HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-01-27408 SRLECT77N'S MEETING JANUARY 27, 1931. , A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Blake and Shannon were present. The Supt. of Public Works and Llinor Moakley, Clerk pro -tem were also present. Bldg. Insp. The Board considered the question of closint the Town funeral Office Buildin7 during Mr. Tibbett's to do so. funeral, but voted not Garbage The Board voted to approve the following garbage licenses: license Edward Bunzel, Chester a Fogg, John Sullivan and Manuel Silva. The request for a pool roomlicense from Edward Pool Bunzel and George H: YVood was laid on the table as no license. letters of recommendation accompanied the request. Mr. Norman C. Hooper appeared before the Board in regard to the Fire Dept. appropriation. He said that he Extra men felt the Department needed four extra men, but he hoped for fire that the Board would at least approve of two. He ' dept. explained that they had established a system of desk duty this year and as this kept one man at the desk continually, f he felt that they needed another man. lie did not stress the point of sala-ny increase, but hoped that the Board would consider the matter of the two extra men favorably.. "'he Board decided to take this matter under advisement. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of Pichette & Ahern for permission_ to erect. a garage and repair shop fo^ 20 automobiles and to keept,;; store and sell Pichette & petroleum products and volatile inflammable liquids in Ahern connection therewith at 847-855 Mass. Ave. and to use hearing the premises as a public filling station for the storage, '. keeping and sale of gasoline.to the capacity of 5000 gallons in underground tanks, The Chairman of the Board read the notice of the hearing, and also a letter from the Chief of the Fire Dept. in which he stated that he saw no reason why the Board should not 'P:rant this license. He suggested, however, that the tanks should be installed and inspected before the license was granted. Mr. Joseph R. Cotton of Lexington appeared and spoke in behalf of the petitioners and stated that he felt that the erection of a filling station at this point would be an improvement to the community. He stated that ' there were two old buildings on the premises that were nothing but fire trans, and that the owners intended to either demolish or remove these buildings; that traffic at this point was rather congested, and that the owners intended to have the station set back from the street 409 with plenty of parking space that would take cars off the Avenue, thus relieving danger from that source. He presented a petition si,Tned by many of the people in that: vicinity stating that they approved of the granting of the permit. He also suited that the buildine- now-onthe premises was third class, and that the intended building woald have first class sides, and a second class roof which would be a decided improvement. He stated that Mr. Pichette intended to use cinder block and stucco it over. Mr. John L. Pichette stated that he hoped. this permit would be granted as Mr. Arthur 77ield, who rents the property, has had considerable incrfase in his business, and he would like to cooperate with him in giving him better business conditions. Mr. Arthur Field also stated that he honed the permit would be granted, as at present, the two buildings that are standing shut off his premises and this naturally reduces his business. Mr. John 11. McLearn, who owns the property adjoining that on which the station is intended to be erected, stated that he had no objection to.tile permit being granted. Mr. Kennedy, representing; the estate of Charles H. Spaulding, asked to view the plans. He had no olbjections unless second-hand cars were intended to be sold on the premises. +dilliam H. Parks,28 Falmouth Road, West Newton, appeared for Geor-e A. Parks. He stated I- at his father had petitioned for a gasoline fill=ing station but had been ' given permission to a t`,draw his petition, altho,._�h he had not done so yet. He o'jected to having another filling station erected right ne;-;t to the oremi_ses upon which he intended. to 'wild as this would decrease the value of his property. Pdr. --dward L. Crown, an abuttor, read a letter from Mr. George A. Parks, in which he a-ain stated his o'�)jections to the filling station. Lor. Crown st,;ted that he himself had no objections but under the conditions would not like to see a filling station there. As no more persons appeared to *ive evidence, the hearing was declared closed. The Board decided favorably on,the petition subject to the decision of the Board of Appeals. Application of Leona`•d R. Cooke for a one car garage on the premises of 94 Forest Street was received. L. R.Cooke No persons appeared to object, and the '',oard voted to approve Garage. the application, subject to the a -,).-)-oval of the 3uilding Inspector. Mr. Daniel J. O'Connell appeared before the }?oard on behalf of Jades Cavana iz h in re -fa -6, to the filin- of Ca Tanaugh a bond. Mr. Cavanaugh, he stated, is a taxi driver in Public Lexington. Although he has. every ins�irance that would Carriage cover any claim e.risins7 as a result of the manner in Bond. which he operated his taxi, he felt that if it were necessary to file a 1;ond, he would do so, and would. like to receive the advice of the ?oard on this matter. The Board decided to refer the matte- to the Town Counsel. 410 Letter was received from Christian Science Church Parking, re;_ard.inm parkin,- on forest Street. They recommended that Christian parkin:, be allowed only on the opposite side of the Church, Science or the no---th side o'' Forest Street a -^:d Muzzey Street. Church The Board decided to add this, to the Parking regulations. Letter was received from'the State Association of Selectmen in regard to a bill prepared by the Mass. Town Forestry Assoc. in consultation with the officers of the Forest Mass. Tree Wardens and Foresters Assoc. providin7 that any Committee. town may vote to out all.its tree work under an unpaid Town Forest Committee to 1'e appointed ',r):T the Selectmen. The Board aooroved of the bill. Letter was received from Mr. David W. Creelman in regard to Betterment Assessment. This matter was referred to the assessors. This letter stated that the Board of Assessors shoald make a000rtionments after the bills have been made out by departments. Water and Sewer Commitments were signed by the Board. 