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APRIL 15, 1930
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen
was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office
Building at 7;30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance,
Blake, Shannon and Trask were present. The Supt.
of Public Works and the Clerk were also present.
Town Counsel, Sydney R. Wrightington came
before the Board and discussed the matter of the
fiefusal of the Board to grant a license to
M. Floyd Rodgers as an Undertaker. Mr. Wrightington
stated that he found in one case in Cambridge
where a man had been refused a permit that
suit had been brought, and he advised that the
requirements for granting a license are contained
in General Laws, Chapter 114, section 49 as
amended by Chapter 242 of the _Acts of _192.6. He
stated that in the Cambridge_case it has-been
held that the refusal to permit a man to ply
his trade as an Undertaker_ violates the_Consti-
tutional right of liberty, unless _there is some
good reason for the refusal.
He stated that he was of the opinion that
the applicant must submit satisfactory evidence
before the license is granted, and that the Board
should have evidence satisfactory to them before
granting the permit. In refusing a permit.. the
Board'should state that they were not_satisfidd
with the evidence presented.
The Board discussed the matter and instructed
the TownCounsel to prepare a letter in reply to
the letter of Mr. Robert Holt, Attorney for Mr.
Rodgers, in which he asked the Board to state the
reasons why they .refused this permit.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel in
Sidewalk which he stated that in his opinion the sidewalk
bids. contract of last year could not be continued
inasmuch as the appropriation is made each year,
and the Board would have to advertise the bids.
The following bids were received on the
construction of granolithic sidewalks;
Hervey F. Armin ton, Inc.
Sidewalks'$.22 per sq. ft.
Ramps & Driveway $.26 per sq. ft.
Anthony Ross & Son.
Sidewalks $.25 per sq. ft.
Ramps & Driveways $.33 per sq. ft.
Bartlett J. Harrington
Sidewalks S.28 per sq. ft.
Ramps & driveways $.33 per sq. ft.
George H. Lowe & Company_
Sidewalks $.28 per sq. ft.
Ramps & Driveways $.35 per sq. ft.
Simpson Bros. Corp.
Sidewalks $.28 per sq. ft.
Ramps & Driveways $.35 per sq. ft.
A. A. Burgess
Sidewalks $.38 per sq. ft.
Ramps & Driveways $.48 per sq: ft.
The bid was awarded to Hervey_.F. Armington, Inc.
at their price of $.22 per sq. ft. for sidewalks and
$.26 per sq. ft. for ramps and driveways.
At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the
' application of A. M. Prendergast for permission
to increase the capacity of'hts gasoline tanks
located on the premises at the corner of Fottler
Avenue and Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. James M.
Prendergast appeared for his wife and presented a
sketch showing the intended location of the tanks
and pumps.
Daniel J. O'Connell asked whether or not
the Board was going to grant him a permit on
the information that he had presented.
Mr. Prendergast stated that the .reason he
asked for an increase in the capacity of the
tanks is that the business has increased so much
that five times their tanks have been dry and cars
have been in the yard and they were unable to
serve them. He stated that his three pumps are
now 301 from the line. He did not know whether
it was the sidewalk line or the street line, but
they were 30T back as required by the agreement that
he signed.
Mr. Daniel O'Connell asked the size of the lot.
Mr. Prendergast stated that it was 12,600 sq. ft.
in size. Mr. O'Connell asked whether or not there
was some arrangement whereby he was to grant the
Town some of the land. He stated that there was,
' whenever the Town gets around to take the land.
Mr. Prendergast stated that the tanks were at
least $Of from the street, the building was 55'
from the street. He stated that the tanks were
not under the pumps and they were not placed under
the station.
Mr. O'Connell stated that an increase
in the gallons of gas would increase the menace
in this locality, and he felt that there were
now enough gasoline tanks along that section
and that.if increase is made in all of the tanks,
later there might be an explosion.
