HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-02-17C SELECTMEN'S MEETING= FEB. 179 1931. A regular meeting of the Eoard of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Torn Office Building at 7:45 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Blake, Sh-Lnnon- and Trask were present. The Supt. of Public vuorks and the Clerk were also present: ' At 7:45 P.M. hearinio, was declared open on the petition of the E.E.I.Co and the New England Toll. ?- Tel. Col for permission to place one pole on Highland Ave. approximately 120 feet souti of Slocum Rd. Mr. Busby of the N.E.Tel. & Tel. Co. a_pueared to explain the oetition. No persons appeared to obiect, to the petition being granted, and it was therefore voted to aoprove the ap-olication. Hearing was declared open at 8 P.'Ji. on the 3oard's notice of intention to lay out Dexter RI. from Fuller Rd. to Williams Rd-. Mr. Custanee conducted the hearing. Letter was, received from Y. S. Dou,lass of 14 Plymouth St., in which he opposed the constructi66n of the street at the present time, owing to the fact that his lot is vacant and there a -e several lots beside his that have not been fully r,zilt up for several years, and business is not very good. Mr. Alfred C. Mortimer, Jr. 14 7exter Rd. stated that the residents present, nine in number at the time of speaking, were in favor of layinr- out the street. ThAre was, however, some question•about the cost of construdtion. They compared the fiures with the cost of construction of Bertwell Rd. and Simonds Rd. and felt that Dexter Rd. was figured quite high. They were informed that when Simonds Rd. was built that a ;creat deal of the filling had already been nut in there from Bedford St. and the ledge excavated at the top of the hill was used for fill in the low port the, other side of the top of the hill, and in this way considerable money was save.. The Town Engineer informer' th- gentlemen that there would be a great deal of excavation on Dexter Rd. and that is why the figures were a little higher. Mr. Albert W. Emmens, 7 Dexter Rd. asked if the drains on Simonds Rd* could be used on Dexter Rd. and was informed by t})e Supt, of Public Works that whatever drains co;ild be used on Dexter Rd. wouldlre used, '"ut he felt that it would probably be necessary to put in considerable drainage. Mr. Llowen, Dexter Rd., inquired about the width of the street, and was informed that the width leas a 501 street to the back of the sidewalk line, leaving 51 on each side for a gravel sidewalk. He. asked whet'ner or not the gra-el sidewalks co.zld 431 Pole location. Dexter Rd. Arlington, .. 432 be left off is some plaices where there are slopes such as in his case, and he :as informed that if it did not affect the road it wo j.ld be left off. He was informed teat the most expensive portion of the construction would be on the sect'on toward Williams Road. Mr. Lewis W. 'Ellis, 54 Gleason St.., West Medford, stated ti,at his lot was below the level of the stret-t and asked if some loam could be dumped in tl-ere, and he was informed that it would be. 7r. A. Randall Soderberg, 51 Dexter Rd. asked whether t_e street was to be raised or' lowered in front of his house. The Town Engineer informed him Dexter that it would be raised about 8" to his-ranolithic Road. stelb. He asked also whether it would interfere with his driveway, and the Engineer informed him that he did not believe it would. Attention was also called to the fact:_that the trees were set oat in the middle of the ,7rass olbts, and they asked if they would be disturbed. Mr. Custance informed them that they would not be dis- turbed unless they were too high and interfered with the road. They also asked whether or not the water se -vices could be connected so that breaking into the new highway would be eliminated. Mr. Custance informed them that if they knew of any persons intend- ing to build houses within the next two years, if they would notify the Board, they could make the. water connections to the lot line. To make connections in all cases would be tying up the funds.of the Water Dest. without any income. Mr. Clarence A. Small, 21 Dexter Rd. gzestioned how the fi7ures were made up. All persons present were in favor of laying out the highway. The hearing was declared closed and Mr. Mortimer was regJested'to get the signatures of 75°/ of the property owners. Resignation The ==card accepted the resignation of George V of Geo. M. M. Davis as a Registrar of oter, inasmuch as he is .Davis. a candidate for the office of Town Clerk and Town Treasurer. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in re.7ard to the hanging of a picture entitled "News From Lexinc;ton", now hanging in the Pine Hoom.. Mr. Scamman stated that the cases presented "News from to the Town by Dr. Tilton would hide a part of the Lexington." picture and might endanger the condition of the picture if' it were allowed to -remain hanging in its _present place. He suggested that it might be bun -in ane of the other rooms or on the Danel in the hall. Mr. Scamman was instructed to communicate with Pyr. James Stuart 6mith in regard to the position of %ianging the picture. 7 Information re7arding the cost of construction of Farmcrest Avenue was hander. to In. Custance. The tctdl cost of time construction is $9650.00 Application was received from Charles Fischer, 1833 Mass. Avernae for a Peddler's License. Mr. Fischer has had a license previously in the State, and now wants to secure a license just for the Town of LexinFton. It was voted to approve his application. Application for the postiion of Buidling Inspector was received from George A. Baynes, Hayes Lane. Application was also received for the position of Building Inspector from Fred Longbottom, 16 Independence Avenue. Both applicants were informed that the applications would not be considered until after tky- annual March election. The. Board discussed the matter of the assessment on the Swenson property, and after disc.a.ssing the matter, it was decided to send a letter to Swenson Brothers as follows: A. M. & Henney W. Swenson, Marrett.Roaa Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: As a matter of request to consider formerly owned by H. courtesy, we have the assess. -tient of S. Kelsey. taken up your your property As a matter of fact, we h-ive no j_arisdiction over the Board of'Assessors in mskinkr their assessments on property. -We have, however, analyzed the - figures and believe that your troperty is not over -assessed and we a -e not unmindful of the purchase price. Yours very truly, Albert H. Burnham Chairman, Board of Selectmen. 433 Farmcrest Avenue. Peddler's License. Buildinq Inspector. Swenson Assessment. The Board considered the application for a Common Victuallers License from Annie Cohen, and decided to approve the transfer of this license to Annie Cohen to the end of the license te-m, namely, April 30, 1931, when the letters of recommendation are presented to the Clerk. Licenses. ' Garbage transportation licenses were granted to Nick Cotoni, Mill Street, Lincoln and H. P. Neville, Bedford. License was also 'granted to John C. Phelps for a first class agents license, Paul Revere Gararfe, Marrett Road. 434 In regard to t',,.e letter sent to Peter Cannesa of 904 Mass. Ave., Lexington, Mr. Burnham reported a telephone call from Mr. Cannesa in which he spoke very strongly Peter in.regard to the letter sent him by the Board, and stated Cannesals that he was going to to to the State House and see license. why the Board would not allow him to mare a living. Letter was prepared to be sent to the Town Counsel in regard to the case. The Board signed the petition to be sent to the County Commissioners asking for the layout of a'highway Highway, beginning at the terminus of High Street, Winchester, Winchester- thence in a generally westerly direct -ion in Lexington Lexington. to a„point,on Lowell Street about midway betweAn Summer St. and Maple St. Bill was received for the openin,7 of the Town Clerk's and Town Treasurer's vault which had to be Bill for drilled open on account of no-one havin, the combination. opening of The bill amounted to $40.00 It was decided to charge vault. this to the Town Clerk's aceouht. Abatement in the amount of $5400. was signed by the Board abating all of the highw,zy betterments on Taft Taft Avenue committed on February 3, 1931. Commitment Avenue was sinned by the Board in the amount of Commitment. $5252.50. for a new commitment of betterments on Taft Ave. Letter was received from the American Employers Insurance Co. in which they stated that they would allow a rebate of $16.30 on the bond of the Town Treasurer, Refund on John H. Kane, cancelled as of February 5, 1931, and bonds. at the end of the term March 2, 1931 they would allow a refund of $45. on the premium on the bond issued in the name of Helen C. Whittemore. Resignations o'' the following election officers Resignation were received: Elvin E. Baker, Precinct