HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-12-16366 .e. SELF CTMEN I S METING ^Z] T'ECEMBER 162 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held ' at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance,Blake, Shannon and Traela were present. The Supt. of Public Oorks and the Clerk were also present. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex,ss. Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held the 16th ddy of December, 1930, it is ORDERED, Whereas, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common convenience and necessity require that a town building line be established as hereinafter described and having complied with the requirements of law relating to notice, did, on the 25th day of November, 1930, lay out a Builfftug Line on Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly termIn s of the present street line on the former Town Kali -property now 80ned by Messrs. Ri4bin & Seligman to the property of Anstiss S. Hunt, et al, and duly filed their report of such laying out v=r.th the boundaries and measurements of the same in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town on the 25th day of November, 1930, and whereas at A Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on the 2nd day of December, 19 0, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was �l Letter was received from the Town Accountant calling attention to the fact that he had received a forest fire Forest payroll which exceeded the approptiation, and suggested Fire Acct. that the Appropriation Committee be asked to transfer 0125.00 to this account The board decided to a) mmun catbe with the Appropriat ion Committee. The Board signed an abatement of the charge against Abatement Alfred A. Adler, 82 Bedford Street, in the amount of A. Adler. $102. for the care of his son, Robert, at the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital. The Board signed a deed of land belonging to H":.S ^Bacon for which land a tax title was given by Deed the Tax Collector in 1911. Judge Brackett desired to J.W. ',,Vilbur have theddeed affirmed by the Town and given by the signed, Board of Selectmen. The Board signed the following building; line order ' Bldg. line to be recorded at the Registry of Deeds, in connection order. with the establishing of a building line over the property of Daniel J. OtConnell. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex,ss. Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held the 16th ddy of December, 1930, it is ORDERED, Whereas, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common convenience and necessity require that a town building line be established as hereinafter described and having complied with the requirements of law relating to notice, did, on the 25th day of November, 1930, lay out a Builfftug Line on Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly termIn s of the present street line on the former Town Kali -property now 80ned by Messrs. Ri4bin & Seligman to the property of Anstiss S. Hunt, et al, and duly filed their report of such laying out v=r.th the boundaries and measurements of the same in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town on the 25th day of November, 1930, and whereas at A Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on the 2nd day of December, 19 0, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was �l 367 ' Voted: That the Town acce,t and establish a building line on Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly terminus of the present street line on the former Town Hall ,property now owned by Messrs. Rubin & 'el_gman to the property of Anstiss S. Hunt-, et al, ai_L as laid out by the Selectmen and shown on plan on file in the lo✓rn Clerk's Office .entitled, "Plan Showing Proposed building Line on a Portion of Mass. Avenue, Lexington, Octobek 17, _930, 0-cal"e 1 in. - 20 feet, John T. -osgrove, Town Engineer,!! arovided that any structure existing at the time of the establishment of the said buiIding line sha;.l be permitted to remain anci be maintained in its present location, and for the purpose of establishing this building line the sum of X500. be ap;ropriated, and that this sum be transferred from the account of Purchase of Lanq, Stuart -Marshall fealty Company. NOV,,[., WHEREFORE, Vie, the. undersigned, being a majority of the Board of oelectmen of the said Lown of Lexington, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, do hereby under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 79 of the General Laws and of any and every power and authority us hereto in any way enabling take the right or easement to establish for all the purposes of a Building Line, and. do hereby establish said Baildincr Line as provided under General Laws, Chapter 82, Section 37, described as follows: Beginning at, the property line between lands now or formerly of Daniel J. O'Connell and Meyer Rubin & Harry G. Seligman, being distant (26.07) feet from the present norther- ly exterior line of Massachusetts Avenue and running by two courses distant 119.99 fent to a point in the property line between lands now or formerly of Daniel J. O'Connell and Anstiss S. Hunt, et al, said point being; distant P30-00) feet from the present northe^ly exterior line of Massachusetts Avenue. The aforesaid. lire is shown on a plan entitled, 'Plan Showing Proposed Building Line on a Portion of Mass. Avenue, Lexington, October 17, 1930 Scale l in. - 20 feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engin"er,r' which Dlan is on file at the Down Clerk's Office at Lexington, and a copy of which will be recorded at the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds with a copy of this order. Provided that any structure existing at the tf.me of the establishment of the said Building Line shall be Dermitted to remain and be maintained in its present location. And said Board having; considered the question of damages ' sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said Building Line has been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determinds that damages are sustained by Daniel J. O'Connell in his property by reason of such taking in the sum of $500. and awards to him the said sum, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. 