HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-04-08n 1 1'. SELECTMEN'S MERTING April 81 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Town Office Building, Selectmen's Room, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Blake, Custance and Trask were present. The Supt. of Public Works and.the Clerk were also present. The Board voted to grant the following over- hanging sign permits: Forrest E. King Ferri Nurseries Mike & Christy Hallos Caroline A. Harrington Colonial Uarage Colonl l uarage H.P.Hood & Son, Inc. 1745 mass. Ave. ?;lass. Ave. at Bow St. 1761 Dass. Ave. 1661 Mass. Ave. 34 Bedford St. 1668 Mass. Ave. 1719 Mass. Ave. Overhanging Sign Licenses. The petition of the N.E.Tel. & Tel, Co. for New Eng. Tel. relocation of one pole on Lincoln Street was granted. & Tel. It was voted to grant the .following licenses: Licenses. Alcohol Jenney Mfg. Co. Marrett Rd. & Waltham St. Common Victuallers John W. & Agnes h. Cassidy Edward Crouch Joseph Breck & Sons, Corp. Ashlev W. Partridge Grace J. S. Palmer Ashley T;?. Partridge Ice Cream Innholder 1715 mass. Ave. :316 Marrett Rd. Mass. Ave. at Munroe Station. 1709 Mass. Ave. 1849 Mass: Ave. Hear 316 marrett Rd. *clary G. Mullen & Mary G. Walsh 283 Mass. Ave. Public Carriage A. A. marshall & Son Inc. 1844 vlass. Ave. Thomas m. Montag3e 33 Waltham St. Undertaker Thomas m. Montague James Y. McCarthy 33 Waltham. St. 60 Redford St. c 104 M.F.Rodger refused license. Application was received from Mr. M. Flo7d Rodgers for an undertakers'_ license to do business at 33 `iraltham Street. Three letters of recommendation were received from "._G. Cressinger of_r'ellows & Son Inc., H. A. Knight. of Boston Hoven tiose a Rubber Co., and from _George H. Harvey of Harvey, Campbell, McLean a u'Keffe. The board however, voted not to grant a license to Mr. Rodgers to be an undertaker in the Town of Lexington. r "17 l� 1 I 1 Town Counsel, S. R. ti►rightington, came before the Board relative to Vine Brook drainage and stated that Mr. Emery had asked him to pass upon some Vine Brook questions that were asked at the Town meeting regarding the liability of the Town on assessments. He stated that the farther he read into the matter of assessments, he realized that th=re was a great deal to it, and presented a letter asking for various information regarding the present. construction of Vine Brook. The matter of purchasing the M. & B. St. Rwy. Co._ property= was also taken up with the Town M.&.B.St.Rwv. Counsel and inasmuch as the proposition that Mr. co.property. Richards is interested in has not ,yet gove forward, the Board considered the possiblity of purchasing the whole of the property and decided to take the matter up with the M & B. St. Rwy..Co. -Report was received from the Health Inspector regarding the case of Frank Canisius that was taken Canisius to Court by him. He stated that Mr. Canisius application was fined $10. for violating the Board of Health refused. Regulations in aonne.etion_with collecting garbage without a permit. He also reported that he had seen Mr. Canisius on April .5th transporting garbage after having been fined on April 4th, and Mr. Canisius agreed to apply for a p3rmit. After considering Mr. Canisius' application the Board voted. not to grant him a permit for the transportation of garbage in the,Town of Lexington. The Health Inspector stated that on April 4 he entered a complaint against 11illiam J. Leant, Vine Street for transporting garbage without a permit, Win, J.Leary and this complaint was returnable on April 7th. refused No written application for a permit to transport permit. garbage was received from Mr. Leary, but he applied to the Supt. of public Works for permission to collect garbage at the Russell House. After discussing the matter, the Board decided not to grant 4r. Leary a permit to transport garbage in the Town. r "17 l� 1 I 1 The Leonard K. Dunham case was discussed, ' and the Board decided that rather than _instruct the Town Counsel to settle this case, they would let it go to trial. The Public Health Association requested that the hoard of Health send to the Sharon Camp for a period of eight weeks Evelyn Videtti, age 18, A 105 L. K. Dunham case to trial. an Katherine Delfino, age 12.. Children to These children are children of tubercular Camp Sharon. parents, and having been examined show signs of tuberculosis and need rest and care. It is the Intention of the Public Health Association to send several other children, and they felt that the Board of health might take care of these two children as their part of the pr6gram. The Board voted to send these two ch_7dred to camp at Sharon at the rate of $10. a week each. The Clerk reported that Dr. James J. "falsh owner of a house on Redfor0 treet, reported in con- nection with the stagnant water In back of the Stagnant water Whitely house that he -fejt the Tewksbury Brook back of Dr. back of these properties needed cleaning out, and to Walsh's. his knowledge had not been cleaned out for .16 years. He felt if t}lis were done the water table in this territory would be lowered so that the water could not back up. Mr. Custance agreed to meet Tsr. Scamman Friday and go over the situation surrounding the brook. The Board discussed the barber shoo regulations .in the City of Boston and decided to adopt regu- Barber shop lations similar to these applying to the Town of regulations. Lexington. It was decided to find out if these regulations could be applied also to beauty parlors. Invitation was received from Captain Edward L. Child, Chairman of the April 19th Committee, i_n which he invited the board to ride in the morning; April 19th parade on April 19th and also to review the parade parade. from the reviewing stand in the afternoon. Capt. Child wished to know if someone could not supply them with an automobile to ride in in the parade. The Board discussed the matter andd ecided to ride in the parade and 'fr. Custance was to endeavor to secure an automobile for the parade. Mr. Custance stated that he would provide the revie,ving stand if the hoard agreed to review the parade from the ftry Memorial Building grounds. The hoard 'decided to dress in formal dress for the occabion. 