HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-01-06SRLE:CT?:rEN'S MEETING
JAN ,--iRY 6, 1931.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office 15uilding, at 7:30 P.M.
Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Blake and Shannon were
present. The. Supt. o'' Public Works and the Clerk were also
The Board voted to grant an Auctioneer's License to
Ralph Elveat, 59 No. Hancock St., he 'laving filed the necessary
three letters of recommendation as to his character.
Officer Barry was called before the Board by
r. Trask who called him before the Board to give him
the revrard which is ,,ziven by the Farm Bureau. He stated
that last summer Mr. Ballard lost some of his oi;-s and
reported it and Officer Barry found the boys who were
responsible and took them into court; he secured a
conviction. The rule of the Farm Bureau is that an award
is made to the persons who receive a conviction for an
offense of this kind. ',?r. Trask therefore presented
Officer Barry with a check in appreciation of his good work.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which
' he stated that he went to Waltham to Court to prosecute
the Brophy case, and the Attorney for the ot',ier side
decided that he did not wish to try the case, and
therefore it was non -suited. iur. Wrightington had ordered
ancexecution of the costs in this case.
Letter was received from the Town counsel in .regard
to the case of Frank Perkins, in which he recommended that
Mr. Perkins receive a copy ol-l' the- lette written
to Mr. A. N. Maddison on December 2, 1930, regarding the
Perkins application to the ?oard of Appealsp In tegard
to the gasoline application, he felt that it was entirely
proper for the Selectmen to consider in its decision that
the Town holds an execution for over $150 against 1.1r.
Perkins which the Selectmen have instructed him to
collect, and Mr. Perkins made no answer to his demands
and made no suggestion if ever he would pay it.
The Board considered the matter of whether or not
Mr. Perkins was entitled to continue with the business
of repairing automobiles on the premises at 542 Mass. Avenue,
Lexington, and inasmuch as the Town Counsel instructed that
it was up to the Board of Selectmen to decide the question as
tocwhethbr he was_entitled to this use, the Board voted to
7o on record as a,) -,)roving the continuance of the isiness on
the property owned by F. W. Perkins at 542 Mass. Avenue,
' for the purpose of repairing automobiles, wagons and other
similar conveyances.
Reward to
In reg-ird to the application of Mr. F. W. Perkins
for a permit to instill gasoline tanks in the amount of Perkins
2000 gallons at 542 Mass. Avenue, the Board voted to gasoline
give Mr. uerkins leave to *ithdrlw his application to install tanks.
the gasoline tanks.
for Dist.
Nurse Assoc.
Mr. Trask reported recrardin, the matter which has
been discussed many times relative to the anprooriation
for the District Nu,sing Association from the Town funds.
The Town Counsel of Lexington ruled that this could
not be done. In Arlington, the Town Counsel ruled that
it could be done and a copy o-' the Arlington article
in the Warrant was placed before the Board which showed
that an appropriation is made for district and other nursing.
Mr. Trask decided to take the matter up with the Town
Counsel of Lexin?ton to find o�lt if he would advise
patting an article in our. Annual Warrant similar to the
Arlington article.
Bill for $42.75 listim7 the Visits made in tuberculosis
cases "y the Pu'�lic Health Association was approved by the
Board for the visits,- made in 1930.
Letter was received from Mr. Charles F. Pierce
Acknowledge- thanking the Board of Selectmen for the gift of ?old
ment of presented to Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Pierce on the occasion
gift. of their 50th wedding anniversary.
Letter was received from Mr. S. A. Benson, Clerk
of the Roard of Public Works of Arlington, in which
he stated in regard to the request of this Board'
Culvert, reimburse the Town of Lexin,:%ton to the extent of
Arl.-Lex. $431.66 for the construction of a corrugated culvert
Line. in Lexi.nmton, near the Arlington Line, that the Town
Couns62 of Arlington informed him that it would not be
legal to reimburse Lexington for this expense.
The Board voted to appoint. Mr. Osborne J. Gorman
as the Supt. of the Moth Department for the year ending
Appoint- 1931 'subject to the approval of the State Forester.