368 Experts re O'Connell case. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantaTe other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement•is described as follows; Northeasterly side of Massachusetts Avenue from land owned by Meyer Rubin & Harry G. Seligman to the property of 1-�nstiss �). Hunt, et al, as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan Showing Proposed Building Line on a Portion of Mass. Avenue, Lexington, October 17, 1930, Scale lain. - 20 feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. Witness our hands at Lexitagton aforesaid this -16th day of December, ii:. D. 1930,4 Albert H. Burnham Clarence Shannon SBrLECTMEN Hallie C. Blake Theodore A. Custanee OF Robert P. Trask LEXINGTON Filed at the gown Clerk's Office December 18, 1930. John H. Kane Town Clerk MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF BETTERMENTS TO ABUTTORS. Daniel J. OtConnell $1.00 A duplicate of the order was to be filed at the Land Court. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he requested instructions from the Board of Selectmen relative to the trial of the OtConnell case for -the establishment of a building line. He asked what instructions the Board had in regard to the employment of experts. The Board considered the matter and suggested that Mr. Wrightington communicate with Mr. William H. Ballard regarding the experts and that he be given permission to use his own judgment on employing experts and do anything that he feels is proper`for the Town in preparing this case. Letter was received from Archibald R. Giroux for his wife Audrey M. Giroux , in which he stated that he would agree to the same cf-nditions contained in the letter of Mr. Frederic L. Fischer, of December 5, whereby the Town was to fill in the front of his premises on Massachusetts Avenue with filling taken from Wood St. 1 1 Notice was received from the Disabled Veterans Xmas Remembrance Committee in which they requested Disabled that the Board issue a proclamation to the people Veterans in the community for an appeal to help the Disabled Xmas Veterans Xmas Remembrance Committee. Committee. The Poard decided to hand the communication over to the Lexington Times withoat any proclamation. Letter was received from the Supt. of Schools requesting the use of the Cary Memorial hall on A.R. Giroux The Board decided to acknowledge receipt of the re filling. letter. free of charge. ' fond df and Taxations that the'bond of the Treasurer and Tax Selectmen's Mr. Robert P. Trask was requested to write up the peport for report of the Board for the annual Town Report. sown Report. Notice was received frcma the Standard Aporaisal aopeared in interest of his application. No persons Company giving information regarding the appraisal Standard of property in the Town. Appraisal. The Board voted to lay the matter upon the.table. of Boston, bids were received as follows: Notice was received from the Disabled Veterans Xmas Remembrance Committee in which they requested Disabled that the Board issue a proclamation to the people Veterans in the community for an appeal to help the Disabled Xmas Veterans Xmas Remembrance Committee. Committee. The Poard decided to hand the communication over to the Lexington Times withoat any proclamation. Letter was received from the Supt. of Schools requesting the use of the Cary Memorial hall on Teachers January 20, 1931 from 3:30 to 5 P.M. for the use of Club to use the Teachers Club. Cary !fall. The Board voted to ;grant the use of the Hall free of charge. Notice was received from the Dept. of Corborations fond df and Taxations that the'bond of the Treasurer and Tax Treas. & Collector each will have to be $47,000. Tax Collector. Hearing was declared open at 8 P.M. upon the application of,William G. Potter to erect a two car stone garage on Walnut Street. Nr. Potter Potter aopeared in interest of his application. No persons garage, appeared against the petition and it was voted to grant a garage license. Bids having been advertised on the Town of Lexington Revenue Loan of x$125,000, dated Dec. 19, 1930 and payable June 5, 1931 at the Atlantic National Bank of Boston, bids were received as follows: Solomon Bros. & Hutzler 2.50 dis. Bids on Faxon, Gade & up. Inc. 2.75 dis. 1259000 Lexinfzton Trast 2.46 dis. Revenue loan. The bid was awarded to the Lexington Trust Co. The Supt. or Public Works presented the plan showing'the sewer of Pottler avenue and stated that Mr. ' James Piecarielo, owner of a piece of land of a peculiar shape received no benefit from the sewer as it is now Abatement constructed, and asked whether or not the amount of of sewer $169. betterment tax could be abated. The Clerk .called tax. attention to the -ranolithic sidewalk bill on Shirley Street adjacent to the property of Mr. Piccarielo which has not been paid by Mrs. Vary Hallstrom, former 370 owner of the property now owned by Mr. Piccarielo. The amount of the sidew�ilk bill is $46.20. It was decided to lay this matter on the table until a later date. It was decided to send a notice to 14'rs. Viola C. Oliver of Bedford St. that the allowance being made to her for Soldiers Relief and State Aid will be discontinued. Letter was received from Myron C. Earle, Tax Collector, The Board discussed the matter of employing non- citizens and decided that in cases of need that the non- Employ- citizens would be employed after the citizens were taken ment of care -of. nonciti- zens. It was decided after the work on the Water Dept was completed that there is work in the Park Dept. of cleaning up Tower Park and the Power Station Uroperty on Lincoln Street. Question of funds to be used for this work was also discussed. rriving his estimate for 1931. Mr. �­istance brought up the fact that Pair. Earle receives a nercertage on thee water rates he collects, and, he felt it would be m,.zch more satisfactory Salary if Mr. Earle received a definite salary as Tax Collector of Tax and Town Collector instead of receiving a percentage from Collector. the Water Department for these collections. :water It was decided to ask Mr. Earle if he would give a rates. statement of the amounts received by him for collections so that this matter may be taken up again. 