HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-03-02442 SELECTMENIS MEETING C7 MARCH 2, 1931 , A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Shannon ind Blake were present. The Supt. of Public horks and the Clerk were also present. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open b;; the Board of Letter was received from F. L. Emery in which he asked if the Board intended to pigeon -hole his letter received at the meeting last week, relative to over- F'.L.Emery hanging signs and signs at gasoline stations. re signs The Board decided to invite Mr. Emery to come before them on Tuesday evening, March i.7, 1:.31 at 8 P.M. to d_scuss the matters contained in his letter. ' It was also decided to discuss with Mr. Emery the letter written to him sometime ago and for which we have twice reluested a reply and have not received any as yet, relative to the amendment proposed by the Town Survey upon the approval of plans of Ledgelawh Avenue. Ledgelawn Mr. Frank P."Cutter, Engineer, appeared before the Board Avenue. with the plan. No other persons appeared. Mr. T. A. land. Custance conducted the hearing. He objected to the two curves being in the highway and asked that he change the plan to conform with the suggestion made by the 'Town Engineer, J.T.Cosgrove. dater,and Mr. Cutter agreed to change the plan and profile, and the Valley matter of the approval of the ;plan was therefore laid upon the Field 5t. table. Notice of a hearing to be held March 6, 1931 at Lincoln 10 o'clock A.M. at the County Commissioners' Office Street on Lincoln Street was brought to the attention of the Board. Letter was received from Newton giving the regulation Bil]_- regarding billboards in their Town. Under this regulation boards. they reported that they had very good luck in prohibiting , the billboards. Letter was received from F. L. Emery in which he asked if the Board intended to pigeon -hole his letter received at the meeting last week, relative to over- F'.L.Emery hanging signs and signs at gasoline stations. re signs The Board decided to invite Mr. Emery to come before them on Tuesday evening, March i.7, 1:.31 at 8 P.M. to d_scuss the matters contained in his letter. ' It was also decided to discuss with Mr. Emery the letter written to him sometime ago and for which we have twice reluested a reply and have not received any as yet, relative to the amendment proposed by the Town Letter was received from George L. Faulkner, 241 Ditch, Mass. Avenue in regard to the ditch running across his Faulkner land and carrying off the drainage water from the catch land. basins on Mass. Avenue. This matter was laid ul,on the table. Letter was received from the Sunt. of the 4'rater dater,and Sewer Dept. stating that a petition had been received Valley for the extension of 13001 of 611 water Apes in Valley Field 5t. Field Street from Bridge StreDt, which he estimated the cost to be at $3500. It was decided to lay this matter upon the table until such time as it was ascertained yvnether or not she guaranty would be paid. Letter was received from F. L. Emery in which he asked if the Board intended to pigeon -hole his letter received at the meeting last week, relative to over- F'.L.Emery hanging signs and signs at gasoline stations. re signs The Board decided to invite Mr. Emery to come before them on Tuesday evening, March i.7, 1:.31 at 8 P.M. to d_scuss the matters contained in his letter. ' It was also decided to discuss with Mr. Emery the letter written to him sometime ago and for which we have twice reluested a reply and have not received any as yet, relative to the amendment proposed by the Town u 1 Counsel allowing tea rooms and clubs in residence districts. Letter was received from the Volunteers of America requesting permission to sell flowers on the streets of Lexington on Saturday, March 7, 1931 for the purpose of feeding the poor and needy. The Board decided to notify the Volunteers of America gnat it was not customary to ;7rant a hermit for the use of the streets of Lexington for this purnose. Permit was ;ranted to William B. Potter, Waltham Street to collect garbage within the limits o+' the `Town of Lexington. The Roard•decided to send a notice to the Town Meeting Members that a Town Report would be held for them at the Town Office Building awaiting their call. Mr. Trask brought up the matter of the appropriation for the Engineering Dept. and stated that he did not realize that the appropriation proposed to be made wo�ild cripple the Department as much as it will. He suggested therefore, that, the apnrot)riation for sidewalks and curbing might be cut down and $1200 of that account be added to the Engineering Dept. appropriation. The Board. discussed this matter and finally voted to lay the matter on the ta!-:l F, for one week. 443 Volunteers of America re sale of flowers. Garbage hermit. Town Reports. Eng. Dept. appropriation. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that the men in the employ of the town Highway Dent. were allowed time off to vote on election day -Ind this was not necessary inasmuch as the polls remained.'open until 8 o'clock P.M. Mr. Scamman stated that this arrangement would be stopped; he did nbt know that the meh were liven the time off. This was done in early days when the polls closed earlier. Mr. Louis W. Bills and the Chief of Police, James J. Sullivan, came before the Board to discuss the matter of traffic lights. Mr. Custance read a communication received from the State re.ardin�; traffic lights, and stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Hubbell in regard to the matter. Mr. Sills stated that the traffic lights are not uniform in the various towns even though the State has adopted uniform reg;alations. He has travelled in various towns and found that the lights diff,�r as to the len.rth of time and different li;-'-)ts are on. The main complaint in the Town of Lexin?ton is about the traffic at Waltham St. The traffic coming out of Waltham Street while the u-) and down traffic on Mass. Avenue is being held, comes out at the time that foot passengers cross Mass. Avenue, and therefore it is a dangerous condition. The Chief stated that he had endeavored to have an officer there at: the busy time of the day. Time off for voting. Traffic Ii.i�rhts. 444 .� The Hoard discussed holding the traffic coming out of Waltham St. onto Mass. Avenue for a longer period. Mr. Bills su-gested that if' the arn-)er light time was increased that this might remedy the condition. , After discassin7 the matter the Board voted ,to increase the length of the time of the amber light to five seconds, and to try 'this out to see if it remedies the situation. The '11oard voted to recommend to the by-law committee fiat the hours of openin�7 the, polls be changed from 6 A.M. to 8 A.M. inasmuch as last Change in year the extension of the time of the polls from ho�.rrs of 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. now gives ample opportunity polls. for persons coming from the trains to -,ote. Application was received from John A. Sellars for a 7asoline tank of 500 gallons for his own private use. It was decided to adv-rtise a hearing Sellars on the application. gasoline Mr. Sellars stated that he had this tank on application. his premises for the past three years but he had never had a permit and the Fire Dept. were checking up the tanks and informed him that he should have a permit. The following is the weekly report of thQ Supt.of Public 'Works. ' For the week ending February 28, 1931 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Cutting back ice at street corners; cleaning catch basins; and patching street surfaces occupied the department during the past week. Xl��At week the regular maintenance work will be attended to. MOTH DEPARTMENT Climbing'trees and treating, gypsy moth nests with creosote in Westview Cemetery, Westview Street, Winter Street and Bedford Street. Next weekthis same kind of work will occupy the department. PARK DEPARTMENT Regular maintenance work carried on and also the manufacturing of cement posts and frames for outdoor sets. Next week the regular maintenance work will be attended to. WATER A- SEWER DEPARTMENT Four men flushing; trunk line sewer; two men it working at shop painting equipment and piling'stock; worked one day on cement floor; raised hydrant at Parker School; raised hydrant at end of Bertwell Road; regular maintenance work. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Highways Supplied lotting information to State Valuation Engineer along new layout of Summer Street, Lowell Street, East Street, to Grove Street, to Bedford Street. Sewers Woburn Street survey of Drury lot to check abate- ment or return claim. s Continued work on Town Sewer Study. Miscellaneous 1 1 Completed plan and wrote description of additional land at Parker School. Started numerical index system (Book or record) of plans on hand to check all Lexin^ton plans at Registry of Deeds. Work on street numbering plans. Remarks The final work is now being done on the Town Sewer Plan. This is mostly field. work and I expect to turn the information over to Metcalf & Eddy before April 15th. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works The.Board signed an order establishing tho relocation of Massachusetts Avenue in front of the property of Daniel J. al Connell from, the', northerly terminus of the present street line on the former To,:°m Hill property now owned by Messrs. Rubin and Serio an to tho rroIDerty of Anstiss S. Hunt, et al. The Board signed .n order establishin` the lay out as a Town way of Dexter Road from Fuller Road to "''Iillisms Road. The meeting adjourned at 10 P.T:. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 445