HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-07-01n n n ST LECTMEN I S MEETING JULY 1, 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectments Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Trask, Shannon and Blake were present. The Supt, of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of the E.E.I.Co. for permission to install an underground conduit on Muzzey St., near its junction with Massachusetts Avenue to give service to the Lexin;--ton Trust Company. The petition was granted. Application was received from R. J. Spencer, 16 Waltham Street, for permission to increase the capacity of gasoline filling station from 500'.to 5000 gallons. At the present time the tank that Mr. Spencer has is for his own private use. The Board felt that public convenience and necessity did not require a filling station at this point and granted Mr. Spencer leave to with- draw his application. The following list of jurors prepared June 30, 1930 was approved by the Board: Akerly, Elmer C. Allen; Russell B. Archibald, Earle S. Archibald, %xittmore Ashley-, Harold C. Bailey, Chauncey R. Bailey; George J. Baker, Edward W. Balogh, William J. Barrington, James L. Barton, George S. Beaman, John A. Bean, George W. Beatty, Walter. Beaudry, Charles S. Bevington, Alfred J. Bond, Raymond A. Bourne, Herbert C. Bowker, Henry Brainhall, William S. Breed, Ezra F. Buck, J. Jerauld Bull, Leslie A. ' Burrill, William L. Burt, Leon C. butters, George W. Bond Salesman Real Estate Wool CEng, Supt, Foreman Marker Farmer Draftsman Furrier Dye Business Artist Bond Salesman Laborer Manufacturer Civil Engineer Farmer Treasurer' Caretaker Interior Deeorator Salesman Biumber Reporter Farmer Real Estate Office Manager Manager 215 Conduit, E.E.I.Co R. J. Spencer application refused. Jurors 63 Forest St, Wood Street 23 Downing Rd. 16 Vaille Ave, 77 Highland Ave. 42 Forest Street East Street 868 Mass. Ave. 98 Fottler Ave. 24 Bloomfield St. 15 Bloomfield St. 14 Winthrop Rd. 241 Bedford St. 53 Waltham St. 5 Raymond St. Marrett Rd, 37 Somerset Road. 41 Bedford Street 48 Baker Avenue 25 Parker Street 44 Bloomfield St. 73 Bloomfield St. 83 Hancock Street 127 Bedford Street 25 Harding,Rd. 78 Highland Ave. 216 Chadwick, Elmer A. Manufacturer 17 Audubon Rd. C� Chamberlain, Wm. E. Manufacturer 14 Eliot Rd. Chapman, Charles E. p Farmer 40 Maple St. p Clarke Richard A. 6amuel Clerk 34 Forest Street ' Clow, P. Carpenter 19 Waltham St. Cole, George F, bus Operator 210 Bedford St. Crone, Louis L. Salesman 30 Forest St, Custer, Everett J. Poultry Marrett Rd. Davis, Henry C.,Jr. Auditor 6 Audubon Rd. Denham, Harold C. Clerk 8 Jackson Court Dodge, Arthur C, Treasurer 52 Percy Road Drew, Carl I. Clerk 10 Locust Ave. Duffy, J. Henry Insurance 25 Maple St. Earle, Arthur H. Real EstAte 19 Bedford St, Earle, Chester E, Salesman 14 Tower St. Emery, Leland H. Salesman 85 Meriam St. Ferguson, Roy A. Bank 19 Bertwell Rd, Fernald, Robert W. Banker 2 Washington St, Fletcher, Fred B, Carpenter 18 Independence Ave. Frost, Harry G. Salesman 47 Lincoln Street Graham, John C. Farmer Burlington St, Guthrie,,James A. Machinist 24 Taft Ave, Hadley, Charles E. P-luin33er 502 Mass. Ave. Hamlin, Hazen W. Real Estate 20 Forest St, Harrington,Bartlett J.Contractor 11 Curve St. Hatch, George C. Farmer Watertown St. Hauck, Carl Wood Carver Harbell St, Hayden,J,Willard,Jr. Broker Shade St, ' Henrich, Charles J. Machinist 18 Drew Ave. Hill, Converse, Insurance 2101 Mass. Ave. Hilliard, Clayton A. Statistician 33 Highland Ave. Hopkins, Morton G. Insurance 9 Audubon Rd, Horton, Lawrence M. Salesman 6 Lincoln St. Hunt, William Retired 9 Adams St. Hyde,'Walter L. Salesman 22 Forest St. Irwin, James Jr. Carpenter 19 Hibbert Sir, Joy, Charles R. Retired 627 Mass., Ave: Judkins, Merle B. Builder Grassland'St.. Knight, Daniel R. Paper Co. 1088 Mass. Ave,' Knights, Arthur A. Machine Shop Owner 25 Wint',mp Rd. Lamont, Harold . Banker 20 Winthrop Rd, Little, Russell M. Shoe Buckle Bus. 7 Forest Street Locket Frank H. Retired 18: Winthrop Rd. Longbottom, Frd. Carpenter 16 Independence Rd, Lowe, Geroge H. Foreman 421 Marrett Rd, Mabey, Edison R, Trucking 145 Grant St. Mace ee, Clarence C ar E h Milkman 126 Oak Street Macurda, William E. Merchant 45 Hancock St. Maguire, Frank H. Farmer Wood St. Manning, Stephen B, Watchmaker 50 Woodland Rd. Marshall, William J. Shipper 9 Independence Ave, Mayo, Robert D, Salesman •Oakmount Circle I Meek, Charles B, Farmer Off Marrett Rd. Merriam, Robert B. Vanuracturer 24 Oakmount Circle Murphy, H.. Dudley Artist Sirtit Rd. Muzzey, Clifford L. Salesman 14 Glen Rd. ' Nichols, Howard S.O. Cotton Mfg. Rus. 19 Hayes Avenue Nickerson James A. Real Estate 15 VineBrook Rd, Page, Vernon C. . Plumber 12 Independence Ave. Parker, Chalres L. Store Manager 12 Cary St, Peirce, James.A. Insurance 