HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-09-02c2 70 ! Warrajtt The -warrant was signed for the State Primary to be held for State September l6, 1930. Primary. 1 SELECTMEN►S.MEETING� September 2, 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen►s Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs, Burnham, Custance, Trask, Shannon, and Blake were present. The Supt. of Public Works _and .the _-C1erk..Pro-tem was also. present. At 7:45 P.M. Messrs, John J. Donovan, 11 Theresa Avenue, John A. hurray, 19 Theresa Avenue, William C. Bartels, 42 Cliffe Cliffs Avenue°, aid Patrick J. Crosby, 14 Cliffe Avenue came Ave. before the Board to discuss with the,* the.matter of.installing Sewer a sewer in. CliffeAvenues Bow Street, and Fattler Avenue. Mr. Murray stated that he felt a sewer -was needed more in Cliffe Aven"- than it is -in Fottlar. Avenue Where there are very few abuttQres whereas on Cliffe.Avenue.the street is. practically all built up and the return on the cost of installation would be large. The gentlemen were informed that the Town Engineer_.is working on the matter, and they irould.be.inforied of his decision as soon as a_iefInAte decision.is arrived at. There is a question as to whether a sewer can,be laid in' Bow Street as the street is lower in places than the main trunk line into which the dewage would flow if a sewer pipe were IsLid in Bow Street, The following bids were received on collection and diaposal.of the garbage in the Torn of_Leaington-r John N, Connoru, 512.Waltham.3t.,..Lea... _ $13,3500 for three years, garbage _to_be hauled..to.Lincoln Garbage Robert A. McAdoo, Concord. $16P500. bids, for three years, garbage to_be hauled -to Concord._ Ryders Stock Farm, Inc., Maple Street, Lax* x`1_9750. peer. year for, three years for garbage . to be delivemd. .to'premises in Noburn. D. J. Kelley, Hartwell Rd. Bedford.'.. .;.-x 1:37 per cord foot, garba#e to be delivered_to�Hartwell Rd. Bedford, The Health Inspector, Russell I. Prentiss ryas present and discussed the :,tatter with the Board, and: he was .asked to present to the Board_a report of the premises of John,N. Connors in Lincoln for nextAuesday evening. It was also decided to invite Mr. Connors -in bef pa the Board to discuss with them his wquipment and ability to fulfill the garbage contract. ! Warrajtt The -warrant was signed for the State Primary to be held for State September l6, 1930. Primary. 1 Commitment of water rates in the amount of 56498.06 Water rate was signed by the Board.-Commitmeat Mr;,'Charles A.'Bleason Mr. Charles E. Howe, Mr._. O'Connell Daniel J. OtConnell, and Mr. Sydney R. Wrightington came property before the Board relative to establishment of1building line and street layout on Mass. Avenue in front of Mr. O'@onnellts proper -r.. Mr. Wrigbtington presented corrected form of agreement for Mr. O'Connell to examine, but after reading same, he stated that he could not sign such an agreement as it would bindfhim and not the Town. Mr. Custance presented a list of suggestions ',that he felt should be considered in their report, and-the.Board,decided to have the Board of Appraisers give their opinion as a unanimous f8p8Ffa8f 1*1nga&'_iu?fdiKg ine an.d1Mlsoua street layoutatios It was also decided to invite the same appraisers to .#ive their opinion on the damages in the cast of the Hwt Bleck if a building line and a street layout were laid dmm in front of that property. The expense for same to be paid by the Town., The Town Counsel, S dney R. W,ightin on, presented a form of notice of a hear�ngntolbee]ae��don Ne. street layout, said. hearing to be Meld on Sept. 179 1930 at 8 P.M. in the Selectments o�tt Ro,, Town Office Building. The Board signed the intention to establish a building line over the O'Connell and Hunt property. Application of Mrs. Lillian M. Sefton, Fairview Avenue* Sefton was signed granting permission to board infantsp infant lie. Pble location was granted to the Edison Electric Ill. Co. for permission to set and remove one pole at theCornerof Edgewood Edgewood Road and Blame Avenue. Rd, pole location Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he has already started suit on behalf of the Town against Heaney Mr, John F. Heaney in regard to a building which is causing suit, a nuisance. Mr. Wrightington stated that a hearing will be beld on September 10, 1930'at 10 A.M. at the Department of Public $llboar$ Works, State House, by the Commissioner of billboards on hearing renewal of permit of the J. Donnelly Company and the Lexington LN=bo?w Company. The Board instructed Mr. Wrightington to be present at the hearing. The Board of Assessors came before the Board and presented list'shnwing how they art4ved at the new tax rate -of # 32.00. Tax rate Mr. Wrightington was instructed to.negotiate with Mr. George A. Woodst attorney, Mr. Robert H._ Holt, in Woods an endeavor to•settle the claim for damage.to_his.property claim when sewer was installed. The sown '�oiznsel was asked to notify the attorney that the town would be willing to install the sewer service to his house, but that no further money would be paid to him-. Mr. Wrightington brought up the fact. that Mr`. Mr. Grindle GriAdle received a card asking. if. he de sired.to have a o report copy of the report.of a school convention.sent.to him by the Convention Reporting Company, and Mr-.-Grindle thinking the card read 35per copy signed the .card and..returned same. He hasnowreceived a bill for. about $111:00 -arid he asks if he has to pay the bill. The card read 35¢ a page and as.it was entirely a mistake of hi -s, it was felt that he would have to pay the bill. A good many of the persons who made the same mistake are preparing to attest the casev aad Mr. Wrightington thought that the case might be attested on the grounds that it was.not a true copy -as about -300 words comprise a page and there were about 200 on a page in this report. The Beard thought that this hatter should betaken up with the School Committee, and Mr. Wrightington consented to do no. The Board approved bill in the. amount of *46:20 Brophy for services of stenographer in the ease of Brophy-Va. case Lexington. After discussing the unofficial list of persons eligible for patrolman in the Town of Lexington, the Neal appointed Board appointed Francis T. Neal, Jr, 64 Farmerest Avenue, Lexington, as a permanent patrolman of the Town of Lexington. The employment of Mr. Neal.to date from September 2, 1930, -and at the rate of $4.75 per day. ' Letter was received from Mr. Robert L. Ryder, attorney for Dr. Nyman,•Grant Street, relative to damage done to his car on Grant Street, July 6, 1930,.when there was a very bad storm and the debris obstructed the drain so that the water could not flow'away. He also enclosed a bill in the amount of $117, for work done to.his'ear as a result of this condition which ex- isted on Grant St, The Town Counsel was instr7icted to deny the claim and notify Mr. Ryder to that effecto tetter was received from the Middlesex County Selectmen's Association a.akIng that if the. Board of Selectmen have.any,questioaos..that they.desire to have i Questions. .discussed'at their-Septj aseeting, to send them in and they would appear on the program. The matter was laid on the table until notice of the meeting is received. Notice was received of a hearingg to be held at the Court House at E. Cambridge, on Sept.: 13.0 1930 Public roads at 10 A.M, for open 'discussion -an 'questions relating hearings to public roads. ' Vr. Blake brought urn the fact that children ride their bicycles on the siedwalk and that this practice Bicycles en is very dangerous,`;especiilly when aged people are on sidewalk the sidewalk, It was deeded to notify the Police Dept, to enforce the law relating to this practibep and notice was also Inserted in the Times Minute-Nazi calling-attention to this by-law and also to the fine for vibl&tion of games The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. For the week ending August 30, 1930. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Construction of Bertwell Road has been com- pleted.. Pottler Avenue construction is now in process* The steam shovel is excavating and considerable material is being used to fill the low parts. Surface patches were applied and gutters and %catch basins cleaned in 4 number of streets'and other maiAtonance work was done. * Next week the department will.continue the con- struction of now streets and: attend to the_maintenane®. MOTH & SHADE TREE DEPT. Trees in Bedford Street were trimmed.- A tree in Burlington Street was removed and cemetery trees were trimmed, &Ad' -this -'work will be carried on next Week. PARK DEPARTMENT Some work was ' done on the new tenni6 courts and theregular maintenance work was attended to, The Swimming pool closed for thw season August 30, 1930,* Next week the department will attend to the regular maintenance* J* WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 'Water Maintenanco Repaired two breaks in the main in Pleasant Street caused by the pipe splitting. Water serVices.have been installed as follows- Smith, Smith Ave,, Donnelly. Locust Ave*,.Boleyn,, Shade Street; renewed service.from main to curb for Frans, Sherman Street* Water Construction Approximately 4001 of 8" water pipe has been laid in Fottler Avenue -from the Boston ,& Maine tracks In the direction of Cliffe Avenue. s6w8v Maintenanas Bower services have been installed.as f6ll-ows: Smith, Smith Avenue, Donnelly, Locust Avenuso Sewer Construction Approximately 5001 of 8 sewer pipe has been laid a in Fottler Avenue -and eightmanholeshave been built, Regular maintenance work is planned for.next *6sk. ENGINEERING -DEPARTMENT Highways Continued Valley Road survey along railroad. Sewers Grades for Fettler Avenue construction. Work on Town Sewer Study, Water Location of Fottler Avenue main.` Miscellaneous Tracing block plana. Lines and grades along Bedford Street. Lines at Tower Street and Locust Avenue. Copy plan of Moodyfs 103 acres at Pleasant Street and Concord Avenue. Yours very truly, Supt, o Works ' � Public or The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. A true record attests Alice B'-Fergusox Clerk Pro -tem. V l-