HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-09-17282 SELECTMENIS MEETING SEPT. 17, 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town'Office Building at 7:30 P.M, Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Shannon and Blake were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Letter was received from the National Legion Convention Corporation in which they.asked that a pro- clamation be Issued to the people of the Town tb c8 - Legion operate with their organization in extending a whole - Convention hearted welcome to all visiting Legionnaires to come' to Lexington for the National Convention October 6 to October 9. 1930, and as far as practicable to open up their homes•to the visitors. They also requested that the people of the community be asked to decorate their home and buildings as far as possible, - The Board decided to issue a proclamation and to leave the matter to the Chairman to attend to. Overhanging _Permit waa.granted to the Canteen Lunch Co. for Sign. permission to erect an overhanging sign at 1792 Mass. Ave. Sidewalk Sidewalk commitment in the amount of $2902.38 commitment was signed by the Board for sidewalk construction signed. work. 1 II� Application was received from Jennie Coye, 38 . Taft Ave. for permission to board infants. Application The Board voted to grant the permit provided to board anclinspection of,the premises by the Clerk is ' infants. satisfactory, Letter was received from Frederick L. Emery Shrubs, in which he asked that'the sentiment of the Buckman Selectmen be given regarding the planting .of shrubs Tavern. in front of the Buckman,:Tavern property along the sidewalk. There seemed to be a difference.of opinion re- garding the erection of a fence, and it was therefore decided to request Mr. Emery to come before the Board on Tuesday evening next and place before them whatever plans he might have in mind. It was voted to place a 600 candle power light Light, Five at Five Forks, awaiting such time as the permanent Forks. changes are made when the relocation of Lincoln St. is completed. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to have the bushes.on Woburn St. near the corner of Lowell St. trimmed back. Mr. finery also suggested to Mr. Custance that a fence might be erected alone the Buckman Tavern at the edge of 1 II� f 1 2 8 the sidewalk. it was also called to the Supt. of Public forks N. B. Bidwell, attention that several.,places around Town need to have Brush the brush cut back from the street. cut. Letter was receivedfrom W. E. Macurda asking plans for the that the polls be kept open for a longer length of time . Line, at the Primaries, inasmuch as he was unable to vote.. building line, It has always been the custom to hold the Primaries in Mass. Ave. the afternoon but sufficient time has been given to Request people to vote who come home,by train. for Inasmuch as this is the first complaint they lengthened have had of this nature, it was decided to notify Mr. closing Macurda that his was the first complaint received of this time of kind, and inasmuch as opportunity was given to those polls. Boming home in the train to vote, they did not feel that the hours should be -lengthened. Hearing was*declared open at 3 P.M. on the establishment Of a building line on Mass. Ave. in front of the property owned by Mr. Daniel J. OfConnell and Anstiss S. Hunt et al. Hearing was declared open concurrently with.the hearing to relocate'Mass. Ave. in front of the property of Mr. Daniel J. OtConnell and Anstiss S. Hunt et al. Mr. Theodore A. Custance conducted the hearing. Mr. N. B. Bidwell, representing the Hunt Estate, was Building present and viewed the plans for the proposed relocation Line, and establishment of a building line, and wanted to be Mass. Ave. recorded as opposed to the relocation,of the street in & front of the Hunt property and to the establishment of a reloeation :; building line. of Ave. No other persons appeared to be interested in the hearing. The Board voted to pass the following order establishing the building line on Mass. Ave. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to establish a building line on Massachusetts Avenue, from the property of.Meyer Rubin and Harry G. Seligman to the property of the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation, approximately 234.13 feet,all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing held thereon this day; Now, upon consideration of the matter it is, ORDERED; that the Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said building.line.on Massachusetts Avenue be laid out and established as a town building line, and that the same is hereby laid out and established as a town building line re- spectiaely as follows: - Southwesterly by Massabhusetts Avenue by two courses 234.13 feet. Southeasterly' by Meyer Rubin & Harry G. Seligman 26.07 feet. Northeasterly by land of Daniel J. OfConnell 119.99 feet. Northeasterly by land of Anstiss S. Hunt, et al 110.10 feet. Northwesterly by land of the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation 30.12 feet, containing 6783 square feet. 284 All the aforesaid lines are shown on the plan entitled, "Plan showing proposed building line on . Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington from its northerly terminus to propert7 of the Boston & Lowell Railroad Corporation, September 4, 1930, Scale l inch - 20 feet,. John T, Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file at the Town Clerk's Office at Lexington, and a copy of whish will be recorded at the Middlesex South District Registry +of deeds with a copy of this'opder. Any structure existing at the time of the establish- ment of the, said building line `,shallbe permitted to remain and be maintained gin a present loaatioft. And said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions'of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Albert H. Burnham Clarence Shannon Selectmen Hallie C. Blake I of Robert P'. Trask Lexington Theodore A. Custance At a meeting of the. Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given duewritten notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law,•to lay out as a town way the way known as Maasachusetts Avenue from the property of Meyer Rubin and Harry G. Seligman to the property of the Boston & Lowell Railroad Cor- poration, approximately 234.13 ft. all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no objections having been made; Now, upon consideration of the matter it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of -the opinion that public necessity and eonvenlenee require that said Massachusetts Avenue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: Southwesterly by Massachusetts.Avenue by two courses 234.13 feet. Southeasterly by Meyer Rubin & Harry G. Seligman 26, 0'T feet. Northeasterly by land of Daniel J. O'Connell 119.99 feet. Northeasterly by land of Anstiss S. Hunt, of al 110.10 feet. Northwesterly by land of Boston & Lowell Railroad Corporation 30.12 feet, containing 6783 square Feet. Said Massachusetts Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan showing proposed relocation of a portion of Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Sept. 4, 1930, Scale 1 inch - 20 feet, 1 w 1 285 John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerks Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of lave, author- izing the assessment of betterments. Albert H. Burnham Clarence Shannon. Selectmen Hallie C. Blake of Robert P. Trask Lexington Theodore A. Custance In connection with the letting of a contract for the collection of garbage to a private con- tractor, the Supt. of Puolic Works prepared rules for the household care of garbage. With suggested ' changes, the rules are as follows: 1. As owner, tenant or occupant of a dvrelling you are required to store:your gar- bage in a suitable water -tight dovered container of galvanized iron, or other equally durable material, provided with a bail or handle. .2. Garbage is the waste food from your kitchen and is fed to swine. Therefore,, do not place waste paper, ashes or rubbish,broken glass_or.crvckery, tin cans, phonograph needles,, safety razor blades,, -celery root nails, clam and oyster shells, electric.l.ight_bulbs, or other sharp objects in your garbage ,pail. 3. A container of sufficient capacity to.hold all garbage that may accumulate between collections bhould be provided: It is suggested that an underground container will give better service,both to the householder and collector. 4. Keep your garbage pail where it cannot be tipped over by dogs or cats. The collector wil not remove garbage that is spilled out, nor is he expected to clean the pail. 5. Your attention is called to the following regulations or the Board of Health: (A) It shall be unlawful to throw or deposit garbage in or upon any 286 street, alley or yard, etc. (B) Collectors are not permitted to enter houses for the removal•of garbage,rmor are they to accept money for their services. (C) Householders are requested to report to the department any inattention or discourtesy on the part of the collector. . The following is -the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works: For the week ending September 13,1.930. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The department has been occupied during the week with the repairs to the surface of Massachusetts Avenue from East Lexington_ Station_ to the Arlington Town Line caused by the construction of a sixteen inch water main. -Construction of Taft Avenue has been started. Surface patches have been made and other main- tenance work has been Mone. Next week the construction of Fottler and Taft Avenues will be continued and maintenance attended to. MOTH & SHADE TREE DEPT. The department has been.cleaning and cutting brush in Bowman Park during the past week and will attend to this kind of work next week. PARK DEPARTMENT The department cleaned and -graded Robbins Park and attended to the regular maintenance. Next week the regular maintenance will be cared for. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT Water Maintenance Cleaned culvert at Waltham line on Waltham Street. Two services installed on Bowker Street. Water Construction Working on connection: at Bow Street. Two men drilling and blasting for Highway Department.. Lowered 6" water main on Cliffe Avenue end of Fottler Avenue to proper grade. Crew of men working at earbarn making necessary changes as suggested "by`the insurance company. Started extension of approximately 501 6`° water pipe in Cherry Street this morning. Brooks Seven men have been cleaning out brooks. . 1 Regular maintenance work is planned for next week. ENGINEERING DEPARTIMENT Highways Continued relocation of Fletcher Avenue. ..Plans made of Mass. Avenue relocation and building lines near Depot Square. Sewers Continued study of Cliffe Avenue Sewer to rail- road over private property Miscellaneous Tracing block plans. Checking Armington granolithic bills. Work on Webb Street topo plan. Attended Planning Board Meeting September 12th. Yours very truly, William S. Soamman Supt. -of Public *orks The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. A true record,:Attest: Q Clerk. 1 287