40 Marrett Rd, Pierce, Clifford W. bond Salesman 1 Eustis St. Pierce, Irving B. At home 100 Forest St. Pierce, Loring E. Salesman 12 Locust Ave. Proctor, George W. Real Estate 41 Percy Rd. Reed, Kelsey.G. Cotton Finish 7 Franklin Rd. Reed, William W. Real Estate 57 Meriam S t. Robinpon, Gordon W. Salesman 80 Hancock St. Modd, Albeit Pattern Maker 3 Locust Ave. Ross, George M. Bond Salesman 45 Hancock St. Rowse, Arthur E.,Jr. Manufacturer 38 Somerset Rd, Russell, Byron A. Blacksmith 927 Mass. Ave. Russell, Galen S. Insurance 1505 Mass. Ave. Sargent, George W. Bookkeeper 31 Waltham St. Scheibe, Edgar F. Manufacturer Lincoln St, Shorey, Ralph C. Salesman 3 Belfry Terrace Smith, Allen C.' Dry Goods 5 Forest St. Spauling, Edward L. Electrician 14 Parker St, Steeves, Clyde E, Steamfitter, 50 Hill Top Ave. Stevens, Damon B. Salesman 45 Highland Ave. Stone, Robert M. Insurance 18 Hayes Ave. Stoney, Benjamin S.' Clerk 3 Fern Street Swenson, Axel M. Farmer Spring St. Swett, Louis W, Dry Goods 42 Percy Road Temple, Walter F. Salesman 51 York St, Tower, Ellis.W. "uyer 23 Bloomfield St, oye, Francis J. P. 0. Forman 3 Ames Ave. Tyler, Arthur S. Milk Business 29 $�aple.Street Whipple, Bertram F. Fank Clerk 13 ase Ave, Whipple, Charles A, Merchant 1 Upland Rd. Whitney, Robert Insurance Round Hill Rd. Wichert, Charles J. Machinist 5 Sheridan St, Filson, J. Alexander Retired 27 Pleasant St. Wilson, Walter H. Farmer 33 Fern St. Lexington, Mass.,June 30,1930. Albert H. Burnham Theodore A.. Custanee Selectmen Hallie C. Blake of Clarence Shannon Lexi ngton Robert P. Trask Common Victuallers license to do business at Common 56 Buss. Avenue was granted to Abraham Bornstein, Victuallers ' License. Bill of the Town Counsel for examining the title of the Marshall property was received in the amount of $60, 21 18 .Bill was also received from the Town Counsel for Town Counsel his work in connection with the appeal from the Bills. decision of the Selectmen in granting.a garage permit to Pichette & Ahern to operate at 851 Mass. Avenue, in the amount of $75, Both bills were approved by the Board, Special Special Police Commission was signed for Police. Arthur N, Maddison. State Aid. State Aid payroll in the amount of $28* was approved. Notice was received from the State that an increase in the amount of State Aid to $10. a month has been State Aid approved, increase. It.was left with the Clerk to make.whatever adjustments may be necessary on the State Aid cases. Letter was received from Marion H. Jewett reporting an accident to her car on Pleasant. Street whore the work of installing a water pipe is being done. Report was receivedfrom the Supt, of Public Mork$ and also from the Supt. of the Water Dept. which Jewett showed that the signs Irere posted up on both ends Accidento of the street stating street closed".., and also that many cars had dtiven through there safely. It was fetl that inasmuch as one of.the torches fell over that possibly Miss Jew6tt became excited and ran to the other side of the street .coming in contact with the pipe, causing her accident. Under the circumstances, inasmuch as the road was posted, the Board felt that the damages to the car - should be paid by Miss Jewett herself inasmuch as she entered the street where a warning sign had been -placed, Commitment of Sewer rental charges for the sedond Commitments, section of the Town was signed in the amount of J1286.13. . Commitment of water rates in the second section in the amount of $7394.29 was signed by the Board. ?tier was received from Joseph J, Bevins of Hill Top Hill op Ave,.in which he thanked Mr. Custance Ave. work, for having the work done on the street in front of his house, and stated that it was very satisfactory. Pinehurst The Supt. of Public Works reported on the request sign. of James 0, Credle that the Psnehurat Section he referred to was in Bedford, and he. did not believe the Board should allow a sign to be posted at Westview and Bedford Streets, It was decided to notify Mr. Credle to this effect. J 1 1 He rt of an accident on Cedar Street was reported by the Supt. of Public Works. The accident was to the car Af Mr. Sidney T. Curtis of 108 Ronald Rd., Arlington. The accident occurred when he pulled over to one side of Ole street to pass a car coming in the opposite direction; he struck a rock at the side of the street. Mr. Scamman did not see the car, and he was therefore asked to look at it and report the damages. ' The Supt, of Public Works wrote a letter reporting that the repairs to the Town equipment in 1929 were about $17,000, and more than half of that was for labor. 