106 r It was voted to appoint Hobert P. Trask as 'tercentenary Tercentenary a member of the Committee. It was also voted to appoint John J.Garrity as a member of this committee at the request of ar. Harold B. Lamont, Chairman. ' Contracts, Contracts for the aerial survey were received Aerial Sur- fro -vi the Fairchild Aerial Surveys !no. Vey. Application was received from Robert L. Innis for permission to install four one thousand gasoline Robert L. tanks at the coener of School Street and Barrett Road. Innis The Roard decided to request that plans be sent in application. showing the lot and the location of the building . thereon before taking any action on advertising the application. Notice was received that the bids on the con- struction of Massachusetts Avenue from riarrettnoad to Lincoln Street are to be opened at the Public 'Vorks Department, State liouse, Room 417,, on April 15, at 12 noon. Construction, Notice was received from the State Dept. of Mass. Avenue. Public Works that they would allot the sum of $20,000 under the provisions of Sec. 34, Uhapter 90 of General Laws to cover one-third of the cost of constructing Massachusetts tivenue, but they would not pay the excessive cost of Bermudez asphalt over the cost of oil asphalt. It was decided that with the allowance made by the State and County that Massachusetts Avenue could probably be constructed to Cedar Street. The Supt, of Public `'forks was therefore instructed to fix Massachusetts_ Avenue from Cedar Street to _Lincoln Street inasmuch as the sewer connections were now almost completed, and the road is in a very bad condition. Notice was also received from the Dept. of Public "forks that they would allot the sum of $1000 for the Concord Ave. repair and maintenance of Concord Avenue on condition '. allotment, that life amounts be contributed by the Town and County. The Board voted to instruct the Town Engineer to Burlington make a study of Burlington Street from North Hancock Street. Street to Grove Street for the purpose of relocating said street. Notice was received from -G. H. Delano, Maintenance Engineer of the Dept. of Public miorl-s, in which he Markere asked permission to place markers on automobile route for Route #128. #128. The Board voted to grant permission to the State I to erect these markers. Letter was received from Mr, A. A. Ross Supt, of '.".pater & Sewer Dept, in which he stated that the cost of extending the 12" water. ' main in Massachusetts Avenue from Wood Street to 3058 Massachusetts Avenue, a distance of 3500' would be $p13,500. The Board decided that the expense involved would be too excessive to warrant the extension of this water main where there are so few water takers and voted not to extend the water in this location, realizing that the water can be extended in Massachusetts Avenue without breaking the surface of the street that is going to be laid very soon. 1 Commitment of water guaranty charges in the amount of ?4474.40 was signed by the tsoard. The Clerk reported on the accident of miss Ellen Harrington, 11 Curve Street, which occurred on Saturday evening about opposite the H. P. Hood stores. ?rJhile Miss Harrington was walking from the sidewalk to the street to enter. a car, her heel caught in a defect in the highway, and she was thrown to her knees badly bruising both knees and tearing her silk stockings. Miss Harrington was unable to attend work and probably will be unable to go to work for at least one week. She does not receive any pay for the first week she is out, namely $23. The Roard decided to settle the claim and Instructed the clerk to keep in touch with the situation, feeling that probably the Claim could be settled for $50. or less. 107 Water mlin, 'Hood St. to 3058 Mas Ave. refused. Water Commit- ment signed. Accident of Miss E,Harring- ton. The Clerk reported the case of an eldarly gentlemen by the name of John Cray who has lived at the home of Missnu e Nhitney Smith for the past nine ,years and has not redeived any pafor four or five ,years. He was born in Italv and has been a resident of this country for 3S years although not a citizen; he being 76 ,years old, Miss Smith stated that she did riot feel that she could afford to keep hirr but then on the other hand, she would not turn him out to go on his own resources and she asked if the Town would pay his board to her.p The Board decided to pay the board, in the amount of 47.00 per week to Miss Smith, not allowing any clothing for this amount, inasmuch as board can be received fnr him at Tewksbury or an Alas Neuss for $7.00 ner week includi s1 thi Board of John Gay to be paid to Miss Smith, ngo ng and Medical care, 108 The Board considered the bill of Roy D. Young, M.D. for care rendered to Mr. Joseph Langley who resides in Bedford, but who had employed Dr. Young to care for him previous to the Town Langley rendering an aid in this case. The bill ' Bill. amounted to 1304. The Board felt that inasmuch as Mr. Langley had employed the physician, that they should not allow more than $100 in the case and also that the clerk of the Welfare Department should make other arrangements for medical care for this man. The schedule of salaries of the women - Salaries. clerks in the office was presented to the Board* It was left with Mr. Trask to investigate salaries paid in other places and make a recommendation to the Board regarding same. Letter was written to Metcalf & Eddy at the request of the Planning Board, asking for the services of Mr. Raymond who will make the Survey of necessary aurvey of Vine Brook area below Sheridan Vine Brook Street, and to give a report of the probable Area. extent of flooding that may be expected from the proposed lowering of the brook under Massachusetts Avenue and the Railroad; the cost of ppening up the brook to prevent such over -flow and the extent to which that area would be improved. Letter was received from the Stanley Hill ' Stanley Hill Post, American Legion for permission to erect Post request a temporary sign 3► x 5r on the plot of ground denied. in front of the depot, for the purpose of ad- vertising the Annual Patriot's Day Dance. The Board voted not to grant the request. Letter was received from the Supt. of Rhe Water Dept. in which he stated that he received Extension a petition from Ernest E. MacPhee for the extension of approximately 1001 of water pipe of Water pipe in Vaille Avenue to supply water to two houses in Vaille Ave. which he has built. The estimated cost of such . extension was Wo, The Board voted to authorize the Supt.of the Water Department to make this extension. Letter was received from Calvin W. Childs in which he stated that he did not believe he C.W.Childs had any sign overhanging the sidewalk. gas pump in The report of the Building Inspector on highway. overhanging signs was that a gasoline pump owned by Mr. Calvin W. Childs stands in the highway and it was decided to inform Mr. Childs that he ' would have to comply with the Rules and Regulations regarding advertising devices and other like structures. 1 n 1 Mr. Blake reported that the Lexington Trust Company desired to have a granolithic sidewalk in front of their premises on Massachusetts More money in Avenue and on Muzzey Street. sidewalk acct. The Supt. of Public Works reported that additional money would have to be transferred to the granolithic sidewalk account inasmuch as so many applications had been received. Attention was also called to the fact that A. A. Marshall Mr. Arthur A. Marshall desired a granolithic requmt for walk. sidewalk in front of his premises, adjoining the property of the Lexington Trust Company. The Sunt. of Public Works' Attention was called t6 the following matters: That the sign at the corner of Forest & Clarke Streets was on the piazza of Louis L. Cronets house; The brook in the vicinity of Winthrop Road needs some cleaning; The dump oti the property of Mr. Blake on Waltham Street also needs cleaning and signs prohibiting dumping of refuse; To start the drainage on Audubon Road immediately so that the work of fixing up Hastings Park can be completed. Mr. Custance called attention to the fact that many persons cannot hear from various places in the Cary Memorial Hall, and that perhaps amplifiers might remedy the situation. It was decided to write to James Stuart Smith, Chairman, Trustees of the Isaac Harris Cary Fund, and ask him whether or not amplifiers could be provided. The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works: - For the week ending April 5, 1930. Highway Department. The work of widening Hill Street was continued this week and is now in such condition that the department may go onto other maintenance work and return to this job bter in the season. The grader and roller scraped and rolled Westview Street, Reed Street, Old County Rd. and North St. Surface patches were made with bituminous mixture on a number of streets. Next week the department will be occupied with regular maintenance work. Supt. ta attention called to various matters. Amplifiers, Cary Mem. Bldg. Supt. of Public Works report. 110 Moth & Shade Tree Dent. l' Moth nests were treated with creosote in Hastings ' Park, Lincoln Street and Mass. Avenue. Trees on the Common were trimmed. A number of trees from which the limbs had been removed were pulled down, a contractor having been hired to attend to that part of the work. Next week the regular work of the department will be carried on. Park Department. The regular maintenance work was attended to last week. Next week the regular work will be attended to and the grounds will be made ready for April 19th. Water & Sewer Department. Water Maintenance. Installed water service for Mr. Tibbetts on Eliot Road. Water Construction Hauled pipe to East Street, Homestead_ Street, and Hinchey Road for extensions. Moving hydrants back on Hill Street. Sewer Maintenance. Working on sewer connections to curb_ on Concord Hill. Services installed for the following: Balmer, 7 Sheridan Street; Tibbetts, Eliot Road. Work contemplated for the week ending April 18th is as follows:- extension of the 121 main in East Street and of the 8" main in Adams Street; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering Department Highways. Spent a day thru'old Town Records to ascertain status of "Old Shade Street". Dutnage . With J. W. Raymond of Metcalf & Eddy made complete investigation of Vine Brook from Hayes Land to outlet at Burlington. Completed Vine Brook Plan with owners. Miscellaneous. Took stump pictures of trees removed near Common. ' Staked out Robbins Park. Figured length of radius curbs. Started preliminary sketches for granolithic sidewalks. Park time of Wood Street survey. Work on topo between Hill Street and Mass. Avenue. Yours very truly, William S. Seaman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjozrned at 11:10 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 1 (?,: Clerk.