HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-03-17453 SELECTMENtS MEETING MARCH 172 1931 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Gilereast were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Hearing was declared open at 7:45 P.M. on the application of John A. Sellars of Concord Avenue for Sellars permission to maintain a private gasoline tank.in the capacity of 500 gallons. Mr. Sellars presented a sketch gasoline showing the location of said tank. This was for his own tank. private use, and the Board voted to grant the permit provided the Chief of the Fire Department approved the same. Verbal complaint was received from Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper:- of Marrett Road in which she asked whether or not the Board could stop the boys from playing'in:the._fleld Complaint, opposite her double house at the corner of Waltham boys - Street and Marrett Road. She stated that the boys playing disturbed the family living in her house. in field. The Board informed Mrs. Capper that this was a matter entirely out of their jurisdiction and she would have to take the matter up with the owner of the property. It was voted to appoint Peter Cannesa in charge of the Odorless Cart, the Supt. of Public Works having P.Cannesa reported that he wanted to continue on the job, re odorless The.Supt. of Public Works reported that Mr. Cannesa cart. requested that the Town purchase for him .a truck.so that he could place the tank on the truck._ It.being found that Mx. Cannesa does the work of caring for cesspools outside of Lexington, and the amount of work does not Letter was received from the Town Accountant regarding a temporary loan. The Board authorized the $1509000 Accountant to instruct the Town Treasurer to borrow Loan. $1500000, dated March :25, 1931 and payable December 3, 1931, Mr. Frederick L. Emery was scheduled to come F.L.Finery before the Board at eight o'clock P.M. to discuss the re Baso- matter of gasoline stations and signs at stations. line Mr. Emery did not appear before the Board. Letter was received from W. K. Shaw of Concord stations. in which he suggested that green arrows be placed at the four corners of Marrett Road and Waltham Street to allow the traffic to proceed around the corners. Green The Chairman had..already replied that the green arrows arrows would be placed there provided the aupropriation for this Waltham Sto account was allowed at Town Meeting. The appropriation & Marrett having been made, the Supt. of Public Works was instructed Road. to have the green arrows installed at these corndrs. Verbal complaint was received from Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper:- of Marrett Road in which she asked whether or not the Board could stop the boys from playing'in:the._fleld Complaint, opposite her double house at the corner of Waltham boys - Street and Marrett Road. She stated that the boys playing disturbed the family living in her house. in field. The Board informed Mrs. Capper that this was a matter entirely out of their jurisdiction and she would have to take the matter up with the owner of the property. It was voted to appoint Peter Cannesa in charge of the Odorless Cart, the Supt. of Public Works having P.Cannesa reported that he wanted to continue on the job, re odorless The.Supt. of Public Works reported that Mr. Cannesa cart. requested that the Town purchase for him .a truck.so that he could place the tank on the truck._ It.being found that Mx. Cannesa does the work of caring for cesspools outside of Lexington, and the amount of work does not 454 Condition of Cedar Street* warrant the purchase of a truck, it was decided not to purchase the truck. Letter was received from the Fairways Construction Company in regard to the condition of Cedar Street and asking that something be done to put :the highway in better condition. They mentioned the fact that the assessment on the Paul Revere Golf Links was increased about 300% but that nothing has been done on the highway. They also called attention to the disreputable appearance of the buildings on the Town Farm at the junction of Cedar and Hill Streets. Mr. Custanae reported that it would cost about $15,000 to put this street into condition. The Chairman replied to the Fairways Construction Compa;iy that the appropriation made this year for high- way maintenance could not allow any major repair work to be done on Cedar Street and all that could be done was to scrape it and put on a coat of oil. He also informed them that it was proposed to take down some of the buildings on the Town farm this year. It was voted to appoint Arthur F. Tucker as a April member of the April 19th Committee, suggestion 19th. having been made by Capt. Edward L. Child. ' Letter was received from Edward N. Montague Block requesting permission to continue on the Block Plan Plan this year. The Board informed Mr. Montague that the Town did not Appropriate money this year to continue the Block flan. Mr. John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, came before the Board to discuss