Present John Frey, Jack Eddison, Betsy Whitman, Kerry Brandin
1 Corner of Meriam Street and Massachusetts Avenue - Betsy noted that the
designated "No Parking" spot in front of Candy Castle was now being used for
delivery trucks Apparently this spot had been so designated so that drivers
exiting Meriam Street would have clear site lines down Mass Avenue The use
of this spot by trucks makes a bigger obstruction than the cars previously
had posed Betsy suggested widening the sidewalk into that spot It was
decided that she would write a letter to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee
with this recommendation
2 The minutes of 3/12/91 were accepted as written
3 Jack reported on the excellent two hour meeting Dave Dixon and David
Spillane had with members of the town staff on March 28 The town manager
suggested that a sample area of the parking lot could be improved in
accordance with their recommendations Depot Square was an obvious spot to
start with construction projects possibly done in house by public works staff
It was also suggested that an annual report be written accounting for progress
in implementing the design guidelines
4 The benches had not yet been delivered There was a slim possibility of
them arriving in time for Patriot's Day is which case they could be put out
at would not be anchored down The group thought it would be better to miss
Patriot's Day in that case and instead have them properly installed with
attendant publicity at a later date
5 Board of Appeals
a Fancy Flea Antiques projecting sign was approved
b Movies and More - requested permission to display
five movie posters They now have permission for four but they have five
divisions in the front window so they alternate and display only three at a
time The group felt five would be too cluttered and less effective and
recommended that they stay with displaying three
c Sweet Peppers' 3' diameter projecting sign was approved
The wall sign will be removed August 1
d Colonial Pharmacy stores - Betsy and Kerry will visit these
new store owners to make them aware of the guidelines and make suggestions for
signage and display
6 Tree Committee - Jack, John Frey and Dale met with David Myers, Pastor of
the United Methodist Church at School Street and Mass Ave It was agreed
that the church would buy three trees and shrubbery for the School Street
entrance and the town will do the planting
Dale has released a master plan for tree plantings in town The
Tree Committee (Barbara Hulsizer, Peg Read, Nel Walker, Jack and John) agreed
to draft guidelines for tree plantings especially for the Battle Green and
Buckman Tavern grounds
Nel Walker is looking into additional tree plantings further up
rtuzzey Street
7 Countryside is holding a neighborhood meeting to discuss the community
-Ids and improvements to the intersection of Woburn Street and Lowell Street
Dale has been invited to attend
8 Conservation - Dale discussed the issue of tree removal and maintanence on
town conservation property at the Conservation Commission Stewardship meeting
of March 21 Is this an issue that the DAC should get involved in and perhaps
develop a set of guidelines along with Conservation?
9 Emery Park - Don Olson will be calling a meeting of this subcommittee
soon Pauline Burke said that Lexpress had some funding left over since they
negotiated a more favorable contract and would perhaps be able to fund an
improved Lexpress bus stop at Depot Square Also, Jack received a call from
Michael Schwatz who is interested in redesigning newspaper dispensers
10 Minute Man Traffic Island - Rick White seems to think that the temporary
island has helped the safe flow of traffic at this intersection The next
step will be to design an improved permanent island The LCC, Steve Hurley
and Bob Ossman should be involved
11 Nature Trail signs - Nell Walker is investigating signs for the nature
trail Her preference is the etched metal signs like the historical markers
signs in town The Park Service uses fiberglass signs Does anyone know of
any sign resources?
' xt meeting of the DAC will be May 14 in G15 at 8PM.
Res ectfully submitted,
Kerry Brandin