HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-02-03413 SELECTbT,N'S MEETING ' FEBRUARY 3, 1931. received. from Stephen Deveau, Fremont Price re ,A regular, meetin;; of the Roard of Selectmen was held Street, giving a on the Town Farm price of property at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. an opportunity to Messrs Burnham, Custance Shannon, Blake and Trask were p esent. wrecking while business is dull. The -Supt:. Qf.Public works and the Clerk were also pre s,RE to write Mr. DeVeau that they The Board signed the notice of intention to layout Dexter Rd. arrangements Dexter Road from Fuller lioad to Williams Road, hearing layout. down. to be held on the same undr date, of Febr^aary 17, 1931. Commitment of water rates "or the third section Commitments* in the amount of $2463.92 was signed by the Board. Commitment of sewer rental charges for the t!aird section in the amount of $196.85 w>is signed 11ay the Board. Commitment of street betterment charges for Tart Avenue in the amount of Five Thousand four hundred dollars was also siined .by the Aoard. The Board of Assessors a�r&ed to meet with the Meeting re Board of Selectmen on Tuesday evening, Feburary 10, 1331, Swenson ' to discuss the matter of the Fwenson property assessment. Assessment. In regard to the Public Carriage license of James Cavanaugh,,inasmuch as all other licenses issued James complied with the Public Carriage regulations requiring Cavanaugh a bond of $1000 and inasmuch as the Compulsary Liability Public Tnsurance in the Lenrislature is now being discussed, it Carriage was decided to notify James Cavanau<-h that the 1?oard license. would not grant him a license until such time as he has filed the necessary bond. Letter was received from Rev. William J. McCarthy, Pastor of St. Bri,,ids Church, asking whether or not the Reduced Board would allow the reduced rate for the rental of rate Cary Memorial Hall February 9. Catholic The Board voted to grant the reduced rate of $25. Reunion. The Board considered the application of Harry L. Coolidge for Soldiers Relief and decided that if H. L. Coolid?e Mr. Coolidge does not operate an automobile, which is Soldiers Relief. against the rules of the State Aid ')epartment, to grant him $10. a week. Letter was received. from Stephen Deveau, Fremont Price re Street, giving a on the Town Farm price of property $375. for moving the buildings moving bldg. and asking that he be given on Town Farm. an opportunity to do this wrecking while business is dull. The Board decided to write Mr. DeVeau that they had not made any arrangements as yet to take the buildings down. 414 Letter was received from Russell I. Prentiss in. Tyler which he recommended that before license was granted Pastueriza- to Arthur S. Tyler, Maple Street, for the establishment tion of of a pasteurisation of milk, that the old plank floor in ITilk Lic. his mjlk plant.be repaired or a new one installed. Tne Board decided to write to Fr. Tyler and advise him of the recommendations of the Health Inspector. The following licenses were abnroved. Transportation of garbage. William L. Dee Box, 162,• Concorde Ryders Stock Farm Inc. 24 Maple Street Alcohol r 1 Master Service Station Rear 1709 Mass'. Ave. In regard to the application of A. `roung for .garbage collection, it was decided to refer this mattbr Garbage to the Health Inspector owing to the fact that Mr. Young License does not keen pigs and "r. Prentiss should investigate A. Young. to see why he needs to haul garbage. Letter was received from Jerome J. Cahill, Repv resentative of the 20th P,v'iddlesex 7istrict, calling attention to a hearing on Monday, February 9, 1931 at Hearing re 10:30 A. ,i. Room 370 State Nouse on Ho zse dill No. 991 CommerciAl being on the advisability of constructing a co=,-ercial Highway. highway paralleling the Revere beach Parkway and connecting the North Shore Aoad with the 3oston Post Road and the Mohawk Trail at a point near Arlington Centre. It was decided to refer the matter to Representative Albert H. 3urnham for his attention. Letter was received from James J. Sullivan, Chief of Police, in which he sf.ated that C. Wesley Johnson, C.W.Johnson 406 Concord Avenue, Lexington who applied for t'_e appointed appointment of Constable of Lexington, was a man of Constable. very mood character. The 3oard therefore agreed to appoint Mr. C. Wesley Johns -n as Constable of the Town for the period ending March 31, 1 ?.31. Applications were received for the position of 7�uilding Inspector from the following: for Donald Cameron, 66 Carville Ave. position for position of Bldg. John F. Ca 7anau?,h., 2 Sherman St. Inspector. J. Loring Douglass, 21 Grant St. George C. McKay, 12 Sherman St. Andrew T. Bain, Avsli_ngton Heights. The Board decided not to take any action on the applicaticns as yet inasmuch as Perley Tibbetts has been appointed temporarily. Letter was received .from the Massachusetts State Association of Selectmen stating that they are to act for t, -e ''oq„d ref' cPlect-nPn on t`�e aouroval of douse Bill #267 r 1 41. e which is in relation to the plantinm and care of trees House Bill under a Town Forest -Committee. Hous 7. Notice of a hearing to bn held on the relocation of Bearing, Lincoln Street was received, the nearing; to be held at the Lincoln County Commissioners Office, larch 6, 1931 at 10 A.M. St. The Board-eceived. a