The Board voted to appoint Mr. Edward W. Taylor
as Forest Fire Warden for the year 1931 subject to the
approval of the State Forester.
Town Counsel
bill -i Ryd e r
I Abatement
of M.& B.
Bill of the Town Counsel for his services in the
Ryder case in the amount of $1074.50 was approved by
the Bo ard.
Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston Street
Railway Co. regardin3- the abatement of taxes on their
The Board of Selectmen decided to write a letter to the
Board of Assessors advising them that through no fault of
Letter was received from Mrs. Elmf�r King, corner
Reed and Asli S,_reets, comdlaining of the barking of
re barking
dogs in the neighborhood.
of dogs.
Letter was written to Mrs. King asking if she could
state who the owners of the dogs were.
In regard to the application for a gara_e license
of Lawrence A. Husted, 36 Ke,.dall Road, Mn. Custance
and Mr. Burnham viewed the premises and stated that they
believed Mr. Husted could place the garage on his
premises so that there would be one row of fruit trees
between the garage and Mr. McElman's house, and therefore
voted to grant the permit provided Mr. Husted was
willing to do this.
Letter was received from Mr. S. A. Benson, Clerk
of the Roard of Public Works of Arlington, in which
he stated in regard to the request of this Board'
Culvert, reimburse the Town of Lexin,:%ton to the extent of
Arl.-Lex. $431.66 for the construction of a corrugated culvert
Line. in Lexi.nmton, near the Arlington Line, that the Town
Couns62 of Arlington informed him that it would not be
legal to reimburse Lexington for this expense.
The Board voted to appoint. Mr. Osborne J. Gorman
as the Supt. of the Moth Department for the year ending
Appoint- 1931 'subject to the approval of the State Forester.
The Board voted to appoint Mr. Edward W. Taylor
as Forest Fire Warden for the year 1931 subject to the
approval of the State Forester.
Town Counsel
bill -i Ryd e r
I Abatement
of M.& B.
Bill of the Town Counsel for his services in the
Ryder case in the amount of $1074.50 was approved by
the Bo ard.
Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston Street
Railway Co. regardin3- the abatement of taxes on their
The Board of Selectmen decided to write a letter to the
Board of Assessors advising them that through no fault of
the Middlesex ?c Boston Street Railwa, Co. the transfer of the 391
property to the Town did not occur before April lst,. and
advising the abatement of the tax.
Mr. Custance brought up the matter of disposal of
' the land purchased by floe Town from the Middlesex & Boston
Street Railway Co. which land was purchased when the Public
Works De")t. was purchased. He presented a plan drawn up by
the Engineer sho,;i��g the right-of-way on this property and a
proposed division of each parcel which might be made.
This would allow the extension of Ledgelawn Avenue Disposal of
to Bedford Street and give the Dix Lumber Co. and the Land pur-
Home Finance Co. several lots on this street. chased from
The matter was left with Mr. Custance to study into M.'& B.
Mr. Edward W. Taylor came before the Board as a result
of a notice inserted in the paper regarding the
Five Forks Service Station, stating that no inspection Gasoline
had been made by the Fire Dept. of the tanks when they permits.
were installed. In asmuch as one of the Oil Cos. stated
that they had notified the Fire Dept. when ready for inspection
in this particular case, and bar. Taylor did not believe
that they had notified thdir Dept., the Board requested Mr.
Taylor to make up some forms so that the request and the statement
of inspection can be given in writing and thereby eliminate any
misunderstanding that might occur between the Oil Company
and the Fire Dent. Mr. Taylor agreed to do this.
Mr. Taylor had taken the matter up ti:-ith the State Fire
Marshall and was advised by him to make the inspections as
best he could on the ground and he gave a report showing •
that. he had made an inspection of the premises under date of
January 6, 1931, and stated that the information he wanted
was the number of tanks th:-.t had already been installed. He
found upon consulting with the State Fire Marshall that all the
permits in the Town hai been handled incorrectly inasmuch as
the Selectmen should vote to grant a permit and the permit
should not be issued until after all of the installations
had been inspected by the Fire Department and approved
by him and then the permit could be issued.