One of Election Clesson Schofield ” ft Officers. Charles T_'. Vaughan " Two, who is a candidate for Town Meeting Memher. The Clerk reported havinT.taken up the matter of filling vacancies with the Town of Arlington and Wardens to ti,,ey state that they hrive never filled the vacancies, fill but communicate with the Warden in the Precinct, and vacancies. he fillsthe vacancies. It was thereore, decided to notify the Wardens to fill the vacancies in these cases. ?fir. Trask, to whom the letters applying for the position of mechanic `or the Public Works Dept. were ' Mechanic, referred, stated that he conferred with all of the Public persons ap-)lying for the position except the Works application of Mr. McKey, of Cambridge, presented to Bldg. Mr. Scamman this evening, and this party being from out 435 The Town owns sixteen automobiles and question arose as to what world be the proper time for the mechanic to r)e Repair of at work to -epair the cars, also as to whether the drivers should be required to Treae their own cars. The question cars. of keenin- an index of the cost of operation of each of the tracks was also considered and the purcl-,as5_n of a ca'-inet or proyidin7 a room for the too7_s o_" the machanic. It was finally left with Mr. Trask to strai - lten out all these items. The Board consideree tv11 __1,r or not a job Eike the repair of the tractor which was recently done, running up a 'Dill of some $800. should be done by +ti,- mechanic. Repair, of It was decided that if a room was provided where he could take tractor* down the machine, he r.Zi7ht repair it. Mr. Custance felt that the expenditure on the tractor was considera:;le. It was decided not to make any additional allowance for election officers for a dinner at si.x o'clock in the evening, ' ut to simply allow them an e•ctra $1.90. Election Officers. The Clerk called attention to an error in setting the time of a hearing for.t�e approval of plans of Hearing, Ledgelawn Aven.ie on Iuiarch 2, 1931 rather tRan on Mach _3rd, Ledgelawn the regular ineetinT date. Ave. It was decided to leave the hearing, for 'March 2nd Inas;auch as some of the members of the `�o arc would be present at that time, it beim; t:ie time of the closing of the polls of the election. Commitment in the amount of '$1473.90 for sewer Commitment assessment c;-arges on i'ass. Ave., Cliffe Ave., & 'Theresa Ave. was signed by the Board. Inasmuch as Edward W. Taylor has now been apnointed Forest Fire Forest'blarden, it was voted to remove the telephone appropriation. service in Mr. Osborne J. Gorman's house. It was voted that the forest Fire appropriation take care of the payment only of bills for labor on of Wown, Mr. Trask did not believe he should be ' considered as an applicant. Mr. Trask stated that none of the applicants appeared to be interested in the io_, at $35.00 ner week when informed that tlae hours would be irregular,. extent Lr. Fr-nk harry, Mechanic, School Street. Mr. Trask stated that he known Mr. Barry Public for some time and when he operated the Paul severe Garage, Works he did all of his repair work which was very satisfactory. Bldg. ne was not a.man afraid of work and hours do not frighten him. Bs recommended that Mr. Barry be employed on the trial basis at the rate of •$35. per week and if he does not p^ove satisfactory, to consider later some of -the other applicants. It was left with avir. Trask to make arrangements with Mr. Barry as to tine licars of employment after -oi:ng, over the situation with him. The Town owns sixteen automobiles and question arose as to what world be the proper time for the mechanic to r)e Repair of at work to -epair the cars, also as to whether the drivers should be required to Treae their own cars. The question cars. of keenin- an index of the cost of operation of each of the tracks was also considered and the purcl-,as5_n of a ca'-inet or proyidin7 a room for the too7_s o_" the machanic. It was finally left with Mr. Trask to strai - lten out all these items. The Board consideree tv11 __1,r or not a job Eike the repair of the tractor which was recently done, running up a 'Dill of some $800. should be done by +ti,- mechanic. Repair, of It was decided that if a room was provided where he could take tractor* down the machine, he r.Zi7ht repair it. Mr. Custance felt that the expenditure on the tractor was considera:;le. It was decided not to make any additional allowance for election officers for a dinner at si.x o'clock in the evening, ' ut