, Sewer, Ceder The Board signed the order for the installation Street. of a sewer in Cedar Street from Columbus Btreet to Mass. Avenue. Pig The applicat ion for a pig permit for E. K. Ballard Application. was laid over until the Health Inspector reports on same. I -Jay 24th Letter was received from the British Military and Pilgramage. Naval Veterans Assoc. inviting the Selectmen to be present at the pilgrimage on May 24th. The Chairman wasinstructed to reply to the letter. Both he and Mr. Gilcreast stated that they would attend the meeting. Ryder pig The Clerk reported that the Ilyders Stock Fgrrm Inc. permit. had received a permit to keep 500 pigs on Maple St. in 1925. No other permit had been given them until this year, F Ll fl Mr. Custance reported that the Board of Appeals had defided against the petition of Mr. G. V1. Bean for permission to install 2-1000 gallon gasoline tanks on his premises at Bedford Street. The Selectmen, after considering the matter, voted not to grant permission to Mr. Bean to install two 1000 gallon gasoline tanks on the premises at Bedford Street. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works advising that if a chlorinator should be installed at the Swimming Pool that bids should be received immediately. The Board therefore instructed the Suut. to secure bids from the following concerns: Paradon Mfg. Co., Arlington, N. J. Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc., 455 Park B1dg.,Boston Automatic Primer Co., 111 West Washin7ton St., Chicago, Ill. The Chairman reported that he had looked into the matter of chlorinating powder and found that this powder was nothing but a lime powder and costs approximately four or five cents and for which a charge of about $1.10 is made and that this would not ' be satisfactory. The Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to the lights at the junction of Mass. Ave. and Marrett Road that he recommended two lights at this location to be changed from 80 candle power to 250 candle power Bights; also at the junction of Bedford and No. Hancock Streets he recommended that two lights be changed from 80 to 250 candle power lights. Mr. Custance stated that he would like to look at the lights before the change was made, and the matter was therefore laid on the table*; The Chairman reported that he received a telegram from Governor Joseph B. Ely asking him what provisions had been made for financing the Old Age Assistance Act and his reply recommended the increase in the poll tax for men and the poll tax for Women. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he stated that he had received the letters from Mr. Ryder regarding the drainage. He suggested that inasmuch as Mr. Ryder threatened to bright suit that if the Parker Street drain is constructed that the drdinage construction work be postponed. The Town Engineer had written a letter to Mr. Wrightington at the request of the Chairman, and exnlained'to him that he had not furnished Mr. Ryder with the information 'relative to the drains and that he would not do so. 43 Bean application. Swimming Poo] Street Lights. Old Age Assistance. Mr. Ryder re drainage. 44 with Mr. Lyman regarding obtaining assistance on Wood Street construction. Mr.Lyman stated that although they had not figured this in that they would give it consideration and Mr. Custance agreed to report latter. Mr. Custance also reported that he communicated with Pown forces Mr. Lyman in regard to having the Town forces:do the work 3oing Mass. on Mass. Ave. this year, and Mr. Lyman informed him that The Board discussed the matter of fees for they are now looking with favor upon Towns having $10,000 miniature gold' courses and olf ranges. The Board, last Lexington comes very easily within this class and in all year established a rate of 125. for miniature golf courses , and the Battle Green Miniature Golf Course, Bedford St. Golf fees. and Mr. Moody's miniature golf course of Pleasant St. & Concord Avenue paid the fee at this rate. It was decided to establish a fee of $10. to cover the driving rang es,whether they had a putting green or not. It was decided to write to the various persons having received permits from the Board of Appeals to carry on these ranges to send a check for the fee established by the Board. The Clerk reported that D. J. O'Connell called Yichael attention to the fact that Michael O'Connor has' been O'Connor boarding at the Central House at his expense, and he felt that the Town should take care of him in some manner. The Board agreed to pay Mr. O'Connor's board at the Somerville Alms House. . German Field The Board reported hEting viewed the German Field Piece. Piece on Hastings Park and they were not enthused about its location. The matter was therefor laid upon the table for one week. The Chairman rer)o rted that Mr. Harry A. Burgess , brought in a man by the name of Dwyer to see him about erecting; a restaurant on the land formerly owned by Mmi Ida H. B. Capper at the corner of Waltham Street and Marrett Road. The man was anxious to find out whether or not he would receive a Victuallers license after he had spent his money for the building. He had already purchased the property. The Board felt that 7f he built a building that was satisfactory , they did not see any reason why they should not grant him a permit, inasmuch as this was in a business district. Mr. Custance reported that he ' had a conference e Wood St. with Mr. Lyman regarding obtaining assistance on Wood Street construction. Mr.Lyman stated that although they had not figured this in that they would give it consideration and Mr. Custance agreed to report latter. Mr. Custance also reported that he communicated with Pown forces Mr. Lyman in regard to having the Town forces:do the work 3oing Mass. on Mass. Ave. this year, and Mr. Lyman informed him that Ave. Constr. they are now looking with favor upon Towns having $10,000 worth of machinery and equipment to do the work and Lexington comes very easily within this class and in all ' probability will be allowed to do the work. The Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to the rocks on the property of Mr. Joseph B. Lowell, 45 that Mr. Lowell stated that he would take care of the rocks himself lbter when he was able. He has not been Rocks, ' Reeling very well and he intends to use them for Lowell filling later on. as there is very little record on hand of the lines of property. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to post Dump on the dump on Woburn Street on the property of Elmina Munroe Munroe and also to burn the rubbish on the dump and property. cover it over with gravel to endeavor to stop the dumping there. received a bid from Mr. Anthony Ross of 25� a foot for The "hairman reported that Mr. H. S. 0. Nichols of the School Committee.stated that the School Dept. have already started to build the f enc e at the re - r of the Parker School and the School 'Committee believed that this was'the only method of keeping the school children in on the grounds. Parker School fence The Clerk reported that the records show that the Tavern Lane name of Tavern Lane is Tavern Lane instead of Tavern At. sign. Lane Road. he '�Iupt . was therefore instructed to j1dve the street sign changed. The Board approved a Sunday permit for miniature Sunday Golf. golf at the Smith Bell Farm. 'Mr. Scamman reported that he had received two bids for manhole covers, each for $1. per foot. The bid from B. J. Harrington also added $2.00 per Bids on foot if he -has to Tarnish the labor and $1. per foot manhole if the Town furnishes the labor and also an extra covers* charge of $1.50 per hour if extra work is done. The bid from P. F. Dacey did not include any extra charge for extra work to be done, and Mr. Scamman therefore accepted the bid from Mr. Dacey. The Chairman reported that he and Mr. Custance looked over the highway work on Pleasant Street which is being done and they felt that there was too much of Pleasant St. an expenditure of money on this street at the present . time and they felt that it would be better to wait until the bounds of the street were established inasmuch as there is very little record on hand of the lines of the street. In order to take off the corner which is considered fairly dangerous, it would be,necessary to go in on private property. Mr. Scamman reported on the removal of a seven ton boulder there which would be of help. It was therefore decided not to do such an extensive job on this street at the present time. ' In connection with the layout of the street to the Franklin School, Mr. Custance reportdd that he had received a bid from Mr. Anthony Ross of 25� a foot for removal of material on the street. Allen Street appears' 46 to be very narrow and the Town cannot expend any money until an appropriation is made at Town Meeting to lay M� out the street. Mr. Custance stated that Mr. Ross had Allen St# a job where a great deal of filling was required and that was why he got such a low bid. Mr. Scamman , reported that it would cost the Town at least 50� a foot to remove the fill. Thd Board therefore felt that it would be good business to have this done providing they could get permission from the Swenson Brothers. The Chairman reported that he had requested the Town Engineer to make a study of the entire layout of ' Old County Road and this will be finished for the Board to view at a later date. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was received. The meeting adjourned at 101,25 P.M. A true record, Attest CIlerk. 1 u