Mr. Taylor stated th t when th application is
received, it should be sent to him to see whether or not
he approved of the location generally, and '.hen the Board
of Selectmen should hold a hearing on the application.
Mr. Burnham stated that he understood from the Fire
Marshall who called him on the telephone, that the Board
should ratify the action taken in previous permits granted,
inasmuch as it was not `;he intention of the Board t# violate
any of the regulations.
The Bo!ird passed the following vote to correct all
action previously taken on gasoline filling staticns which
are now in operation'
The Board of Selectmen hereby confirm and ratify all
action taken concerning the granting of permits for the
storage or sale of gasoline within the limits of the Town
' of Lexington prior to Tuesday, January 6, 1931 that are
already in 6peration.
Albert H. Burnham Hallie C. Blake Board of
Theodore A. Custance Robert P. Trask Selectmen of
Clarence Shannon Lexington
Letter was received from J. V. Morse, representing
the Layman's League in which he asked if the Board would
Layman's grant the reduced rate again this year for the use of
League Cary Memorial Hall as they did last year, inasmuch as the
Request proceeds from the Play af{e given to the Public Health
The report of the Town Engineer was received on the
draina.Me of Lexington Park Property. He stated that the
flow of the draina7e would not effect the wells of the
owners of the property in that seetiong provided another
cemetery was established on the Lexington Park Property.
hearing was declared open at 8 P.M. on the petition
of the N.E.Tel. &Tel. Co. and the E.E.I.Co. for erection
of 11 poles on Mass. Avenue northwesterly from Wood Street
and easterly from Pdarrett Road, foar poles. This was taking
care of the relocation of Massachusetts Avenue which was
recently done.
Mr. William P. Herbert came to view the plan but
did not register any objection. The 3oard.voted to grant
the petition.
Mr. Edward J. Gavin,. Sr. came before the Board again
regarding tree settlement of damages on his property. Mr.
Gavin stated that he thought he was entitled to $2000.. The
Board informed him that the County Commissioners believed
that the street was a benefit to him,.and that there was no
damage: to his property; that the land was improved by the
layout of the street.
Mr. Gavin stated that they did not notify him that the
street was being laid out, and he did not think it was: fair
for anyone to take a person's land withoat even notifying
them that they were going to do it.
The Board asked Mr. Gavin what his opinion was of the
layout made by the Town Engineer showing the three lots of
land left on the right hand side of the street, and which
showed what might be transferred to other owners of the ad-
jacent property provided the whole highway is abandoned.
Mr. Gavin stated that he approved of the layout.
The Board made an offer of $300 to Mr. Gavin allowing him:
to retain the three lots and to make the transfers of the
necessary property to complete the layout as made by the
Town Engineer. Mr. Gavin felt that this was sufficient
and after retiringr to think the matter over, he stated that
he wo-ald accept $500.
The Board finally voted to give him $5,00 for the
land taken for street purposes and to allow him the three
lots remaining on the right hand side of the street and
provided he make the transfers of.the property of the
Town as laid out by the Town Engineer. Mr. Gavin stated
that he was aktisfied.
Commitment of water charges in the amount of $241.42;
Water rates in the amount of $5253.35; Hydrants in the
amount of $1417.50 and sewer charges in the amount of
$131.77 were si*ned by the Board.
' The copies of the Par'.cing Regulations which had been Parking
previously adopted were handed to the Board so that they might Regu-
consider whatever changes necessary and bring the Regulations lations.
all togother nroviding a penalty for the violation of the
Notice was served coon the Town Treasurer by the
Dep -A, -T Sheriff to aupear' 6t -.aFt Cambrid re on tite first
Monday of Febr.aary in connection with the case of damages
of O'Connell vs. Town of Lexington, in establishing a
Build! ng Line.
Mr. Uustance stated that Mr. O'Connell requested that
prompt action be taken in the case so that an award of
damages may be made at an early date.
