HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-11-18342 own SELECTMENIS MEETING CZ1 NOVEMBER 18, 1930. ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen" ,was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:00 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custanee, Trask, Shannon and Blake were present-. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Warrant The Board signed the warrant for a Town Meeting signed. to be held December 2, 1930. The Board appointed the following committee on Unemployment in the Town of Lexington. Robert Committee P. Trask, Chairman, Charles H. Schofield, Rupert on H. Stevens,,and Eugene J. Viano; this committee Unemployment. to have the power to add members to the Committee if they see fit. Letter was received from the Massachusetts Emergency Committee on Unemployment in which they stated that there might be a Committee of women appointed on Unemployment Committee. The, Board decided to notify the Massa Emergency Committee on Unemployment, of the Lexington ' Committee. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of 'Halter G. Black for permission W.•G.Black to erect a two car wooden garage on the premises garage. at 26 Highland Ave. No persona appeared to object and it was voted to grant the permit. The Board signed the certificate of election Certificate of Mr. Albert H. Burnham as Representative of of A.H. the 28th Middlesex Representative District, the Burnham's same to be served upon Mr. Burnham by the election. Constable. ` The Board signed the order releasing the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of any claims in installing their service to the New School on Allen Street. The Clerk reported having taken the matter up with the Town Counsel as to whether he considered Status of this street now a public way inasmuch as it had Allen St. been travelled years ago as a public way but has bee./abandoned for a number of years although not legally abandoned. The Board voted to grant an overhanging Overhanging sign permit to Adam Grigor for awnings over the sign permit. store at the corner of Mass. Avenue and Waltham St. At 8:15 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. e and the Edison hlectric Ill. Co. for joint location of poles on Mass. Ave. westerly from Sdhool St., 8 poles and Mass. Ave. easterly from School St., 8 poles. No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant permission for the location of the poles. Bids were received on the Water loan of $25,000, twenty-five coupon notes of $1000 each payable $5000 yearly, 1931 - 1935 inclusive, notes to be dated December 1, 1930, interest at the rate of 4 % per annum. The bids were as follows: Lexington Trust Company x:01.152 G. P. Nelson 100.987 Estabrook & Co. 100.980 F. S. Moseley & Co. 100.770 Firat National Old .Colony Corp. 100.90 Grafton 6ompany 100.85 Harris, Forbes & Co. Inc. 100.".93` Atlantic National Bank of Boston 100.411 The bid was awarded to the Atlantic National Bank of Boston. Letter was received from Mrs. Elizabeth C. Boynton thanking the Board for'the roses furnished her at the reception to her son Stanley Boynton who made the Jr. -record �breakfng trip across the continent and returned, by aeroplane, and for whom a reception was given by the towns people at the Lexington High School on Wednesday, November 12. Letter was received from Mr. Francis Chamberlain in which he called attention to the 'fact that he did not believe Summit Road was completed to its width of forty feet, inasmuch as in front of his _house it was lacking eight feet of being forty feet in width. This matter was referred to Mr. Custance. Dr. Clarence Shannon desired to have the matter of the removal of the pole on Edgewood Road again called to the attention of the_Supt. of Public Works. The matter of the time of closing of the Canteen Lunch Co. was discussed, inasmuch as the people who rent the apartments in the Viano block complained of the long hours that the Lunch Co. keeps open. It was decided to notify this Company that they must close at 12 o'clock at night. ' Mr. James A. Bean, 26 Parker St., came before the Board and asked that the Board consider paying the.costs in the case of Bean -Perkins vs. the Town of Lexington. He stated that in the lower court he was sustained, but in the higher court the decision was reversed. He felt that the conditions that existed 343 Pole location. Water Loan bids. Reception to Stanley Boynton. Width of Summit Rd. Pole on Edgewood Rd. Complaint, hours of Canteen Lunch Co. Mr. _ Bean re costs of court case. =344 were there and that Mr. Bursess had used and advertised doing repairing of automobiles on the premises before he purchased the place. He stated that he would have brought Mr. Burgess with him to prove ' that this evening. Re stated that the Town also brought the case against him and it has cost him considerable to pay for an Attorney, and he felt that the Town was in a better position to pay the costs than he was. The Board informed Mr. Bean that they would take the matter under consideration, and after thinking the matter over decided to request Mr. Bean to put his statements in writing. The Clerk brought up the question as to whether or not orders'issued in the Public Welfare Dept. should be issued to the Chain stores. A11 of the applicants for aid trade at the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. and the First l'4ational Stores, inasmuch as they claim ; Welfare they can get more for their money by so trading. orders, Suggestion was made that Lester E. Smith, John .Chain J. Rudd and Edward W. Ormond might possibly give a Stores. percentage off on the accounts given to them for goods furnished. t was left with Mr. Trask to take this za.tter up with these three gentlemen. Commitment. Highway betterment commitment in the amount of $178.21 was signed by the Board. ' Hearing was declared open regarding the estab- lishment of a building line from Rubin & .Seligman property to Meriam Street. Mr. Scott of the Scott Tea Company and another representative of,that Company appeared beforeithe Board. Mr. Nathan Bidwell also appeared representing the Hunt property. Mr. Custance explained the intention of the Board Building to establish a building line and asked whether or not Line, Mass.Ave. the Scott Tea Company would be ready to present a proposition to the Board next Tuesday eveningp November' 259 1930 at 8 P.M., at which time another hearing would be given on the establishment of a building line across their property. Mr. Nathan Bidwell was not sure that he could be present at this meeting but he desired to register his objection to the establishment of a building line. The Board voted to lay the matter on the table for consideration_ on Tuesday evening next at which time the new notice of intention having been served upon the property owners, would be considered. Request for The Public Health Association requested :verbal Pop Concert permission to place a banner across the property of ' banner. the Town located on Depot Park, advertising a Pop Concert to be held Deeember.5. Mr. Custance received a letter from the Dept. of Public Works in which they stated that they would r 1 345 State to cooperate with the Board in the amount of $15,000 cooperate re to be spent for highway work to aid the unemployment highway work, situation. for unemp)oy-' ment. The Supt. of Public Works presented a letter drawn up by him to be sent to the Attorney for Suburban Mr. Brand of the Suburban Land Co. The Board approved Land. Co. the letter to be sent to said Company regarding the Water pipes in Fottler Avenue. Letter was received from the Supt. of Schools in which he stated that the School Dept. believed that Pelice protection was necessary for the children at Winthrop Road., Mass. Avenue and Woburn Street. They also stated, in their letter that they hoped the Town would consider reserving a part of the town farm property for a future school building before considering the sale of the property. Information was received from the Supt. of the Water and Sewer Department stating that the estimated cost of extension of a sewer in Watson Ave. from Robbins Road 2701 westerly was $1550, and In Robbins Road from Watson°Avenue southwesterly 4351, $2375. Looking into the records, it was found that votes had been passed covering the layoat of the sewer in these streets, but the :natter was taken up with the Town Counsel to see whether or not in the lapse of time from the date the votes were passed the order could now be passed to install these sewers under the vote of the Town in 1929. The Town Counsel over the telephone gave a hurried opinion that the orders could be filed at East :Cambridge in these cases. Police protection for children. Town property for school. Watson Ave. & Robbins Rd. sewer. Letter was received from Edward W. Taylor in which he stated that after investigating the feasibility of'.destroying the.peat;`factory building_.by,fire, he '.felt e that if it were torn down by putting up some strong Peat..Faetor cables and two tractors, supporting the timbers in the center of the building, that it could be burned after it was brought to the ground.. The letter was referred to the Supt. of Public Works for his attention. Letter was received from Mr. Robert L. Ryder in which he asked for the extension of water in Lowell Request for Street from its present terminus opposite the Hoyt extension of property to his land at the corner of Lowell & North Sts. water, Information was received from the Water & Sewer Lowell St. Dept. stating that to extend this.$° main in Lowell St. 24001 would cost $7500. Mr. Custance therefore replied to Mr. Ryder's 346- i letter that the cost of the guaranty would be $360. Highway The Board voted to lay upon the table the matter Safety Com. of Committee on highway safety. Application was received from John Williamson 233 Mass. Avenue, Lexington, for permission to erect Filling a filling station at the southwest corner of Sylvia Station Street and Mass. Avenue. denied The Board considered the application and -voted to deny the same. Letter was received from Commissioner Long's office, signed by Mr. Creelman, in which he stated Langley & that the betterments which had been assessed upon Hddson better- the Mabel F. Langley and Frank E. Hudson properties ments. could not be apportioned. This matter was left with Mr: Custance to take up further. ' Intention to The Board signed the notice of intention to establish establish a building line on Massachusetts Avenue Bldg. linefrom the property of Rubin & Seligman to Meriam Street, bearitaz!to he held November 25, 1930 at 8 P.M. on said Letter wqs received"from.Mr. H& J, Trevor Pring; Complaint, 20 Vine Brook, Road, calling attention to the condition walks to R.R. of the walks entering.to the railroad station; whenever station a storm occurs that it was impossible to go over to during the station dry shod. storm. Re felt that possibly the sewers might be clogged up. The matter was referred to the Supt. of Public Works, inasmuch as the .Board felt it was a matter that could be remedied with his attention. Another letter wqs received from Samuel O'Connell Public of 50 Peterboro St., Boston, in which he stated further Cemetery. that owing to the fact that a public cemetery would not be taxed, he would be willing to pay to the Town a sum each year that might be considered as taxes. The Board voted to lay the matter on the table. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in Town which he advised that in addition to the establishing Counsel re of a building line over the O'Connell property and over bldg. line. the property from the Rubin & Seligman land to Meriam Street, he also advised inserting an article relating to the relocation of Mass. Avenue The. Board considered the matter and the majority of the Board voted not to insert an article in the Warrant,on the relocation or purchase of the O'Connell , property. Letter was also received from the Town Counsel in which he stated that the establishing of a • ,bullA#f line on Mass. Avenue required a two-thirds vote of the Town regardless of the.fact that a bond issue was necessary. Highway The Board voted to lay upon the table the matter Safety Com. of Committee on highway safety. Application was received from John Williamson 233 Mass. Avenue, Lexington, for permission to erect Filling a filling station at the southwest corner of Sylvia Station Street and Mass. Avenue. denied The Board considered the application and -voted to deny the same. Letter was received from Commissioner Long's office, signed by Mr. Creelman, in which he stated Langley & that the betterments which had been assessed upon Hddson better- the Mabel F. Langley and Frank E. Hudson properties ments. could not be apportioned. This matter was left with Mr: Custance to take up further. ' Intention to The Board signed the notice of intention to establish establish a building line on Massachusetts Avenue Bldg. linefrom the property of Rubin & Seligman to Meriam Street, bearitaz!to he held November 25, 1930 at 8 P.M. on said 1 notice of intention. 1 The following 'is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. , For the week ending November 15, 1930 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Gutters and catch basins were cleaned in various streetsand surface patches were made in several streets and in Mass. Ave. between Waltham Street and Woburn Street. The road grader was used in,School Street and other maintenance work attended to. Next week the department will attend to regular maintenance. MOTH & SHADE TREE DEPT. The department treated the -moth nests with creosote in various streets and in the achool grounds and will be occupied with this work next week. PARK DEPARTMENT The regular maintenance work w$s attended•to and will be taken care of next week. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT Water Maintenance Service installed for Smith on Smith Avenue. Water Construction We have laid approximately 800+ 8" pipe in Lowell Street from East Street northerly. One hydrant has been set near the Hoitz property. Approximately 5001 6" pipe has been laid in Russell Street from Lowell to Bunzel's drive. Work was started on approximately 1000 ft. 12" water pipe in East Street from Baskin's greenhouses to Grant Street; excavation by machinery. Sewer Maintenance Service for Smith on Smith Avenue. Working on service for Maynard on Oakland Street. Sewer Construction Work was started 'on the extension of a sewer in Cliffe Avenue from Theresa Avenue to Fottler Avenue. Approximately 50' 8" sewer pipe have been laid. '347 348 Work aoatemplated for next week is as follows: Lowell Street, Wood Street, water and sewer services,etc. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Highways Work on plan of Sherman Street. Completed survey at Marrett Road and Mass. Avenue at Holmes and Kimball properties. Sewer Profile of 9dwker Street. Grades on Cliffe Avenue. Grades for sewer connection on Smith Avenue and on Oakland Street. Water Location of main on Lowell Street. Work on water main plans. Miscellaneous Made plan showing proposed building line on Masg..Avenue from-. Ru'lin & eligman property to Meriam Street. Started'a profile of Vine Brook from Butterfield•'s Pond to.Hayes Lane. Wrote description of the proposed taking at the O'Connell property on Mass. Avenue. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: (S. '4�W-A) Clerk. 1 1 I SELECTMEN'S,IAEETING _ NOVEMBER 193, 1930. Messrs. Custance, Trash and Dr. Shannon present. Hearing was declared open on the Board's notice of intention to lay out a Building Line across the O'Connell property. Mr. O'Connell appeared at the hearing to discuss the matter with the Board, and registered his objection. Theodore A. Custance Chairman of meeting. 1 349