the appropriation for the , Engineering Dept. He advised the Board that the out in the Engineering approprilation would not allow Engineering him to keep all the force that he now has. He therefore Dept. went fiver the matter with the Supt. of Public works Budget. and they felt that the students should be kept on in accordance with their agreement with the School for the services of the students. The only other thing that could be done would be'to drop J..Bruce Lewis in April or by drepping Albert Miller, Samuel Zeitlen and Henry Stillings. If they drop Lewis in April and Stillings in June there will be men enough for a field crew leaving one man in the office, but if three men were dropped, it would mean breaking the arrangement with the school. The Board felt that although it was a hardship on Bruce Lewis, being a married man,.to drop him, it was for the best interests of the Town to do this and so instructed the Supt. of Public works. Communication was received -from -the -Supt.. of Public Works in, regard to the _action.: of..the-Town ..in cutting the appropriation of the -Highway. _ Department; he stated that half time should be given to the regular men now instead of full time from March 19 to May 4,9 1 1 •. 4.5.5 1931 cutting the payroll about $250. a week or a total of $1675. This he felt should also be carried out in the Water and Highway Dept. Sewer Department. & Water & The Board authorized the Supt. of.Public_Works Sewer Dept., to place the men on half time. half time. Iii regard to the approval of plans of Ledgelawn Avenue, Mr. Custance suggested that the Board.await the decision of the Town in regard to the sale of Ledgelawn Ave. parcels of land, inasmuch as if this is not sold, it will not be necessary to lay out a highway in that section. Resignation from the Dental Clinic Committee Resignation, was received from Mrs. Hugh D. McLellan. The Board Dental Clinic decided to accent the resignation of Mrs. McLellan Come and to fill the Vacancy at a later date. The following applications were received for the position of Building Inspectors George A. Jaynes Hayes Lane Fred Longbottom 16 Independence Rd. Walter H. Kew 16 Curve St. Reuben W. Mead Robinson Rd. Donald Cameron 66 Carville Ave. Building John F. Kavanaugh 2 Sherman St. Inspector, J. Loring Douglad 21 Grant St. ' George C. McKay 12 Sherman St. Andrew T. Bain Lowell St., Arl. Hts. The Board considered these applications and eliminated the applicants to"three names - Fred Longbottom, Donald..Cameron, and George C. McKay. The matter was again laid on the table for further consideration. Letter was received from the Town Coune6l regarding It the taking of the Stone property by eminent domain. He informed the Board that the taking by eminent domain atone will -involve considerable time and it may not be taking. possible for them to have tennis courts on this land this year. Letter was received from the Town Counsel regarding the costs ifi the Ryder case. The costs amounted to $195. Inasmuch as the Town is to pay to Charles We Ryder the sum of 9511 as overpaid takes of 1929, the Costs, Board decided to instruct the Treasurer to take out Ryder of this amount the sum of $195., the costs in the Ryder case. case. The Town Engineer presented .a plan showing the i ' drainage on Carville Avenue studied by him. This 4painage plan showed the possibility of draining Carville from the cellars of the houses in that section into the Avenue suf;face drainage. He stated that this drainage drainage, would cost about $1400. 456 No action was taken on the plan inasmuch as it was decided to take the matter up when all of the "17 surveys on the drainage are made in accordance. with �. the instructions of the Board to the Supt."of Public Works. The Supt. of Public Works was notified to have the beacon and base left at the side of the road at the Base, corner of Concord Ave. and Waltham Street removed traffic and also any other bases of traffic beacons that might be beacon left on the side streets about the Town. removed. Remarks having been made about theremoval of snow at the annual Town Meeting, the Supt. of Public Works informed the Board that the trucks Snow trucks. that were referred to as having been in the garage at East Lexington, were trucks that belonged to Robinson and were in the garage for repairs and were rift being paid to haul snow at the time spoken of. Statement was also made at the Town Meeting that Snow the job done on the removal of snow wasttoo;-gobd..a,,,jbb. removal. On the other hand, at the last snow storm, when the Supt. of Public Works did not plow the snow, he had several complaints about this not being don4. The appropriation.for shade trees having been made at Town Meeting,.i.t_was.decided to write.to several Shade tree experts and ask them to give a bid on the work of ' Trees. pruning the trees on the public grounds. This matter was left with the Chairman to attend to. It was decided to write to the Edison Electric _Illuminating Co. calling their attention to the deplorable work done by the Bartlett Tree