219 Five Forks. Services of Charles Faugno, Everett Wilson property, unpaid taxes. G,W. Emery s s sidewalk, Accident on Cedar Street In regard to the description of Five Forks it was decided to lay this matter on the table until the ' County has their hearing on the relocation of Lincoln St. The records regarding the pension of Charles Paugno in the Water Department employed formerly were brought before the Board. Some time passed the Board felt that Mr. Faugnols services were needed in locating the services about the Town to get definite records for the Water Dept., but they felt that his services as a foreman were a hinderance. Discussion was had as to the pensioning of any department inasmuch as it was felt that legally the Town had no authority to do this. It was decided to find out where Mr. F'augno is now living and find out if he had any money in the local banks, and to take the matter up at a later date. Verbal request was made by Pierre Northrup of 45 No. Hancock St. for the Town to assist in the payment of the taxes on the property in the name of Everett Wilson, and occupied by Mrs. Rose Wilson on Ward St, The Board decided that inasmuch as the Cooperative Bank hold a mortgage on the property, that Mr. Northrup should notify them to pay the taxes. Each member of the Board received a letter from George W. Emery regarding the granolithic sidewalk recently constructed on Somerset Rd., in front of his property. He stated that if he had known that there was to be such a radical change in the grade in front of his property, he would not have applied for the construction of the sidewalk. He stated that he had been assured that there would not be any radical change by the Town Engineer, and now he finds that the sidewalk is actually below the level of the street. The Board discussed the matter at great length with the Town Engineer, and finally decided to lay the matter on the table until such time as the Town Engineer presents the; conditions that they can present to Mr, mery.'` He rt of an accident on Cedar Street was reported by the Supt. of Public Works. The accident was to the car Af Mr. Sidney T. Curtis of 108 Ronald Rd., Arlington. The accident occurred when he pulled over to one side of Ole street to pass a car coming in the opposite direction; he struck a rock at the side of the street. Mr. Scamman did not see the car, and he was therefore asked to look at it and report the damages. ' The Supt, of Public Works wrote a letter reporting that the repairs to the Town equipment in 1929 were about $17,000, and more than half of that was for labor. 219 Five Forks. Services of Charles Faugno, Everett Wilson property, unpaid taxes. G,W. Emery s s sidewalk, Accident on Cedar Street 220 The Clerk reported that as yet no replies had been received from the advertisement that was put in the local paper, for a garage repair man. The Supt, of Public Works reported that the Fence be- fence along the Nickerson property on Forest Street was tween rusty and probably with any strain would break. There Nickerson is about 4001 of fence that needed repair or renewal Property & and he did not see how the Board could do it this year [Hancock wihout funds. School.. It was therefore decided to notify Mr. Nickerson to this effect. Mr. Blake was requested to meet the Representative Tercenten- of the State regarding the markers for the Tercentenary ary at the Town office Building Wednesday, JUy 2, at markers. 11 A.M. Letter was received from Dr. Blakely in which he gave information about the cost of vaccinating Letter, re all of the dogs in the Town. He stated that he would vaccination do the vaccinating for the first year for $5000, of dogs. plus the cost of the vaccine. It was decided to lay this information on the table until such time as the Soard decided to make use of the inf ormation. J u u Mr. Francis Burke came before the Board together with Mr. Ernest R. Rowland to enquire whether or not the Board would take action on the application of Mr. Rowland for a permit to install gasoline tanks at his premises on Lowell Street. Mr. Burke stated that after the Board of Selectmen refused the permit he took the matter up with Mr. Rowland Mr. Finery and Mr. Emery stated that he considered re gas gasoline pumps an accessory use to the store now tanks. located on the premises. He therefore wanted to know how the new members of the Board felt regarding the application and whether or not they would make it necessary for them to go to the Planning Board to ask for the re -districting of this section. The Board informed Mr. Burke that they had refused to grant a permit for gasoline at this point more than once but they would take the matter under aOviseme nt and inform him as to their d6cision at a, later date. Mr. Rowland stated that he built his store prior to the tiem the Zoning Law went into effect and he had 1401 frontage. The store is setabout 201 but he could take 8 " or.10' off of thann this way move it back. The house stands