HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-09-30SELECTMEN'S MEETING SEPT. 30, 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's.Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Trask were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Mr. Daniel J. O'Connell came before the Board to discuss the figures of the appraisal given by Mr. Charles E. Howe, Charles A. Gleason and Walter Channing. The figures g vem by Mr. Howe were the only ones that Mr. O'Connell had seen. He stated that he did not see how Mr. Howe arrived at the figure of sixty cents a square foot for the 3400 square feet of front land taken. He also noticed that Mr. Howe did not figure on the passage way, and he felt that.this would make a change of $7000 or $8000'additional in his figures. Ir. O'Connell stated that none of his buildings were on lease and his tenants were anxious to have leases, but he had not given any, inasmuch as he felt e that this change was to come about. He stated also that he had been held up by the Town on the garage, and that Mr. Tainter is very anxious to rent this build- ing for a Ford agency. Mr. O'Connell felt that he should get $60,000 for the property. Inasmuch as there was such a difference in the figures of Mr. Howe and -the other two a)praisers, it was decided to call a meeting on Thursday evening, at which time the appraisers and Mr. O'Connell would be invited'to be present to advise the Board how they arrived at the figures they presented. In the meantime it was decided to draw the articles for the Warrant for Town Metting to bring the matter before the Town. 297 O'Connell appraisal. ar: wap voted to grant the location of six poles Pole on Hi Tobi Avenue, southeasterly from Kendall Road, locations this legalizing the pole location, inasmuch as the Street has been recently accepted by the Town. It was voted to grant the location of three poles ole on Hillside Terrace between Ledgelawn Ave. and North Poeatian, Hancock Street, with the exception that Mr. Brigham felt Hillside that the pole located there now should be plaeed on the Terrace. property line. The Board agreed to notify the E.E.I.Co. regardigg this pole. The Board voted to grant the E.E.I.Co. and N.E. Pole Tel. & Tel. Co: permission to legalize the location locgtion, Of five poles on Coolidge Ave. northwesterly from Adams Coolidge Street. Avenue. 298 The Board voted to grant the pole location Pole of the New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co. and the E. location E.I.Co. for one pole located at the corner of Elm Avenue. Elm Avenue and Bedford Street. Letter was received from Mr. Henry Raymond, Clarke Street, in which he complained that the bus stops as now located were inconvenient, and Complaint, asked that they be changed. location of The Board felt that this matter had been given bus stops. considerable attention previous to the establish- ment of the locations, and decided to notify Mr. Raymond that they did not believe they should make any change. Letter was received from Dr. Fred S. Piper in which he advised that the first step to establish Arboretum, an arboretum in Tower Park would be to appoint a capable committee to make plans for the arboretum and' -to later raise the funds. He made a suggestion of several names that might' -be members of the Committee. The Board decided to pass a vote at the doming Town Meeting appointing a committee to Consider the establishment of an arboretum in the 'Sown. It was voted to appoint Mrs. Roger Long, 44 Percy Appointment Road, as a member of the Dental Clinic Committee to Dental to take the place of Mrs. Lilian Holt, resigned. Clinic The Board discussed the matter of decorating the Committee. Cary Memorial Building or the Town office Building Decorations, during the period of the American Legion Convention Legion October 6 to 9. 1930. Convention. The Supt. of Public Works having reported that he did not have any extra funds'in this account, its was decided not to expend any money for decorations. Alcohol license was granted to the Shell Alcohol Eastern Petroleum Products Co. to sell alcohol at License. the corner of Xass. Avenue and Maple St., Lexington. The Board signed the license allowing Henry S. Moody of 529 Old South"Building, Boston, to operate Sunday a miniature golf course and. a -olf driving range on golf. the corner of Concord Ave. and Pleasant Street, on Sundays, subject to the approval of the State Dept. of Public Safety. The Board confirmed the granting of the license for a golf driving range, Bedford St. granted to Harry A. Burgess, allowing him to operate the same on Sundays. The Board confirmed the granting of the license for a miniature golf course and a golf driving range on Marrett Gardens, granted to Robert L. Innis, allowing him to operate the same. 1 Li 299 on Sundays. The matter of granting a Common Victuiallers License in residence districts was discussed by the Board, the Town Counsel having rendered an opinlonsin connection with the Mohawk Club that the Board did not have the right to grant a license in this case. Verbal application has been made for a Common Victuallers license at the Minute Man Tea Room, located at the corner of Forest Street and Mass. Ave. Mr. Henry S. Mood has also made application to have a restaurant at he Golf Club, cor. oncord Ave. and Pleasant St. for which he was recently granted permission by the Bo and of•Appeals. Common The toard felt that situations of this kind Victuallers could be more readily controlled if permits could License in be granted to them for one year periods in a residence district, rather than changing the property into Residence a business district, and decided to request the Districts. Town Counsel to see if he would suggest an amend - ment to the Zoning Law that would cover the sit- uation. The Board discussed the complaint made to the Chairman by Mr. Manuel S. Dias, 317 Prospect St.., Cambridge that the had raised some vegetables on his property, and would have only a few more to sell that would last only about two weeks more, and he was stopped by the Building Inspector from M. S. Dias selling his products on his premises. roadside Mr. Custance reported that the manwas stand. selling the products on the highway,.and not on his own land so that people could drive in, and he was obstructing traffic. It was decided to notify Mr. Dias that he must` -not obstruct the highway by selling vegetables on the street, that he must set tris stand back from the highway - The Board signed the garbage contract which had previously been signed by John N. Connors, Garbage• the same to be held in escrow until such time as Contract Mr. Connors presents the bond covering the con- tract, a certificate of Compensation Insurance and a permit from the Town of Lincoln to keep _. pigs. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works tn'which he gave additional inform- ation on the cost of constructing Grant Street. 1 He also advised in his letter that inasmuch Grant as this is a through way, that 10099 of the cost St. should not be charged to the aidDtittbral` Mr. Custance did not have an opportunity to go over the figures, and it alga decided ' 300 State Aid payroll. Peddler's License. American Legion Parade. Street light, Rowland Ave. tr_erefore not to send the information to the abztt,.)rs until a later date. State Aid payroll in the amount of $18. was signed by the Board. Peddlers License was signed for Mr. Albert D. Evans, 36 Tarbell Avenue, he being a Veteran. Commitment of water rates for the second section of the Town in the amount of $7634.53 was signed by the Board. Letter was received from Russell I. Prentiss, Commander of the American Legion, in whieh he called attention to the fact that most of the Towns around were giving a day off t -We employees of the Town that were members of the American Legion, so that they could attend the parade, and also that the Public Buildings in the Towns were closing. The Board discussed the matter, and voted not to close the Town Office Building but to grant a ..day off with pay to the Legion members so that they might participate in or attend the parade, October 7, 1930 at -the National Convention of the American Legion to be held in Boston. Letter was received from Ernest C.,Martin in Which he requested that an article be inserted in the Warrant asking for a street light on Rowland Ave. The matter of placing street lights in the streets that have not been approved by the Board of Survey was discussed and inasmuch as the Board some time ago adopted a policy of not placing street lights only where the street has been approved by the Board of Survey, it was decided to notify Mr.'Martin to this affect. Warrant The Board signed the Warrant for the Town signed. Meeting to be held October 15, 1930. The Board authorized the Supt. of Public Water Works to install a water :main_. 1001 in on School Main. Street from Mass. Ave. to the JUebster house, inasmuch as, they have no water at the present time. The Supt. was also authorized to construct Water water pipe subject to the usual guarantee in Pipe Lowell Street from Porter Bros. to East Street and Construction 250► of water pipe in Lincoln Street. The follwwing is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works; For the week ending; September 27, 1930. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT .Construction of Fottler Avenue and Taft Avenue continued, the trenches in Mass. Ave. and Pleasant Street caused by water construction have been 1 I ' resurfaced, surface patches applied in Plain- field Street, Woburn Street, Fern Street and Percy Road, and other maintenance work at- tended to. Next week the department will continue the construction of Taft Avenue and Fottler Avenue and take care of the regular maintenance. MOTH & SHADE TREE -DEPT. 1 This department trimmed out and filled with cement cavaties in a number of trees on the common and commenced work of treating the moth nests with creosote. Next week and after, the department will be occupied with the ground work cleaning up,and treating moth nests. PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS The regular maintenance work has been taken care of during the past week and will be attended to next weeg. WATER & SFWER DEPARTMENT Water Maintenance The following services have been installed: Damon, York Street: Whelpley, Lisbeth Street; DeVincent, Pleasant Street; Ross & Panton, Smith Avenue; and Mandigo, Middle Street. Repaired break in main in Byron Street. installed hydrant on Kendall Road in front of Timothy's and one on Allen Street corner of Old Allen Street. Two men were working on brooks part of the week, and two men were working for the Highway Department drilling and blasting Sewer Maintenance Sewer service has been installed for Ross & Panton, Smith Avenue. Regular maintenance work is planned for next week. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Highways Started survey of Lincoln Street (entire). Made relocation of Wood Street with County' Engineet. Plan for relocation at Burlington Street and Hancock Street. 301 302 y Miscellaneous Vine Brook drainage study with estimate of , construction from Hayes Lane to Vine Brook Road. Work on Webb Street topo plan. Measure houses for block plans. Attended meeting of special committee on Vine Brook drainage. (Sept. 25th). Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works The meeting adjourned at 12 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 1