'TJ 1 1 Letter was received from the Town Counsel regarding Regalar regular date of Town Meeting. The 3oard decided not to date of take any action on this matter until after the March Town Meetin?. town meeti_n . In regard to a. letter received from Swenson Bros, regarding; an assessment on their property, the Board Swenson decided to acknowledge the letter, and advise Mr. Swenson Bros. re that they would take the matter under consideration.. They an also decided to take this matter up with the Assessors. Assessment. The Board signed the State Aid Payroll in the amount State Aid. of $12. Appraisalp The matter of Appraisal of Public Works Dept. Bldg. Public Works was laid on the table. Dept. Bldg. The Board. approved the report of the Tercentenary Report Tercentenary Committee as submitted by Mr. Harold B. Lamont, Chairman. Committee. They also aoproved the report o.' the Fire Dept. Estimate, The Board approved the detailed estimate from the Park Dept. i Park Department. Mr. Arthur H.' Earle appeared before the Board in regard to trie bond to be signed in connection with the water uarantee in Wood Street. He stated that: he did not consider a bond of this type a fair proposition. He felt that the Board should change the'bond to one that would be figired on a fairer basis, as he felt the Mr. Earle people wao signed this bond mnere payin_- more than"their re water share, as other prople, needing water at a later date, guarantee, could get it without signing the bond. The Board advised Wood St. Mr. Earle they would take the matter under consideration and let him know b;; letter at an early date. After further discussion of the gzestio_n, they decided to write to i -2r.. 7,arle and tell him that nothing, could be done to alter the terms of the bond. Letter was received from Mr. David W. Creelman in regard to Betterment Assessment. This matter was referred to the assessors. This letter stated that the Board of Assessors shoald make a000rtionments after the bills have been made out by departments. Water and Sewer Commitments were signed by the Board. 'TJ 1 1 Water in the amount of $745.54. Sewer i_n the amount of $573.07. ' The Board considered the matte- of sending notice to Precinct Members :vl-ose terms were expiring, and decided not to do so. Mr. Custance stated that he,had negotiated with the owners of property in North Lexington in regard to a purchase and sale a^•reement and the Board voted to authorize the Chairman to si:.=rn the Agreement with William L. Burrill for the purchase and sale of land in North Lexin::ton,-it being understood that all agreements siTned in connection with sale of land are subject to the approval of the Town of Lexin-ton. in Notice to Precinct Members. Land in North Lexington. Mr. Custance and Mr. Trask-reocrted that they had gone over,the request of the EngineerinFr rept. for an appropriation of $16,000. and after cuttin{; r'own various items, offered the figure of $15,000. for approval. The Board.approved of the figure and declared it ready to submit to the Appropriation Committee. They also reduced the Fi-e Dept. Estimates from 47,482. to $40,955. The Board also aoiroved of this estimate. Letter was received from Pyr. C. 'iVesley Johnson applying for an aonointment as constable. He also submitted three ' letters of recommendation. Mr. Trask was asked to look into the matte ---and report at a later date. The Ghief of Police was also to report as to his character. It was decided to write Mr. Johnson that the ?oard was takin,.7 the matter under advisement, and would let him know at a late date as' to the.apoo.ntment. The question was brought up as to a successor for Mr. John F. Tibbetts, late Building Inspector. Mr. Trask suggested that the three offices ofLBui.lding Inspector, Wire Inspector and Plumbing Inspector be combined into one. He agreed to look into the matter and report to the Board. The followinf^ is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Workss For the week ending January 24, 1931. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT LYgineerik Dept. Appropria- tion. C. Wesley Johnson, Constable. Work of removinE ledge in Hill Street continued and gravel spread and leveled at the end of Wood Street, near Mass. Avenue. Because of icy conditions, it was necessary to spread considerable sand both on sidewalks and strerts. ' Next week the department will work on Hill Street, attend to regular maintenance and care for any snow work that may be necessary. MOTH & SHAIE TREE DEPARTMENT The treatment of ;gypsy moth nests with creosote was continud d and work in the section of the Public Works 412 Buildinr,, alloted to this department was done. Next week the work of treating moth nests with creosote will be continued. PACK DEPARTMENT Regular maintenance work at' -.ended to and will occupy the department neat week. WATER & SEWER DI]PARTMENT Two men have been repairing hydrants; two men drilling and blasting for Highway Department on Hill Street. Backfilled gas trench to Public Works Building. Worked on laying middle section of cement floor in Public Forks Bldg. Regular maintenance work. Regular maintenance is planned for next week. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Highways Made up mileage schedule of accepted streets with classification of types of pavement. Took additional levels at Dexter Road, plotted profile and established grades. Miscellaneous Made topo plan of Stone property adjacent to rail- road and school. Made study plan for development of Fast Lexington Playground. 1931 Budget. Read,justej lots easterly of,Fairview Avenue in proposed Colonial Heights Development. Plotted relocations of Mass. Avenue, 0400d Street and Hill Street to 400 scale to be used in correct 400 scale town map. Work on street numbering plans. Work on new Smith developme-nt with Engineer Joyce. Additional information on O'Connell property to -'own Counsel. Started to compile 100 scale plan of territory . bounded by Mass. Avenue, Maple Street, Lowell Street and Lexington Line. Information to Town Engineer of Winchester regarding land adjacent to Lexington -Winchester Line. Yours very truly, William S. Scammm Supt: of Public Works The meeting adjourned at 11:07 P.M. A true record, Attest: v Clerk, pro -tem. 'l J 1