back 15t or 20' from the street line. Mr. Burke called att6ntion to the fact that he was Revision of on the committee for the revision of the By -Laws and By-laws. asked whether or -not the Board had any suggestions to mate on the revision. J u u Mr, Scamman suggested ,to Mr. Burke that there should be some provision for store -keepers sweeping ' off the sidewalks and leaving the dirt in the gutter. Daniel J. O'Connell came before the Board to discuss the matter of his application to the Building Inspector for a permit to build a building on the site of the present building used by the Cooperative Bank, Mr. OtConnell realizing the Board's intention to -lay down the building line, wanted to get some definite information as to what will be done. He did not desire to build a building, setting it back to the line of the -new buildings, ina much as that would be in a pocket by itself, and he did not believe the building would rent easily. On the other hand,•if he did build to the present street line, it would mean damages to the Town at a later date. The Board, after discussing the matter with Mr. O'Connell asked him to figure out ghat the damages would be to move the block loeated between the Grain Mill Alley and the Rubin & Seligman block back, and set the building to the new building line. Mr. O'Connell agreed to have this information for the Board at its next ring. He asked whether or not a permit would be issued to remove the present building used by the Cooperative Bank and he was informed that the building was -not ' worth moving. The Contract for the lighting at the Public Works Department which was awarded to Sword Brothers of Arlington, Mass. was signed by the Board. Dr. Shannon reported that he had taken up the matter of the examination of the water in the swimming pool with Mr. Prentiss and Mr. Prentiss informed him that during the summer months there are so many on vacations at the State House that prompt attention would not be given to the matter and he fdlt that it would cost about $90 to have the examination made by an outside firm. An examination was made of the first water in the swimming pool, and it was found that it was contam- inated by animal matter. Upon tracing the matter, it was found that Mr. Child, Lincoln St., bathed his dog in the water that was feeding the water in the swimming pool. The matter of fencing the pools in and posting the premises was considdred. It was found that it would cost abbut$525. to fence the pools. The Board did not feel that this could be done this year. It was felt ' that eventually the Metropolitan Water will have to be used in the pool The following is the weekly report of the 221 O'Connell proposed building, Lighting contract signed. Swimming Pool water. 222 Supt. of Public Works: For the week ending June 28, 1930 Highway Department. Resurfacing of Concord. Avenue is progressing being completed between the Lexington -Lincoln line and Spring Street. .6utters and sides of streets have been cleaned and bushes out down. Street signs have been erected and the painting of cross walks and auto parking spaces was begun. Surface patches have been made in a number of streets. Construction of a drain from Lincoln Street and Hastings Park to the main drain in the playground has been started. Next week the department will be occupied_with the continuation of the.work on Concord Avenue and other maintenance. Moth and Shade Tree Department. All machines and equipment has been cleaned and stored. Trees on Mass. Avenue and Forest Street have been trimmed. Next week the department will trim trees and cut brush. Park Department. The regular work of mowing, trimming and cleaning has been done and grading at Hastings Park. The Swimming pool was opened to the public June 23rd. Next week the reguler maintenance work will be attended to. Water Maintenance, Completed service for Rose, Locust Avenue; installed service to curb for Etheridge, Downing Road; renewal for Hill, North Hancock Street. Water Construction Unloaded two carloads of pipe. We have lAid Approximately 4141 of 8" pipe in Allen Street; 2641 of 8" pipe in Old County Road; 5001 of 6"pipe in Valley Road and 651 of 8" pipe in School Street. (off Mass. Ave.) Sewer Maintenanoe., Completed service for Rose, Locust Avenue. Dug up old service and replaced same with 6" pipe at J 1 Wh.alents, Mass. Avenue. Regular maintenance work contemplated for next week. Engineering Departmbnt. Highways. Lines and grades for granolithic sidewalks. survey of Winthrop Road. Drainage. Grades for drains at Hastings Park and Playground. Miscellaneous. Descriptions of takings at "Five Forks". Levels on Locust Avenue at Wyman property. Bow Street levels for sewer--- td y. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 10:22 P.M. A true record, Attest: clerk. 1