HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-15-COA-min1 f Y r i s _N" :_._.:gin VE 5 ls,77 DEC30 PHI -. 3 r - COUNCIL ON AGING P. o. Box 636 Lexington, HA 02173 MINUTES of MEETING ON out3ec��r. :December 15, 1977 (snowed 4) MASr Y ay 1 4 s - SO 'resent# Ch, We Sen, `areas. J. Carlson, S. Clark, F. Cooper, Ce Miller, A* Para.nya, J. 14elcher. Absent. v. Ch. R. Wominstein, Sec. D. Williams.9 * Goodwin, A. Jackson, J. Stump Guest.* Joy Sen (Acting See, for D. Wi11 lams ) The meeting was called to order at 70 IL5 p0mo oTIoN loved, seconded, and nanirous aDproved-, to accept the Minutes of November 16 a_:5' sent out.. Tr eas $ Carlson submitted his reports MOTION 14oved, seconded., and una.niruously approved to accept Expenses as presented. MOTION Movwd, seconde-d., and unanimously a-pproved to acre -t the Status of 3-978 Budget as of December lit., 1977 as presented. The Ad Foe Co r -ittee (Ann Para_nya and Yrayd-a Cooper) re -ported that - dist had been com i.led of all- organizations in the communa.ty -who have an7 contact with the elderly. A sainple letter was distri- buted to the Council, and. the. revi sed copy �.�� be sent to a3.1 organizations, asking there to partici-oa.te in an Advisory Committee. A discussion followed concerning the purposes of such an Advisory group and -ghat is hoped w ila. corrie out of the mee tin s W. Sen read. a notice from. the Lexington 14ini) teman concerning a meeting on December 19 at- the Town offices relative to x evenue Sharing Funds. A meeting was held on December 10 at the home of Roy Weinstein, Louis Tro eano of the Senior C-!Ltizerls Club Jack Gardner of AARP, F. Cooter end W. Sen attending. Prime objective of all grow -s was a sen -Lor center. F. Cooker suggested that a proposa also be made for a Van with a. Lift e A call is to be made .to Ann Downey at -the Dept. of Elder -Affairs about the cost* MOTION Tvioved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the Council a X1.7 for Funding for Planning Pur o s e s for a_ Senior C en ter and. for} a van wrzth a lift Ch. Sen reported on Budget FY 17c' a_n tb.e presentation he had 3 f` made before the Corer}troller and. Town �����n�iger E 4 � r Lexington Council on Aging Minutes of Meetir._E on Dec ember 15 1977 F. Cooper stated that the Human Services Committee of the FORITIV fed. t that a Warrant Article on a Senior Center should come from the Council rather than from. the Human Services omri:ttee. Discussion ire under a y by the t committee on congregate housing, well elderly, social worker at CoA to counsel on nursing hornie s and medicaid .Pnd transportation, Health group of FORUM is working on congregate housing for frail elderly, Coordinator J. Melcher reported on a long range of activities during the month just p ,s s ed'... 0 Among mangy �... 292 phone cells received, Yiiddlesex Community College Course Board Traininp, for Councils on Aging (once a week for 1.2 we eks) i Nedra Shulkin is takincr notes., Newsletter ready to go out* Plans under wav to send it once a month, FISH aided on transportation for East Village e Lro in Center. � A ChristrIIas Bus a success, What do r about JanuaI? Trip to the opera at Tufts successful despite bad 'sbather. graveling Christmas Party planned to view neiahboring town decorations, Prudential, Boston Cormaon, etc. Holiday Parties were a great success. More Friendly Visitors needed, Vial of LI -Le Program explained, Grocery shopping has eight for the month, Trying to f ind. kids in town to do shoveli niz of snow for el "erl Course bein a, offered. in Acton for Frien dl V * *sit anyone interested For more details of the above, tallec to Joan; Meeting ndZourned at 10915 p.m.. Re spe c tfu!_Iwy submitted Dorothy B. Wij i iam4 Secretary (fron, notes taken by Joh Sen) I