1931 Suggestions for the 1931 budget were handed to Budget. the various' members of the Board for their consideration. The Board discussed the matter of employing non- citizens and decided that in cases of need that the non- Employ- citizens would be employed after the citizens were taken ment of care -of. nonciti- zens. It was decided after the work on the Water Dept was completed that there is work in the Park Dept. of cleaning up Tower Park and the Power Station Uroperty on Lincoln Street. Question of funds to be used for this work was also discussed. Mr. Harry L. Fuller, 1468 Mass. Ave. came before the Board. to discuss the ritatter of water rates charged to him. The Soar' felt therefore that he should come Harry L. before them and they would be glad to explain any thing Fuller he might not understand. re Mr. fuller explained that he tlouglitat that the water :water rates were excessive and when he was first charged for rates. water the charge was $3.00 a quarter and he did not understand why he had to pay such excessive mounts now. Mr. Ross presented fig shuwing that 11r. Fuller did not have a meter in his house for the first six months and the report showed that thef family were away and the man could not get into the house to read the meter. After the meter was nut in he showed the increase in the water rates and that four different meters had been put in and tested and -found to be correct. There was one allowance given to Mr. Fuller on the water rates. He was aware of the fact that the increase was made from $3.00 to $3.75 a quarter for the minimum of water to be used and this rate was dropped from 1360 to 1250. He felt that any ordinary small family of two people in the home should not use any more thafr the $3.75 for the quarter. 371 Mr. Scamman informed _m, however, that in his own house there was only he and :!lis wife and the bills ran up to $6.00 and $7.00 and in many oth-r families of the same size the water rates do run over. Mr. Fuller believed that this was an increase of 7011 in the water rites which was entirely too much for a town of this size. Dr° Shannon explained to him that the old system of water pipes in the Town were being renev'�ied; that the pipes n°.zt in'a number of years ag.o were inadequate and there was not sufficient pressure in cer'7ain narts of the Town and this was the reason that the Department w4s as expensive as it is at the present time. Mr. Fuller was informed that any information he desired further re-7ardin7- the Vlater Department would be given to him. Mr. Daniel J. OtConnell came before the Board and asked if the Board had any ideas abort the term of lease he should give to a tenant who desires to hire the gara:Me on his premises. Mr. Burnham informed him that he did not see how the Board could give him any advice. Dr. Shannon informed M-. O'Connell that he understood from the Town Counsel that if he leased, the property he would do so at his own risk. ' Mr. O'Connell was anxious that the Town Oounsel be OID6nnell instructed to proceed Lmiriediately in the case, inasmuch re lease ci as he desired to ha•,e the assessment of betterments before of garage February. Mr. Eugene Kraetzer came before the Board to ask what was to be done about the taxes ,ipon` the Xarahall property,and the Carbarn property; they did not desire to abate the:.taxes. Cdr. Kraetzer was informed that they would receive something from the Middlesex & Bo^ton Street Railway Co. and also `rom 'lr. Abbott of the Misticke Co. on 'taxes which would reduce the amount. The Board informed them _that `they did not have any acpropriations wherein thea- could nay the taxes and felt that the matter should lay over. E. Kraetzer re taxes. The following is the weekly report o - the Supt. of Puhlic .Works. For the week ending ^ecember 13, 1930. HICHPdAY DEPARTVENT Gravel spreadandgraded on Shade Street, Walnut Street, Bcwman Street and llen Street. Surface patches made in a number of streets and catch basins cleaned. Drain constructed from Crov Street to brook tnru land of McDevitt, one catch bason built doing away with draining surface water on keDevit.+ 's land. Catch basin built ano, connected with others at the corner of Old County Road and Mays. Avenue, getting rid 372 of a soot which was always wet. Next week the regular maintenance will be taken care of. MOTH & SHADE TRFE DEPT. The deparmtment burned over Bowman Dark and treated gypsy moth nests with creosote . Next week the department' will continue the work of treating the gypsy moth nests. DARK 7EPARTIV?ENT . Regular maintenance looked after and will be attended to next week. WAT'E'R & SEINER DEPARTMENT Water Maintenance Water services installed as follows:- Rose, Locust Avenue; Pdason, Yottler Avenue. Renaired leak in service at Belfry Club. Water Construction We have laid. approximately 2300 feet of 8" and 10" water pipe in Woad Street, making a total of 3880 feet of,,pibe laid. to d« te. Sewer Maintenance Sewer services installed as follows: Rose, Locust Avenue; Mason, 1'ottler Avg-°nue. The manhole in the new mass. Avenue sewer line has been completed. The work contemplated for the week ending December 27th is as follows: Wood Street; water and sewer services. ENGINEERING 'nWP_ 7TML'NT Highw4ys Survey of Lincoln Street alternate line. Sewer, Grades for house connection, Fottler Avenue. Drainage Completed s,-irvey of Vine Brook from Lowell Street to Hayes Lane. Miscellaneous Tied in Mass. Avenue stone bound. opposite Hastings Park. Work on Rashian property plan regarding abandonment of old. Lass. Avenue. One man ( entire .jue) with Wood Street water 1 construntion. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt, of Public Works The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. . A true record, Attest: Clerk. i 1 373