HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-02-1861 SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 18, 1930. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Custance, Chamberlain and Shannon were present. The Supt. of Public ~'Works 'and the Clerk were also present. The Board signed application for peddlerts license Peddler's for Charles Fisher, Curve St., to peddle vegetables license to within the' limits of the Town of Lexington. C. Fisher. ' The Board also signed peddler's license for Willard Peddlerts Swinimer, Spring Road, Bedford, to peddle within the license to limits of the Town of Lexington. N.Swinimer. 1 u Notice of a hearing to '-.e held at the County Commissionerts Office on February 21, 1930 at 10 A.M. was called to the attention of the isoard. The Board granted a pool room license to J. J. Carroll, 17 Mu.zzey Street, Lexington, for the balance of the license year, to May 1, 1930. Commitment of miscellaneous water charges in the amount of $468.12 was signed b the Board; also Commitment of miscellaneous sewer charge's in the amount of $165.14. Hearing at County Com. Office. Pool license granted. Water sewer Mis- cellaneous charge com- mitment. Letter was received from Nelson J. Bowers offering his resignation as a member of the Planning board, to Resignation take effect when Mr. Edgar F. Scheibe is elected to N.J.Bowers. that office, March 3, 1930. The Board acknowledged his resignation., Letter was received from Harold B. Lamont, Chairman of the Tercentenar:, Committee, in which he named three new members for the commttee to be appointed, namely, Albert A. Ross, Russell 1. Prentiss and William R. S. Eaton, also Geroge S. Barton as Chairman of the committee in charge of publicity. Letter was received from Kepresentative Gerome E. - Briggs ack3mowledging the letter of the Board asking, him to favor house bill #918 which allows reimbursement to cities and. towns for the care of sick, poor persons. Mr. Briggs stated that until he had heard the arguments on the Bill, he felt that the additional amount to be paid b= towns like Lexington, or the difference between $10.50 and $20. per week would not affect the Town but if it were_placed upon the State, it would materially affect•the State tax. Letter was received from Frank T. Hines, Director, Suggested names for Terecen- tenary. House Bil #918. 62 U. S. Veterans' Bureau, in: which he confirmed the Veterans' telegram forewarded to the Board advising that the Bureau. Bureau would not be interested in'the Town of Lexington supplying water to the Veterans' Hospital at Bedford at this time. ' The following bids were received for the printing of the ballots for the annual Town election: Hadley Press, bid on 4400 ballots and . Bids on 100 specimen ballots folded, $75.00 ballots. Mercury Printing Co. bid on 4400 ballots and folded and banded in lots of 100, 110.00 The Board decided to accept the bid of the Hadley Press, he being the lowest bidder. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Bridget Leary for permission to install underground gasoline tanks in the capacity Leary gas- of 5000 gallons at the corner of Massachusetts oline fill- Avenue and Fletcher Avenue. Mrs. Bridget Leary ing station was present, together with her attorney, Mr. J. Warren, denied. Killam, Jr. of Melrose Mr. Killam explained that Mrs. Leary intended to remove the house at present upon the location., and take down the banking, putting the station in on the lot. The tanks would be placed underneath the granolithic drives. He stated that there was 9480' in the lot. He also stated that the cost of the ' building contemplated would be, exclusive of equipment, apporximately $16,000, and that the corner would then be open. He presented pictures showing what the proposed building would look like. Mr. Daniel J. O'Connell came after the hearing was declared closed, but stated that he wished to f. register his objection, inasmuch as he felt that,thle character of the Avenue with the group of Town Buildings so attractive should not be impaired by a filling station located so near. The Board considered the application of Mrs. Leary and voted to deny Ithe same. At 8:15 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Daniel J. O'Connell for permission to install under -round gasoline tanks in the capacity of 5000 gallons at to Woburn Street. .Mr. QAponnell was present in favor of the --petition and nApersons appeared against it. A letter was received from . Mar; A. Mullen on behalf of her'mother who owns the adjoining property who objected to the permit being granted. The Board discussed with Mr. O'Connell the layout ' of the street which is intended to start at Hancock Street,acroos Oakland