HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-04-29SELECTMF-NIS MEETING
APRIL 29, 1930.
The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen
was held at the Selectments Room, Town Office
Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance,
Blake, Shannon and Trask were present. The Supt.
of Public Works and the Clerk were also present.
State Aid payroll in the amount of $28
for the month of April was si ned by the Board.
Bids on the $8000 loan, the same being
the balance of the loan for the purchase of
the M.&.B.St.Rwy.Co. property, were received as
Estabrook & Co. 1.00.03
Faxon, Gade and Co., Inc. 100.0717
Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. 100.10
Lexington Trust Company 100.117
The bid was awarded to the Lexin-ton Trust Co.
Public carriage bond of Thomas M. Montague
was approved, it having been voted to grant him
a license to operate a public carriage in the Town.
Report was received .from the -Health Tnspector
regarding the various applications for pig
permits as follows:
April 29, 1930.
Honorable Board of Selectmen
Lexington, Massachusetts
I have received notice that Chester Fogg,
Woburn Street; Ernest K. Ballard, Wood Street;
John Shea, Bow Street; J-hn Sullivan, Mass. Ave;
William G. Potter, Walnut Street; Swenson Brothers,
Allen Street; James F. Moran, Pleasant Street;
Mary B. Wellington, Mass. Avenue have applied for
permits to keep more than two swine.
State Aid.
Bids on $8000
Public Carriagt
bond approved.
Inspection has been made of the premises of
each of the above parties, and the conditions were
found to be satisfactory. I recommend that a permit
be issued to Mary B, Wellin,-ton to keep 100 swine,
' James F. Moran to keep 250, Swenson Brothers to keep 100,
William G. Potter to keep 900, John Sullivan to keep 75,
John Shea to keep 150, Chester Fogg to keep 200,
Ernest K. Ballard to keep 150.
I would call your attention to the application of
Hauck, Harbell Street, for a
permit to keep four
goats. I have inspected the
premises and recommend
that this permit be issued.
Respectfully yours,
Mary B. Wellington. This permit was formerly
Russell I. Prentiss
issued to Herbert B. Wellington who died during
Health Inspector.
the past year. I talked with Mr. Wrightington
It was voted to grant the
following licenses
about the advisability of issuing a new permit,
the license of Carroll
and he was inelthed to think that the Board should
Brothers, Allen Street, until
such time as the
use their own discr<-tion as there is practically
Health Inspector reports that
their premises comply
no real change of ownership.
with the Health Regulations.
Ernest K. Ballard
Also,'II have an application from Carroll
Pig permits. Chester A. Fogg
Woburn Street
Brothers, �llen Street.; On an inspection, I found
Carl Hauck
Harbell.St., 4 goats
that there are several'violations of the regulations,
James F. Moran
Pleasant Street
and I am recommending that the permit be held up
William G,/ Botter
Walnut Street
until they comply with the regulations. I found
John Shea
Bow St., Waltham
that the house was in good condition and white-
John Sullivan
2407 Mass. Ave.
washed. The receptacle for storing garbage was
Swenson Brothers
Allen Stfeet
not covered, and considerable garba,�Te was strewn
Mary B. Wellington
Opp. School St.
around it. I also found that the ground around the
It was voted to grant the
following licenses:
platform was covered with garbage and old. .refuse,
Com;ron Victuallers
and there was considerable garbage and refuse
Sarah Berman
22 Mass. Ave.
around the premises.
I am writing a letter to them calling their
attention to these violations, and will report to
you at a later date.
I have received an application from Carl
Hauck, Harbell Street, for a
permit to keep four
goats. I have inspected the
premises and recommend
that this permit be issued.
Respectfully yours,
Russell I. Prentiss
Health Inspector.
It was voted to grant the
following licenses
to keep pigs, but to withhold
the license of Carroll
Brothers, Allen Street, until
such time as the
Health Inspector reports that
their premises comply
with the Health Regulations.
Ernest K. Ballard
Wood Street
Pig permits. Chester A. Fogg
Woburn Street
Carl Hauck
Harbell.St., 4 goats
James F. Moran
Pleasant Street
William G,/ Botter
Walnut Street
John Shea
Bow St., Waltham
John Sullivan
2407 Mass. Ave.
Swenson Brothers
Allen Stfeet
Mary B. Wellington
Opp. School St.
It was voted to grant the
following licenses:
Com;ron Victuallers
Sarah Berman
22 Mass. Ave.
Slaughter License
A. Heilman Hill Ave.
G. Bunzel East St.
Permits for the use of the slaughter house
buildings were granted to A. Holman, G. Bunzel,
and A. Young
Sunday Sales.