to simply allow them an e•ctra $1.90. Election Officers. The Clerk called attention to an error in setting the time of a hearing for.t�e approval of plans of Hearing, Ledgelawn Aven.ie on Iuiarch 2, 1931 rather tRan on Mach _3rd, Ledgelawn the regular ineetinT date. Ave. It was decided to leave the hearing, for 'March 2nd Inas;auch as some of the members of the `�o arc would be present at that time, it beim; t:ie time of the closing of the polls of the election. Commitment in the amount of '$1473.90 for sewer Commitment assessment c;-arges on i'ass. Ave., Cliffe Ave., & 'Theresa Ave. was signed by the Board. Inasmuch as Edward W. Taylor has now been apnointed Forest Fire Forest'blarden, it was voted to remove the telephone appropriation. service in Mr. Osborne J. Gorman's house. It was voted that the forest Fire appropriation take care of the payment only of bills for labor on 436 Forest Fires and other matters pertaining to the main- tenance ��f equipment, etc. should be charged to the Fire Dept, • appropriation. The Clerk called attention to the fact that the Board Fence, laid over the matter of furnishing a fence along the Nickerson Nickerson property dividing Belfry Hill and Hancock School & Hancock property. School Dr. Shannon stated that esti.-nate for this expenditure property. was incl-uded in the Park Dept. appropriation but the Appropriation Committee eliminated that amount. Request fence, Follen Por Rd. Electric crane. The Clerk also called attention to the fact that Mr. James A. Peirce of Marrett hoad requested that a fence be constructed on Follen Road on his property. Question arose as to whether or not there was a strip of land between his property and Pollen Road, and the Supt. of Public Works was requested to find out what the situation was. Mr. Burnham called attention to the electric crane which had been purchased for the Public works Dept. for loading and unloading pipe. the Supt: stated that the crane cost about $1000. Mr. Burnham complained that he had not heard about this expenditure before until the Appropriation Committee meeting, and he felt that it was an unnecessary expense and that a pulley arrangement which would be less expensive could be installed until the time came when the Board was in a better position to spend money in the Public VUorks Dept. Mr. Scamman reported that he received two bids on furnishing the crane. question arose as to what extent the Supt. could spend money for the various Departments without bringing the matter before the Board. The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. F'or• the ' week ending February 14; 1931. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Work was done on Hi -11 Street uncovering ledge and drilling, blasting and -removing ledge one day. The removal of snow, sanding streets and sidewalks, and cleaning catch basins and gutters occupied the departments during the balance of the week. Next week the department will attend to the regular maintenance and if necessary to snow removal. MOTH & SHADE TREE DEPT. Moth nests were cleaned a6l- reated with creosote on Grant Stre^t, Sherman Strset, Hayes Land and Fletcher Avenue. Dead limbs were removed from trees in Heston Street and Lincoln Stre^t. n. 1 437 Next weak the department will continie the work of treating moth nests. ' PARK D sPARTM'_ NT Work was done on the skatinr,: rink, cleaning up, and on the construction of cement posts for seats. Next week the regular maTntenance work will be attended to and also the construction o' cement sent posts. VdAT"s.R Rc Si;Wr:R DEPARTTI'ENT Layin7 cement floor at Public �gorks B,iilding; thawing oat frozen oioe in Westview Street; worked on frozen pipe to rrarage owned by James J. Wals_; one man painting hydrants. Regular maintenance work is nlanned for next week. ENGINEERING DEPARTMLNT Highways Location plan of proposed road from Winchester to Lexington. Sewers ' Continued work on Town Sewer Study. Figured sewer assessment bills for Cliffe., Mass. and Theresa Avenues. Miscellaneous T,rew uD ink tracing o' Stone property ( E.Lex. ) showing proposed taking. Started survey f'or .ddition to Parker School property. Located parcels and fi;ured areas of transfers for assessors. Attended meeting of Vine Brook DrainaC.e Committee February 11th. Work on street numbering plans. Indexed office plans. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works Tie meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.TG. A true record, Attest: Clerk.