Street, thence across to Sherman Street to Ha --es Lane and b']oburn Street, which will take a portion of Mr. O'Connellfs property. Mr. O'Connell felt that if too much of his land is taken, he would not have suffici6nt land ";to.locate a filling ' station upnn, and still keep the house on the property, which he feels is valued at +;;13500. He desired to k6ep the house'at the present time. Mr. Custance informed Mr. OtConnell that the Planning Loard were working on the layo ut of the street and he expected to have a report from them. at an early date. It was voted to lay the application of D. J. O'Connell for a filling station upon' the: table for one week. The Board voted to appoint the following as the April 19th Committee: Edward L. Child, Arthur F. Tucker and Fletcher 111. Taft. The bids were received on the 502000 water construction loan at 4r%.as follows: Faxon Gade & Co., 100.711 Lexington Trust Co. 100.9509 Estabtook & Company 100.83 63 D.J. OtConnells filling; station April 19th Committee, At 8:20 P.M. -hearing was declared open on the application of the N.E.T.&.T. Co. f'or permission N.E.T.&.T.Co. t to install a conduit on Massachusetts Avenue at granted Conduit the junction of Lincoln Street and Stratham Road. location. Mr. Charles Bent of the Telephone Co. appeared in favor of the petition. Ito persons appeared against it and it was voted to grant the petition. The Board decided to approve the bills for Board approves printing the notices of meetings of precinct members bill for to elect Town_ Meeting Members, inasmuch as the precinct matter had been taken -up with the State Accountants meetings. and they stated that the bills could be paid by the `Down. Notice of the passap_;e of the bill for widows Annuity for of policemen and firemen, killed_ on duty, authoriz- widows of ing the Town to pay�tb them $1000 annuity with an_-.. firemen & additional $100 for each ohild under eighteen years policemen. of age was received by the Board. Mrs, D. F. Ross, stated that she desired to fix the curtains in the Cary Memorial Hall so that they would not become faded and have'to be replaced. She stated that there would be no charge to the Town for this work. ' The Board authorized Mrs. Ross to do the work, and thanked her for her interest in the matter. In response to the letters sent by the Board to Mr. James M. Prendergast and Mr. A. C. Mullen, Mr. Mrs. D.F.Ross re request to fix curtains. Im Mullen and Mr, John E. Kelley both came before the Prendergast Board, Mr. Kelley representing the Prendergast and. Mullen filling station, and agreed that they would homply filling with the request of the -,oard to move back their stations. pumps and to remove their signs that were objectionalbe. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For the week ending February 18, 1930. Highway Department. The work on Woburn Street was continued and is very nearly completed in so far as the retaining wall near Utica Street is concerned, some work to do in cleaning up and finishing the entrances to several drivewa�s. ecause of Icyconditions'. it was necessary to sand sidewalks and streets.. The department has obtained a sand spreader for sanding streets and to distribute pea stone which will speed up this kind of work as well as saving a large amount of material. Next week the regular maintenance work will be attended to as well as some work on Hill Street and. finishing Woburn Street until the`wideninr: of the roadway can oe done. Moth & Shade Tree Dept. The Department has treated the moth nests with creosote in the Town Woods and Tower Park and will be occupied with this work next week. Park Department The rer:ular maintenance work has been attended to and will occupy the department next week. Engineering Department. Hi ghwarnys . Grades established for Smith, Tucker and Taft Avenue and Bertwell Road. Stud;,, of lines and grades on Oakland Street extension. Lines and grades on Baker avenue at Barks Avenue Sewers Work on final plans of 1929 construction. 'TJ 1 J IJ r Miscellaneous. Started Lincoln Street topo plan. ' Plan of part of P-J�arground showing location of swimming pool with pipe lines. 7,ork on Cedar Street plan. Plan of vi -11 on maker Avenue. :Vater Maintenance The men have been working on the 12" connection across Mass. Ave. at Lake Street. The compressor has b en used b the Highrraay Department on 'loburn Street and also has been used at the Breck-Robinson Nursery. Regular maintenance :,cork has been carried on. Also, regular maintenance work is planned for the week ending March if 1930. Yours ver,�r trul:-, ','lilliara S. Scarman Supt. of Public ":forks. The meetins adjourned. at 9:15 P.M. ' A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1