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TOWN OF LEXINGTON COMMITTEE ON AIR POLLUTION Minutes of Committee Meeting - October 3, 1967 nen'hod:s of tho Qoir.'i tteis were orasent 75 15 Discussion con ered around the ::rio o. pos•,•_ib .7.lties and '1.'liai..,a tions of action .:ae emmittre cnu,,Ci. take 317: aø €3 ed that leaf and ti. 'sf or )pen bur' tnb comc and sh'>ut !.i be eliminated during times of air pollution sled:, and, fur.`i Y°}.e- more, efforts should be made to :limit and control this kind of burninr_ at all times„ Yr, :itzgeraid said that there is probably about oa compliance with pre,se"nt regulations on outdoor burning, A pennii £5 , a quired for all outdoor fires except charcoal g- i"l le ,001 is^g all fires must be it an incinerator or similarly cont-a-_.i_od, Dr. Sing read excerpts from. Chapter 148 T ass. Gene: al Laws on bur°n„ng household and f:ar=den waste. The 2i:'e fe csrtmen4 camp oy ero roving patrol trucks on rail weekend- to help eoi i rol out- door door burning. If a neighbor or pas;'erby complains about a fire or has doubts about the exi.s'.enee of a permits th. fire department investigates, puts out the fire if it is illegal and. 1_, sues a pink ;rearming slip :rhich is fitly rsc:orded, A second similar vi-)1a- tion i-) .°awtion by the same person .could result in a fine though oous+- pro- cedure, Enforcement to this eltent tnrolwing the 'clime Do, partnaent - has not yet happeent do 2iro3 on the pavement of accepted streets or s 'lc:walks do o cur, even though they are specifically forbidden by town ordinance, These present greatest safety hazard through reduced viaibi.li.t3 on streets and cause considerable damage to pavement Lt. Lima said that pedestrians ha- e been hit by cars on smoky afternoons, H e suggested that to limit burning and aid. In enforcement the town might be divided into four sectars, with fires permitted only in one sector ea-oh week. This idea did not gain great favor a-mong committee members. r. Kerniey pointed out that total o' partial banning of leaf burning should' be accompanied by town leaf collection. The Committee all agreed that a letter should be sent to the Board of aeloctn,en and the newspaper outlining the Copidttoe 7 s proposed plan of action ibr reduction of air pollution via -utfl door burning' 3. A permit, is required for al.i outdoor nurn&nf- This may be obtained by to optioning the Fire Department on _ ---' tho-d -=V t?ry. - fATe-_Y c4 i:n he='i i-i-: ns , a..., p0: mit t y- - 1 is required for each day of burning. ning. -'.© Absolutely no burning of "!naves and trash on public pavement. 'ruues of Air Pollution lutio_1 orx ritte: -outing 10/3/C7 .,ajre 2 O. .e outdoor burning .rliatsoever durin; period oi air nollution alert. The Ohuirman of the Board of IT ealth will receive warnings of a proachi n: air star nation/ thermal inversion and immediately request the Are Department not to issue permits to burn. The tolice Department aill a-lso be notified and the public informed by the best redia available so that all can cooperate. All of the above •^.easures the first two are reenphasis on existing regulations ® should receive maxima:r attention. The procedure from warning to fine for second or subsequent offense should be clearly understood. The letter to the selectmen will also mention that the Committee is asking that the Department of Public :orks male a study of how tom leaf collection could be accomplished with existing equip- ment and manpower or Trow much additional equipment and marmower would be needed at what expense. A possibility of sending information in the text water bill was suggested but not feasible since the cant water bills will ap- pear after leaf-burning season. Dr. ging offered. to show and explain slides of pictures his firm took frnm aircraft during Inst Thanksgiving's a- in pol- lution episode. Several committee members began to Make ar- rangements for showings at meetings of local organizations. All agreed that minutes of Corr:^ittee meetings should hence- forth be sent to the Selectmen, Police and Are Chiefs, The Board of Health office offered to duplicate them, :Text meetings of the Co::aittee will take place on the first Tuesday in November and the first ':rednesday in December. Respectfully submitted, "rs. &rna a. Greene, Secretary .subsequently changed to fovember 8 and December 5 because of dloction Days