certsfication of the character of George H. Wood, applicatimfor a license to operate Pool Room a pool room in Lexington Centre. The Board voted to License. trasnfer the pool room license at 1746 Mass. Avenue, Lexington to Edward Bunzel and Georgie H. Wood. The Traffic Reg,.ulations we -re again laid on the table, for future adoption. The azpt. of Public. Works made a Parking sug?estion of an addition to the pa --kin,- rewulations Regulations. covering the narking near the Christian Science Church. Letter was received from Sarah I. Musgrave, protesting against the full amount of betterment on Fottler Avenue on lots 164-165, for which she applied for apportionment of ten years. She stated that an extra stri_n of land was taken in front of her house and, she desired to have the Town pay her for taking it. The Supt. of Punlic Works stated that the land she mentioned was taken with"'land that he amreed to have paraded in front of her property. No definite action was taken on the matter. Bill of $140.10 from the Town Counsel was approved for services in the Brophy case. This was an a,.utomebile accident case; Mr. Brophy ran into the beacon li.ht at Concord Avenue and Waltha Street and claimed that the light was out at'the time he ran into it. Letter was received from the Town Counsel regarding the taking of land by eminent domain belonginre to the Estate of Ellen A. Stone. he stated that he had "looked at the Probate records and finds t?'at this land cane to Miss Stone under her mother's will in 1890. ?Jnder that will Miss Stone and another hold the residue in trust for her life and on her death, after payment to the Town of Lexington of $2,000 for a scholarship fund, the ultimate residue foes to nine people who were prominent in the women's suffrage cause in 1890, all of whom.have since died. They were to take it in trust to improve the condition of women, etc. Miss Stone is the surviving trustee, and on the allowance of ' herlast account the Attorney -General appeared and later withdrew his apr)earance. He has not traced the title back of the will of her mother. In the inventory it is evident ' that, this land was included in what is called the Caira Robbins estate or the Garman estate. On the above.records he stated that he did not see why the Town could not take the land by eminent domain if it so choosed.. S.I-Musgrave re better- ment,Fottler Ave. Brophy Case. Estate of Ellen A. Stone. 416 The Board therefo^e decided to include an article in the ',,',!arrant to take this property by eminent domain, and. to write a letter to i,Tiss Stone to that effect. . Owing to the illness of the Town Treasurer, H. C.'Anritte- 7 John Fi. Kane it was voted to an oint 13elen more ap,oint- i;. Tni_ttrmore as -eas firer pro -tem 'she being req zirec' to file a bond in the amount of "10,000 ed Treas. to col -or t'r_e temporary appointment. pro -tem. Owing to the fact that the Town Clerk and Treas�irer's vault could not be opened and had to be drilled oven, it was decided to req iesf, all the departments to place Vault in a sealed envelope the combination of their vaults Combinations* and tl,ese combinations are to be placer] in a safe deposit box in the Lexin;�-tr>n Tr-_ist Company, to be opened only h; three members of the ''.oard of Selectmen wbon occasion arises. Report was rec-ived from ti -ie S_ipt. of Works in regard to tre removal of snow. The report was mari_e on the recommendation of 1.,°r. R. P. Trask, who noticed snow plow service beim• rendered to places of bzis.ness. He asked whether or not it was Snow plow customary to clear the snow from the drives of places of business. service. pair. Scamman reported that it is c.istomary to clean t',e snow from entrances to z,a_ra;e and filling stations, inasmuch as the snow is piled up when the snow olows plow the streets. He stated that it was done on the entrances to the rrarares and filling stations on kassachusetts Avenue and when it is. not done, complaints come in.that the snow plows keep the snow piled in on their premises. Hd also stated that it is done in front o-' all 4the places of business in the cdnter of the Town; he felt that it did not cost a great deal and the practice sho,ild be continued. Mr. Trask withdrew his objection. The Supt. of Public Works presented a letter regarding the renewal of water service for Dr. *Complaint, Gecr-re W. Day, 2142 Massachusetts Avenue. Dr. Day Water pipes. stated that he had a °rievance in regard to the water pipes pat in from the main to his cellar. He had to chan,Me the pipes inside of the house and after putting in a new pipe from the outside it remedied the trouble. he blamed the condition to the blasting that was done in the neighborhood. Pyr. Scarman explained to him that the original pipe pat in was an iron nine anc_ -vas ')ound to be filled up eventually ant' he dial not believe that the 'blasting ouerations had anything to do ?with the condition. He felt that the renewal had to be made anyway, and the Department has now put in a cement lined pipe and. it will not cause any further trouble. tie therefore felt t:,,at the Town should not stand any Part of the expense of putting in this pipe. 1 1 1 417 The Town Counsel, S. R. 6°dri;htington, came before the Board and discussed House Bill #728 pres nted by ' Joseph 11. Beal and also House '.ill #1040 presented by Mayor Purley. These rills were in -^eF:ard to including various Towns and cities in greater Bostop. Wri,-htinr,ton stated that he felt that Mayor Curl .eyts bill had a great deal of virtue and he was in favor .of it. The "hoard discussed the ',,)ills in general. The Hoase Bills Chairman did not appear to b,� in fa -.,or o" the bill #1040 & inasmuch as 1e felt that it was a step toward having #72B. Boston politics in Le -.,cin -tnn which 11P .%raas not in fa•.•or of. Mr. 'Yr`._ghtington felt that there were a great many advantages to the Bill. No definite action :eras taken except that the members of the -koar-i were to endeavor to attend the i;earings on the bill to hear the ar:<uments. Mr. Custance felt that a great deal of study could be given to the bill and he would, like to consult with Mayor Curley about it. He appeared to be in favor from the knowledge that he had at the present time. L Mr. Blake called attention to t'c:e fact that the forty .five degree parkins^ is.allowed to close to Meriam and there should be a sirnn regul-ating this so that there would not be so much danger from persons coming oat of Meriam Street. It was decided t.,t this might be included in the Traffic Regulations. Street Mr. T. A. Custance had the Town Hn�rineer present to present the studies he clad made of the takins at the corner of Hayes Avenue and Hancock Street at.the property of Edward C. Stone; also at tine corner of Franklin Road and Somerset Road, and Meriam Street and Clarke Street and Forest Street. The Board voted to proceed to draw an article making a taking of these corners. The Board talked with the Supt. of Public Works in regard to the number of horses at the Town Farm, and discus,, -e? wiletrjer or not they neede^ to 'peep the four horses which were there at; the present time. This is in connection with tiki.n� down Luildings. In regard to the Notor Pomp ar the Public u'dorks Department, the S.ipt. of Public Works was instructed to sell the motor for gunk inasmuch as he reported that he coald not get any sales for it. Mr. Trask asked 1:vhether or not the Board would approve an ap,)ropriation for the Posture Clinic to be handled in the same manner as ' t=re Dental Clinic Committee was handled. It was left with I+lr. Trask to get the opinion of the Town Counsel on whether or not the Posture Clinic of the,present Public Health Association could be a-000lnted as a Clinic Committee under the Board of Health -znd handle tie aporooriation Parking Meriam St. Studies of various corners of streets. Horses, Town Farm. ?r-otor Pump Public Works Dept. Posture Clinic. r 418 of 11000 similar to the Dental Clinic appropriation. The Board approve' this appropriation if it sho zld be done. Letter was received "rom t: -e Town Counsel in mhich Ap_ooint- he gave his opinion in regard to the appointment ment of of the Plumbing, Bui.ld`_n:- end 1r7ire Inspectors. The Inspectors. Counsel advised that the Plumbing Tnspector is under civil service and could be discharged by the Building Inspector. No action was taken on the anoointment of the Building Inspector. The following is the weekly report of the Supt.. of Public Works. For the wsek ending Jan. 31, 1931 HIGHWAY DEPARTMLNT 7'Mork on Hill Street consisted of drilling, blast- ing and removal of ledge.and gravel some of which was places in that part o" the way near the old Alms house ,where it ;s proposed to straighten a part o*the street. Considerable time of the department was used in sandin- streets and sidewalks and in the removal of snow . Ner_t week the regular maintenance work on Hill Street and any necessary snow _removal will be attended to. MOTH R- S73.A -1. TREE DEPT. Gypsy moth nests were treated with creosote. A dead tree on Audubon Road was removed and one on Edgewood Road. Next week the department will attenC. to the work of treating the meth nests. PARK DEPART1EMr '3etgular maintenance work was attended to and will occup,,- t:le depa^tment next week. WAT �;9 Rr SEVJ'_,? DEPT. Worked on c -meat floor at P-.zblic 'works Building; two men drilling; and blasting on Hill Street; two men �-reasing hydrants; repai-^ed leak in Wheeler's service on Welham Road. Regzlar maintenance work is planned for next week. VNGINEERING DEPART,ri7NT Highways Figured construction cost and assessments for Dexter Road. 1 1 ' Figured construction cost of Farmcrest Avenue. Figured Grant Street assessments from Hayes Lane to East Street. Miscellaneous Plan and descriptions of Lavin property (Mass. Avenue.) Map and description Bean property which was charged from'RI to Cl district. Met with Town of Winchester re^_arr_inT road to Lexin7ton. Made studies for takin€�s at following logations :- 1. Hayes avenue at Hancock Street, 2. Clarke Street at Forest Street, 3. Yeriam Street at Franklin and Abbott Roads. Work on street numberin- plans. Continued work on 100 scale 'clan between Itass. Avenue .nd Lovell Street from Arlington line to Maple Straet. One man (full time) check nq and brining block plan up to date. Checked completion of Ervington Park layout with Y. P. Cutter _oartic ;larly for d.raina e. Established ruilding line on outside of O'Connell block of stores. same bottit inside and o•ztside of frame buildin:. which was formerly Co-operative Bank. Vours very truly, William S. Scamman S,apt . of Public 'iforks . The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. A true record, Attest: �i�/ Clerk. 419