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Sale of
Cards by
OCT. 140 1930.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at
7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Shannon
and Blake were present. The Supt. of Public Works and
the Clerk were also present.
Letter was received from Mr. Edwin B. Worthen
relative to the sale of post cards on the Common by
persons who are not authorized to guide in the Town. He
stated that during the Tercentenary celebration he
provided Boy Scouts to guide the visitors and he found
a number of.outsiders selling cards on the Common. He
felt that some By -lav; should be provided prohibiting
sales on the Common.
It was decided also that possibly all historic
places might be added to the list of places to prohibit
sales upon, and it was decided to notify the Committee
Or' By-laws of Mr. Worthen's suggestion. '
Supplementary report was signed in regard to George
Supplement- M. Barbour, Woburn Street, the first report not having
tart' report. been sufficiently complete.
At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the petition}
Pole of the E. E. I. Co. for location of one Dole 1040? north
location of Woburn Street on Lowell Street. It was voted to grant
hearing the petition.
At 8:05 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application
of Ernst Brothers for :permission to erect a private
Ernst garage at 12 Morris Street. No persons appeared to object,
Garage. and it was voted to grant the permit, provided the Build-
ing Inspectorrapproved it.
At 8:10 P.M. Hearing was declared open on the petition
Legalizing of the E. E. I. Co. and the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for
Pols 14 poles on Harding Road. This is to legalize the location
location. of the poles, the street having been made a public
Letter was received from Mr. A. N. Maddison stating
his position in regard to the amendment to the Zoning Law
Opinion, proposed by the Town Counsel.
amendment Mr. Maddison stated that he did not believe the
to Zoning proposed amendment would cover the Mohawk Club inasmuch
Law. as this was in no sense a Country Club.
The Board s+ill awaits a communication from Mr. Emery
giving his views.
The Board voted to aoorove the bill for the appraisal
O'Connell of the O'Connell property in the sum of $300, the same
appraisal being one-half the cost of the appraisal. It is under -
'bill. stood that Mr. O'Connell will pay the other $300. -
The Board voted to approve the bill for the
appraisal of the Hunt property in the sum of $400,
the same to be paid to Charles A. Gleason, Charles
E. Howe, and Walter Channing.
Mr. Trask reported that Miss Turner who fell
over a stake placed by the County Commissioners
while making the Engineering survey for the relocation
of Mass. Ave., on the property of the Old Peoplets
Home, had become a member of the Old Peoplefs Home,
and therefore there would be no further claim
pressed in her case.
Mr. F. L.. Emery appeared before the Board on
behalf of the Field and Garden Club and presented a
plan showing -the planting at the Buckman Tavern
property as suggested by the Field & Garden Club.
He stated that he had just been to the meeting of
the Historical Society and'-96bured the approval of
the Soeiety of the planting as proposed in the plan.
The Board viewed the plan, and voted unanimously
to approve the planting, the cost to be taken
care of bar -the Field and Garden Club.
' The Board took up the matter -of the' petition
which was filed with the Planning Board, for the
change in the zoning law from a residence district
to a business district of the property owned by
Harri6t Smith, and located at the corner of Bedford
Street and Valley Road. .
Mr. Emery stated that the Planning Board were
not ready to report, and inasmuch as a report was
required by the Planning Board, he did not see how
any action could be taken on the article inserted
'in the Warrant.
Mr. Emery was informed that Mr. Smith requested
the article to be inserted inasmuch as he felt that
the Planning Board had sufficient time to make their
report and they had a deposit on the property for the
last year, and he desired to strAighten the matter
out- .
Letter was received from the Town Counse regard-
ing the Bean -Perkins ease in which he stated that he
would take up the matter of the injunction ordered
f on Bean and Perkins with their Counsel.
A. The Town Counsel also presented his bill of
$750 for services in this case. He stated that the
costs were $150.25 and the Attorney for Bean &
Perkins asked him not to enforce the decree for
costs against his clients.
Bond for the collection of garbage which has
been placed with the'Employers Assurance Corp.
was approved by the Board, on the garbage contract
awarded -to John N. Connors.
Planting at
Change in
zoning law
re Smith
Bean -Perkins
Bond, Garbage
Letter was received from Charles L. Stone who
owns property on Cedar Street, near the corner of
Balfour Street, objecting to the petiition of Mr.
Change in Bentley for a change in the name of the Street to
name of Bentley Road.
street to Mr. Stone was informed that the Board had not
Bentley received a petition for any change, but if one is re
Rd. ceived we will notify him. .
Notice was received of a meeting to be held in
Estabrook Hall, at 4 P.M.; October 16, 1930, for the
Safety laborers of the Torn to hear a talk on Safety
meeting. Engineering, at which time pictures were to be shown
to the men. The idea of the.meeting being to instruct
the men to be more careful to avoid accidents, thus
reducing the premium for compensation insurance.
.Letter was received from Henry L. Stone.of Cedar
Street that he did not received his water bill for the
H.L. Stone last quarter although he received a notice t6 pay the
water bill; he stated that this was the second time this
bill had occurred.
