HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-08-26SELECTMEN'S MEETING AUGUST 260 1930. A regular meeting of the Board -of Selectmen.was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham,..Cus.tance.,...Trask.,__Shannon, and Blake were present. The Supt, of Public Works and 'the Clerk Pro -tem were also present. Letters were received from Vinton W. Mason and David Govan relative to annoyance to neighbors caused by dogs in the vicinity of Woodland Road. Mr. Mason stated that the dog which he referred to in a previous letter as being a nuisance has been Permanently removed. 265 Mason dogs. Letter was received from Mr. David F. Murphy giving his resignation from the Board of Registrars as he felt that as the office requir_ed._so_mwchh .of . D.F.Murphy his time that it was encroaching upon _the_good.nature resignation of his employer. After discussing the matter, it was felt.that Mr. Murphy would like to serve on the Board_of.Registvars and that perhaps the dates of registrations could be arranged so as to fall on Saturday. Resignation laid on table. Letter was received from the Belmont Spring Country Club in which they asked that something be Bel, Spring done to improve the dangerous condition existing near Co.. Clttb the Belmont Club, as the roadside brash hides brush, automobiles coming down the street from members passing from one side of the golf course to the other. It was decided to notify the Belmont Club that if they desired to cut the brush on the side of the road that they are at liberty to do so,_provided _that they save any possible shade tree that might be.there,_and the Clerk was instructed to notify the Belmont Club to that effect. Letter was received from Mr. James F. Little of the Lexington Building Trust, in which he called Street attention to the fact that two more street signs ,_ Signs, are needed in the Building <Trust __development, The matter was referred to the.3upt. of.Publie Works for his attention. Mr. Burnham reported that WLEX desires to put on a broadcast of about five.miaute.s.... giving Bvoadcast ' statistics relative to the.town..snd.its.go.vernment,_ re_Lex..' This matter was referred to. Mr. Trask.. to. prepare a paper and submit to_WLEX, 266 Second applicationwas received from Frank R. Perkins, 542 Mass. Avenue,_ for p.ermisslon.. to _ator.e..and sell. gas o= Perkins -line, in the capacity of..2 .000, gallons... gasoline The application was laid upon the..table.as Mr. application. Perkins was informed that agasoline permit could not be granted to him. The location is not in a business section. `Application was received from Countxry Side Inc., for a license to have a radio on the premises. at the corner of Woburn Street and Loweil.Street, said radio �Pon* Vitt, to be run until 11 P.M. t. Appl. The Board discussed the matter, and considering the complaint' received from Mrs. Marion C..Olsen,_.Woburn Street, decided to grant the Common.- Viet ualler la, Rmtertain- ment License and have the radio stopp.ed.at__10 P.M. instead`of at 11 P.M. Bartlett sun. Sunday Sales License was granted.to Fred B. -Bartlett Sales Lia. and Lucius A. FAirchild to do busine.as._at.39.Bedford St. Application was received' frcm.Fred. B..Bartlett Bartlett and Lucius A. Fairchild'to construct_and.operate a Miniature miniature golf course at 39 Bedford Street, and it was Golf Course voted to grant the permit, and advise the gentlement_that License. 4 1 1 1 At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of Frank A. Faulkner, Winter Street, for Faulkner permiss ion to erecta one car garage on his premises, garage. said garage to be of second class' construction. -No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grantothe permit. Mr. Daniel.. J, O"Connsll..appeared.before the Board relative to.. agr-eement...submitt'ed1, to_.him.. by. oux Town Counsel regarding the taking .of land__on..Massa- thus eats Avenue for 'a building line and a street layout. OtConnell He stated that as the agreement would bind him taking* and not the town to accept the award of the.Board of Appraisers, he felt that- it should.'.not be executed, and he reported that Mr. Charles 'E. Zown is•.to_ser.ve On the Board of Appraisers as representing him. He also - stated that if any expenses are incurred that_he_pay one half and the town the other half. After Mr. OtConnell..retired,: the Board... discussed the matter and decided to appoint.Mr...Charles A, --Gleason of Winchester as the member to represent_:the._Board. At 8:15 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of Raymond L. White, _ 534...Yiddle .Street., for Permission to erecta one.car.wooden._garage..on his white premises. garage. No one appeared for or'agai.ns.t the..permit, -and as no plan was received showing: the. _location. of, the proposed garage on the premises, .it :was de.o ided ,to ` refer the application to. the..Building..Inspoetor.,. a.nd if he recommended that the permit be granted,, the..B:oard would approve. Second applicationwas received from Frank R. Perkins, 542 Mass. Avenue,_ for p.ermisslon.. to _ator.e..and sell. gas o= Perkins -line, in the capacity of..2 .000, gallons... gasoline The application was laid upon the..table.as Mr. application. Perkins was informed that agasoline permit could not be granted to him. The location is not in a business section. `Application was received from Countxry Side Inc., for a license to have a radio on the premises. at the corner of Woburn Street and Loweil.Street, said radio �Pon* Vitt, to be run until 11 P.M. t. Appl. The Board discussed the matter, and considering the complaint' received from Mrs. Marion C..Olsen,_.Woburn Street, decided to grant the Common.