The Board discussed the matter as to whether or not
they should advise the Town Counsel to proceed too
rapidly in the case, and voted t, -at tr,e Town Counsel be
advised to proceed in the O'Connell case as speedily as
consistent viith the proper preparation.
Mr. Trask called attention to the fact that
Mr:� Garrity was desirous of cleaninx up the property
surrounding the pumping station
and asked that he be given permission to do so.
Mr. Scamman stated that he would Ave directions
as to where the material should be sent inasmach as
the material there belongs to the highway Department.
Letter was received from 1'r. W. C. Hill directed
to James Stuart Smith, Chairman of the School- Committee
on Franklin School Construction, in which 'lie enclosed a
policy of $50,000 covering the fire insurance on tY�
Franklin School in its process o=' construction. fie also
called attention that there is also $30,000 more binding
on this school house which will be issued at a
later date and 'sill be cancelled when the property is
placed upon the schedule.
Letter was received from Mr. Geor_Te H. Bruce in which
he stated that the guaranty bond riven by Mr. Stack on the
Stack property was Mr. Stack's own personal bond and did
not have any effedt upon the real estate.
It was decided to send a copy of this letter to
Mr. D. J. O'Connell who is interested in straightening
out the property for Mrs. Stack;
case in
to clean
up PumI)ing
Insurance on
water guar-
anty bond.
The Clerk reported that many persons were calling
at the Selectmen's Office for employment, and at the present.Unemployment.
time there seems to be nothing that they can be placed
to work at for the Town. .
The Board discussed the estimates tentatively
for the various departments. The estimates for 1931
have not all been received; the estimates that have been filed
are tentative and not in detail. Many of the estimates Estimates
were approved. 1931.
Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that the
Public Works Dept. roof is leaking in the section occupied
by the Water Department, so much so that pails had to be
placed around to catch the water. He secured the following
estimates on the repair of that part of the roof. Mr.
Works Dept.
Custance stated that that section oi' the roof should be
Bldg. Roof.
fixed imiaediately and c+ias an emergency measure.
David_ R. Jones $2367.00
Ea:le Cornice & Skylight Works 1792.00
It was voted to accept the bid of tl,e Eagle Cornice
& Skylight Works.
Mr. Custance stated that there would. be a ten year
guarantee on the job - of roofing.
After considering the matter the Boc.rd voted to
authorize Mr. C,stance and the Supt. of Public 'Vorks to
proceed to hive the roof fixed, and to work out the derails.
The Supt. of Public Works was instructed'to have two
police globes with the.word "police" printed on, purchased
so that one could be pl•lced on the li,ht recently installed
in front of the 1`own Office Building.
The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of
Public Works.
For.the week ending January 3, 1931.
The entire department was occupied with snow removal
and sanding streets.
Next week the regular maintenance work will be attended
to unless it will be necessary to remove snow.
Gypsy moth nests were treated with creosote and work
done at the new quarters.
Next week the work of treating moth nexts will be
Regular maintenance work attended to and will be
looked after next week.
Vffater Maintenance
Five men have been shovelling snow from hydrants.
Moved stock from old shop to new Public Works Bldg.
Water Construction
We have laid 300 feet of 10" pipe in Wood Street.
' The work contemplated for the week ending January
17th is as follows: Wood Street, water and sewer services, etc.
' "7"' Highways
Stta'red out Wood Street line at ,Syer property.
Staked out proposed Mass.. Avenue lots at Gavin -
Kane properties.
Staked out Hill Street lines near Cedar Street.
Made borin s on Lincoln Street proposed lines.
Contint}ed plottinLr of Vine ?rook survey from Hayes
Lane to North Street.
Mapped out 1030 Sewer construction work for appoint-
ment with Metropolitan District Committee, January 5th.
' Made street and lotting study adjacent to Burrill
and Di'x-Lumber Comnany properties.
Started work on .1030 Town Report.
Indexed plans for office record.
Yours very truly,
William S. Scamman
Supt. of Pablic Works
The meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M.
A true record, Attest: