HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-14-COA-minCOUNCIL ON AGING P, 0. Box 636 Lexington, 1AA 02173 MINUTES OF MEETING ON TNE 14 p JL lq78 Present: Ch. W. Sen, Treas. J& Carl. son F sec ..D. Wi1.1 iams S. Clark F. Cooper, S, Goodwo In,, A, Jackson C. Miller, A. Paranya. Staff.- J. M -etcher Absent: V - Ch. R. Weinstein, J. Stumpp (term. expired) Guest: No Banks.- Asst..to Town Manager The meeting was called to. order at 7a.30 p 1 m e MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously approved- the - minutes of meetings held on May 10 and May 30,, as sent to Council members. Treas, J. Carlson presented- a list of bills and anta. cipated ex penditures to July 1, 19781D He suggested that a member of the Council be assigned the responsibility for each proDect of the Council which appears in the Budget, MOTION Moved, seconded, and unani'mous lv approved the Treasurer's report., Policy Pronouncements, Beginning discussion centered around the recent Selectmen's meeting at -which CoA members spoke, and the Selectmen'3s reaction to statements made. Questions arose as to the matter of CoA members speaking in public. It was made clear that each speaks as an individual unless authorized by the Council.. to speak for it, It should be understood that the member does not speak for the Council unless author ized and it, is concerning a formal decision made by the Council., Letter from Church of Our Redeemer. Nancy Banks read a letter from Ted a Ross Peterson and Mrs. Marguerite P. Wright (copy enclosed) giving the terms of possible rental of office space and other space to the Council., Questions were asked concerning rental cost of the Great Hall and corner meeting room,,. r.Lnhe sourC.;e. of rental monies was discussed, and Banks indicated that at the next SelecCmen's meeting funding options would be explored such as: (1) Public Trusts., .(2) Private organizations, such as Rotary .and Lions Clutes W (3) Requests by Council to various senior groups, F. Cooper questioned the propriety of requesting funds from, people for rental - it should only be done for a permanent place. MOTION Moved, seconsled ,and unanimously approved that the CoA notes the contents of the Proposal in the letter frors. the Church of Our Redeerner, and recop-m-ends that the Town Manager accept same* The Secretary was authorized to inform the Town Manager of the "ORPVI '0, Motion, 1 ft APRIL 19-- CoA Minutes of Meeting on June 14, 1978 . In response to a clues tion of new members for the Senior Center Site Committee it was understood that the Ad Hoc Human- Services uman- services Cor mi t tee recor vended. that one new member from the Recreation Committee and one new member from the League of Women Voters be recommended for that committee., Coordinator's Report. J. Melcher presented her report for the month of May (copy attached). MOTION Moved, seconded, and un:anirntous ly approved that- the Coordinator's report be approved as read MOT ICN Moved-, seconded, and unanimously approved that the balance of . June Meals -on -Wheels cost he taken from CoA. funds, 14eals-on-Wheels Report - attached. Chairman's Report. A letter was read from Barbara Luckman, Ch. of the CoA Recreation Committee stating that a report would be given. in July. The members of tha s . Comtel ttee are Barbara Luckman , Chairman (AARP, SCC) Lillian. Chafe and Louis Tropean.o (SCC), Arnold Green and Ernest Stokes (AARP) . . Rebecca Douglas (JLG) v John Carlson and Steven Clark CoA. Joan Melcher ( ex officio CoA.) W. Sen reported that he had received a letter f rom the Lex- ington Superintendent of schools stating that there was no space presently available for the CoA. Ch. S -en it -1 acknowledge the letter. It was suggested that W. sen be -the CoA representative to the Sr. Center site Committee since Jan -e S tumpp no longer is on the Council on Aging 2. MOTION Moved,, seconded, and unanimously approved that W, Sen: be recommended as our representative to the Sen i.or Center Site Committee. The Secretary was advised -to write a letter to the Selectmen recommending this Hone Care Corporation. S. Goodwin reported that everything seems -to be going o.Ka and no particular problems are anticipated.. in its operation, The Council should consider replacements for Alternates Albert Brown. and Lynn Yansen., Shirley Goodwin .and Harvey : ,Smith continue . as representatives for Lexington on the. Home Care Board of Directors. Forum on Aging. R. Cooper. reported that a final report is being piepared by the Committee, and. a List of Resolutions is being sent to Town Meeting members, ' It was suggested that spec-. f is Warrant Articles should be prepared -for Town Meeting. some discussion entered around the possibility of a Community Health Program. A. Jackson will report back on the response of the Health Committee of Tri -Community to this matter, CoA Minutes of Meeting on June 14, 1978 .3 MOTION In response to a request by the Coordinator, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that _ the CoA continue the Minibus during July and August.- MOTION ugust.MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that W sen be authorized to write a CoA letter and expression of interest to Middlesex Community College concerning a proposal for a Joh skills Bank, and to Fol len Church cone-ernin.g a Congregate Douse MOTION It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the Chairman he authorized to attend. the Dept, of -Elder Affairs spring Conference on Aging Bridgewater state College June 16, 1978) The meeting adjourned at 9:.-3.0 p o m . t the end - o f the meeting some of the CoA members surveyed the space at the Church of our Redeemer Respectfully submitted, 1IIfrPP ��J�' �y�ir Dorothy B, Williams Secretary - Lexington Council on Aging Coordinator's Report for the month of May Visitors to the office, 232. Incoming telephone calls, 335.- . ._ Newsletter was printed at Curry Copier in Lexington for May but it appears that in the future .it can be mimeographed at the High school - this will be tried for the next edition, The ladies of -Greeley worked hard over Memorial Darr stapling the newsletter. It is a hard weekend for many of thea. s o Bunny Allen thought a_ t would be a good idea _ it made it easier at the office, Farewell part for Nedra was very successful.. About thirty people came bringing gifts* she was surprised and delighted. t irs hard to adjust without her, but Connie is filling in verb` well, and the volunteers are excellent. There are one or two volunteers per day, Trips have been O Cardinal Theater 38 people, Suffolk Downs -- 3 6 people; Stanley Park � 7 o peop1 e, a free trip . . People for Stanley bring their own lunch and the girl.. scouts furnish dessert There will be a meeting for all the senior groups in town on Friday to discuss plans for trips for the coming year. Trustees of Public Trust called concerning status of our account for Meals -on -Wheels for the month of June, it is requested that the CoA - oov-er -a small amount on this, A note of thanks to the Trustees will be written thanking them for their help -this year. Transportation will. be furnished for the Recreation rept. picnic in July - the Recreation Dept. will take care of transportation for the August picnic A donation of $25 has been received as a thank -you from the Gordons for our. telecare service to their father, Lewis Kornfeld,, A thank -you note will be written The Editor of the Minuteman, Make Rosenburg, Alan Clave of Home Care, Sylvia Merfeld, Connie stone and I are planning a meeting this Friday to start work on a long-awaited oral history program. There is a last of people e would like to tape � Bridge partwas very successful.. People attending have planned. -a party once a month all welcome. They bring lunch we furnish dessert I have planned a Trip Reading Course to start Sept,, 21 in the Cod. Office, Miss June Burns has volunteered her time for to one-hour sessions. The class i s limited to 15 people., Will the Minibus continue in the summer months? Diane Rrakower of the Arlington CoA, Dottie Williams, Beryl Dunning, and I are Looking at -the possibility of a Proposal for a Telephone Reassurance Program for Lexington and surrounding towns. Jane stumpp has. reported that she is off the Board as of June 1$ Joan Melcher, Coordinator MEALS--ON--WHEELS N-IONTHLY REPORT. May 1978 Statistics- Total number clients: 6 'dotal meals served'.481 Total VeAunteers 3 Volunteer hours 186 Volunteer miles 151 Coordinator hours 70 Coordinator miles i ?4ay was a. good month for Meal s-on� Wh•� ee s � e- topped all prev",�.-s totals with 481 meals delivered Q A questionnaire sent out to the clients -F � �- - zents o� ,�o�� �e�zne�to�� and Arlington reveaZoa f �.I�ion ot�er t?�.z z � things,, that ����.�.� a t�I_c roast beef and lettuce sandwich might brines - oz an �5 ., Io to the heart of a 30- year year-old with loose dentures vizi take an egg- sad. any day, Syrmes dzetztzans a� ° with their usual enthusiasm and cooperation, responded promptlyto the suggestions and preferen.ces brought out . by this survey During the month we lost one Volunteer who moved to another state and several are taking off part or all o the s 4 one nem volunteer and several summer, ��e ��e�co�ec� o the ac up people -have moved regular status Many of our v up to olunteers are now to be found he l xng . . the elderly through. FI SH f Friendly vi s i fors and others P `' Svlvi a � i er ei Coordinator