- Viet ualler la, Rmtertain- ment License and have the radio stopp.ed.at__10 P.M. instead`of at 11 P.M. Bartlett sun. Sunday Sales License was granted.to Fred B. -Bartlett Sales Lia. and Lucius A. FAirchild to do busine.as._at.39.Bedford St. Application was received' frcm.Fred. B..Bartlett Bartlett and Lucius A. Fairchild'to construct_and.operate a Miniature miniature golf course at 39 Bedford Street, and it was Golf Course voted to grant the permit, and advise the gentlement_that License. 4 1 1 1 26 a fee would be charged by the town in addition to the fee charged by the State. The permit gave permission to operate on Sunday area will expire on December 31, 1930. Bill was received from RoyD. Young, M.D. of Arlington in the amount of 414. for services Langley bill. to Joseph Langley who has been receiving aid from the town. It was decided to refer this matterto the Clerk of the Public Welfare Dept. Letter of commendation was received from Mr. Dean sidewalk. F*'W. Dean relative to repairing sidewalk in front of his house on Eliot Road. Letter was received from Rubin & Seli man g s E94 Washington Streets, Boston, giving their. Occupy premises, Moth -Dept. Permission to the Town to occupy the premises in the rear of the old Town Hall until such time as they desire to vacate the premises. Contract for installation of heating plant. Stseves at Public Works Building of Clyde E. Steeves was Contract, signed by the Board. Unofficial list of persons elegible for Patrolmen in the Town of Lexington was received 1 Blom the Division of 'Civil Service, said list being as follows: Civil Service List. Spidle, Charles R., 13 Shireley St. 8.6.15 Barry, George Co. 156 Vine Ste 85.12 Meal, Francis T., Jr,, 64 Farmcrest Ave. 82.35 -The list was discussed and laid on the table for one week. The Board decided to request Mr. Wrightington to draw up a notice of a hearing .on the building, line t6 be laid down on Mass, Avenue in front .of Mr. Daniel J. O'Connell's>property. Building line It was also _decided to invite Mr..Wrightington notice. to be present at the meetingof the Board next Tuesday evening, The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows, after which_ a_ report of the water .pressure is given. For the week ending August 23, 1930. 1 Highway Department. The construction' of Bertwell Road is progressing,, drainage has been 'com completed g s p and the department pa has J Put in ,gravel for filling and building up the roadway. 268 A sidewalk was constructed in Clarke Street � Extension. Surface patches have been applied to various streets and other maintenance work attended to. ' Next week the department will continue the construction -work on new streets and attend to maintenance work. Both & Shade Tree Department, This department trimmed trees and out out brush on Belfry Hill, trimmed trees in Clarke Street and Bedford Street and out brush in Bowman Park, Park Department. The regular maintenance work was attended to and also work on the new tined$ courts. The department will carry on the regular.maintenance work next week. Water do Sewer Department Water Maintenance Water services installed as follows:, Shaw., Pleasant Street; Smith, Cary Ave.; Barks, Simonds Thad; 6" service at new school on Old_ County oad'oonneoted with 8" main in the street:.. Gates and services raised to the new grade on Bertwell Road. Five mem worked at earbarn one morning spreading gravel. Water Construction. The 16" main -in Massachusetts Avenue has been completed, and the connection made. a.t_.Childts garage and at Bowker Street. The. _water.. is .. on _.to- the..18" main with the exception of -a gate_that.was.blown_out_;_at Child's.- Phare were no leaks found in this new line. Pipe was trucked to Fottler Avenue. Sewer Construction. We have laid approximately 5501 of,81! sewer pipe in Fottler Avenue. The work contemplated for-, next. -week _is. as follows: 8" water main in Fottler_ Avenue;. _water,.and.. sewer services etc. Engineering Departmsnt Highways Survey of Valley Road for.final:plan• n 1 1 S e�r+ers ar*Ass for,poitier Avenue construction. P.ontinued work on Town Sewer Study, Water One man ( part time } on Mass. Avenue 15" main. Miscellaneous Appointment with -Mr, Fellows of Metropolitan Division of Planning re 1931 construction work. Checked granolithic construction. Levels at Tower property, Pilham Road. Copy registry plan regarding subdivision at Eliot Road and Warren Stveet. Tracing block plans. Yours vary truly, William S. Seamman Supt. of Public Works. ' Report on `Pressure in Various.Farts of the.Town Before. and After Nein 16 Main Turned on Ang, 28,..193.0. Location Old New Westfiew Cemetery near Bedford Line 86 lb, 107 1b. . Oakwotnat Circle. 24 " ` 1:80 �# Eliot Road near Bennington R. 36 " 63 Per+ccyy,Road near Eustis St. 59 " 68 " .Hilltop Avenue 50 " 61 ^� Pr®speat Hill koad near Lord's 43 n 53 " Shade Street at Spring St. 27 " 50 " Shade Street near Cary Farm. 53 Butler Avo. wear Baker Ave. 31 Mass. Ave. opposite Charles St. 1.03 " 106 " Cedar St. near Mass, Av*v 39 " 53 " Mass. Avenue near Sullivan's 36 " 54 The.meeting adjourned at 9«45 F.M. A true record, Attest:.. Clerk pro -tem.