Present:John Frey(Chelrmen),Jack Eddison,Betsy Whitmen,Tom Coffinen,Bob Osemen,
Steve Flukey, Don Olson, Rick Bechtel.
1.Mobll Station et 277 Bedford Street:Jack O'Leary(Gale Assoc.-eIgn coneultent)end Mike Keeling(landscape
consultant)presented a proposal foranewcenopy design f orthe Mobil station at 277 Bedford St.The overall
dimensions of the cenopyere 361/45 I' Newlendscaping et the perimeter of the site is proposed as well.New pole
signs are shown el the edge of the curb cuts at North Hancock St.end Herding St.These w91 require averience.
The Committee requested that ElevellonelSections end/ora perspective be provided as pert of the submittal in
orderto showthe relationship of the cenopyto the existing building.Concerns were expressed bymembers of the
Committee regarding the scelelsize of the proposed canopy with suggestions made to reduce the overall length.In
perticulerthe overheng facing Bedford St.which seemed visue0y obtrusive.Recommendations were also made to
provide street trees,ratherthen lower scale plentings,et the perimeter of the site.
The Meting Pegasus sign wfli probabiyremein el the existing locetlon.New exderiorlights shown abutting lot#128
Herding Rd.should be lowered to avoid glare onto thel property.
Mr.O'Leeiyend Mr.Keeling agreed to take Committees comments underadvisement end contest Committee fora
future date toreviewnewsubmfttel met Mel.
2. Meeting minutes of 11!9192 should be changed to correct date to 11110!92.Minutes were approved as noted.
9.The committee voted une nlmously to recommend not approving the requested alt orations to the sign at 647
Lowell St.Mobil atoll on.M the Committee's opinion there ere enough sign et present on this ekke.
4.The new sign proposed f orthe"Mellboxes"storeloceled on Waltham St.,was f ound to be inappropriate bythe
Committee because there is elreadyesign on the building(one well sign permitted bycode)end the proposed
location end mounting was not In character with the existing building.
5.Arevised Site Pion sketch!orthe Lowell Street Development project was f onrerded to the Committee f or
Intotmetlon.The Committee appreciated the responsiveness of the devel oper re gerding the comments made at the
last meeting.Further discussion regarding the project is expected el asubsequent meeting once the developer hes
progressed vAth the design
8.SteveHurley met with owners of commertiel business'at Depot Sq.to discuss Emery Perk plenning ideas.
Locations for drop-off for Lexpress were discussed.in general the busineases object to astop In front of their
establishments due to*nth!pied congestion endloss of Nalblly of store when buses ere standing.
In subsequent meetings a trial plea was identified to provide a drop-off on Mass.Ave.el the present MBTAstop.
Anotherlocetion discussed was considered across from the Giroux Building on Menem St.This was viewed as not
desirable because standing buses would obstruct the vista to the Chamber of Commerce building end the"
LexingtonMemorlel" Abe b us ace ess t o this I ocell on would pro bably involve routing throughthe parting lot.
Al this time it appears the two options f orthe stop ere to leave it et its present location with anewislend configuration
or c anal der t h e Maas,Ave.stop on atrial basis.
An overall question regarding the Emery Perk Project was reseed "Whet Is the next step to move the project along
end what role will the DAC have In promoting end developing ideas f orthe project?Existing piens were reviewed end
the concl usi on was thel add onel site Int owned on Is nec seamy.The DPW vAll be contested to provide&del onel
surveying however,discussion regerding the overall schedule end goals of the project ere required.