Henry H. Dix 12 Baker Ave.
The Board refused the permit of Herbert H.
Davis, 21 Brandon Street, Roxbury, owing to the
fact that the property at which. he desired to do
business was not in the business district.
Rubin Epstein
Public Carriage
James F. McCarthy
In regard to the
of Ashley W. Partridge
K of C the Board laid
4 Sylvia St.
overhanging _sign _applications
and Lexington Council No. 94,
the licenses on the table.
Regarding the application for an Undertakers
license of M. Floyd Rodgers, Mr. Rodgers appeared
at the mee=ting at 8 P.M. and stated that he wanted
to secure a license for an undertaker to do
business at 33 Waltham Street. He stated that his
reason for coming to Lexington was that he had
broken down in health and went to California and
wanted to come to Lexington inasmuch as it appealed.
to him and the climate was agreeable. Mr. Rodgers
stated that he had never applied in any other city
or town before for an application for an undertakers
license; he knew where that rumor came from, but
he did not know how the statement could be
substantiated. He stated that Lexington w^s a
quiet town and it was quite necessary that he
come to a place that was quiet. He was not here
do hurt Mr. Marshall's business. He thoWht that
most of his business would come from Malddin and
other surrounding towns; he established his business
about 35 years ago, he lost his father and mother
many years ago, and he sold out his business in
Malden with the restriction that he could
not do business there for 10 years. He did not
have the agreement with him, but he would bring
it in for evidence. He had been away from Malden
since last August or September, and came back
around the first of March. He stated that he would
have the necessary equipment to carry on the business
when he gets established. -
for Under-
takers license
Mr. Rodgers came into Lexington and asked
Mr. Richards whether or not he had a place
where it was possible to do an undertakers
business, and Mr. Richards informed him that
he would have a place the first of May.
Mr. Jay 0. Richards was present and stated
the place he had in mind was Mrs. O'Hallorants
house at 33 Waltham Street where there is an
undertakers business being operated at the present
the Board called attention to the fact that
the business district ends at Vine Brook Road and
does not extend as far as this house.
Mr. Richards stated that Mrs. O'Halloran was
not satisfied with the present occupant of the house,
who has an undertakers sign on the premises, and.
she was willing to make a change. He had this place
to rent to Mr. Rodgers.
Mr. Rodgers stated that he had no family;
that his attorney was George Stanley Harvey.
The Board decided to take the matter under
advisement and await such time as Mr. Rodgers
presents his agreement.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel in
regard to the claim of John E. Timothy for damages
to his car as a result of coming in contact with
John E.
a stone at the side of the road. where construction
work was going on by the Water Department, at the
corner of Adams and East Streets.
The Torn Counsel advised that the amount of
damages be found out, and he felt that if the
jury could come to the scene that probably they
would award damages. The Board seemed to have a
diffePence of opinion as to whether damages should
be paid to Timothy or not, and decided to leave
the matter until the Supt. of Public Works found out
the amount of damages to the car.
Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington
regarding the accident of Charles Brophy of
Bmahy accident
Waltham, and stated that the case woald go to Court.
It was therefore decided not to do anything
about the matter until such time as the case is
decided on at the Concord Court.
Mr. John F. Lovell of the Lovell Bus Lane Inc.
John F.Lovell
came before the Board with the request that he be
given permission to i stall a 500 gallon ,Tasoline
for 500
tank on the property owned by Mr. Richard Whittemore
gal. tank.
at the corner of Marrett Road and Lincoln Street,
this tank being for storage purposes only.
The permit having been granted for this
location for permission to store and sell 4000
gallons of gasoline at a previous date, and 2000
gallon tanks only having been installed, it was
decided to grant Mr. Lovell permission to install
a tank of 500 gallons on these premises, and same
to be included in the 4000 allon�zpermit formerly issued.
Application was received from the Lexington
Council K of C for rental of Cary Memorial
Hall on the evening of May 8,1930 until i A.M.,
for a musical comedy and dance.
It was decided to grant them the use of
the Hall at the reduced rate of 125 and $5
additional for V'e use of t_e hall for one hour
after midnight.
Plan having been received from Mr. Prendergast
showing the location of pumps upon his property at
t',e corner of Mass. Avenue and Fottler Avenue, and
the location being satisfactory to the Board, it was
voted to grant Mr. Prendergast a permit to increase
his gasoline tanks from "2500 to 5000 gallons of
gasoline, these tanks to be unclerground-
It was decided to approve the bill of the
Public Health Association sent in in detail for
the year 1929. $300. had been paid to the Public
Health Association in the year 1928 for that year.
