HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-05-27176 SELECTMEN IS MEETING l� May 27, 1930. The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P . M. , at the Town Office 7DBuil ding . Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Blake, Shannon and Trask were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were present also. Bill, Examination Bill for the examination of the records of of records, the East Lexington Meadows was received from E,Lex. Mrs. A. F. Applin in the amount of $25.00. This Meadows. bill was approved by the Board. Letter was received from the Builders Finish Manufacturers Association, Inc., 185 Mill work Devonshire Street, Boston, in which the Association to be done requested that in the specifications for public in Mass. works the clause be inserted calling foie the mill work to be manufactured in Massachusetts. The Board decided that they would notify the School Building Committee that they approved of this being done and suggested that it might be done in connection with the new school house. Letter was written to Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper ' accepting her suggestion that she might release Capper releaseto the Town the land Pp an taken by the County Com - of land. missioners in connection with the layout of Waltham Street. In regard to the bill of $77.04, the same being the amount which the April 19th Committee Bill' of has over -run their account, the Town Accountant April 19th stated that he did not believe that the payment Committee. of this amount should come out of the Tercentenary Appropriation inasmuch as the bookkeeping for the April 19th celebration committee account did not show that they exceeded their appropriation. It wqs decided, therefore, to request the Appropriation Committee to take this amount out of the Reserve Fund. Notice was received giving the decision of Pichette & the State Fire Marshal regarding the appeal on Ahern garage, the issuance of a license by the Board of Selectmen decision on. to Pichette and Ahern to maintain a garage at 851 Massachusetts Avenue, in which the Fire Marshal stated that he approved the action of the Selectmen provided the following matters were attended to: ' (a) The wooden bulkhead that is now covered with roofing paper must be removed and the vacant space filled in with dirt. M (b) The rear wooden doors now nailed shut must be blocked up with terra cotta blocks or some other fireproof material. i (c) The waste crank case oil must not be thrown around the premises but placed in a regular metal cistern buried in the center of the rear lot behind the building and drawn off and taken from the premises at regular intervals. The Board decided to notify the owners of the property, Pichette and Ahern, to have these matters attended to, and to have the Building Inspector see that the orders were carried out. Mr. Edwin B. Worthen having been requested to present to the Town Counsel some suggestions for the change in the regulations on overhanging Overhanging signs, he presented a letter from Mr. Morse of Sign Ins. the Employers Liability Assurance Corp. in which Mr. Morse did not rate the New Amsterdam Company very highly; other than that, there was no suggestion of a change in the regulations. The Town Counsel having read the letter, advised the Board to adopt an amendment to the Regulations which amendment was adopted as follows: "Voted: That the rules and r egulationo ' relating to signs, advertising; devices, clocks, marquees, permanent awnings and other like structures projecting into or placed on or over public ways, made and adopted by the BoarO of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts in 1929, be amended by adding thereto at the end of paragraph 10 the following: 'A policy covering more than one applicaht but otherwise conforming to this paragraph may be.deposited jointly by such applicants in place of separate policies.?" 1 If paragraph 11 has not been amended by sub- stituting the word "policy" for "bond", it should now be amended by adding to the foregoing vote the following: ' ---"and by changing the word lbondt in the fourth line of paragraph 11 to the word 'policy'." Mr. Hollis Webster came before the Board at 7:45 P.M. to give the Board information regarding the proposed Children's Museum which was intedded to be located in the Pine Room in the Cary Memorial Building. Mr. Webster stated that he understood that Dr. Shannon had the dinsions of the cabinets in which were enclosed specimens of various kinds of birds. The eases, he stated, were four or five in number and would probably fill up the Pine Room. 178. 7 �r �J Mr. Webster stated that he understood that the Trustees of the Isaac Harris Cary Educational Fund were entirely in accord with the establishment , of this museum in the Pine Room; he also under- stood that the cases might be moved out if at any time the Pine room is needed for an enter - Children's tainment or celebration, and if any any time it Museum. becomes necessary to use the Pine Room for the displayof antiques, they will find some other location. It is hoped that in connection with the Cary Memorial Library, that a Children's Museum might be made out of a room in that building, thus doing away with the Cary Memorial Building. Mr. Webster stated that the children would not be allowed to go into the room at all times, but they would be under the care of a teacher in the school and some member of the organization would be also in charge of the children, and only at times under their supervision, would the children be allowed to go to this room. The Board, voted to grant the Organization in charge of the Children's Museum permission to install their exhibit in the Pine Room in the Cary Memorial Building, under the conditions understood by Mr. Hollis 'Webster. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Arthur H. McLearn for per- ' mission to erect a three car garage on his premises McLearn at 837 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. McLearn appeared garage. and stated that he intended to build his garage facing the street and 501 away from the next house, from the end of the piazza. No objection was received and the Board voted to grant Mr. McLearn permission to erect a three car garage on his premises. Mr. Custance brought up the fact that in putting in the gr*lithie sidewalk in front of McLearn Mr. McLeavnls premises, it would be necessary to sidewalk. raise the sidewal' to the proper grade. Mr. McLearn has fixed up his premises in very good dondition and he has graded the lot to the grade that existed on the old sidewalk, and will now have to re -grade the lawn. Under the circumstances, Mr. Custance felt that the Town should stand the cost of about $33. for filling in the sidewalk - to meet the grade necessary to put the granolithic sidewalk in its proper place. The Board voted to do this. Tucker Ave. At 8:05 P.M. hearing was declared open on the acceptance of Tucker Avenue from Baker Avenue ' a distance of 360x. Mr. T. A. Custance conducted the hearing. Mr. John Audick stated that he had signed the amount set against his name for estimated betterment for the construction of this street. At 8:10 P.M, hearing was declared open on the application of the E. E. I. Co. for permission to erect one pole on Eliot Road 3001 east of Waltham Street. No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant the permit. Application was received from the Ross Tire and Battery Company for permission to install an additional 1000 gallon gasoline tank at 3 Depot Square. This is to provide for an electric tank to take care of his special gasoline as well as the ordinary gas. He how has the special gas in a tank cart that is inconvenient to use. The Board decided to advertise a hearing on this application. Pole location. Ross Tire & Battery Application. Official figures were received from the Census Census. Bureau that the census taken in the Town gave the population as 9429. The Chairman signed the receipt of this information. He stated that Mr. Peter Delmonico intended to be present at the meeting, and was in ' favor of the layout. Mr. Louis Vanderwoude stated that he was interested in lots 428, 429 and 4301 He objected to being assessed for the layout of this street. He felt there was no improvement to these lots that he owned on the street. Mr. Herbert Flint asked why the Board was so anxious to have this street accepted, inasmuch as he felt that when the tried to have Carville Avenue accepted, it was a very hard proposition to accomplish. He has already been assessed on Carville Avenue, and he did not see why he should be assessed on Tucker Avenue, inasmuch as all he could place upon his land would be a garage in the rear, and he therefore did not believe that the street was of any benefit to him. He was interested in the street as a whole, and did not see why the whole street was not accepted; furthermore he could not see wherein 75% of the property owners had signed the petition for the acceptance of Tucker Avenue. The assessment of the land of Mr. Flint on Tucker Avenue would have to be taken up with the Town Counsel and decide whether or not he should be assessed on Tucker Avenue, for the portion of the land that he owns as well as on Carville Avenue. ' The Board discussed the matter and voted to pass an order accepting that part of Tucker Avenue from Baker Avenue a distance of 3601 provided the property owners signed the petition showing 75% of the abutting owners. At 8:10 P.M, hearing was declared open on the application of the E. E. I. Co. for permission to erect one pole on Eliot Road 3001 east of Waltham Street. No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant the permit. Application was received from the Ross Tire and Battery Company for permission to install an additional 1000 gallon gasoline tank at 3 Depot Square. This is to provide for an electric tank to take care of his special gasoline as well as the ordinary gas. He how has the special gas in a tank cart that is inconvenient to use. The Board decided to advertise a hearing on this application. Pole location. Ross Tire & Battery Application. Official figures were received from the Census Census. Bureau that the census taken in the Town gave the population as 9429. The Chairman signed the receipt of this information. 180 Application was received for the collection of ashes•and refuse in precinetone. .Application The Board decided to notify the petitioner for disposal that the Town is not ready to take care of the of ashes & collection of ashes° and rubbish, and to inform rubbish. them that they could carry their refuse to the dump on Bow Street. Payment for I It was decided to pay Mr. Patrick J. Maguire Serving the sum of 50� for each service that he,makes in street deliverng notices on •street hearings, except in notices. instances where there are a graat many on the one street, and then the fee should be reduced. Town Offices It was decided to close. the Town Office closed. Building on May 31st, Saturday morning, owing to the fact that the holiday of May 30th canes on Friday. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works regarding the repairs to the standpipe] He gave an estimate of $741.00 given by the . Repair of Western Waterproofing Company for repairs to the standpipe. standpipe. He recormnended that this Company be employed to do the repairing, inasmuch_as they had previously done the work on the standpipe. He also recommended that a wire mesh be placed over the top of the pipe to keep out leaves and refuse that might blow in there. Mr. Scamman reported a bid from The Shrewsbury Tank Company for placing the mesh over the water tank as $250.00 Town Engineer to go to N.Y. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works recommending that the Town Engineer go to the Laboratory of the Fairchild Aerial Surveys Inc. at New York. The Fairchild Aerial Surveys Inc. felt that there were two ways in which the information regarding the surveys could be had; one was that one of their Engineers at a charge of $25 a day plus travelling expenses come here, or the Town Engineer of Lexington visit their New York Laboratory where one of the Engineers would spend two or three days with him explaining and actually showing him how to go about the survey in the most efficient manner. There would be no charge for the services of their Engineer in their laboratory. They recommended having the Town Engineer go to get the practical application of thework. The Board voted to recommend that the Town Engineer be instructed to go to New York to get experience in their_ laboratory. The following sewer _orders were signed by the -Board: Fottler Avenue Bow Street Cliffe Avenue Theresa Avenue. 1 L' U Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he rc commend. ed that t'le women ' clerks in the Town Office Building be granted a vacation of three weeks instead of two weeks. The Board,. after considering the matter, voted to grant'a three weeks vacation for the women clerks in the office provided they had been in the office for one year and also provided there would be no additional expense for clerical hire in the office. The Board decided to change , their recom- mendation made last week in regard•to the committee to be appointed at the Town Meeting of twenty-one, and to recommend that only a committee be appointed to study further the.Vine. Brook drainage project and to allow. the Moderator to make his own suggestion of the Committee, inasmuch as at the last meeting when it was decided that none of the members of the Committee would be members of the Board of Selectmen, it seemed to be rather a poor idea in case the Committee is instructed to secure,bids. Mr. R. H. Holt and Mr. S. R. Wrightington both recorramended that thi. s be done. Abatement was granted to H. M. Page, ' Avenue in the amount of $377.04, the same sewer tax on the frontage of 50 feet. A new ,commitment was also signed in ,of $287.20 to H. M. Page for the balance sewer assessment. 181 Three weeks vacation to women clerks. Independence being the the amount of the Letter -xas received from F. L. Emery in which he complained of the use by the Shell stations of advertising of "Ti-tavelaide" signs. It was decided if a complaint was more specific that notice would be sent to the Shell station calling attention to the displpLy of unnecessary signs. Mr. Joseph Campbell came before the Board and stated that he did not have any work and he was therefore in need of aid from the Town. The Board informed him that his case would have to be taken up by the Dept. of Public Welfare. It was voted to accept the bond of the Western Untion Telegraph Company which they filed instead of filing an insurance policy to cover their overhanging sign at 1727 Mass. Avenue, but to inform them that they would have to file an ' insurance policy when this policy expires. It was voted to request the Edison Company to place an additional electric light on Washington Street near the property of Mrs. Edith R. Simonds. Vine BPook drainage committee. Abatement& Commitment. Travelaide signs. Joseph Campbell Bond of Western Union Tel. Co. 182 Electric Attention was also called to the fact that in light, placing this light one of the other lights might Washington possibly be abandoned. Street. The following licenses were granted: Hairdressing. Licenses. Aline M. Thivierge 4 Waltham St. Anita G. Thivierge 4 Waltham St. Overhanging Signs. Frank H. Ready 1758 Mass. Ave. Ashley W. Partridge 1709 Mass. Ave. Lex. Council K. of C. 10 Waltham St. R. W. Blake 1733 Mass. Ave. John 4Y. Cassidy 1715 Mass. Ave. American Oil Co. Marrett Rd. The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. For the week ending May 24, 1930. Highway Department. Mass. Avenue between Bloomfield St. and Marrett Road has been Traded on the east side and covered with a coat of tar. The hard surface has been patched with bituminous material and a seal coat applied to the whole surface, covered with pea stone and rolled. Surface patches were made in Wood Street and Woburn Street. Grading and filling was done at Pleasant Stre--t and Follen Road setting edgestones and preparing for granolithic sidewalks. Burlington Street was graded, a coat of tar applied, covered with pea stone and rolled. Winter Street was graded, tarred and rolled. The drain in Lincoln Street was completed as far as the manhole in the street and will be connected with the drain in the Park to Vine Brook. The usual maintenance and erection of street signs will be attended to next week. Moth and Shade Tree Dept. This department #treated the nests of the Tent ''Caterpillars with creosote in various locations and also removed the top from a tree in Bow Street which was in a dangerous condition. Next week the department will spray foliage on the public property. 1 183 Parks & Playgrounds. The following work was accomplished by this ' department: mowing and raking at various locations, cleaning up center Playground, erection of shelter at Swimming Pool, cleaning and rolling track, construction o" new tennis courts, work on East Lexington tennis court, grading Hastings Park. Next week the department will be occupied with the usual maintenance and construction work. Water Maintenance. Water service installed for the Lexington Sand & Gravel Company in Hinchey Road. Built meter pit and installed a` -2'r meter on this service. Water Construction. We have completed the.excavation in Valley Road and are waiting for the pipe to arrive. Pipe has been trucked to Walnut Street. One hydrant has been set on Muzzey Street. Laid approximately 10001 of 12" pipe in Pleasant Street. Sewer Construction. ' Approximately 95' of 8" sewer pipe has been laid in Mass. Avenue opposite Child's garage, and one manhole has been built. Brooks. One man has been s cleaning out brook The work contemplated for the week ending June 7th is as follows: main to new hospital, water & sewer services, etc. Engineering Department Highways. Lines and grades for curbing and for granolithic. Staked out Mass. Avenue building line from Grant Street westerly. Completed street acceptance plans. Sewers. Lines and grades for Mass. Avenue sewer opposite East Lexington Station at Child's garage. Miscellaneous. Carvi lle Avenue lines for property owners. Work on sewer record plans. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman, Supt. Public Wks. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M.�.[ A true record, Attest: Cler .