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DECN;0FR 91 1930.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.24.
Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Shannon and Blake were present.
The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present.
Report-' was ,received from ldr: ` F. A Bartlett, Tree
Report Expert Co. of Stamford,'Connecticut, on the preservation
on pres- of the trees on the Common, Belfry Hill and Hastings Park,
ervation givin4 their recommendation of the treatment for the'
of preservation of the trees and an estimate of the cost of
trees. doing work as $3000.
The Board discussed the matter of the condition of
the trees and felt that they should ask for an appropriation
to have this work done in connection with the shade strees.
it was suggested that the oil spray would probably
be done this winter out of the Park Dept. appropriation.
A report was received from !'dr.,.Frederick .L. Fischer
covering the filling bf the Fischer property with material
along Massachusetts Avenue. The Board approved of the
Filling arrangements made by fir. Custance to hav e this filling put
in in on the Fidcher property from Wood Street.
Fischer Mr. Custanee stated that the trucks have now been
property.putting the filing into -the Town dump and the dump is so
soft that they have had to spend time pulling the trucks out,
and he felt that time would be well spent by putting the
filling in and cleaning Massachusetts Avenue in this manner
preparatory to doing the permanent construction work on the
sheet next year. It was understood that the storm drainage
-on Massachusetts Avenue would be taken care of when
the street is reconstructed.
Mr. A. H. Burnham reported that he would attend the
Hearing meeting on December 10, 1930 at 10:30 A. M., State House,
on on the application of John Donnelly & Sons for the erection,
bill- of a billboard on Massachusetts Avenue.
Town Counsel, S. R. 1irightington appeared before the Board
to discuss the matter of damages and betterments to be filed
iDamage with the order on the establishment of'a building line on
& better -Mass. Ave.
ments, It was finally decided to estimate the damages to
bldg. Daniel J. O'Connell as $500 ani the betterment as $1.00.
It was decided to hold a joint hearing with the Board
of Appeals on the application of the Lexington Burial Park
Association to establish a public cemetery on the Lexington
' Park property, on December 30, 1930 at 8 P.M.
It was also decided that if an application. were; Public
received from Samuel O?Conne-1, 50 Peterboro 5t., Boston Cemetery.
that his application should also be advertised for
the same evehtrag
Letter was received' from Zames iq?. Curley annodnciih"g N. E.
N.E. the New England Century Products:Exposition )roposea Products
Products 'to be held in Boston, June 16 to July 15, 1931. Exposition.
Letter was received fron Edward V. Taylor re-
garding the placards which the Board discussed
Placards placing up, including an award for persons csu?ht
re Forest setting forest fires. After considering the matter
Fires. the Board decided to have the placards printed and
they would award the $25.00 for information pertaining
to the person setting fires.
of Snow.
Notice was received from the State in which they
informed the Board that they would remove snow from
the following highways: From the end of State High-
way, MaP,le St. to end of State Highway at Plass. Ave.
.2 mile; From the Arlington line to the Lincoln line
5.32 miles; Bedford line southerly 10'52 miles;
Woburn line westerly .38 miles.
Letter was received from Byron C. Earle Collector
of Taxes regarding the payment of the sidewali bill of
Walter G. Mack for sidewalk work done on Highland Ave.
in 1927. ffe informed the 15oard that the State Acgount-
ant suggested collecting this bill from Mr. Black s
salary as an Assessor, but he finally gave up the idea
last year when they were at the office. They are now
coming to the office again and the bill is not yeti paid,
and he felt that it should be called to the attention of
the Selectmen.
Mr. pustance stated that he would take up the
matter together with other sidewalk bills which have
not been paid.
Letter was received from Harry L. Fuller regard-
ing water rates charged on his premises. He complained
severely of the treatment that he had received by the
Water Department and the Supt. of Public Works and the
information on hand showed that the Water Dept. had
many times endeavored to remedy the complaint that Mr.
Fuller repeatedly reported of the excess in the charge
for water rates.
The Board decided to invite Mr. Fuller to come
before them on tuesday evening next at 7:45 P.M. to
discuss the matter.
An informal hearing was declared open so that the
owners of property on Lincoln St. would have an oppor-
tunity to discuss the proposed relocation of that street
from Massaehus'etts Avenue to Marrett Road.
Mr. Custance presented the plan showing the
proposed layout which had been studied by the County
re Forest
of Snow,
H. L.
Lincoln St.
Commissioners and which also showed the layout sketched
on by J. Henry Duffy of the Planning Board.
Mr. Edgar F. Scheibe stated that he had viewed
the plan and was very much impressed with the second
layout which Mr. Duffy sketched on the plan not
because it did not take any of his land but be-
cause he thought that it was a better layout and .
it_wolld not take as many of the trees as the
other layout would and he thought it might-.be cheaper.
��r. Edward L. Child asked why the change was
being made in Lincoln Street. He felt that it was
a pretty country road and he had often times brought
people over because it was so pretty, and he did not
believe it should be straightened out. he had not
heard of any accidents on the street.
Mrs. Augusta C. Holm asked what was to be- ,
come of the road that would be abandoned and also
i3 there.would be a cliff left in the highway
in front of the houses built by Mr. MacDonald. She
. stated that slae had moved to Lexington recently
and did not believe that the street left in that
condition would look prepb;r.
Mr. J. Henry Duffy asked whether or not the
Board had any definite figzres on the total cost of
constructing the highway. ile was informed that
the figures were now being drawn up by the County.
Mr, Robert L. Ryder appeared and stated that
he was in favor of straightening out bhe street.
ae did not know which scheme was the better one.,
but he felt that something should be done. AV
far as the trees ®Dere conderned, he was not alarmed
by the number of trees that might be removed.