Water. Commitment in the amount of p2338.81
was signed by the Board.
Petition for specific repairs on Woburn
Street from Utica Street to Lowell Street was
signed by the Board of Selectmen to be sent to
the Middlesex County Commissioners.
Application was received from the Battlegreen
Chapter, Order of DeMolay, requesting the use of
the Adams School plaaground on Saturday after-
noon between now and June 28, 1930.
It was voted to grant them the use of the
playground provided no other persons wanted the
The Clerk reported that the Town Counsel
stated that there was still some things that
were not approved by himself and the attorney
of the M.&.B.St.Rwy.Co. in the deeds prepared
for the B.&.M.R.R.Co. in connecti;n with the
purchase of the M.&.B.St. Rwy.Co. property.
It was decided to draw a warrant for a
town meeting, same to be held May 190 1930
It was decided to request the Chief of the
Fire Department to come before the Boar? next
Tuesday evening to discuss the matter of school
boys fighting forest fires, the Chief of the
Fire Department of Arlington havirk7 informed the
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen that he
thought that if the Town of Lexington discontinued
K of C
granted use
of Hall.
granted in-
crease in
Public Health
Assoc. bill.
Water Commit-
Woburn St.
request for
Adams School
Deeds to
co property.
Boys fighting
forest fires.
1.3 6
allowing boys to fight fires that here would
not be so many brush fires in the Town.
It was also decided to discuss with
Purchase of the Chief of the Fire Department the feasibility
land, corner of purchasing the triangular piece of land
Fletcher Ave. owned by Harry Aldrich and located at the
junction of Fletcher Avenue and Woburn Street
and bounded by the B.&.$k.R.R.Co. property.
Mr. Custance and Mr. Trask both presented
reports giving the preamble to the report of
Report on the Planning Board on Vine Brook drainage.
Vine Brook Features of both reports were approved by the
Drainage. Board, and it was decided to leave it to these
two members of the Board to draw up a final report
to be included in the report of the Planning Board
on Vine Brook drainage to the Town.
In regard to the application before the
Board of Robert L. Innis for permission to install
gasoline tanks in the capacity of 4000 gallons,
same to be located at the corner of Marrett Road
and `'chool Street, 'Mr. Custance made a report
Robert L.Innis that he had studied the proposed location of
application underground tanks and presented a map showing
refused. the location of the land and also its relatinn
to the triangular plot of land owned by Helen B.
Sarano. The land owned by H. �. Serrano extends
into the junction point of Marrett Road and
School Street, and therefore the property of Mr.
Inn._s has no actual frontage on the corner.
In view of the circumstances, the Board
therefore voted to give Cllr. Innis permission to
with -draw his application for gasoline at this
Mr. Custance presented the proposal for
water to the Middlesex County Hospital as follows:
April 30, 1930.
Middlesex County Commissioners
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Proposal, The Town of Lexington proposes to sell water
Water to to you for your new Hospital near the Waltham -
Middlesex Lexington line, off Walnut Street, for the sum of
Hospital. Fifteen Cents, ($.15) per 100 cubic feet, with
the understanding that you will guarantee to pay
the Town of Lexington 6% on the investment of
laying new water mains from the point near the top
of Liberty Heights to your property.
The amo7int of investment will be about Forty-
six thousand($46,000) Dollars.
It is also understood that the Town of
Lexington is to lay a 1Q" pipe from Concord
Avenue through Walnut Street to the property.
The Selectmen further agree to recommend
to the Town that this iob be'completed within
fifteen months from the date of signing the
If this meets with your approval, we wt31
submit the usual form of contract for your signature.
Very truly yours,
Board of Selectmen
Albert H. Burnham, Chairman,
The Board voted to send this proposal to
the Middlesex County Commissioners.
After considering regulations for barber
shops and beauty parlors, the Board voted that
Chapter 12 of the regulations of the Board of
Health of the Town of Lexington be and the same
hereby a1 amended by substituting therefore the
Board of Health - Town of Lexington
Voted that Chapter 12 of the Regulations of
the Board of Health of the Town of Lexington be
and the same hereby is amended by substituting
therefore the following:
1. All barber shops, beauty parlors or other
tonsorial establishments, together with all
furniture, equipment, tools, utensils, floors,
walls and ceilin,-s shall at all times be kept
in a clean and sanitary condition.. No part of such
shop or of an:r room or rooms opening directly into
such shop, shall be used for sleeping purposes, or
contain any bed or couch.
2. Continuous hot and cold_runnin7 water must be
provided in each establishment.
Barber shop
3. The head rest on each chair must be provided with
a clean towel or sheet of clean paper for each patron.
4. Two receptacles must be provided for each barber.
Used shaving papers must be deposited in one, and used
towels in the other.
11. Barbers who are afflicted with tuberculosis,
v nereal, parasitical or other communicable disease
must not practice the barber trade.
12. Barbers must not attempt to remove warts, moles
or ingrowing hairs, pimples or black heads or treat
any disease of the skin of a patron.
13. Extreme care must be taken bvr the barber, after
serving a patron with a skin disease or skin eruption,
to thoroughly cleanse his hands and implements of trade
in hot water and soap or other sterilizing solution.
His hands should be thoroughly cleansed after serving
a patron, and after handling money, and his finger
nails kept short and clean.
14. 'These regulations shall he posted in a conspicuous
place in every place of business to which they apply.
April 29, 1930 Theodore A. Custance
Hallie C. Blake
Clarenc e Shannon
The Board discussed again the letter from
the Chairman of the Planning Board regarding
roadside stands.
The Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter.
5. Cuspidors shall be cleaned every night
and a disinfectant solution left in them at
all times.
6. Mugs, brushes, razors, scissors, clippers,
tweezers, combs, rubber discs, and parts of
vibrators, and all other utensils and
appliances that come in contact with the head
or face must be immersed in boiling water for
at least two minutes, or in other satisfactory
disinfectant solution, and rendered aseptic after
each patron.
7. A towel that is used on a patron shall not
be used again on another patron until relaundered.
S. The use of powder puffs, finger bowls, Spon-Tes.,
styptic pencils, and lump alum is prohibited.
9. No shaving brush shall be used unless it bears
the trademark or name of the manufacturer.
10. Soaps, bay rum, face lotions, hair tonics, and
other toilet articles, and all solutions must be
of good quality.
11. Barbers who are afflicted with tuberculosis,
v nereal, parasitical or other communicable disease
must not practice the barber trade.
12. Barbers must not attempt to remove warts, moles
or ingrowing hairs, pimples or black heads or treat
any disease of the skin of a patron.
13. Extreme care must be taken bvr the barber, after
serving a patron with a skin disease or skin eruption,
to thoroughly cleanse his hands and implements of trade
in hot water and soap or other sterilizing solution.
His hands should be thoroughly cleansed after serving
a patron, and after handling money, and his finger
nails kept short and clean.
14. 'These regulations shall he posted in a conspicuous
place in every place of business to which they apply.
April 29, 1930 Theodore A. Custance
Hallie C. Blake
Clarenc e Shannon
The Board discussed again the letter from
the Chairman of the Planning Board regarding
roadside stands.
The Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter.
Delegation from the East Lexington
Improvement Association came before the Board
namely Frank E. Hudson, Francis J. Toye,
James E. McCarth;, Peter Delmonico, George
W. Nary, John Audick and Anthony Janusas.
Mr. Hudson spoke for the Improvement East Lexington
Society asking; that the corner of Charles Improvement
Street be widened and rounded off. He felt Society.
this could be done when Taft Avenue was f ixed.
They also wanted to have the corner of Oak Street
and Baker Avenue fixed, inasmuch as when it was
fixed last fall they put in a manhole and now
there is about 8" depression leaving a hole where
a pool of water stands.
The sign post at the comer of Baker and
Tucker Avenues is out in a field, and they would
like to have it put up.
They felt that some work should be done
at the corner of Baker Avenue and Oak Street
also, near the man -holed cover. They brought
this matter up for attention before, but nothing
had been done, and therefore they desired to
impress upon the Board the importance of having
this done, inasmuch as they hid made their request
two years ago.
They also felt that the corner of Oak
Street where the sewer was put in should have some
gravel put there.
Mr. McCarthy stated that there were a lot
of school children that came down Oak Street,
and he felt that something should be done
at the crossing of the road, either a police
officer should be placed there or J traffic lights.
The Board informed Mr. McCarth-r t1 -A traffic
lights could not be placed there, inasmuch as a
permit had to be received from the State, and
there had to be at least 125 cars per hour coming
out of the street, and it was very certain that
from Oak Street there were not that number of cars.
The Board requestztd the gentl&men to get the
exact number of school children that carne down
Oak Street to attend the high school and also
that attende:9 the grammar schools.
Suggestion was made that it might be possible
that sidewalks be built along the Wilson property
from Pleasant Stdeet to Oak Street. It was
felt that a -ravel sidewalk miht not be satisfactory
inasmuch as it would be muddy in the spring, and
it could not be certain whether or not Mr. Wilson
or the other abuttinrr owners would apply for a
granolithic sidewalk.
They felt that a Police officer might solve
the problem; the danger appeared to be from the
fact that there was a bad curve in the road and
automobilists were not aware of the junction at
Oak Street.
They felt that if it was necessary to
petition the w__ -ole East Village -they would do so
to get something done to protect the children
crossing Mass. Avenue at this point.
They also mentioned the fact that for
a time the Hadley Press with -held parking
on both sides of Oak Street, but they are now
violating that rule again.
The Supt. of Public Works called attention
to the fact that the Board of Selectmen have not
made regulations restraining parking on the
northerly side of Oak Street. The Board therefore
decided to amend the parkin,7 regulations to
read as follows: "Voted: That regulations
on traffic be amended to read as follows: "There
shall be no parking on the northerly side of
Oak Street a distance of 300 from Massachusetts
Avenue westerly."
The gentlemen present had no solution to
offer for the situation, but they felt that the
Board could study the condition and do something.
Mr. Delmonico and Mr. Audick desired to know
whether Tucker Avenue would be inserted in the next
warrant for acceptance. They explained that they
felt that the parties that objected to the layout
of Tucker Avenue should not have any objections,
because in most inst n ces their property had been
bettered by the layout of another street that had
been accepted, whereby their houses front on
that street.
They were informed that according to the
rule, 75% of the owners had not signed up
agreeing to pay the betterments, and for that reason
the Board voted to postpone the article at the
recent town meeting.
They urged that Tucker. Avenue be accented
at the next Town Meeting.
Traffic count.
The Supt. of Public Works was instructed to
get a count of the automobile traffic at Five Forks.
The plan for the extension of street across
Oakland Street was reviewed, but no action taken.
Mr. Trask agreed to represent the Board of
Selectmen at a hearing on the appeal from the
Pichette &
decision of the Board of Selectmen in the granting
Ahern garage.
of 'a penni_t to Pichette and Ahern at 851 Mass.
Avenue for an automobile repair shop.
It was decided to notify the American Oil Co.
and Russell
Bray to remove their signs which they
have in the highway on Marrett Road.
The Supt. of Public Works was instructed to
bring in the contract for aranolithic sidewalks
next week.
The following is"the weekly report of the
Supt. of Public Works.
For the week ending April 26, 1930.
' Highway Department.
The department continued the work of widening
the travelled way in Woburn Street and placed
gravel and crushed stone.
Started painting street crossing lines.
Surface patches were made in a number of streets.
Next week it is expected to complete the work
in Woburn Street and attend to the regular maintenance.
Moth & Shade Tree Debt.
Moth nests were treated with creosote in
Bedford Street, Forest,Street, the Town Woods
and playground.
Next week the department will trim and set
out trees.
Park Department.
The department attended to the regular maintenance
and will be occupied with this work next week.
Water and Sewer Department
Water Maintenance
Repaired leak at corner of Pleasant Street and
Mass. Avenue.
Two men have been painting hydrants.
Repaired three breaks in th-e water main in Concord
Hill caused by blasting.
Installed gardeVsepvice for Basa Brothers on
Haskell Street and a renewal for Locke on Oakland St.
Water Construction.
Made connection at Hinchey Road and Bedford
Street for 8" main in Hinchey Road.
Started 1001 extension of 6" main in Vaille Ave.
for Mr. McPhee, and laid about 75 feet.
Sewer Maintenance.
Sewer services installed as follows: Fletcher,
Independence Avenue; Ivarson, Cottage Street;
Wellington, Concord Hill (to curb.).
Park Department.
Laid about 300► 6" water pipe for skating rink.
The work contemplated for the week ending
May 10,1930 is as follows: Bowker Street water main;
water and sewer services, etc.
Engineering Department
Lines and grades and location of fixtures ,
at Five Forks .
Completed large plan of south central
portion of Lexington to "e used in drainage report.
Boundries of Arlington, Belmont, Burlington
and Winchester.
Grades for pipe line at skating rink.
Grades for floodlights at Lexington Trust Company.
Yours very truly,
William S. Scamman
Supt. of Public Works.
The meeting; ac3 journed at 12:25 A.M. '
A true copy, Attest:
C 1 erk .