PRESENT John C Eddison, John Frey, Tom Coffman, Betsy Whitman, Don Olson,
Rich Bechtel, Walter Pierce, Kerry Brandin
1 Minutes of the August 14 meeting were approved (We were unable to find a
copy of the minutes from the June 12 meeting John will contact Albert Huang
to see if he has them )
2 FYI Update
- the Mr Formal oversized sign was rejected by the Board of Appeals
- LCC will be meeting Sept 13, noon Crosswalks will be on the agenda
Kerry Brandin passed around photos of crosswalks in Sweden which she will pass
along to Myla Kabat-Zinn The Swedish sign used the international symbol, was
blue and white, was placed high up at the sidewalk or on an island with or
without spot light It was noted that our diagonal zebra pattern has the
advantage of added visability
3 Design Guidelines Report
- Planning Board comments were thorough and well thought out
- The editorial board will meet at Rick's house on Monday, September 17 at
8PM to consolidate comments/changes to be presented to David Dixon by Jack
Eddison Walter will re-draft the section on the design review process and
review that aspect with Bob Bowyer A reduced map of the central business
•trict and Historical District will be included for easy reference
- Discussion about how this would become public policy It would need the
endorsement of the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board It has been
accepted by the LCC and is being reviewed by the Historic District Commission
The guidelines would be a working document Compliance would be voluntary
Distribution could be done through the Building Department
- The role of the DAC would be advisory DAC would not be a required step
in the approval process
- Perhaps we could begin speaking with the East Lexington Association to
implement some of the suggestions for improvements in their neighborhood
- John brought in some other suggestions for benches since more than one
example should be suggested in the report John will work out how this could
best be presented in the report
4 Sign By-Law Study Committee - the purpose of this subcommittee is to
review the current sign by-law to see how it compares to the Design
Guidelines This could result in recommendations for by-law changes John
Vinton has had to resign from the subcommittee but Rick Bechtel volunteered to
work with Tom Coffman and Ellie Klauminzer on this project
5 Appointments to DAC
- Recommendations to Selectmen are now due There was some question as to
whether John Vinton and Albert Huang will be able to continue as full members
due to their work schedules John Frey will check with them If vacancies do
occur, it was suggested that we ask a practicing landscape architect and
-haps a graphic designer to join the group Gary Larsen, John Crowe, Roger
k_,_ _strom, and Michael Weinmayr were brought up as possibilities
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6 Emery Park--thrbcommrttee to form
- The Arts Council has indicated its continuing interest in being part of
the Emery Park/Depot Square Improvement project Don Olson quickly outlined a
stategy to gather community input prior to engaging a landscape architect to
1 a plan A Subcommittee composed of Don, Kerry Brandin, Betsy Whitman,
n Coffman, Barbara Hultizer (Garden Club) and Penny Hart (Arts Council) will
meet at Don's, 30 Forest Street, on September 20 to begin discussing the
process Don will put his initial thoughts in writing for the group to
7 Lexington Ridge
- Hearing is scheduled for Sept 13 at 8PM Many members have comments
regarding the landscaping plan and will attend this meeting to express their
8 Muzzey Street planting
- Jack and Rick White will meet with a representative from the Shawmut
this coming week to discuss the tree plantings
9 Scribe Rotation
October - Tom Coffman
November - Rick Bechtel
December - Albert Huang
January - Betsy Whitman
February - Walter Pierce
March - Kerry Brandin
Respectfully submitted,
Kerry Brandin
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