The Clerk reported that the Supt. of the Nater Dept.
stated that the records show that a bill had been
made out and put through the office of the Town Accountant
to be�sent to Mr. Stone.
Mr. Stone was notified to this affect.
Certificate of Incorporation was signed for Jacob
Dickerman, he being one of the Incorporators of the
Incor- Organized Garment Union Workers. Certificate was
poration. received from the Chief of Police in which he stated
that Mr. Dickerman had never been arrested and was
a man' of reputable character.
The Board viewed the votes prepared for the Town
Meeting and discussed quite at length what action
would be taken in regard to the O'Connell and Hunt
properties. Letter was presented in which Mr. O'Connell
stated that he would agree to accept $60,000 as a
O'Connell compromise far which he would settle for land taken
compromise, from him and waive all claims for damages which might
arise out of the Hunt block not Geeing moved back.-
ack.Mr. Trask did not feel that this amount was a
compromise inasmuch as the Board offered Mr. O'Connell
the sum of $45,000 and considering the appraisal of
$50,000 by.Charles E. Howe, he felt that Mr. O'Connell
should compromise by accepting $55,000; the Board would
then have an opportunity to present this to the Town as
a compromise*
It was decided to call Mr. O'Connell in before
the meeting and Mr. O'Connell decided to accept
$55,000 rather than $60,000 and inserted this in his
The Board decided to present �QQ the mmows. the figure
of $559000 for settlembnt of Mr..O Connell e b im.
Mr. Samuel Lippa, 52 lottler Ave., came before
' the Board and a'iked that the Board reimburse him
for the labor for putting in the water pipe in
Fottler Avenue. He stated that it cost him approx-
imately,700 to dig the trench for the water pipe; Fottler
he also stated that it was his understanding that Ave.
the Suburban Land Co..gave them the pipe if they water pipe.
would do the labor of digging the trench and
putting the pipe in, and then the Town would give
them the water.
Mr. Lippa was informed that the Suburban Land
Co. was endeavoring to collect for the pipe, btit
as yet they have presented no agreement whereby
the Water and Sewer Commissioners agreed to pay for
the.pipe. Mr. Lippa was informed that the Board
would take the matter under advisement , and the
matter was laid on the table:
Mr. Custance called 'attention to the fact that
the Episcopal. Church desired to have a fair in the
afternoon and evening of Dec. 4,'1930, at the Cary
Memorial Hall. There being nc definite charge on the Church
schedule for a fAir in the afternoon and evening, the fair.
Board decided to make a charge of $50.00 for this
The Supt.,of Public Works was requested to
Figures re
secure figures on the cost of operating the Cary
cost of
Memorial Hall for dances and concerts and present them
to the Board.
Cary Hail.
Mr. Custance stated that the Middlesex County
Selectmen's Association were coming to Lexington on
Saturday, October. 18, 1930 at which time they would
like to have the Selectmen present at the meeting.
The Supt. of Public Works was instr eted to put
up a sign on Warren Street and also one on Wadman
The following is the Supt. of.Public Work's
weekly report.
For the week ending October 11, 1930.
The department continued the construction of
Fottler Ave. and Taft Ave., cldaned gutters and catch
basins and made surface patches in several streets.
Next week Fottler Ave. and Taft Ave. will be
completed and the regular maintenance work attended to.
This department treated gypsy moth nests with
erea080te and trimmed end repaired several trees in
Mass. Ave.
Next week the department will, be occupied with �
the work of treating gypsy moth nests.
During the past week the department attended
to the regular maintenance and will be occupied with
that work next week.
Water Maintenance
Service installed for Webster, School Street.
Water Construction
We have laid approximately 1501 8" pipe in School
Street. We have been drilling.and blasting for water trench
in Taft Ave., and have laid annroximately 1001 of 6"
pipe. We have laid approximately 1001 of 6" water pipe
in Gleason Road.
Sewer Maintenance
Service installed for Wood, Bloomfield Street.
Sewer Construction
Approximately 50' 3" pipe laid in proposed street '
off Fottler Avenue.
Regular maintenance"work is planned for next week.
Completed survey of Lincoln Street and figured
co-ordinates to plot plan'of same.
Lowell Street line stakes near Bartlett Ave.
Work on assessments and sewer record plan for
Cliffe Ave., Theresa Ave. and Hillcrest Ave.
Started to figure Fottler Ave. assessmentbills
for 1930 sewer construction.
Plan of proposed relocation bf Massa Ave. from
Grant St. to Meriam Street. This plan was used to
make a lantern slide for Town Meeting. '
Measured all buildings at Kelsey Ranch (nosy
Swenson Bros.) Two men of Eng. Dept. spent a half
day before Master regarding this case.
Started location survey of Bashian property on
Mass. Ave. near Wood .Street.
Location of houses in vicinity of Bartlett Ave.
Yours very truly,
W. S. Scamman
Supt. of Public Works
The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.T.
A true record, Attest: