Minutes of Meeting of 11 August 1987
Don Olson (DAC); Walter Pierce (DAC); Bob Bradley (DAC); John Frey (DAC);
Norman Bogen (DAC, LCC); Bob Ossman (LCC); Elaine Adler
Jack Eddison (BOS); Dick Morehouse (DAC); Betsy Whitman (DAC)
A. The Minutes of the Meetingof23 June were distributed to -those present
Elaine Adler was introduced
B Norman Bogen distributed a checklist of objectives and design plan
components related to Lexington Center as anagendafor discussion.
Dialogue focused on the following issues
1 It was agreed that the first priority of the DAC was not to create a
new plan, but to assist in the interpretation and implementation of
existing bylaws and guideline policies such as "Lexington Center
Managing Change As time proceeds, a second priority may involve the
definition of additional needs and to assist in their formulation by
town officials, committees or consultants
2 Differences between the public and private domain were discussed. The
ability to regulate via approval/veto versus influence via coercion
were cited. This led to further discussion of sign control documents
from Brookline These included. 'Sign Design Review (April 1977);
'Facade and Sign Design Review (1985 Appendix); "Commercial Facade
Renovation-Design Review (September 1982) 'Sign Sense Arlington,
MA was also referred to
3 The above topic led to discussion of the role of the existing Historic
District Commisson (HDC) Since the HDC includes all of the Center as
well as other areas up and down Massachusetts Avenue, how might the
HDC be a more effective monitor of current goals for the Center? This
question dominated the balance of the meeting Issues of professional
participation (now optional) and the need for guidelines for the HDC
were brought up Walter Pierce indicated that he would discuss the
subject further with John Davies and report back
4 Bob Ossman presented a preliminary street base map of the Center at a
scale of 1 in = 50 ft It was a traced composite of various sources
converted to the same scale This base can provide the structure
within which buildings and development detail can be added via other
sources and field observation It was envisioned that various
versions of a completed base map could be used to record and evaluate
different topics such as parking, lighting, signage, planting,
furnishings etc etc Bob was commended for his work
The next meeting was set for September 15, 1987 at 8 00 p m. in Room G-15