Expert Company as representatives of the Edison Company on several of the trees in the Town. Mr. John Audick came before the Board to see if anything could be done about fixing up Tucker Avenue. He'stated that the trucks go in there ead get stuck Tucker Ave. and cannot get out. He also asked that a street light be placed'on Tucker Avenuo. Mr. Custance informed him that if the people in that section could get together and decide about accepting the street and if Mr. Audick was willing to get the people together, he would go to East Lexington and give them whatever information they desired relative to the cost of construction of the street., Mr. Audick stated that Mr. Frank E. Hudson was Chairman of the Improvement Society and he would try to get the people together for this purpose. Mr. George B. Dennet.having passed away, the ' Golden Post Boston Post Cane is now to be Pres.ented.to the oldest Cane. man in the Town. It appears from genealogy that Mr. Edward S. Payson who was born`Sept. 26, 1842 is now the oldest man. The Boston Post requested 457 that the Selectmen act in handing to Mr. Payson.the Golden cane and wish him -well in his future years. ' c It 4as left with the Chairman to attend to this matter. Notice was received from the State Dept. of Public Welfare that they felt the charge o� $4.00 a visit for medical attendance was excessive and is more than charged in other Towns. It was suggested that the physicians Physicians' in the Town be notified that the State did not approve fees, Welfare of the fee of 44,00 a visit and to suggest that charges visits. at the rate of $2.00 for visits be made in Welfare cases. Application was received from Frank W. Perkins for permission to install gasoline on the premises at 536-542 Mass. Avenue, Frank W, 1. The Board having granted Mr. Perkins permission Perkins, to use the premises as a garage, voted to grant him a application hearing. for gasoline, Moth nests were treated with creosote on Somerset Road, Oakland Street, Hayes Avenue, Berwick Road, Vine Street, and Woburn Street. Next week this work will be continued. Letter was received from Edward W. Taylor, Chief of the Fire Dept. in which he called attention to the fact that he must use municipal plates on his automobile when he uses it for Fire Dept. business and also his car is insured, and when he uses it for Fire E. W.Taylor E.inaurance Dept . affairs, he is not protected. re He also called attention to the fact that he carries $27,$00 accident insurance, but that he could not collect any of this if he was injured while performing his duties as Chief of the Fire Dept. He asked that the Board give consideration to these matters. It was decided to.lay this matter on the table for one week for later consideration. Report was received. from Russell I. Prentiss, Health Inspector regarding the condition of the premises of Leo Bornstein, 14 Sylvia St. and Rebecca Bornstein, Bornstein 4 Sylvia St. premises. It was decided'to write to the owners of the premises and inform them that they must clean up the property at.an early date. The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. For the week ending March 14, 1931. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Surface patches were made on a number of streets; catch basins cleaned; and snow fence taken down and stored. Next week the regular maintenance work will be carridd on. ' . MOTH & SHADE 'TREE DEET. Moth nests were treated with creosote on Somerset Road, Oakland Street, Hayes Avenue, Berwick Road, Vine Street, and Woburn Street. Next week this work will be continued. 458 PARK DEPARTMENT Regular_ maintenance work.was attended to, one man helping_the.mechanic...on_the Park Department truck. , The brush in the Town Meadow was also cut. Next week the regular maintenance will be looked after and any other work that can be done at this time. WATER & SEWER DEPT. Filled in holes on Good Street; raised hydrant on Taft Avenue; filled in holes around Public Works Building; water and sewer service for O'Connell, Baker Avenue. Regular maintenance work is planned for next week. ENGINEERING DEPAR'T'MENT Highways Location of trees on Wood -Street near Ballard property. Assistance to County starting relocation of Lincoln Street. Drainage. Survey of water eleta.tions. along.Vine Brook from Smith Branch to North Street after severe storm of March 8th. Daily readings taken from March 9th to March 14th inclusive. Twelve pictures taken of flooded areasonMarch 9th. Inspections of drainage along B. & M. R. R. between Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue and at Mass. Avenue opposite Bowker Street. Miscellaneous 'Measured Mass. Avenue travelled way widths from Grant Street to Depot Square. Work on Block._P1ans. Index office plans. Spent three.days (J.T.C. & Zeitlen) at Registry of Deeds checking office index and_plans_to be copied. Work on street_ numbering plans. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of_Public _Works. The meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock P.M. A true reoord,'Attest: Clerk."