He felt that the most logical route was the
one that should be adopted.
Mr. Scheibe stated. that he also was not in favor .
of leaving a cliff in front of the houses on Lincoln
Street where the road would turn off, and he did
not believe in having a double highway at that point.
Mr. Neil McIntosh stated that he desired to
reserve his rights in the land he had there as
he still owns practically seven lots.
,Dr. Hugh K. Ward asked whether or not it would
r be possible to take just a little off the bluff as
it was a dangerous point and leave the rest of the
street as it now is. Mfr. Custance informed the
meeting that although it might not seem to people
at the present time wise to reconstruct this
highway, he believed that any action which might
be taken now would be far-sighted owing..to the fact
that there are developments beyond that would
bring more homes and he felt that within the next
five or ten years there would be need for this road,
and that the Town should be far-sighted and lay
out the highway in the proper manner at the
r. present time,
Mr. Custance also explained that scheme number
two had not been figured out as yet but the Board
would proceed to give this suggestion to the County
Commissioners to secure their figures on•the cost.
Mr. Duffy felt that the Town should/go ahead at
the present time and spend the money for the relocation
-of Lincoln Street. He,felt that the lines should be
laid down but that the reconstruction work shozld_nbt
be done. The lines laid down on the planbyhim were
practically in accordance with the plan of Arthur A.
Shurtleff laid down when the whole scheme of the develop-
ment of the playground was considered.
Mrs. Edson H. 13owman inquired whether or not there
would be sidewalks placed alon thr� street Wien the
highway was reconstructed.
She was informed that applications Mould be .
accepted for the sidewalks where the hbutters pay
one-half the expense.
Mr. Scheibe stated that he believed that there were
other streets in the Town that needed improvement more
than Lincoln Street and he did not believe that because
some people were out of work that this work should be done.
Mr. Custance explained to him that for the last five
years & program has been made whereby one of the streets
in the 'own has been permanently constructed each year.
$e stated•that.the permanent construction work was planned
to be done on Lincoln Street in 1932 and the program has
been followed out to date. Now that Massachusetts Avenue
is to be completed next year to the corner of Lincoln
Street the Board felt that they should construct this end
of Lincoln Street to Marrett Road.
The hearing on Lincoln Street was declared closed at
9:35 P.M.
The Board informed the meeting that they would
secure the figures on the second layout for comparison
with the first layout which the County and State have
already studied.
Letter was received from the Town Accountant in which
he advised a Revenue loan of $125,000 dated December 19, 1930
and payable June 5, 1931. 125,000,
The Board voted to authorize him to request the evenue
Treasurer to advertise for bins on this loan. loan.
A report was received from Louis W. Bills in regard
to the letter written by the State relative to traffic
lights in Lexington. Mr. Bills stated that he had been in
other Towns:,and he found that the lights differed from
Lexington, althbu#h hP was given to understand that
the lights were going to be uniform throughout the
State. He 'stated that in Boston people walk on the yellow
light and when they come to Lexington they cannot walk Traffic
on the yellow light and that is why it is confusing. lights.
He stated that we have the same traffic control system as
Boston has and the si,7nals can be timed to meet the State
standard; he suggested that padlocks be put on each control
box and that some -one be put in charge of the work.
Mr. Custance stated that he would take this matter up.
Mr. Ross presented a list of streets for which no
water plans have been received from the Engineering Dept.
Mr. Custance stated that he would take up this matter
at a later date.
The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of
Public Works.
For the week ending December 6, 1930.
The department has continued the -work of clearing
Wood. Street preparing the way for the water main construction
which is progressing staisfactorily.
Work of cutting down the ground on the side of
Summit load has been accomplished.
Grading has been done around the Public Works Bldg.
Leveling and grading several outlying streetsp
surface patches on a number of streets and other maintenance
as well as the erection of snow fence.
Next week the department will attend to the regular
This department has finished the ground work and is
now climbing and treating moth nests with creosote.
The department attended to the regular maintenance
work and will be so occupied next week.
Water Maintenance
The following services have been installed:Robbins,
Locust Avenue; Blanchard, Eaton Rd; Cronin, Spencer.Street;
Phalen, Robbins Road. Two men have been tieing in shut -offs.
Water Construction
Completed the extension of approximately 150+ of
6" pipe in Eaton Road,. Two men have been working for the
Highway Department drilling and blasting.
On December lst work was started on the extension
of the 8" water main in 'Good Street. Due to the work being
done by the Highway Department on Mass. Avenue end of Wood
Street, the pipe laying was started on the Bedford end of Wood
Street, about opposite Holton's. To date we have laid
approximately 1500T of 8" pipe and have set two hydrants.
Sewer Maintenance
Services have been installed for Robbins, Locust Ave.;
Phalen, Robbins Road.
Sewer Construction
With the exception of one
manhole, the.sewer
in Mass.
Avenue from Pottler Avenue to
Bawker Street
has been
completed. Due to the fact that
the people
in Bowker
Street Baan wait until spring,
this extension
will be held over
until that time.
The work contemplated for
next week is
as follows:
Wood Street, water and sewer
services, etc.
Continued survey of Lincoln Street and plotted profile
of proposed reloeation.
Grades for construction on Mass. Avenue from Fottler
Avenue to Bowker Street.
Grades for connection on Robbins goad.
One man entire time on Wood Street giving lines and
grades and locating the'water main as put in.
Marked all grade stakes on Wood Street.
Profile of Vine Brook from Butterfield's Pon4
to Hayes Lane completed.
Survey of Vine Brook started.
Yours very truly,
William S. Scammtn
Supt. of Public Works.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
A true record, Attest: