HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-11-11336 Conference re building line. SELECTMEN'S MEETING NOVEMBER 110 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Trask were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Conference was held at which Messrs. A. N. Maddison, William H. Ballard, James G. Robertson and Frederick L. Emery were invited to attend together with the Town Counsel, Sydney R., Wright- ington. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proper proceedure to place before the Town the matter of establishing a building line on Massachusetts Avenue, and to secure the opinion of these gentlemen. The matter of establishing a building line and relocating Massachusetts Avenue in front of the O'Connell property has al- ready been taken up at two Town Meetings held on October 15 and November 7 respectively, and at both meetings the matter was discussed considerably but no definite action taken. S.R. Wrightington suggested that pictures be taken of the O' -Connell property, not only of the front but of the rear also. All of the gentle- men present seemed to be of the opinion that a ?wilding line alone should be established on Mass. Avenue and that the Board o:F Selectmen should not insert an article in the Warrant asking for the relocation of Mass. Avenue at this time. Mr. Emery stated that he did not know what was to be gained by establishing the building line to Meriam Street and even suggested that_a building line be _laid out only over that part of the O'Connell property where Mr. O'Connell intends to erect the building, and.he felt that Mr. O'Connell then would have to place his buildings back himself. The Board of Selectmen did not agree with Mr. Emery that this small part of the huilding line should be laid out. Mr. Maddison felt that the building line should be laid down over the O'Connell_ property anyway. Mr. Ballard felt that it ehould be.laid down straight through to Meriam.Street, and he - did not believe that the expense_of_establishing a building line would impress the Town Meeting Members especially. Mr. James G. Robertson felt that the building line shcu:ld be established through to Meriam Street. Mr. _1%mery finally agreed that the building line should be established ... t?rough the O'Connell property and stated that he felt he _could say that the other members of the Planning Board would support the Selectmen in their effort to 1 ' establish the building line across this property and possibly through to Meriam Street. Mr. Emery also objected to appropriating $10,000 for the building line; he felt that a much smaller sum should be appropriated. Mr. Robertson asked whether or not the Selectmen desired to make a widening of the Avenue at an early date. They replied that they did.not desire to hurry action on the relocation:. The Board also discussed the matter of the status of the Stuart -Marshall Realty Co. property. The Town Counsel stated that he felt the transaction under this vote was now void. Mr. Ballard was asked whether or not in view of the fact that he had all of the negotiations with the Stuart -Marshall Realty Co., whether or not he would continue with the Scott Tea Company, the new owners, to endeavor to reach an agreement for the purchase of the front land. Mr. Ballard agreed to do this. After considerable discussion,..all..of the gentlemen present agreed to support the vote on the building line as far as the_O'Connell'property was concerned. _It.was decided that the $50,000 that was appropriated for the l _ Stuart-MarshalRealty Co. purchase should be trans- ferred to be used for the establishing of a_building line. Mr. James G. Robertson, Chairman of the Vine Brook Or ainagd'Committee stated that he would like to have the Selectmen instruct the Engineering.Dept. to make a survey of Vine Brook from _North Street to Hayes Lane, so that the McClintock and Woodfall Survey might be brought up to date. He felt that they should make simple soundings, having in mind straightening, widening and deepening Vine Brook from North Street uo to Hayes Lane. He stated that it was the unanimous opinion of his Committee that the work must be started in that section and move this way, and that the Engineering should be done under the direction of the Supt. of Public Works. He also desired to have estimates of the_work_of" straightening out the curves. He also desired. to have a more accurate estimate of what the work will cost from Hayes Lane to Vine Brook Road, carrying out the Metcalf & Eddy plan. They felt that the estimate of $2000 was not sufficient; in this connection the Engineering Dept. would have to make other borings and they desired to have the figures drawn up.so that an estimate might be given by any contractor who desires to go over the job. They felt also that 14000 should be allowed for the tressel under the railroad, instead of $2500 as given in the figures presented to them. They figuredthatthe work on the lower part of the brook could be done for possibly $10,000 and that this might possibly lae work which would release the unemployment situation. Mr. Robertson asked that the information be given to them within two or°three weeks. 337 Vine Brook Drainage. Mr. Frederick LEmery was asked to give his opinion regarding the establishment of a cemetery in the Town. New Cemetery. 338 Mr. Emery asked if the cemetery would be an income producing property and he was informed that it would not. Previous to receiving this information, he felt.that if the cemetery was located in the LexingtonPark property which adjoins the Shawsheen cemetery and which is almost directly opposite the Lexington Cemetery it would not be 6bjeetionable, but inasmuch as no income would be received he felt that it should,not be allowed. .he felt that with the present Zoning Law that the territory might develop later into a fairly respectable residential district. The Board of Selectmen received an application from Samuel O'Connell of 50. Peterborough St., Application Boston, asking whether or not the Board would for allow a mausoleum to be erected on Bedford Street, cemetery. formerly on the property known as Lexington Park. The Board voted to lay this matter on the table. In regard to the applicationfor the establishment of a public cemetery and mausoleum received a week ago, the Town Counsel, S. R. Legal Wrightington was before the Board and referred them to opinion General Laws, Chapter 114, Section 34-36 which states re Cemetery. that the location must be approved by the Town. Commitment of sewer assessment charges in the Commitment. amount of $3175.16 was signed by the Board. Application was received for an Outdoor Advertising sign from John Donnelly & Sons for a sign to be erected on Massachusetts Avenue ri:ghtt head-on to Lexington from Concord, opposite and across. new street from Pole 64/198, E.E.I. The Board decided to hold the application and notify the Dept. of Public Works that the Selectmen object to the erection of the sign and in this particular instance there are no such streets in. Lexington; although the applications written in proper form the plan on the back f 4e application refers to streets which are not in Lexington. The Town Counsel advised demanding a public hearing. It was -decided to notify the attorney for Mr. Brand of the Suburban Land Co. that the letter' desired by the Board is the letter he claims the old Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners'.wr6te to them agreeing to purchase the pipe if and when the street was accepted. The Supt. of Public Works was directed to write to the Attorney. Letter was received from the Massachusetts Emergency Committee on Unemployment in which it was staged that Governor Allen has appointed a committee known as the Massachusetts Emergency Committee on Unemployment. The purpose of the Committee_ is to deal with all important and serious questions of 1 339 ' unemployment. The recommendations made to the Committee at the first meeting held October 29, 1930 was that the Committee set up similar committees in every city and town throw h . o,at the' Commonwealth, the make-up. of these committees to be along the lines of the State Committee inGldding in each instance the Mayor, or Chairman of Committee the Board of Selectmen, a representative of the local on Unem- Chamber. of Comaerce, or Board of Trade, Grange, Labor, ployment. and other representative citizens as may be selected. Mr. J. J. Phalen, 8haii�man of the Mass. Emergency Committee on Unemployment urged that a local committee be appointed along the lines of the State Committee as soon as possible. The Board laid the matter on the table. Application was received for Board of Survey aporoval of plans showing the layout over the property owned by Fred Moulton located between Massachusetts Avenue and Locust .Avenue, from James R. Smith. It was decided to refer this application to the Planning Board for their approval. . Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he enclosed the record of the number of streets in the Town and the number•of trees needed for each of the streets recommending that 263 trees be planted in the Town next year. He stated that Mr. Gorman made an inspection of streets and gave this number as the number recommended. It was decided to include this in the recommendation for shade trees next year. Mr. Custance reported that he had communicated with the Statd regarding.s..ecuring additional money to help the unemployment situation, and to have.the rough grading work done on Lincoln.Stree.t. He stated that he felt the State would cooperate with the Town and that the Town could transfer a sum equal to what the State and County would allow from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Board of Survey layout F.Moulton property. Shade trees recommended. Grading to be done on Lincoln St. The Board voted to give notice of their Intention to establish�a building line across the property of Daniel J. O'Connell from the property of Rubin Building and Seligman to the property of Anst-.ss S. Hunt, Line Hear - et al and to hold a hearing; on said notice, Wednesday, ing. Novemter 19, 1930. ' The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. For the weekending November 8, 1930. , HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The department cleaned up Taft Avenue; filled 340 and graded the sidewalk on the north side of Woburn Street; cut out weeds and brush on both sides of Woburn Street; cleaned _gutters _and .made a_number of surface patches. Next week the department will attend to the regular maintenance. MOTH & SHADE TREE DEPT. This department treated the Gypsy Moth nests with creosote and will be -so occupied next week. PARK DEPARTMENT The regular maintenance work has been attended to; trees have been planted at the Center Playground and the football field has been limed. Next�we'ek'°the regulazp maintenance work will be done. WATER -Sc SEWER DEPARTMENT Water Maintenance Two men have been working at the carbarn property. Installed renewal for Dr. Day, Mass..Ave.; service for Alberto, Harding Road ,# Vaughn, Mass. Avenue. Water Construction We have laid approximately 1500f 12" pipe from Porter's greenhouses northerly. The water has been turned on in the 12" main from Porters to Ridge Road. Ave. Sewer Maintenance Service has been installed for Crosby, Theresa Sewer Construction The sewer in Theresa Avenue from Hillcrest Ave. to Cliffe Avenue has been completed. The wo-.-k contemplated for next.week is as follows. Lowell Street water; water andsewer services, etc. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Highways Stakes for street line on Locust Avenue. Survey at Marrett -Road and,Mass,. Avenue to include Holmes and Kimball properties. Pian of Mass. Ave. taking at Rdis6n property. Plan of Kass. Ave. from Grant Street to Meriam Street for a lantern slide. Sketch plan of Grant Street and territory easterly between Mayes ,ane and York Street for Board of Survey layout. Survey of Sherman Street completed. 1 1 341 ' Sewer Lines & grades for construction in Theresa Avenue. .Line for sewer in Cliffe Ave. Water Work On water main plans. Located new water main in Lowell Street. Located new water main in School Street, Miscellaneous Refigured Highland Avenue street assessments as to 1930. Tracing from Winchester line to Lowell Street trade from aerial plans. Yours very truly, ' William S. Scamman. Supt. of Public Works l'he meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. ' A true record, Attest: Clerk. 11