HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-10-07305 SELECTMEN'S MEETING OCT.79 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Board of Building at 7:30 P.M Messrs. Burnham, Custanee, Survey Blake, Shannon and Trask were present. The Supt. hearing, of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Valley Rd. Permission was granted to the N:E. Tel. & Permit Tel. Co. and the E.E.I.Co. to abandon one pole at to Tela Co. Muzzey Street. This work was done when the lights & Edison " were installed in front of the Lexington Trust Company. Pichette & Letter was received from the Town Counsel Ahern regarding the accident of Miss Turner who fell on Accident to a stake placed on the grounds of the Old Peoples' Miss Turner. Home by the County Commissioners when Mass. Ave. was relocated. Question of liability on the part of the Town or the County is the point of issue. Mr. Trask stated that he would find out the financial condition that Miss Turner was in and report to the Board next Tuesday evening. The Board signed the re_bort on the character of George M. Barbour, Woburn St., inas- Incorporation. much as application for incorporationofthe Kimball Beach Community 8lub was received, he being one of the Incorporators. Application for boarding infants was signed Boarding for Mrs. Elizabeth M. Burton of Francis St. infants. At 8 P.M., hearing was declared open on the notice of the Board to lay out Valley Road under Board of the Board of Survey Act. No persons appeared to Survey object and no persons appeared in favor of the layout. hearing, The Board voted to establish a Board of Survey Valley Rd. layout in accordance with the plan of the Town Engineer. Hearing was declared open on`the application of Pichette & Ahern, 529 Mass. Ave., Lexington, at 8..05 P.M. for permission to erect a private garage Pichette & at 84 Forest St.. Mr. Picti:ette was present at the Ahern meeting and stated that they had changed the kind garage. of construction of the garage to/we located at 84 Forest St. to cement block construction rather than wooden. The Building Inspector, John F. Tibbetts, was present and stated that he approved tr,e ap- pliibation and. the Board voted to grant the permit. At 8:10 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Pichette & Ahern for permission 306 Pichette & to locate a private garage at 82 Forest St. Ahern Permit was granted inasmuch as the Building garage. Inspector stated that he approved the.permi.t being granted. At 8:15 hearing wag declared open.on the Chase application of Genevieve E. Chase for per - garage mission to erect a priva" garage on the granted. premises at 97 No. Hancock St. Mr. Chase _ .was present in"favor of the application. NQ persons appeared against it, and it was voted to grant the permit. Letter was received from Arthur D. A. D. Ritchie Ritchie in which he wave notice that he did re water not intend to give up his rights UL tht'claim pipe. against the Town fdr rutting in the water pipe across his property. this was done in 1926, and Mr.;Scamman stated that at the time the water was put in, it was not known that his property was being crossed, but that the matter can be straightened out inasmuch as they can make a different location fe'r the Dips. Application was received from Anselm. C. Mullen 283 Mass. Ave. for permission to A.C. Mullen locate a sign on the south side of route re sign. two, Marrett Road, Lexington, 2501 westerly of the residence of William Dailey. The Board discussed the matter of granting him a permit and decided that in- asmuch as they have granted a permit in the past for local industries such'as the Lexington Lumber Co. that they would ap- prove granting a permit to Mr. Mullen to locate this sign 4' x 61 as requested. Letter was received,: from the Town. Counsel in which he informed the Board .,Bean.- that the Supreme Court had reversed the Perkins decision and decided in favor of the Town case, in the Bean - Perkins case. he asked whether or not the Board wsthted- ed to proceed to enjoin Perkins and Bean from operating the premises located on Parker Street as a garage and repair shop. The Board decided to inform Mr., Wrightington that Mr. Perkins has purchased the premises located at the corner of Oak Street and Mass. Avenue, formerly the black- smith shop of Byron C. Russell, and as•k whether or not under the circumstances he would advise that they proceed against Mr. Bean under this decision. Cost of The Supt. of Public Works was re-. construction quested to secure figures on the cost of 7 n 1 construction of Nass. Avenue from Lake Street to Lincoln Street,and Mass. Ave. from Lincoln Street to Woburn Street, and Lincoln Street from Mass. Ave. to the Lincoln line. The Clerk reported that nothing had been found in the records of the Selectmen regarding the agreement with Mr. Brand of the Suburban Land Co. relative to water -pipes installed. Mr. Scamman stated that Mr. Brand informed him that he had a letter from the Water Commissioners stating they would. agree.to purchase the water pipe if the Town made the street a public highway. The Board requested the Supt. of Public Works to have the letter presented to them.before taking any further action.. 3®z Suburban Land Co. water pipes. A copy of the opinion of the Town Counsel in which he stated "that the Selectmen have no power to license a restaurant in a residence district before the Board of Appeals has granted a permit for such use" was before the Board. Amendment eZoning Another letter in reply to the letter of Law. Mr. Trask to the Town Counsel relative to an amendment to the Zoning Law to allow permits to be granted for tea rooms such as a golf course desiring to sell food to their patrons in a residence district was received, in which he gave a suggested amendment to section 4 R-1 districts, sub -section 6. The Board viewed the amendment and decided to await information from Mr. Maddison and Mr. Emery to whom a copy of the amendment was sent before taking any further action. The Board discussed the matter of the relocation and establishing of a building line on Mass. Avenue. .The Town Counsel was present at this time to discuss the matter. Whether or not the figures in their entirety should be given to Mr. Hunt, representing Anstiss S. Hunt, et al owners of the Hunt block was considered. O'Connell The Town Counsel advised that only the total figures property be given them as long as Mr. Hunt was not willing to pay & Bldg. one-half the cost of the appraisal, he did not believe line. they should be furnished with all the details. The Board, after discussing the matter, decided to hold a hearing on Thursday evening, at 7 P.M. at which time they desired to have Mr. Otconnell present to endeavor to arrive at a figure which Mr. OtConnell might accept. The Board voted to establish $45,000 as the figure that they would recommend to the Town to be paid to Mr. O'Connell. The�$oard alio voted to offer Mr. Hunt $60,000. It wad decided also to hold a meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30 P.M. at which time the Hunt owners were 308 to be invited to discuss the matter of the lay- out on Mass. Ave. and the establishing of a til building line. ,. 1 The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works: For the week ending October 4, 1930. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The department continued the work of con- structing Taft Avenue and Fottler Avenue, ex- cavating in these streets has been completed. and gravel fill is being placed. Surface patches were mace in a number of streets and other maintenance work attended to. Next week the construction of Taft and Fottler Avenues will be carried on and the regular main- tenance work. MOTH & SHADE TREE DEPT. The tops of several trees in Locust Avenue Avenue were cut off 'in order to have them re- moved, The department is now treating the gypsy moth nests with creosote and this work will be taken care of during the balance of the season. ' PARK DEPARTMENT This department has attended to the regular maintenance and will be occupied with that work - next week. WATER & SEWER DEPT. Water Maintenance Water services have been installed'as follows: Smith, Smith Ave.; Judkins, Simonds Road; renewal for Bo*ker on Baker Ave.; and repair to service for Beatty, Waltham St. Water Construction Approximately 2001 of 6" water pipe has been laid in Taft Avenue. Started extension of ap- proximately 1001 of 8" pipe in School Street, and approximately 75t have been laid. Sewer Construction Four manhole covers have been raised to level of street in Fottler Avenue. Six men have been working on brooks for two days. Regular maintenance work is planned for next week. 1 ENGINEERING DEPT. Highways Line for Baker Avenue wall. Continued survey of Lincoln St. Sewers Work on Sewer record plan in Bow Street district. Levels for Hillcrest Ave. line off Fottler Ave. Miscellaneous Survey and plan of Library.property showing elevations. Tracing block plans. Winchester meeting regarding Wildwood Street Extension* Made up plan of Wood Street showing names of all owners for the Codnty Engineers. Trip to the Registry was necessary to show all frontages on this same plan. Attended meeting with Vine Brook Drainage Committee, October lat. Attended Planning Board Meeting October 3rd. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works The meeting adjourned at 12 P.M. A true record, Attest: Jam[ (!%u_ (�' ane• -mss v`� Clerk. I 309