HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-10-COA-minPresent: Ch, W. Sen. V,Ch, .R. Weinstein,, Treas, J. Carlson, See, D. Wa'_ I liarRs 8, Clark, F. Cooper,, S. Goodwin. A, Jackson, C, Miller,, sUMpp Staffer J Melcher C. Stohn Guests N Banks J, Wood Observer: M. Baker (LWV). Absent: A. Paranya The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m... MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the Minutes of the meeting on April 12, 1978, be approved as mailed to the Councili', Approval of the Treasurer's Report was delayed as there appeared t, be an error. (Later it was discovered that one of the figures recorded was incorrect.) Bills submitted by the Treasurer were approved for_payment ., Site Committee. Nancy Banks, the Asst, to the Town Manager reported on the Prepropoisal to HUD for $15000 for rental of space for seniors and planning for a permanent site, (Copies of the Preproposal were later sent to CoA members,) The Selectmen are to receive a report froyrt the Sr, Site Committee on May 22,, and the Site Comm ttee meets on Mav 23. Ms. Banks commented on sites being visited ,(along with W. Sen and Melcher) and gave some of the advantages and disadvantages of vary oul& places, and some of the complications of negotiating sites Much discussion followed which showed lack' of communication on the part of many people - questions on the exact use of funds being recruested, other sources for funds besides HUD,- etc, Carnival of Health, Jean Wood, Coordinator, gave a report on the very successful Carnival, Approximately 650 people attended; it was well received, and everyone seemed to enjoy the many exhib 11tions and materials provided . MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that there be a resolutd-on commending the people who worked on the Carnival of Health., C. Miller was asked to write such a letter which should then be signed by the Chairman of the CoA,. CHAIRIVIAN REPIRT, W. Sen spoke of the planned procedure prepared by the Ad Hoc Committee for Recreation and the final plan p repared by S. Clark. - So Clark and J. Melcher were asked to take up the procedure with the organizations involved. MOTION Moved secondedand unanimously approved that the . Council establish its first Standing Committee, a r.7 A. - E Recreation Committee, along the lines set up by the Z Ad Hoc Committee., A:Lr 4� Lexington Council on Aging Minutes of Meeting on May 10-,. 1978 R. Weinstein suggested the Recreata"Lon Comri-tittee should submit figures and material to the CoA around.Budget time. NP W. Sen gave a little of the history of the two Town. M_eetJ'_'ng Articles submitted this year and the action that followed.. . W, sen .reported that hat he had written a letter, in response to -a request from the Lexington Housing Authority,, suggesting floor space' be increased in the Countryside Hou -sing area -for the use of the elderly in Lexington Reports of Coordinator, Meals -on -Wheels "'oordinator and Outreach Worker. are attached. The following report was submitted by Nedra Shu lkin, who has now moved- to Pennsylvania, "Most of mytime this month was spent setting theEmergencyEnergy program into motion. This Program was started April 3 and the May 1 deadline has been.extendeduntil May 20, As of today-,. May 9, 1 have interviewed and filed applications for twenty people - 7 of the 20 have been senior citizens. Lexington was allocated $4000 -to help low-income people with utility, oil or emergency medical expenses, I have distributed the majority of this money., The program has made me especially aware of the Lexington population that is both older and living on their own, in the' onhomes with limited financial resource. My experience has been that these people remain very invisible to us ane ,this program has. allowed us to make contact with them which is a beginning so we can begin addressing their needs. The other issue I'd like to bring to your attention is a name for the newsletter and I thought the board might like to come to a consensus on a name. Coming of Age, Pioneer, Pacesetter, Golden Opportunity, The.. Messenger, Beat Time Thru CoA, the - CoA Monthly, Sunshine News wh-ich stands for - Seniors, United Now Seek Happiness In New Endeavors, Finally, I'd like to say goodbye.. The time has gone by so auickly.l. it's hard to believe it's time to go. It seems not long ago when you all welcomed me. Throughout the months you - all, without excepta".on, have been so warm and kind. I've learned a lot, especially from Joan and Bill and Dorothy's tremendous energies. Bill lights up with ideas (really good ones) consistently and Joan's mind is so retentive and so quick she has an uncanny ability to remember people, their needs and then zeroes in on them to help them. And she does it all with a remarkable light-hearted. touch, I'll remember you all I'm still 22 and very impressionable. Roy's brilliant words and heroic outbursts, Ann Parany a's gentleness - and softness and smartness and Dorothy's all-round competence and some truly wonderful conversations. Of course I got to know some of you better.than others but I've been around long enoughtoknow that each of you individually contributes a great deal to this town. I respect the effort, the time and the good will on all of your parts that goes 'Into making this town work and I admire your talents." Lexington Council on Aging Minutes of Meeting.on May 10, 1978 3T Home Care Corporation, S.- Goodwin reported on Ch the fact that the ore . - aspect is being taken care of by workers in the Home Care set -UP. - He suggested that Alternate Directors need to be - appointed. and that people should suggest names. Forum on_Aging. F, Cooper reported that the meetings had gone well with good attendance - two more to go., The Counc)A_felt that an excellent 'tib was done by this Committee. New Business. New but not new, again the question arose as to the mailing cost of the Newsletter and why there could'not be a "non-profit rate" no solution., It was suggested that a men's program be instituted by the Council this idea had already started circulating, Officers. The following slate of officers by the Nominating Committee, composed of S. Chairman - William Sen Vice Chairman - Roy Weinstein Treasurer - John Carlson Secretary - Dorothy Williams for 1978-79 was recommended Clark and J. Carlson, -0 MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the above slate be accepted, there being no other nominations from the floor, The meeting adjourned at 90-150 p.mo Respectfully submitted Dorothy ;rowilliams Secretary Coordinator's Report Telephone calls for the month of April were 4 7 9 . Visitors to the Office in April were 2890 The April Open House was again successful with about 30 people attending. May's Open House will have Jackie Davidson as a speaker on the RSVP Program, The Widowed to Widowed Task Force is completing plans for the .Support Group., The latter's first meeting will be held in combination with surrounding towns. There will be a series of 5 meetings and then those people will be ready to reach -out and help newsy widovk7ed, The Friendly Visitor group has had Jane Adolph as a guest speaker. I attended a Minuteman Home Care Coordinator -s' Meeting in April. ,We had a tour of their building on Waltham St, and saw -a film on alcoholism. We learned a little on what to look for in dealing with ,People with this disease. I spoke before the Hancock Church's Deserters' Club about the functions of the CoA - about 25 women were prese-nt, Connie Stohn and I are taking a course in working with those who have Communicative diseases, Lexington Council on Aging Minutes of meeting on May to , 1978 A -*, The trips have continued to go well, with good attendance The Newsletter is having problems on. publication the Technical School reauiri.ng too much time for efficient reporting. The Secretary of the church of our Redeemer did it for one month but cannot undertake it again. New resources are being explored In considering Larry the Rix -It Man for the Newsletter,, I regarded. him as a. resource for senior citi