Minutes of Meeting
May 2, 2000
Present: Steve Hurley (Chair), Carl Oldenburg, Barbara Hulsizer, Betsy Whitman, John Frey, Olga
Veronina, Sally Harkness (scribe). The meeting opened at 8.10 PM.
April Minutes: St. Paul's Church accepts the DAC advice. The minutes were approved. Jeanne
Krieger, Board of Selectmen, has requested that the meeting minutes be submitted to the Board of
Selectmen before the end of the month.
Depot Building: David Wells, Lexington Historical Society, told about the project and described
what the Society plans to accomplish with the building and its programs. The Society hopes not only to
increase its membership through exhibitions and programs within the building but to work with
students, tour groups and other organizations to make walking and destination tours. The Exhibition
space could be rented out for functions such as weddings or seminars. Mr Wells then introduced Rick
Bechtel, the architect, who presented plans for the remodelling. The plans and elevations (not final)
were well received by the committee, with some questions. Is the video theater too small to
accommodate a busload of people? There may be a problem with the loss of parking spaces. Design for
the Depot building should be coordinated with plans for Depot Square. We look forward to seeing more of
the plans as they develop.
Nextel Communications: John Lawless presented plans for the installment of antennas in three
chimneys at "Shaker Glen", 394 Lowell St. The stress was on invisibility of cables, antennas, etc.
This was a preliminary presentation; there will be more submissions later with photos.
Sovereign Bank sign: changed from Fleet bank, Mass Ave. No problem, except more detail on
'sandblasting" was requested.
Sign for Illusions Hair Design, 231 Bedford St. replacing "Creative Expressions Salon"
Gail Gallant presented design for the new sign. Many suggestions were made for changes in the design;
Steve Hurley will follow up.
Newspaper Boxes: these boxes are proliferatimg all over Lexington. Are so many necessary when
newspapers are available in so many other places, such as CVS, drug stores, etc.? Copies of a draft of
'Town of Lexington Regulations" were distributed. DAC members were asked to review the draft and
send their comments to Steve Hurley, or be prepared to discuss the subject at the next DAC meeting.
Battle Green: A Master Plan should include lighting, sidewalks, road shape, etc. Members of the
Battle Green Committee will represent HDC, the Garden Club, Chamber of Commerce, DAC, the Center
Committee, and representatives of the neighbors and neighboring churches. A letter from the
Department of Environmental Management's Town Green Preservation Project was received regarding
a grant to make recommendations to 22 towns for their town greens. Members of the Project would
visit in May and conduct a design charrette in the fall. Recommendations would not be binding for the
The next meeting will be June 6.