Mr. G. F. Melick asked where the tanks were
to be located and was shown the sketch presented.
He stated that Mr. Prendergast had put in a tank
along the sidewalk.
Mr. Prender•past stated that this tank was
put in as a temporary affair and that it had
been there for about 7 months, but the tank would
be removed later, and that no pumps would be
put in in front of the 30►.
Mr. George F. Melick objected to the
increMse in the gasoline supply. He originally
objected to the granting of the permit in the
first instance and did not see why it was
granted when the whole neighborhood objected to it.
Mr. Prendergast stated that the immediate
abuttors did not have any objection to the
Application in the first instance.
When asked how many times Mr. Prendergast
had to -have the tanks filled, he stated that it
was hard to tell, he had the tanks filled that
afternoon and yesterday they were filled,, and
the reason he was asking for additional gasoline
was that the Beacon Oil Company were cutting down
in their help and were unable to give as good
service as they had in the past.
No other persons appeared to object and
the hearing was declared closed.
The Board discussed the application and voted
to lay the matter upon the table for one week and
in the meantime to request Mr. Prendergast to
bring in a plan rather than the sketch he presented.
were granted:
N. Y.
27 Mass. Ave.
Manor Crescent, Bedford St.
N. Y.
Waltham St. & Marrett Rd.
N. Y.
789 Mass. Ave.
Common Victuallers
Caroline A.Harrington &
Phoebe E. M. Hutchins 1661 Mass k.e.
Rufus W. Blake 1733 Mass. Ave.
Paul A. Eichorn 26 Hancock Street.
Innhold er.s .
The Russell House, W.E.Russell , 1505 Mass. Ave.
Ellis Timothy
Public Carriage.
Sunday Sales
George W. Claflin
Overhanging Signs.
Waltham Western Union Co.
Isadore J. Michelson
Sam B. Rome
Cor. No.Hancock St.
& Bedford St.
1736 Mass. Ave.
1808 Mass. Ave.
97 Mass. Ave.
It was voted not to grant Mrs. Jacob Bornstein
a Junk license inasmuch as she stated that it
woald not be used for three or four months.
It was voted not to grant a license to
David McPeake to do a Common Victuallers business,
April 19th inasmuch as they intend to do this
on private land according to their application
and it was voted therefore not to allow them
to do business in that location.
Mr. Frederick L.Emery came before the
Board to discuss the matter of Vine Brook
' drainage as did also Town Counsel, S. R. Wrightington.
Letter was read from Metcalf & Eddy directed to
Mr. Emery regarding Vine Brook d-ainage. Letter Vine Brook
was also reed from Mr. Emery regarding drainage Drainage.
and requesting that a Town McEting be called so
that it might be held on_the _same date as the after-
noon of the present Town Meeting, namely Aptil 28th,
at which time the Vine Brook drainage proposition
could he taken up in a more complete manner taking
in the whole proposition rather than just the south
branch of Vine Brook instead of just from the culvert
in Mass. Avenue down through Sherman Street.
Mr. Emery read a report which he had prepared
to present to the Town Meeting and which was to
be printed with the Metcalf & Eddy report and
circulated among the Town Meeting Members.
Mr. Wrightingtbn presented a letter giving
his opinion as to the liability of the Town in
suffering a suit of damages from the present '
condition of Vine Brook, inasmuch, as Mr. Ryder
had brought up the point that he_felt_theTown
could be sued for damages to his property.
Mr. Emery and Mr. Wrightington discussed
the possiblity of and construction_work and the
betterments. Mr. Emery stated that he felt Mr.
Ryder would be perfectly willing to go into an
agreement to accept the betterments with respect
to work done on the laterals, but he did not know
about the trunk line, and it was also understood
that he would not enter into an agreement unless
other owners were likewise assessed.
Mr. Custance reported having received
a letter from Newton in which they did not advise
assessing betterments owing to the inability
to collect them. He stated that he understood that there
were other towns that did not advise the assess-
ment of bet�erments for this reason.
Mr. Wrightin gton was requested to communicate
with other towns to see what their experience was
regarding this matter.
Mr. Wrightington explained to the Board
about the new law and amendment to the Better-
ment Act whereby the Board could file a petition
in the Superior Court, filing the same sort of
papers that were filed in the Registry of Deeds;
the abuttors are then obliged to go into Court
and it would be determined whether there are any
damages or not, and whether the assessment of
betterments is correct or not. The Town will
have to pay Engineering fees_ and if they start
out under this section they will have to go through
with it, but at the end of the time the matters
will be determined by the Court before any con-
struction work is entered upon.
Mr. Custance explained thrlt In his opinion
he thought the trunk line drainage could be
assessed but the rest of the drainage should be
put in by agreement with the owner.
Mr. Burnham expressed the opinion that in
some instances he felt that the farming lands
might be injured rather than bettered by lowering
the brook, inasmuch as some of the land is only
suitable for raising, crops_ when it is moist,
and if the moisture is taken out_of the land
it will leave a peat foundation.
The Board discussed the matter of calling in
various owners of property that would b•e affected
by the drainage to see what their opinion would be
in regard to the affect upon their property..
Mr. Emery expressed the opinion that the
Town should act under this new law and that would
then satisfy the question brought up by Mr. Worthen
on betterments.
The Town Engineer presented figures showing
the estimate of the cost of construction work on
Vine Brook as 55,000.00. These figures were
considerably less than the figures presented
by Metcalf & Eddy, and the Town Engineer was there-
fore requested to check up with Metcalf & Eddy to
see that there is no misunderstanding in regard
to the figuring of the estimates.
Opinion was rendered by the Town Counsel
to the effect that none of the votes taken at
Town Metting are effective until five days after
the final adjournment of the meeting and for this
reason it would be well hereafter to issue a warrant
Permission was granted to William J.Marshall
acting for the East Lexington Catholic Church
to have a Sunday entertainment on May 4, 1930
in Cary Memorial Hall to raise funds for the
Church. Requet was also made for the reduced
rate for the use of Cary Hall on that evening.
Opinion re
votes, Town
Delay in
work, Mass. Av4
C.W.Childs re
gasoline pump.
Request for
Sunday enter-
only for the routine matters of the town, and
to have a separate warrant for the new
in which he stated that there was an overndraft
construction work to be done.
At the present time, the School Depart-
Forest Fire
ment will not be ready to report on their article
agreed to insert an article in the next warrant
on the purchase of land for a school house
until May, and unless this present.warrant__is
adjourned, the Board cannot legally_ proceed
Notice was received of a meeting at the
State House, Room 24, April 22, 1930 at 10:30 A.M.
on the constriction of Massachusetts Avenue.
It was decided therefore to finish up
re gasoline.
the articles in the present warrant and to
Notice was received from the Supt. of the
indefinitely postpone any other articles which
could not be acted upon until a later date,
and to draw a new warrant for a Town Meeting.
Mr. F. C.-.Rogere for an extension of a water
It was decided not to draw this warrant until
a later date, giving an opportunity to finish
up the present business on hand,
It was decided to find out from the
Coi.►tractor if it would be agreeable not to start
construction work until a later date than con-
templated on Massachusetts Avenue.
Mr. Calvin W. Childs came before the Board
to find out if the Board desired him to file
an insurance policy to cover the pump which
stands in the gutter at the.edge__of his
property and on Town property, for which
he has held a permit for the past ten years.
Mr. Childs stated that he already carried
public liability insurance on his property,
to an extent greater than was required by the
Town, but he was informed that he should file
a statement with the Town which would cover the
Town and himself, of $1000 property damage.
Permission was granted to William J.Marshall
acting for the East Lexington Catholic Church
to have a Sunday entertainment on May 4, 1930
in Cary Memorial Hall to raise funds for the
Church. Requet was also made for the reduced
rate for the use of Cary Hall on that evening.
Opinion re
votes, Town
Delay in
work, Mass. Av4
C.W.Childs re
gasoline pump.
Request for
Sunday enter-
Letter was received from the Town Accountant
in which he stated that there was an overndraft
Overdraft in
in the Forest Fire Dept. account. The Board
Forest Fire
agreed to insert an article in the next warrant
calling for an appropriation for this account.
Notice was received of a meeting at the
State House, Room 24, April 22, 1930 at 10:30 A.M.
State House
relative to the handling and sale of gasoline.
re gasoline.
Notice was received from the Supt. of the
Water and Sewer Dept. of an application from
Mr. F. C.-.Rogere for an extension of a water
Request for pipe in Homestead and Bellflower Streets.
water pipe, This matter was referred to the Supt.
Homestead of Public Works to find out whet the cost of
& Bellflower the extension would be and report to the
Streets. Board at their next meeting.
Letter was received from D. J. O1Connell
in which he stated that it was his intention
to appeal the decision of the Board of Selectmen
Appeals on the granting of a license to Pichette & Ahern
from decisionto maintain a garage for the repairing of
of Board, automobiles and the sale of gasoline at 851 Mass -
re Pichette achusetts Avenue. He also called attention to
& Ahern the fact that the parties opposing this application
garage* had not received any notice that the permit had
been granted.
Letter was also received from the TownCounael
in which he stated that he did not know of any
Town Counsels law that required the opponent to be notified of
opinion re any decision but that he thought as a matter of
appeal. politeness that in the future the Board could
notify their opponents of their decision and if
they desired to appeal they could do so.
Pichette & Report was received from the Building Inspector
Ahern garage. in which he stated certain thin�7s that had been
done at the Pichette and Ahern garage at 851
Massachusetts Avenue.
Information regarding salaries in various
Salaries. Towns was referred to Mr. Trask for his consideration.
The Tercentenary Committee desired to have
some of the settees and furniture_ in the storage
Furniture in space in the Cary Memorial Building. This they
storage. were granted.
It was decided to keep enough of this
furnisute so that the Public Works Department at
North Lexington will be completely furnished. The
report shoved six desks available and possibly the
two desks now on hand at the water garage.
Application was received for a pig permit
from Ernest K. Ballard of Wood Street, Lexington.
pig permit.
It was decided to lay this application on
the table until such time as the Health
Inspector makes a report on various applications.
Bill was presented for services rendered
by the Public Health Association for 1928 and 1929
Public Health
in the amount of $107.25.
Assoc. bill.
The Board felt that this bill for services
was very delinquent and decided to request an
itemized bill for each year. There was a question
as to whether or not there was enough money in
the Board of Health account to carry through the
year, owing to the great number of scarlet fever
cases that were hospitalized during the year.
Information regarding salaries in various
Salaries. Towns was referred to Mr. Trask for his consideration.
The Tercentenary Committee desired to have
some of the settees and furniture_ in the storage
Furniture in space in the Cary Memorial Building. This they
storage. were granted.
It was decided to keep enough of this
furnisute so that the Public Works Department at
North Lexington will be completely furnished. The
report shoved six desks available and possibly the
two desks now on hand at the water garage.
Mr. Blake stated that the better desks
were worth $15. and the poorer ones $10.
each for sales that might be made.
Mr. Wrightington was requested to get the
deed prepared on the Ringland property to
Ringland deed.
the Town so that this transaction might be
Mr. Bustance reported that the contract
Bid, Mass. Ave
for the construction of Massachusetts Avenue
was awarded to Mr. John Iafolla & Son at
the sum of $49,013.40.
Mr. Custance reported that it was very
evident that Mr. Anderson was not ready to
go through with the proposition of purchasing
Purchase of
part of the M.&.B.St.Rwy.Co. property, inasmuch
as he could not get financial backing. Mr.
Custance has been investigating Mr.Anderson
and reported that Mr. Anderson had purchased
several trucks from the Federal Company of Boston,
and.this Company Was to send him a letter of re-
commendation regarding Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson stated that he would rent
the property at the sum of $1200 a year. Mr.
Custance felt that this proposition would be a
good one for the Town.
It was decided that the Board would have to
go through with the proposition of purchasing
of all of the property, and that stakes would
have to be put in showing the new dividing line.
Mr. Custance called the attention of the
Supt. of Public Works to the fact that the
Traffic lights.''
traffic lights have not been lowered as yet
and also that the bumper fence on Mass. Avenue
has not been removed and placed on Follen. Road.
Mr. Custance ggreed to communicate with
Doors of Town
Mr. E. H. Mara in regard to having the doors
Offices painted,
and rails of the Town Office Building painted.
Mr. Custance stated that he had secured a
Autoiwbile for
Rolls Royce through Mr. Carl Tarbell for use in
19th of April
the Saturday morning parade.
The Supt. of Public Works was also
requested to secure information on the cost of
construction of Dexter Road for the next meeting
Dexter Rd.
of the Board.
Dr. Shannon,called attention to the
condition of the sidewalk in front of the Cary
Cary Memorial
Memorial Library and requested that the Supt.
of Public Works make arrangements to fix it when
additional money is secured for granolithic
Commitment of water charges in the amount
of $607.05 was signed by the Board. Commitment
of sewer charges in the amount of $428.63 was
also signed by the Board.
The following is the weekly report of the
Supt. of.Public Works:
For the week ending April 12, 1930.
Highway Department.
The department cleaned the streets, gutters,
dumps, etc. in preparation for April 19th.
Street surfaces were patched with bituminous
material and several outlying streets were
graded and rolled.
Work of widening the travelled way in Woburn
Street w as continued.
Next week the department will be occupied with
regular maintenance, the widening of Woburn Street
and surface patching.
Moth & Shade Tree_Dept.
Gypsy moth nests were treated with creosote
on bass. Ave., and Lowell Street.
A number of trees on the Common were trimmed. '
Next week the work of cleaning the moth
nests will be continued.as_it is necessary.that
this work should be done before warm weather sets in.
Park Department.
Regg_ilar maintenance work was attended to this
week and will occupy the department next week.
Water & Sewer Department
Water Maintenance.
Water services have been installed as follows:
Rogerson, Homestead Street; Whittemore, c6r. Lincoln
St. and Parrett Rd; renewal for Comley, oor. Grant
& Sherman Sts. Repaired leak in service to the
Lexington Trust Co.
Water Construction.
Completed the extension_on_Homestead Street,
and a total of 2251 of 6" water pipe has been
We have Laid a total of 425' 12" pipe in
East Street. This job_ is not complete due to the
fact that work was started on Hinchey Road
and required all the help available. The East
Street extension will be completed within the next
' ten days.
The Hinchey Road extension has been completed,
a total of 1524, of pipe has been laid.
Sewer Construction.
We have laid approximately 501 of sewer pipe
off of Massachusetts Avenue in Cedar Street.
Sewer Maintenance.
We have connected Kelley & Bowker on
Massachusetts Avenue with the main sewer.
The work contemplated for the week ending
A,oril 26th is as follows: completion of East Street
extension; water and sewer services. We started
the installation of a sewer service for W.E.Leighton
on Tower Street Monday, April 14th, 1930.
Engineering Department
Line stakes on Waltham Street beyond Forest
Street and at Concord Avenue.
Line stakes at "Five Forks" fronting gasoline
Survey of Valley Road from Bedford Street to
Inspection of Vine Brook Culverts.
Made plan shwwing ownership of lots at Colonial
Heights for County Office.
Continued Hill Street - Mass. Avenue topo.
Yours very truly,
William S. Scamman
Supt. of Public Works.
The meeting adjourned at 12 M.
A true record, Attest: