HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-08-1225 REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 12, 1930. ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Shannon, and Blake were present. The Supt. of Public Works and t he Clerk pro -tem were also present. Petition was. approved for the N.E.T. & T. Co. to remove sixty-six (66) poles on Lowell Street between Woburn St. Woburn Street and the Lexington -Burlington line. poles. Letter was received from Margaret J. Fleming, Ward Street, Lexington, in which she stated that Greenblott inasmuch as the old cars belong to Mr. Greenblott cars* that are on her property that she could not move them, but that she had notified Mr. Greenblott to clear the pasture. Application was received from Mr. Greenblott, 94 Prospect Street, Waltham, for a Third Class Motor Greenblott Vehicle Junk License to do business either at rear application, of 33 Bedford Street or rear of the Paul Revere Junk License. Garage on Marrett Rd. After discussing the matter, the Board decided to refuse the license. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Woods claim. Works giving estimate of connecting the house of Mr. George A. Woods, 51 Bloomfield St. with the sewer through the back of his lot. This would include the house connection. Mr. Robert H. Holt, Attorney stated that Mr. Woods would settle pay the expenses of connecting his and pay him in addition $100. plus bringing the suit. for Mr. Woods, if the town would house with the sewer, the legal expenses of The Board voted to lay the matter on the table until the return of the Town Counsel Letter of complaint was received from Mr. David Govan, 54 Woodland Road, Lexington, relative to dogs Complaint re owned by people residing at 38 Woodland Road. Mason dogs. Upon looking up the records, it was found that the dogs were owned by Vinton Mason and that he has licensed five Pointers and 1 English Setter. The Board decided to write to Mr. Mason and ask that he abate the nuisance and refer him to Section l of Article XXX of the Town By -Laws relative to dogs. Mr. Russell I. Prentiss came before the Board Legion and presented a letter requesting; permission to erect Banner and maintain a banner across Mass. Ave. from October 3-10 inclusive, preferably between the Bank Building and the Hunt Block. The banner is to be made of canvas and will have suitable words welcoming the American Legion to Lexington, the printing to be in gold on a blue background. 254 Mr. Prentiss stated that the banner would not be objectionable in appearance, and the Board voted to grant permission to the American Legion to erect the banner in the location mentioned. State Aid The State Aid return was signed by the Board for the rAonth of July in the amount of $18.0o Application was received from William H. Parks, Parks 28 Falmont Road, West Newton, for a permit to maintain gas a filling station at the corner of Mass. Avenue and applica- Curve Street. tion. The Board voted to notify Mr. Parks that they would give him leave to withdraw his application as they felt that public convenience and necessity did not require a filling station in that location. Marshall Marshall, Application s Mass. also eLexingtonceived ., for rraepermit gas ap- to store and sell gasoline at 373 Mass. Avenue. plication. It was voted to notify Mr. Marshall that he would be given leave to withdraw his application als o. At 8 P.M -hearing was declared open upon the Poles at application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. of Boston, 'Edgewood to set two poles and remove one pole at Edgewood Road Rd. at Blake avenue for the purpose of relocating and reconstructing the line now standing. If this location were granted, the one remaining f pole would be in the center of the entrance to Blake Avenue when that street is laid out, and it was felt that a more favorable layout could be arranged for the location. It was voted to refer the plan back to Mr. Seamman to take up with the Edison Electric Ill. Co. to see if a more satisfactory plan could be worked out. The Town Engineer presented plan of Valley Road showing proposed layout of same. Valley Rd. It was suggested that the School Committee might layout. be interested in this matter and purchase some of the adjoining land for a playground for the Parker School and possibly making room for an enlargement to same. After viewing the plan and discussing same, the Board voted to approve the general layout as presented, and the matter is now ready for a hearing when the Town Engineer has made a finished plan. Mr. Francis Russell appeared before the Board in behalf of Mrs. Hattie E. A. Peckham, 37 Hancock St. , Peckham relative to the Grey Line busses that visit the Hancock stand. Clarke House. He stated that on account of she was forced to earn her living and tondo illness this she set up a stand which is. situated on her piazza. He stated that Mrs. Peckham has done very well up until about three years ago when the Grey Line busses cut down the length of their 1 C 1 The Department reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept the one most visit to the Hancock -Clarke House to ten minutes, thereby giving the visitors a hurried glimpse of the House and not having time to buy souvenirs or a cool drink. She also.informed the Attorney, Mr. Russell, that she had ridden on the bus and they stated that a ten minute stop would be made at the House with a fifteen minute stop three miles on for rest and refreshment. Mr. Russell also rode on the bus and he stated that the same information was given out to the visitors. Mr. Russell stated that his father had conferred with with two officials of the Grey Line, and they informed him that such a condition as he presented could not exist, and if it did, the drivers would be discharged, as Mr. Russell told the officials that as soon as the drivers ehanued from an independent company to the Grey Line their attitude toward Mrs. Peckham's stand differed, and when they changed from the Grey Line to an independent line they were at once congenial and friendly. He therefor thought that the instructions to the drivers might have something to do with their attitude. The Board ditcussed the matter at length and decided that the Board had no jurisdiction in the matter but that it was a matter for Mrs. Peckham's attorney to straighten out. ' Mr. Scamman presented copy of proposals for collection and disposal of garbage to be inserted in the local paper and mail to some out of town people who might be interested, as follows: Board of Health, Lexington, Mass. Proposals for Collection & Disposal of Garbage. Garbage The Department will receive proposals for the proposals. collection and disposal of garbage or proposals for the purchase of garbage if collected by the Town. Proposals must be for three years. All garbage must be bollected at least twice a week and where necessary must be collected every working day. Approximately 1500 stores and houses are now served. All vehicles used in the collection or trans- portation of garbage shall be water tight and shall be provided with covers which shall be kept tightly closed while they are in motion. Disposal shall be outside the Town of Lexington. ' A bond for the faithful performance of the contract will be required. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept the one most 256 advantageous to the Town. All proposals must be in the office of the Superintendent of Public Works not 1 at er than 12:00 o'clock on Saturday, August 30, 1930. The suggestion was made that the first paragraph be separated so that the two parts be made specific, and it was decided that the term be for three years only. It was voted to accept the proposals and insert them in the paper for two weeks, also to send them to any person who might be interested. The Supt. of Public Works stated that more Sewer money is needed in the Sewer Construction Account, transfer and it was voted to transfer $2500 from the Sewer & $15,000 Assessment Fund to Sewer Construction Account, loan. and also to notify the Accountant to advertise for bids on $15,000. sewer notes for sewer construction. The Supt. of Public Works also stated that he would like -to lay the sewer from the trunk line Sewer work, across Mass. Avenue to a man hole opposite Mass. ATre. Fottler Avenue, and install the water main in the same trench while the street is being _torn up in this section. He intends to repair the street and desires to get this work completed before the street is fainlly repaired. He reported that it will .cost $1150. and the Board voted to instruct him to have this work done. Dr. Shannon reported that Mr. Sherburne U. Prescott on Oakmount Circle that he felt the Meriam St. corner of Meriam Street and Mass. Avenue was very danger dangerous, especially since the traffic light had been installed, and asked if something could not be done to remedy the situation. No action was taken on the matter, however. Lincoln St. Mr. Custance presented a plan of the relocation of Lincoln St., showing how same could be straightened to avoid the sharp curves existing. The plan was discussed at length, but no definite action was taken. The following is the weekly report.of'the Supt. of Public Works; For the week ending August 9, 1930. Highway Department. The Department has nearly completed the construction of the extension of Clarke Street. Sufface patches were made in a number of streets, gutters and catch basins cleaned, street signs set up and traffic lines painted. Next week the regular maintenance work will be looked after and work on Bertwell Road will be done. .A J 1 Moth & Shade Tree Department. ' Trees trimmed on the Hancock School grounds, and on Forest Strett and Clarke Street. Next week the Department will cut brush and trim trees. Park Dept. Work of grading and seeding Hastings Park and construction work on a• new tennis court as well as regular maintenance. Next week work on a new tennis court and regular maintenance will be cared for:. Water & Sewer Department Water Maintenance Water service installed for Irwin, Cliffe Ave; water service for Barker changed from Simonds Road to Burlington Street. Water . Cons t ruc tion. Raising manhole covers on Concord Hill where new road 'is being constructed. ' The 16" main in Mass. Avenue has been completed with the exception of the connections st Child's garage and at Bowker Street. It is expected that this work will be done on or before Thursday, August 14th. Sewer Construction. Unloaded carload of 8" sewer pipe. Work was started August 8th on the extension of the 8" sewer main in Fottler Avenue and approximately 130' of pipe have been laid. Next week the Fottler Avenue sewer; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering 'Department Highways. Reset Woburn Street stone bound. Tied in Bertwell Road stone bounds to reset. We have set line and grade stakes for Bertwell Rd. Line for Lowell St. property owner. Set 5 stone bounds at Clarke St. extension. ' Set grades Appointment sewer study. Sewers. for Fottler Avenue sewer. with Mr. Rgymond regarding Town 257 Water. One man (full time) with Maas. Ave. 16" main. Miscellaneous. Tracing block plans. Agreement with Metropolitan Planning Division to supply them with information regarding 1931 highway construction. Checking yardage of 1930 granolithic sonstructi on. Study of layout between Star Realty Trust and Charles Street. "Yours very truly, William S. Scamman, Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk pro -tem. 1 1